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<br /> Z . • .. -ti,�y:`an � - t - . 'i�' r ;4,'��zt.T�t'.- .ey .4 � i,.h �r r �y:�` .
<br /> r ' �.: �: �i t � .t .
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<br /> 9{ 1 r .. f+ j4 �f b . ''! .. . . .. . . . ��-
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<br /> ' :�1� a . Y-` . ",�' t• f•i.,` _ . J . � ...�. (. �•�y G '.f., ��,f. 5; _ �._.
<br /> �Y��}, `��f.: 4. y`..c '`�3 . ,F` . (�� .F�,�' `.c al< . .. ..<. __ r�` t __�tµ 1 �'�:
<br /> _—_. ' � `..s. •/. ' . . ' .i .
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<br /> -_ `F I • . ., . � ���� • _ '
<br /> •�f' ,: ``.` `..,ti . * periods that t.en3er requires. The insuraS�ce canier gmviding the ins�raaoe shall be chosen bry�omawer subject to Lender's
<br /> ,�`a.;'`. ; •� appmva!wHich shall aot ke unteasonably vdithheld. If Borrower fails tc�,maintain coveragx descn'bed e�ove.Lender mny,ctt
<br /> � `�` , .. � = I,ender�aptian,abtain covcrage to protect Lemders rights itt the pcoFeity.in�idance with paragiapA�. ' -
<br /> . ' �,,,.
<br /> - �. ```°�`'• ' j All insutance p�licies and tenewals shald be acceptable to Lender and shaU include a standard mor�gage clsase. Lender
<br /> -:`''y,� ` .� shall lu�ve the right to hold the Qoli�ies a�cen�wats. If 1,ender`x�iuimsr Bom�wer shall pmmpdy give to I.ender all receipts
<br /> ,, �� • u .
<br /> ` ` - f •• � of paid pmmiums an�renewal aotices..I�the event of loss,Boirower shall give prompt,notice to the u�sur�ace carrier aad
<br /> �_-�;r ixnder.Lender mag rnake pmaf of Ioss i€not made p�oulptly by$onower.
<br /> : '`•:-�`"` - Unless Lendet aad Bo�rower oth�erwise ag�ee in wnting,Insutance pmcceds shall be applied w restniatina or iepair of ..
<br /> �,t . . . ,�.�.,,c , the Property damaged. if the reswratiaa ur repair is eoonomically feasi'bte and i.ender's sewrity is Qot lessened. If th�
<br /> �`� :''...�':' ."�� . . " cestorauon or repair is not economicalty feasible or Lender's securiry woutd be Iessened,tbe insuzance pmcezds sfiall be
<br /> - � � • ``��.. applied w the sams sec�ued by ttris Sec�uiry Instrument,whether o�noi then due,with any excess paid to Bar�uwer. Tf
<br /> :� �'.';.•• " -- �: � Bmmwer abandnns the Progerty,or does not answer within 30 days a notice fmm Lender that the insurance s�rrier h�s .
<br /> -u�x�� �� .���•'` offeted to settle a ciaim,then Lender may colIect the iusivance pmceeds. Lender may ase the p:oceeds to repair oT restare
<br /> `°: ��„.�';°,. ,•t the Property or to pay s►uns secured by*this Secusity L�s�mient,�prhether or not th�dae. The 3U-day percad vri11 begin when
<br /> .:r::Y
<br /> '„�'.., '� Y:•. the aatice is given. . . .
<br /> . "''�`''`� '-' `_'``.,,` ' Unless A..ender and Bormwer otheiwise ag�ee ir►writiag,aaY apPlication of pmceed.s:;��ncipal.sliall not extend ar
<br /> •u� . w � �
<br /> :.�:.'`,�ry�.;�.*s�,:.., postgone the dae date of ti�monthlY FaYments cefert�d to in paragraptis 1 and 2 or change�:e atpamit�s�t�e paymems. If .
