�r., . . .�,��+ •.� . .. . _ 4 -c r.,. �
<br /> -- ---�-� - • �c . _. - - . c _ - ' -. -ct-�._' ..,�a . '�e` a' . r -'
<br /> . � �c i• �y - - - r£ .< `'.� t a . S � - 2i,' r� Yr_ �s r -
<br /> ' t _ G i i . ' yc .c �4 .
<br /> µ._--. .:'�`� ��T,�' ��4•� ����.} � `1� - `'``• �� r. t`` •c ' ���. �. � . `t� .
<br /> z c .
<br /> ( .. `6. -�� - � � . . �,,. .
<br />.�� t: _ . ' , f • _ ' , -Y`'� _
<br />.. ,t. � ... _
<br />.. 1 �U '�., . ' ' . . • � ��
<br /> `;fti;. ; 4 . . � �5�,���� , - .7. .
<br /> z'�'���` ' � >� , BORRQ�YER��OVENANTS t¢at Boftower is ta�vfalty seized of the�4ec�by cunveyed and h3s the agi�t to grant • ,r�'•
<br /> .'. . �d aanvey t�1�►'oP�Y and that.the Property is unenwm6�ed.ra�oePt for encvmbzances uf ceoord Bomo�v�w3rrantg and . ,
<br />:.� :�.. :r;. �.t� , wt�defe n d gen�rally the e�t l�ec►t�e P mpe�iy a�ainst a U c l s i m s a a d d e m a n d s.s n b j e c t t o a n y eacumbrances of ieoord. �.
<br /> ,,< <,. : .,.
<br /> ` . ' UNI�RM COYENAY+PI'S. � �d intecest an. c,
<br /> . . ` !. �ayiueM a?Prt�dga�,Int�'t s�Late Cdtatg� Borroc�er shall pay c+rhen dae the psinapal of.
<br /> � tLe debt evidensed 6y the Nare and late eharges due uader she No�. ,�
<br /> �' Z. PdYQatI�y tYnym�te at Ta�.I�rsaao�aa�OY�t�r�� Boir+ower sGall mclude in eacb montjilY PaY�� .
<br /> :f, - taget�wit� tht priacipal� iuka�-t as set.fatth ia stee I�IOte aa�aa}c �ate ct�arggs. a�vm for(aa taxc� and specia] �
<br /> . .�'"°� ��„?pnr�tevied os w be Ievied.against thep�operty (b) teasehold paymeats ar gro�d r�nts on the pirope�ty.and
<br /> ` . (c}Qcemiums'for insutaaee cequ�ci un8er'Fa:agra��4,:In any ye�m v�ncb the t.ender must pay a mongage in�uanos '� '_�
<br />_ remia�m to tha SeQetar�+of Houswg aa�Usban QeveIapatent(°Se�tetary"y,or w aay year ia which sucfi ptrmium wou2d
<br /> prem '
<br /> .�:��: . . �ave bx�tequired if Leader stt�l tie2d the SecarIty��.easb manthl p�ayment shall also inc�ude estF:ea:(7 a sam for
<br /> a
<br /> � tke aan�al�nrt�age insuraace premium tu be paid by Leud�to the S�tazy,or Cn7 a iaaathty charge m�of a mortgage
<br /> ``' � in a tPasuaable amouat tn I�deoexmiaed by the
<br /> .. ` ` iasntaace pmmium if this Seavity Instruuieat is held by t1�Secr2ta,ty. •
<br /> e�
<br /> e
<br /> .. . z ;�•.�;�••.; gec�y. Eaeepi for the mouthly c6aige by ti�e Sea�mry,these ctems are c�Iled`Esaaw Ite�'and the sums paid ro Lrndr,r •-
<br />- ':<. .;`��. ��"Esaaw Funds."
