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<br /> � �`l k ''''� AtiD JA23ICE H6F�44Ak1. Husband arid Wffe ., _
<br />_, ` , f. Tipaf;NlOr�as, ->soEr�'s. �, �
<br /> a4 'r �1 � �
<br /> ` �r.�[ of ths�ity of Gramql Ieland Cour�yaf� �`
<br /> �-_.�� � .
<br /> }c . . 10 da of Aua�aet _-_f�,..�3 ,..
<br /> �`�� ' �n rhs State of Nebraskfi . :< bd O�d of TntsF¢�Sed tpre._.___�__..- Y . ,
<br /> :?i�_' :x.i�-s.� . .� , - �`'
<br /> '"3�i�31s!`;��r �8�1 ` .-
<br /> - .' _`-1,£. . . �-
<br /> �-:�_,�=�.:� amd duty rsm�ed fn 3he ofll�a of ihe Reglster e�De�Bs of tl;a�Gbunty mf _
<br /> hl,s� ' . . . . .
<br /> � ' AIVD TK�Sbie of NebraBka ,on�� 1e.--d�y of �u�t t9 95—,!� �'v"
<br /> �� � -
<br /> .���-`,��-� � Doc�ent �95-105588 of?hs MoPtga9e R�cotd.la said 4��,���Y�� _-_-
<br /> �.}�`����� . . . .. -
<br /> � .�,T�-�,;� NmRBNEST�AIttK NEBRASKA,NAT/ONAL ASSSOCIAT/ON,certaJ►���aal estate!n sald De�tl af?'rust desciib8d,in ._
<br /> �r ,�.�. . . � 9":.°
<br /> -=�=="'?� trusi,io sec�ra the paymeni�f the imdebtedness menr�bned theraln.
<br /> ��;��
<br /> ;,;�,� A tract of lead comprising a part� of Fractioaal Lot Oae C l), Bleck (Lne Hundred ThistY"eiBT°1uolt,ra8��_
<br /> __ '9���'� IInio p'Pacifi i� 8ails�aY �p�P�Y�s Secoad Additton to t�e Citp n�f GraasE Island, •SaI� Countq,. - ---- _
<br /> -=;'°'�-`��`�' and F� afc Ftactl.ona� LQt One (I), Block (3). flusae Z W h ee l e s•s A d d i t i o n t a t h e C i t y,o f G z a m d `
<br /> ����, at the Kortheaet eomer of said'�.ot 1.
<br /> * �,� - island, mor8 pertic�al��ly=deacribed.as follo�s::. Ae$innin8.---.. .. . .. . . �
<br /> Block 3; thence ruania$ 8autbwesterlq b6.0' ta,tlie aorthw�st cQraer of eaid Lot 1, Block 3;
<br /> =- `�- ttience'Sout�reaterly alang the iteste�tly line og ea�d Lot 1,�B�oc� 3 au3 fts pxolongar.�a a ,
<br /> --° -�� , �distance of 87.25'.; thence aortheasterly, pasalle7� to the Northerly liae of ea�d Lat �., 82oek 3 �
<br /> �-°:�-��xf�`i'= a dietau�e of 13.d'; the�ce Northwestexig� parallel to the Westerly Yiae af eaid. lot �, Blacic 3
<br /> -__._�,�_-T,-:�-.�� . ,
<br /> -=��a • a diataace of 13.2�'; tttence.aostheasterlq, pasa31e1 to �be NoYther3q �9;ne of eaid Lot I. $locic -
<br /> ---=��� . a d;�tance of 53.b' to a Rpiat �n the eaeteYly li�e of eaid I.ot 1, Blo�lc. 138;' theace�.fl?!**r��p`*-a=iy
<br /> __----- alang the esoterly l�e pf esid Lot 1, Bloclt Z38 aad ite prolangatioa a d.�.etance of'.�i�«0' to t&e .
<br /> ��: �= p43nt of be�inn�. • .,.,•,. --
<br /> ----_�j;�,� .AN�.NtWFRFAS,Sa7t0.i�rrl�btedn��has been Rald and rhe purposes of sald trust�ava been fu!!y a�tisBed;. � .. ,
<br /> — -:_�s�,:�r,_ .
<br /> _-`�Y=;�.{a���. NORWEST BAI�(C NEBRASXA, NAT/�NAL ASSOC/ATION,does herebY remisQ.release and q�uit clafrn un�o sh��` ,
<br /> - -- �present acvner or owtirers the said iea/estare and unta the helrs,successora and assigns said owrp8r or ow�ers forever,
<br /> -- - =--- _
<br />