<br /> � �-, under Pazag�aPh 21 the Ptaperty is acyuirad by L�irder,Eoaower's ng6t w any insvmnce policies s���rc'ceeds resulting ,
<br /> . ��•':-`:-�- � �'• from damage to the PtaPerty Prior to the acquisition shalt pass`to L,ender to the extent of the sains secc�.;:try this Security
<br /> :'
<br /> ``�'�.��_.,.�,�'_%.�'.��" . .•:.:. � .. . , .
<br /> _ ,_:r•. ' Iastrument immediately prior to the acquisitian. �
<br /> ',;•,y°.:°�:; `�-;, . , 6. Qrcu�aacy. �reservatEo�, Maintemaace an�!�ka5�a1'�?oas o8 the FroPerty; �rowe�'s Lo�n Applicatton;
<br /> . •Y . . l.etise�oltts. Bormwer shall occupy,establisb,and use the as$orcmc�'s nn a�.e�esideace withit► da s after
<br /> . :;, , , .. ,.. . .
<br /> ,,..,> � ,...-,':',:u�.� �,'rtY P. czP y�Y Y
<br /> � " ' . : ,`. the execution of t�is Secarity Ins�acent and s6a1�:�.�acc�py the�rsry as Boauwer's p�iacip2l iesidence for at
<br /> ..
<br /> _• „>-,,,..
<br /> F�:ti...�,_; �,•f�- ,�;. : . .-. - le2st��c�ne.y�ar:after the�date �of�ccupancy..���ude: otHe:wise ag�c�es vr wriung;-whic6--c�c..eat-shall-dot ise . .
<br /> ��:.�;,_;,;- unteasonabiy withheld,or unless extenvating cttcu�er.��s e�ss wluch are�ond Boirocues§contmi. Borrower shaU not
<br /> '��r�-��� destroy,da�nage or impair the Pl'uperty.altow the Pro�erty'w d[eteriorate,ar commit waste�the.Property. Boimwer sflall
<br /> °�';.; ` be in defauIt if any fosfeitiue.action or proae�ding,whether c�v��or'criminal.is begun that in Lsndes's good faith j�dgraeut
<br />.- �+�,�;��,.,,.1rt. , . - .
<br /> ' •--._s• ,.,,. . cautd tesult in forfeitare of the Pcaperty or otheswise mater.�3Ty unpair the lien created by this Security L�swmeni or . _ .
<br /> °``';�:.,�' �" Lenderk seaui inkie.-t Bortawer ma cute sucb a default,�d remstsie,as g�vided'm h 18,
<br /> �;��y;��..r,' tY Y P�"aS�P bY�Sttie action�
<br /> — ,�•��,,;:; ar proceeding to be�s�nissed with a ruting that,in Lender's good faith deremunciation,precludes forfeitare of the Sbrrower`s
<br /> ��..�'"=i,�t;�;';�F�'� interest in the Ptoperty or other materiai impaument of the li�s cieated hy tiiis Security:L,-�.strument or I.ender's'sece�ty
<br /> �����':'��f:�_ .interest Bomnwer shall slso be in default if Bormwer, �.� the toan'applicadon gze�otss, gave materialty faLss or
<br /> �-�'q'�i� � �•r ��
<br /> ��j�:�;:,�-�;,, ��' inaccurate information ox statemenu to I.ender(or fa�ed w provz�P+.ender wit}s a�r mat�e-a,i�nfaamation)iu co�mection s�ith
<br /> �� �• �'' the loan evidenced 6y the Noi�, including, but not limited C.,,rapresentati�rrs concem�,;•Borrower's accupancy of the
<br /> �H c^�+%=�a�=..` P�operty as a principai residence� If this Securiry Insuum«u is on a 2easehola,Horrower st�'all comply with all tbe provisions
<br /> �=�w a�tf;u' • of the lease. If Borrower acquires'fee title to the Property,the leaseho2d and the(ee title ahaA mot merge unless Leader agrees
<br /> _�-_�____.;.��---..� to the merger in writing. � � �
<br /> ::��°���� � Psotecttoa af LenQer's RigSts tn t6e Paoperty. �Bauower fa�s to pesfoim.��e coveQants and agreements
<br /> �— ,, � containeA in this Secnrity Instrumen�.oz t�ere is a tegal groceedinS that may sigerificaat?y affect Lender�righis in the
<br /> P`'. �� �� Froperty(such a4 a proceeding in bankruptcy.pra's�.,foi cond.,�mnadon or forfeimre or to e�'orce laws or regulations),then
<br /> . JI'vu4!'