<br /> , Lender caaY.ai aay tun�eolieet and hotd�naants for Fseiow itcros in an aSgrzSate amount aot to exc�e�the� -
<br /> *a�*cnu/�nt�[th�a�t/t�aay bs�equited far Baimwer's essaa�v asc�tm�te�n�nder the Rryea�l Fsrdte S�tI�nent Pm6eydu�ie`s Ast of 1974:12 �
<br />- ' ' " ' � i/w7.M'.! GWI �$�.� �I��b �Q�$s� {.i'A �35Ws f��. �y ��LLAi ilV� �i m�. •i5 't.
<br />:.`.r, �, '. �'� ('iiFS�p").exoept t�at the�n or�re peiauued by RFSPA far uaanticipated disb�ents or�ts befo�
<br /> ,.. . ' the Bormwet s payments are ava�ab2e in the ac ount may nat be ba�d an amounrs due far t�e mnat�age�ae Pnemaium: i:a?�;'
<br /> � ' � � If ths amawnts 6tld by I�eadu far Fscrow Items ea�oeed t�e ama�ts�d to be hetd by RFSPEI.Lender shall deal
<br /> • . ' � with the excess f�ds as reqQi�+ed by ttFSPA. If the a�novnts of fnads�td by Lead�at aay time are nnt suffcsiant w pay tke -•`
<br /> a
<br /> . ,�:''~��:` Eseaw Items cvIten du�Ir�d�may notifY the Bormwer aad�eqaae Baaower t�a make up the sharmge or de.ficieacy►as • • _;�;�,
<br /> lr-�: .. �.: ��yy gFSpl�, L ' .
<br /> ,. - . . ... ._.._..
<br /> ; � ;.,�.. 7�e�Escsuni Ftuids���ple�ge�d�as-�dditional-sacuatyfor.aII..sams�dg th3s Sxarity��: t4'�BomQwea
<br /> ui g
<br /> • :�'` teadets tfl Leader the fuD payment of aD such sums.Bo�owd s 2ecovai s�all be c�d cvitD tfle baTaace cr.�nainirt�for all ,_.�.,;
<br /> �.` .. ' in�tallu�ea�ite�s(a).lb).and(c)and at►S'mortgaP,e msdtanoe ptem�°m iastaItffieat that�d�bas not beoome obl1,�� • �-��rt
<br /> :- , .,,' pay w the Sec�tyr,and Lacd�s�U pmmptty ce�and any excess f�ds w�ormwer. Imm�diatetY Pnor to a foreclosoie sale ,�;�:
<br /> '".� ---- of d►� Pmpaty,ar its 'tion 6y d.ender, Bumuw�s account sbaD be credited wi3b aqy baiance remaming�'ar all �,u•
<br /> . - ms�f�wems(��aad(c)• _ � �;_..
<br /> �. �:_
<br /> . � 3 Apgliattian ef �tne�ts All paymeuts udder Patagcaphs 1 and 2 shaU be applied tiy Leuder as foliows: ,�.;-"
<br /> .,t_�: • �to the�ias+uamoe premium w be pa�by l.��r to the Seae�ary or w the mnnshly c�arge�Y =-__
<br /> - . ' '`` ` the S�y msse�d af tIle mont�ly mortgage i�aaee p�miam: . , =-�-
<br /> � ; �� ,p m aa};�,special assessments.Ieas�t►otd paymeats or geoIInd�ats. and fu�Sood aad otlt� • __
<br /> . • "', . �� en�t da�dadte I�los� , . . . ��
<br /> ` �I 7--�T.to aamrt�ation of the principal of the Not� `:'-
<br /> ;�', ;�,� k7�' ,to 1�e c�es due undes the Note. E'"�-_
<br /> -•� .`� � �'• d, Fi��to��Qt��H�ni Iasm�an� Botmwer shaA insare sII uagtovem�ats on the Prope�ty,wbether now --
<br /> -�,--,„u ;���:��cr.,Y � in e�oste�ce or eceMed,aSainsa any.h a m r d.�,c a s u a l t ies.a a�watmgeacies. in c t a d�°f a�f o r w h i c�L t�d� '�-
<br /> , �=: ,.?�.. ��4►��Y � -
<br /> ' �'� czqaiies msmaae� Tbis msutauce shall be ma�med in the amovnrs�d for the peieods t�at I��c�eqaiQas. Boztawes .�,.5 ...� �
<br /> : . � �, sLaD also in.�allunpravemeats on the Prapeaty.w�ethe�tww in existeaae ar svbsequeatly e�tec2.aguinst joss by�t�ods . . -- _
<br /> 'f�.' • .:;�:, ro the c�►t�q�uei ey the Secle4�y. AIt��e�aU be cairiea witL oompanies approved by I�ndea. 1he insar�ce 1���`�-�
<br /> ..,,�'_:,_' � au �--
<br /> - _ '`..'°°�': pol�es and any r�ewals shaD be tceW hy Lend�and shaD inetdde Ioss payab�clauses ia favor of,aud'm a form aooeptable `_-
<br /> _�Y,: .:�,�.
