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<br /> �,.�. ,�y` , appliwbte tuw may s�ecify for re�nssateemeat)6efore saIe of she Property garsuant w any power of sale can�ed ia dris - _
<br /> . , :, :. . Securit�instre�mcnt;or lb)eatry of a judgment eafa�iag this�ec�ity tnstr�nt 'ii�ose condidans are that Barrower. (a). _
<br /> _--_ •� :•�: ,., : puya Lcnder all sums whtcb thea wautd be�due'un�er tLis Secarit�Insnvmeat aad the Note as if no acocteiarion had .
<br /> :'`V��'`�r `�, -.. . - occumect;(bl curca any defuult of any other covenants or agteenaents;(c)Pays all expenses i�cwxed in enfo�ing dus Security =
<br /> � .' ,. � � insmamenti inetudin�,hut nat itmitrd to.reasonable aaomeys'fees;and(d)takes sacb a�iQn es Lenda may reasanably . _.
<br /> �,`�.' ' . : re�utre ta�suro that IhQ lien aYlhis Se�uity Iast�ument,Lender's rights in the Froperty and Boa�wer's obligation to pay the. -
<br /> � "<���° sams srcuted by thla Sccuriiy Instrument sha!} canti�ue �mchanged Ugqn re�n��!►�snt by Bor[ower, this Sec�rity =-
<br /> : ,,� . .. ,:�._�,_..: . -
<br /> -� in.smurtent and thc obligatitsns gecu�ed hccebg�shail remain fc�iSy effective as if no accetemrion 6ad occaan�d Hawever,9us
<br /> � �`�''�'-� �3ght to minstttte shuU nQt apply i the case of asceleration and$r paragraph 17. .
<br /> .. :��`�€�`�.�� ��i4.�Aib tc�1�(/nei:C�iEa�QY�d.oan Bervfcer. The h,�re or a gar�ial inteiest ia the Note(wgether�i�this Security —
<br /> _ �;:'���: :�;_ .`. `� IastautY'�ent a�st}�'�2�o �tt os tttpte,tiates arithout prior q-�to Bmmwer. A sale may resait in a cmang�e in tJte entity —
<br /> `t`'.��'�:'"_'-� �� (krt�nt��t;e�l�I�itc�)�Iual allects monthly payme�a�t�der the Nor$and tbis 5ecority Insuument There aLto =
<br /> '�.,•t.. '-r.'--+`.4'. �. IYIII �C o O QL:![1�fiC�s � is+�ihe Note. If ti�ere is a chan e of the E.oan�e�ti� _
<br /> �_< <.f: ;: .�_.�;:� Y anB�s aF t3tee an Servicer�elated to.a sA,.._. g .
<br /> ,..=�.���•y�- Dorrowe�wilt be gtven�vduen noUce ot�he change in accordance;a�h parag�uph t4 aboytand applicab2e la�r.,�ae��e
<br /> 4.t� arag u
<br /> . r�.�,.,�''"'�'�'� witl state thx name and uddress of the aetiv Loan Senricer anb the addre.ss to wtuch
<br /> -,,�..�,-:,�:;a'�i PaYa4�,s$onld be made. :�e��ic�:�2
<br /> :u., ...#. , .... , .;.•.:: .
<br /> F�.,: also coniain cu►y otfier informatfon req�irc�f by appi�cable Iaw. ... ,. . . . :
<br /> ^;-- .4 '` ',`� 10 H�.ardae�s Sa6stansE,.w. Horrower sha11 not cause ar permit the pr�sence,ase.disPosal,stosa"�,s��eees.�e�f. . , _
<br /> �� ',,:.�' z1=� cr �
<br /> �'�'"-�:`T:=�'.y T' i; Hazardous 5ubswnces on ar in U�c PYo ° ` ��;�:::; —
<br /> . ��, ope:ty.. Borrower shnll not tio,nar a1Iow anyone else to da.anytlnag��i:�.3hx
<br /> -- ,. ,. •.-•-:� � Rropexty that is 1n violadatt of any Eovironmenml Law. 'Fhe pmeding two sentences shaII nnt app1y w the pras..�a�,r�se;pr __
<br /> ._'�;� stora�e on the Property of sma11 quuntisies of Hazardaus Substances that a�:gene�jr recogni7ed to be appm��rrnai�al
<br /> - ,E���� residendai uses and to ma1 te �rk _
<br /> .,fr. n nanre oithe R%perty .. . .. ...: ..:
<br /> ; -.; �': :.:_.,�;; Borrowec shail promptty give LcrMer writtea notice of any investiguti�czz:�,demand Iawsuit or oti�ea-a���+�y`any —•
<br /> ' ��,.�,: �=:{�.y- govemment$l or regralatory agency aY Qdvuie parry involving the Praper�y aa�any H:�atdous Substance ox,�"„.�;ata2
<br />-.c �'�'''' � ..,.`"'�`�.` i.aw of which Ho3mwer has a�tual knowicdge. If Barmwer Ieazns, oF�rs natifie�is9�Y 8ovemmeatat"�.ta��.:�onr —
<br /> r �k..<.,,w.._--,� .. _ ., . su@rority;�thnt�h r�IrrEov�t��oi o�het•ieis�diation ot�iisi� Hazard"ous Subs.,a�re affec6a...tlie 3s"neces �iiuii,�
<br /> . .. . .
