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<br /> . ttS
<br /> , � . ' . .caL�ce ar eubseque�tIY ereete�.�inst enY h�ratds►casua�s.snd�B�dea.uicludin8�for afiich I�ea teq¢ire.s �
<br /> — `_.`,:, �'t7�s Ins�ae st�sll�x ma�alai3ae�in the�uomnss and for Ihe pcatods th�i I�ndc�a s+�quim�Hmmw�sLaII elso uis�n�e
<br /> < � g aa
<br /> . � f�' . ap imgmyeme�ts om ths P�per�y.whs�hea now�m eaisteace+03 suUs�qaentIy e�cted�agaiass Ioss by tlood�ta th�exte�t reqai�ed
<br /> +o
<br /> —_ ;`;• `<' �` _ by the Sesxzt�y.Ail ins�nce s&aA be cacrLed cri�rnmpsuues�aved hy Le�dga.11ie iasarazce polici�s mnd a�►�eHa1s . ,
<br /> . :` �
<br /> --�; ��,�,.;_ .sl�all tsa t�by t�ea�r$a�small In��lud�1��rabieclauses infavaru��ndina foim�scep�bie w.I�eadet , .
<br /> — ., .:;�:•x::-:, . in 8�ev�ut of toss,�aQaw�sh�all g[ve L�der immediat�notioe 6y ma�.�der m�y maTae pr�o€af Ios3 if nat made ' .
<br /> : _ pnom�tiY BY Boaovnr.F�ch insmaace cflmpany oonce�ced is hereby a�mthmizea ead diwcrea w make Q�yment far sucb toss <
<br /> `• � " All or of dte iasmaace pmceeds maY b�agWird bi► ;
<br /> �,, r . ,� , dir�tiy to I�ndga.inssead of ro Baaower aad to Le�,d�a jomtiy. aaY A� �
<br /> - � I�euder.ss it�aptioa.e�her�(a)to the ie�Instion of the indeUtedaess onc�t the Note sud tbis S�►Insmua�t,�'st to ang ., �:
<br /> � ` .� .. - delinqu�t amaunLs�p l i e�in dte oidar ln paragcapb 3.��t8ea m�sepaymcat of prlmcipal,ar(6)oa ttie�esom�aLtoa or repatr af
<br /> : ` n t�$due date of�mmuhli►
<br /> ��.: . t�e dama8ed PioPe�t�►,Ac►j►aPPlicalimu af the praceeds to ttte pr�nci�al s�a11 nat e�tead os pastgone .
<br /> '`.:,�. � paymea�m whi�h are zef�to in p�►�2.ar cban8e the aumzms of sacD gaymeat�A�y�msolaace pmceeds avar an
<br /> -� ', . .`K�. � smo�nt`m�,q,,�i�,,Md w paY eU o��ag iudeb�s�ander the No�e and ti�s S�Y��shaII be paid to 8ae�r teg�IIY .,��;�:
<br /> �� ,��,.. . j��F �WG��w. . � ` , t_�4-:
<br /> -� - { In the eveat of fa�tosfue of thts �r 1nstrnmeai or,othear t�sfea of title to the Pmpeity tbst estingus�s t� ' ` `' =
<br /> '�"� `, < i�dedyyeduess,aII rlgh�ti�e and interestof Boirawet in and ts finsacaace poliaes tn force sbaII pasq tA the purctaser. ;
<br /> � , .l'� . . ;� • `
<br /> ,,;
<br /> ....,� ,.
<br /> . ..� ,.
<br /> �� ..... . _ .�� , . - _
<br />�r-_.__ ,.:.. . . � f�9. .
<br /> , r ., . _ ...S:Oa�anc9:pr�vatio�.�VtaInteaaaoe-as�d-�iroia�ttanattheFra�ert�:B�n�mawe9r'sA,aan.ApFf?cat�n3l.�e�o.._ .. ,'`.