<br /> ' ' ' f0��IIdCJ • ' �
<br /> �t=�,�;" � Ia the event of ia^s,Hoimwea sbaD give la�der immPdiate notire by ma7. Leader may maIcepr�of off toss if not mad�
<br /> =r:r-?r�;�.-�<�.� �pr�a�mpilyyby Banowea. F�insuramoe wmpany oancemed is hereby antharized�d d'uected to malce pay�ent far sa�Ioss
<br /> �_?-� •; '. Of t�C fnSatBIlCC QI0�3 IO33►t1C S�jl�l��jT
<br /> --,���� . &�x1Y to i.enda.instead of to Earrower.and m l�dea jointly. AD or aay[�art pP
<br /> - -- = Lendea,at its aptioa,e�er(a)w the reduaron oY the indebiedaess asder die Note�d t3�is 5es�rity Insm�ent,f�st tQ as�r
<br /> ---_.�"'�" Qelinqneat a�mts ayplied in the order in Fatap,�apb 3.and then��seQayment of pr�pal,ar(b)tn tl�e nstaration as cepau
<br /> ----..�"��� of the 4ffina8�PT�P�3'. Aayayp&catian of t�e pmo�ds w the principal sRall aot eatertd ar pastps�n�the dae date of the �
<br /> _ .=''r.s ,�PaYmet�ts arhic8 are c�efa�d w m�b 2,or c�rmn�e the amount of sueb paymea3a Any eaoess inswance
<br /> _�='�'� � oves�x amount�tn pay all ouuffinding mdebtedaess uades vhe Note und this Secunty Inst�ent s�all be
<br /> °,�«:'�° �� � paid to the entit�I�ga11y entii�ed thezezo. -
<br /> �:�T' �+�Y t�Y
<br /> �`,;•�. ; ln �m t OT Oi�CdDSf�Of f11IC�O taC�CQj1Cti�f t�e7[�DgIItS11C5 81C
<br /> ;;._.a.,:,,,•:, ..; ' ' ` In the ev�t af farestos�of mis Secmiry =.
<br /> ---,:;..,,_,�, ladeb*.�aess.all righx titte and i�terest of Bmmwer m and tv iasivanoe polisies in fome shaD�pa�s to the pum�asea. .
<br /> ='��,�.�'• � S. Oa�y Pe�erv�ioa. 117�Intemaaee and P�otec�bn �a4 the Ftaperty; Bartower's Losn App�tbn: -.
<br /> -=:`%�%�%�:j-: I,e�O�. Bnrrower shall ooeupy.esmblish.anA r�se the Propeny as Bamnwet a privagal nsideaoe wittdn sixty days after -
<br /> -�,��°"�'.,;{.�:. th�excrution of this Sewrity Insv�ent and shaU wntinue to ooa�py the l�r�o�ty as Banowc�s principal r�sideuoe for as -
<br /> "��.�,�_:..i� . Ieast ane year af�dse date of occupancy.untess the S�ry derepnuaes tA�s cizquim�cat cv�l ea�:se undue 6ardship far = -
<br /> `-`V,�'�:'�`;,..• . Bca�wer.or uniess extenuating ca�omst�ees exist which are beyond Boaawer's wntroL Bomowe{chtill aohfy L�das of !_�_
<br /> �"�'��'��.;;� : extenuatin c�mistanoes. Barmw�shall aot ootnmit wa�te or des�+�y,damaSe or subsmntialFyt,r,litmn$e the Ptopeaty ar
<br /> �t���.;,�...�+ 8�Y � -
<br /> '-�<�.''�.�r..� � ali�w�Prupefty w dete�iorat�.reasonable wea�t aad tear exoepted Lettder may wspest the Yrapittty'if the�topetty is ..