<br /> _ �;i.'v.�..�'�i�.Iy w
<br /> -:,,. �. ;_._, shall protag8y take Wl necessary remedlat actlons in nc or8unce wit�F�;r�a�,ental Law. �+ �• � _
<br /> y. ��`�'� As used in this�aragraPh Z0."Hazardous Substances"are those sub�ces defined as toxic or hazardous snb��s by
<br /> - �`' ' Eavimnmental Law and the followina subswnces: gasoGne,kemseae.o�ar'.flammable or toxic petro2euu►gmducts,.toxic --
<br /> " '��,-�; pesticides and herblcides.votatite sutvents.m�terials cantalaia asbestos:or formaldeb �
<br /> ,�'S':'���'^�f..;...�, . . � M mn g .. Yde.and radioactive materials. As . .
<br /> . `� used_in this pamgraph Z0� Eav�+nnmentol Luw meuns federaI laws ami lams�:the jurisdlcHon whete the Froperty is loc�z3
<br /> �:_t;�_t^�..� that retate to h�altt�.sofety u:envlranmentn!protectlon. ,
<br /> - ���` NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bor�awcr und l.ender tiuther coveami�aad agree as folIows: ` ' "
<br /> _����� ' 2!. Ac¢eIeratton;Reanedies. Lendar s�Al7 gtve aattce!o Horcower prlor to acaeltratIon foIIawtmg�a�r,�r'�':;.,��.
<br /> �> �. � brczc6 oi an wvenant or�
<br /> .,`���i"; u�es.s a lltaDte taw rovid e�s�m tti r�visc)�1'�e n ottc�etiall e n t @ u t B o t p r I o r t o a c c e l e II a H n n u n d e a p a r�r����
<br /> - ,. �:;., . DP P !1 specit9: (a)the 8efanit;@)the sctton renmtr��,,o��pne� �
<br /> • �'' � defaWN(c)e date.aot Iesg than 30 dnys�1aYn the 6�te tAe aottce Is g dven to Borrower,b q w�tcb t�e�+.�x�t be .�
<br /> , cured;and(d)that f�tinre to care th�default on ar 6e�ore•tho du�e speci�ed in she aotice raay resatt in a�etka��aa aY ,
<br /> tQte soms seair+e�t Dy t1�is Securtiy Listrument uW sn?e of the property. �'he aottce shaII fe�er Wfor��r��s of
<br /> the r�g1�t to refns7ste afEer neceier4tiom end iho rlgdt to baing a cour!acllon tfl asseRi the aan�esisiesce�f�,�f�a�3t or �
<br /> ' any otlter deCense oi Borr�iver to aa:cie�tbn end eate. Qt tSo defnWt�s aat care3',oa or 6efare t�e dat��i'rra��im �,�; �
<br /> ' the aatice,Leade�a1 tts optton niay reqadse lntmc�l�te payc�ent Qn t�il of u0 sa�a�zcar;ul by tbSs Secarity F.�;.�ent
<br /> '� ___---��s withorit faPther deman4 and snoy[nvok4 the posver af eale�nd any o�her r�tes permitted by a�.:►�*s ta�
<br /> _ .��� Lender s�il be eatltted to aoltett u[I exptnsm tncucred In pursuing the remed�iea provided in tYiis gaQts�a,�p�Zl, . ,
<br />"'�"'"'""'""'"''"�"� iadading,bat aat[imited to.�sam�bto�ttortnays'tees a�t!oosts of Qtte ei+tdeac� : . �
<br /> + ---=--- 1'it ths power af sale ts Imroketf.7lotstce at��1!recaM A aoti�e mt defi�alt in�ecb eminty in wbicb eny pai�t of the
<br /> _ ---__= Property tslocated Wa�elwll mall copi�uf e�cb nnticc In tlhe manner prascdbed by appt��Ie luw to Borrower ead W
<br />= — the�ot�ser pttsoas prescNDed Dy appllcnDIe IAw, Altct the Hme requtred by ayplica6le inw,�rastee shuD gtve publlc
<br /> notice ot sale to tic�pe�sons and tn tb�mAertt�r rtscrt6ed Dy�ppllcabte Iuas 7Ca��ee,wtthaut dem�nd an 8anower,
<br /> sfu�1!sep the Froperty at pu6llc aucltan to IIl�hPgttes4 bldder at the tlme eaa���nd�rader t�e terrns de8lgaeted 1n
<br />_- _ t6e notke af ss�fe tn o�e os mose pnrcets aad[n any order 7Yustee determ.tnes. '�t�tee may pastpaae sale oia'�er any
<br /> pareel o!the Prop�esty bq pabUc annuuuceme�t at the ttme nnd place ot any preyiousl$schgsiuled sale. Lec�fu�tts �
<br /> -- desi8nee m�Y purcZ�nse lhs Pt+operty at ony sat4. , .
<br /> - ' Upon re�ip2 ot payme�t oi the prlce blQ�7lrtastee ehnll dellver to the pnrc�aser�'rmr�ee's deed c��s,�'.�ihe -
<br /> — --- - - , Property. 7'he recitaL9 tn t6e 7lvstco's dc�shaU bo prtma facte evtdea�ce of the 3rafb oY dce�tements����el�.,
<br /> -- �ustee shall apyly the pr�ds o!the salo tn/he followiug ardr.rs.(o)to aU wstn end a:pens�cYe$erdsing 4�e powgr � ��.
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