<br /> -. er �
<br /> , ,��=•. Bmmwer sf�all�c�cupy. 1zsh. PcaFeatY wiiLm da after the e�on af ' .
<br /> �`r,' _ eSiBb� 2�IISP thL' aS BU3[OV7Pd'8�71A�TC�d�GB �Y YS �`','
<br /> .- t ��u
<br />�'.• `� ' th�S SECUTi�/�18a$S�III WII�Tte SD OCC�y 1$6 AU�/89 BOJI�WQ'S FIlIIC1�31 I�CB f0!At IC3St ffiC S/Cffi 8f�d tll� ��;
<br /> -...� . • • >_
<br /> , � . y`' . B wOC�Ci�y �f t�1 1 C d U S C Q A d f l l�I I 8 T d 5� �O J B O II O W?a. O I U A 1 C S 4 , .
<br /> ' ` �..
<br /> , :-'; 'dats of oocnpancy►. miless tti d�f a m i n e s d�s .r�t w �.
<br /> �� .. .. ..: � �
<br /> ---- - cir�umssaa�s.mdst whicb ace bey�d B�rowear e controb Batpowes sbaII notify I�euder of,aay extenua�eg ��
<br /> .�.. (_._`. -..�{4':.. � . �-'f.
<br /> .. .' .' . . .
<br /> _-_�,'.,�; , .�`.�;,,f �.$wmwa sAa11 aot oommi4 wa�or dcsuoy.Qaruage or snbstau�ialiy�cd�ag�she Froparty ac aliaw dtaAapeaty to �::-
<br /> -�— . � ' � �'� �p the if tDe Ptapesty is v�mmt ar aban�tal ar tLe loan -- -
<br /> d�ia�,�fe,��asomable wear snd tear ex teA.I.emdea maY�sp� �F�Y
<br /> � ` ,�''` ':.. is ii�d�lfm�tt.Lend��ay taYe ce�uonable sctian t�pmtect a�d gre�sve snc6 vacant az aba�ndaned F�ira,(P'em►.B�aawer aball aLso ---
<br /> "''� F' ,1:�.•. :`- �: y,� L�1����p�] j.�j� �y�)� {����� �[(������(����y�y��W�IJ�YViNiYYVM W uioiau+�W61 W
<br /> �:' L � ' W LL WJWGSI«ll D��f{iWLig IiLi lY��JiMWY1����--'-`� . --
<br /> .`y. , ;#�� : Lendas(�a.faited w g:ovi,de Lend�wbh�y matealal'mfom�atioa)m canne�don w;th the f��ced by the Ydate,,in�indin8,
<br /> . . . ,., . .
<br /> ����`.'`'`.;. `: , brR nai Iimited to.repc'esmmti�ns cancean�ng Bonower's orcupancy of dte Pcoperiy as 3 ymaciipal se.ddence.Tf this Secutisp �
<br /> .. ;: ns
<br /> - - � • Insunm�at is oA a teasehold,B�wer shali c�omply wirh �e pmviszons of the lease. If Botmwer acquu�fe$tatle to the , : r��ti
<br /> �:,•. .,.,��:�•..�.�. 0.t • �
<br /> �i;�•,; !` , PpOpPSt�,th6 222Se$OId 8II1�fC6 t[tI8�37811IIOib2 mflgCd Unl�''eS L4�dCi8$t�C3 t0 dt81IICt�ed iffi NtidA$. �._
<br /> r�i'.•,•' .�i4 �f�: .