<br /> ..�_➢;�,;�:m��, Lender may do snd pay for whatever is necessaty to pnotect the value of the Prope�ty and I.ender's rights in the Propertyr.
<br />� ,�"';���r�,. Lenders ac�vns may inciude paying any sums secured by a lien which has prioriry over this Security Inswment,appearins •
<br /> �3�� in court,payIng reasonable attomeys'fees aa�entesing on the Property tq make repairs..Althougl�Leader may:ta�ce action •
<br /> — --�.—� und�r this paragcaph 7.Lendet dces noi have to do so.
<br /> � — -- p►ny amounts disbursed by I,ender.under this paragxapb 7•s1ia116ecome additional debt of BoYrmver secuted by�is
<br /> Security insnvmen� Udess Bonower aad,Lender�.�ee to othet terras of payment,these amounLs shall bear intetsest fmm t�`te
<br /> — date of disbmsement at the_Note rate and shall b��o.Xa6le,arith interest:upon norice from Lender to Bmcower reque�ing
<br /> a
<br />. ���� • P�8.�IN�rtgage Insueaace. If 2,�dei reqwred mortgage insuraiece as a condition of rraaking the Ioan secuted by Wis ' .
<br /> ---_— — , Security Instn�msnt,Barrw�er shall py.the premiums tequited m maintain the mortgage inswarcce in effect. If,for any
<br /> _ reason,the mortgage insurance coveiage requi�red by l,endes lapses or ceasQS to 6e in effect, Bormwer shall pay the
<br /> --- — pn7ninms cequi�ed to obtain coverage su6stantr,�'ss�equivatent to the mortgage insurancc previously in effect,at a cost �
<br /> - - - svbstantlaalIy eqwvaIent w the cost w Boirower e�s che mangage insurance prevlously in ef�ect,fram un altemate mortgaga
<br /> - _ fnsnrer approved by i.ender. IS substantially equivalent mortgage inswat!�e coverage is not avai2able,Barrower shall pay to
<br /> _ _- ---- LenBer each month a sum eqaal w one-twelfth of the yearly mQZtgage insurance premium being paid by Bormwer wheaa the �
<br /> _ °--g� • insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender wilIl�epi,use and retain these payments as a loss n�serve is�.I;�:u �
<br /> —��`=�-�� of mortgage insurance. Lass reserve payments may no tonge��required,ax the apiion of Lender,if mortgage insuT.r�:,� . _
<br /> =°�'�'�"�':� wverage(m the amount and for.the periad thae l.ender requires)proviQed by�-�p 3nsurer approveii by LenGer again becames
<br /> - ` --�`'`� available and is o6taiaed.Borrower shall pay the p-:emiams required to mainza�e r.sartgage instuance in effest,or to provide a
<br /> loss reserve.►.u�til tlie requirement for mortga�e i�,�zsance ends in eccordance with any written agreement between-Bairower
<br /> _�T'�� and Lender ar applicabte law. • '. .
<br /> -- . 9. I�nspectioa. Leader or iu agent may make.reasonabl�entr�es upon and inspections of the Property. Lead�r�all
<br /> .j give Borrower notice at the sime of or prior to sn inspecaon speci�ying reasonable aause for the inspectio�. '
<br /> � 10. Condema3t�oa. 7Re pmceeds of any a�u2rd or claim for damages.direct or consequendal.in ooa�tr,ction with any
<br /> `f..`::'','_�'_•'� '�
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