<br /> `�, e.; ::.;•.:: . vII�ai oi abaQdone�OT the IoaD is in def�ilL LeIIdef may taYe rea�anaA2C eC4ioD to Qim+.ec�a�p�:W�VC_•AitCh vacaAt OT _
<br /> -�'�`,;�,�';�.;.� eT��doned Yropeny+. Bomower sbaU aLso b*e�ia,�d,.e�f/anit`if Borrower.duiing the ioan appLpiuon pmoc;r+1'-��ve c�aseaiaUy false -
<br /> - = � �::�; or iaaocmars i�C�Hon or A PmPnLS IO tJGUUiI\Or l�LOpr�vide Lender with ssrry ma�rial inform�n)in oonnection �-.
<br /> .`���Y�.,.y�� with the Ioan cti,�id�aced b�r the Nate.iacIad"mg,but not limited to.re�resenuuions conoet�isg Borm�'s oocupancy oF the ---
<br /> +_•' ... --'�`;-'. rncn,f��+t is on a teasehoTd.�ormcver s�a}l oomply witL the proviscans of °'-=
<br /> - � • �ope�y as a princi8al cestdenoe. if this Sec�ity
<br /> _' ..,;;:';:; :�' �- fhetease. i�Bmmwer aaq�ims fee 6�te co�he Pt�apeny.the ieasel�old aad fee fitle s6a1t not be tneaged unless I�d,er agmrs w ' c.;;..
<br /> -. ,,;�:a:., "+.t at.
<br /> ,:.,�, ., t; Q!8 trit�Ct I�WI1�$. .�:r
<br /> `' . .e, 6. Gtiaigcs to Ban+oser�Fmtertinn ot t.ead�t's&g�b to the�. Bnm6wee shall pay all goveinmeatal _
<br /> � s os municipal ci�uges,fines an�imaositions thaf are aoi incinded in Aar� Bomn�ver sl�aU pay thesQ obligations oa
<br /> �._.�;.�?� time directl}r to the ennty aluch is owed tLe pay�nL IP failmre to Qay would aAvers�ety affect Iender's inte�est m the _
<br />_ :;` . ; Peope�y.ugun laa�s req�t Bssm���er stiall PmmPtIY furnish to Q.enBer�rceipts evidertcing tttese Qayments.
<br /> ":;;;•,�..:;`�':'.` U Bomnwea fa7s w make Bies�psyments or ihe payme�ts�quired bl+�r�aPb 2.m fa�7s to�fo:m any�the,r
<br /> oovenant9 a n d a�ts contained in tLis Securi t�r instrumea�or mete is a L e g a l P m o e e II i ng that m�y si�ifccantty affeci
<br /> thet
<br /> � Lenads rigbis m the Ptopetry (such as a proeeedmg in banlwgtcy.for ooademnation or ro enforoe(aws ur regutauaas). .
<br /> .. ' ' th�Leade�may do�pay whav.wer.is necessary tn�the vatue uf theP�pary aaA Leadea's rights in the Prog�ty. .
<br /> - � .�� iactu�ing payment of�.6.v�0 ia5uranoe and other items mentioned in b 2.
<br /> : � , qny amanntv disbursed hy LenGer undea this Parag�upb shall becoms an adQitional dsbt of Bomativer aad Oe secuted by . .
<br /> ,. � tt�is Srcuriry tnstmment 'iltese amaunts sball bear imter�st fmro the date of disbwsement,nt the Dlote rat�aaa at the option �
<br /> , ' of Leader.st�aU be imtaediaiely due aae!payabZ� . A
<br /> • . , rFage 2 oJ1 paga�► , '
<br /> � • , �.
<br />