<br /> .��::,� :�`r�,__.I ;,.h , —
<br /> . � . Bmmwes shalD pay all gov�tal or
<br /> ;��... r°��..` . 6.C6�ges to�oraawa aat�F�r+atection a�I.endsr'8 Rtg�ts i�the Praperty. -----
<br /> �:'-.- � � � ma�Iciyal charges,fines and 'uapasitfons 8iat ace noi iucluded in patagraDD 2.Bamnw�shall pay these obli�i+ons on tis�e -
<br />—�`','•��. ."��` d i r 8 c t l y m t h e e n d t y a fi i c b is owed the p a y m e�i 1f fa�ue ta pay wonLd adv�sely aBFect Leadca's intacest m tt�c Propeny,apon ` -
<br /> �x�•,��> � Lender's re�uc,gt�orcowar s h a ll p s e�p IIY f a m i s b w L e a d e r r e c e i p B e v F d e n c�g t h e s a p a y m e�t s. .
<br />��1�nx� - - " . .
<br /> _ ��:� •���. ' e ts h 2,�[a�s ro perfa�'any odrxs��en�ts
<br /> --=�.-.T.,y;;�, df'c��rrow�fails tv maice ti�L�►me�ts or th paymen req�cil bY P�P °
<br /> e
<br /> - _- _=-�.,"-"'°.�� � and�eats contained iu this S�ity�sOra�natt,ar there is a Iega]pmceedaqg tEia�maY s�ifit�ntt3'affect I,end�ar's rigbLs in
<br /> � .:=�'�:�. � Ifie Rvpaty(such as a.psuoeeGinB in bani�upu:9,f�r conde�nnarinn or m��+^..e laws ur zegula�ons),d�1.e�►der raaY do an� �
<br /> �;;:t,:�-;?�:. �:� yay wT�ever is neces.sary ro pro�t 9ie vaIue of the Pwgeity aad I.euda's�,ghts in t�e'P.r4p�i►.',��8 PaY�4��� � .
<br /> - -��:,...;.:,:�;�. • t��cc,suianoe and o�er i4esns m2�lion�d in pmag�aph 2. � - . . . �
<br /> .�+.p�.�--�_.:;.;.;�s , , . . � � .
<br /> �:;x;�,...;���d. ,�� . ,
<br /> �.r n.. ,��'�T . ,� qryy amouata c�.,5utsed by Leati�nnde�tlds paragaph al�all becnm$an additional de�ft of Botrowu at�be s�ured by tMv
<br /> ��;�:.,''�.�.��., . Securiry 1nsu�mcat u�ese amounrs suaU bear inuaest from rhe date of disburaeme�t,at fhe Nore rate.aad at the oyttan of Lender.
<br />-�°-+�����'. .;� sha11 be immediaw�y�and payable.aU
<br /> ��."a;�;�:;'�''; ._� . . .
<br /> -- - .: . . y-:9•` , . .
<br />-:�,A ,�., r ; 7:Candemnation. The pr�D�3s of any awanl or claim far 6amages. dliect a7 a�n�tial.in cunn�doa wi8� any -
<br /> "� '� condemnation or ot�taking af�3r part of the�roge�ty.os far canveqance!n pTaae of+�c�cannati�n.are hereby assl�e�l and
<br />_�'� .,:•'•:i:••j.�'�� s1�aII be paid to l��ar�nn the extent of the fqU rmcount of t�e indebtedness�`.at remains u�paid pnQer the Nale anA th9s Sec�i�y
<br /> �'4r'� .., �:i��. ,.� " �ent Lemdr,r S'�5&�ePPtY s�.*ch p�oce�s t�the reduM�n of ths inde���det t�e Note a�th�s Seauity Insuament� —
<br /> �L ' � "
<br /> �°��;�:.:_.��-;.z�,�'�� fast tm aey delinquent amotmts�.�ad in the ordea pro�rided ia�graph 3.end ffi�w�ym�nt of prl�►dpa�.AaoY 2�?i�ion
<br /> ��' ,, :: . ..;;�,�, bf tI16�C�9 t0 th0�Ciy":y�not ez�ad ar pos�One�e due Qate af the man�Y DaY���s.wLich a�a mfc�m�n �..
<br /> �=i' . � � :
<br />��. . �,. ��R(NE)(osos) PapeeotA inu�us: �.
<br /> . ;:�;•;: �.r.
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