� _ ::��::.�.� =-; . . _ _ �. __�
<br /> �.,� ..`R.c - � � .. - . . . .. .. - _ - - . ._..�..rt,...... "' -�—_- F.'-
<br /> . . . � i,> .. . .. _ _ , r.`. . ` . . ` _ 4', ` . . i , `,-.^ . �n ', �
<br /> j - . ._�' ..._ � • ��� q � .......,� •�`` �°�_ � /`'�t c l csa :' � �i '
<br /> - �.t�'r - . - ,..s . �.. '- .i� _ ,� �.� -`.
<br /> ,4� ' �v�
<br /> --:f`'.a�� . .r - '_ �' . . - 'ti�fL •. � ' . . .
<br /> . � � � i . c� �� .� 4
<br /> - -- - , . !T.T��4# t4��Fru;��r�y or a�o�t�tictal (�a�4 ie� �oaraLV�r. a eD or any ae�s oi the �ve�7r a� _
<br /> `. . ``` . �` ; eny�t�terest in R[s sold or transterted(ar B a hcmeSidal Trrterest fn Borrower is sotd or trsnsterred mid Borrower is not a natural . -`—r
<br /> -� •• - , � pars�+)wtthout L�der'scs prior vnttten eomsent.Lender teiay,at tb apttan.rei�utro tmmc�ate payment tn ND a!ti4 smns secured by �`.s ij `� _
<br /> '-:; `..,,'• �: .� tt►fs Seeurlry Instnmi�nt However,this opbon shaU not bs exerdsed by lca�der 8 exereise i�proNbited by tederal.taw as ot the . . • _
<br /> . ` dfl28 O1 thl3 SSCIti�iy hiSblAflQlt. � ' ' q�` `"� , .
<br /> .' , �. if L�nd�exerdses thts opiIan,Lsnd�alta9 gtve Banower naEice of ecc��LCn. The nottco sle:°pravlde e period of not;� •� -
<br /> _ ' � tess 14ian SQ days ftom tha date 1Ro notice ts deRv�ar maited viithU� whleh 6orrawer must pay a7 sums seaued by Ws �� � �'� ,
<br /> � `' Seaafty tnstrusnent 8 Bortowcr foIIe to pa}I these s�m1s pr[or to the e�Ua�Ion ot tiUs pe�iod. Lender may tnvake er►y remeQies: � �... '"'<� �. ��"':.
<br /> .. �-- pmmitted by thEs S�autty tnsCUms�t v�Usaut fUBher not2ce ar dert�and ae Borrower. . � t� `�� �` - -
<br /> - ,,`� `. , 18. 80TrOW0�'8 Rtgt� to Re[DStet�. M Bormuver'maeta c�tatn eand�iIorts, Bortower sheD have 4ha dgfit to haYe �
<br /> '. Q� . � � enfarcemcmt at Mt� Sa�tyl tnstrurs[�.mt �seorrttnuea�t ar4y tlms pdor to tha ea�Qer oi: (a)5 days (or sueb otha perfad as� : � : . ;,
<br /> - . - ,_' � epgdrabfe kiw�Y spec8y ior r�n►stafement�bdore ssfe of tRe PtoAaIS►Oursuturt to atry power ot ssie eoriffiine�In this 8ea[r�y .._.- , �` .
<br /> �'''�.-��_ tnsCumcrt�or fb)entrY of a jud�n�rd dtbtdng U►is Seea�r�yl htstrunant Those co�s s�a tlnt BQSa:r.:r.(a)Days Lc��ffi! . - ;
<br /> , ' sume wtitefi than woufd be due tmdFa tNs Sada4t�/(nstrument and fhs Nate es I}nQ ec�aeteration hsd oeaured; (b)cures mry �: ,.� :
<br /> _ . .. � �` � dBfavPt-ot any atheE cavettPn4 or a�eanaltx (c)P8]Is all mqfenses(�sutrs�In a�fordrtg�is Seaut4y Inahum�[nci►c�ng.but �` : � •, � .
<br /> "� , no!Qmfted to.reasona6ta ettomeys'fea�end(�ffikes such actton as Leotder may reasonaEty req�Ire to essure that the Qen oi . - � •
<br /> - ' thb S�a�rfl�l (nshurt►EM, Lend�a dghb in ihe Rap�rtY end BartawrYa o6Lgffitan to pay tAe sums saaned by th(s 3eauftyl , 'y�� '�4,.••'- ' ••�
<br /> ' .i' `� . b��ruma�t sha➢ co�►Hnae �mchanged. Upon �einsiatement by Borraw� thTs Se� fnsUument and the ohDgaltons 8eaued . ,
<br /> n
<br /> . ,•r ` hereby ehefl rem�ln tUUy etieethre as H rto ecceieafton had ouamed. Howsver.tlds dgM to�+eins�fe ehaD not eAPh►tn the wse :: .. . .' - ,
<br /> <,' �,: � ,. ot acceteragab under pars�aph 17. '. ..`-. . .
<br /> 19. SeiA of [�ote; ChSitge of LoatD ServlCea 7Re Note or e a partfal tnterest in the Nota (toget�er with ttds • •
<br /> -r� 7' • , . . , 8ecnrityt(nstrument)m�I 0e sold ane ar mora times vritAout priar noUCe to Borrower.A sate may r�u1t in a ehangs tn the�y► ``J.,:�`.. .. ;.;, _ .,
<br /> .� . • ` �.; . ..,
<br /> ° (tmawn as the'Lcm�Senrloer'j U�at coffeGs morrthty paym�nts due�md�the Rote m�d this Sewrfty InstrumeM. There aJso may , ,;,,��v-:•
<br /> ° ` � r`�`• : be one or more chm�gw'ot the l.aan 3ervtoer unre(ated to a'saIa o1 the Nota tt thee ts e ehange oi the La� 3e�vicer. ,: `. ..�;�.:.. �:
<br /> � ' ���'�'� ' Borrowet w10 ba gtven wr(tten nWae o!the changa tn aaordanee wfth para�apA 14 above and appQ�te fa►v. TP�e rtotfc�w� � r. �._: •
<br /> i4, L,. ..:,. ,. ' sffite the neme and aQ�ress ot the nss Loan Secvtcer and the addresa to whfcA paymenb shautd be made. The notice wHtt elso . �:' . ., `°
<br /> _ , �_r� conmtn arry ottter tntormaUan requtred by appQ�t�taw. :r ��; `_.
<br /> - - ��.'-+:�� 20. Hazatdous �ub���.Bnnower stmD not c�se or pem�the preseaee,us�dk3Posa�storage,or reteasa ai _ _�_ uf•'`"
<br /> - - -�- --�-��.--_..t:_�' - -
<br /> .,� , ' etry Hazardous 5utistartees on or tn ttie Prop�riy. Borrower sha0 t[ot do.►ror ellcw arryone etse�ta Qa.anytAM9�teGin9 tha .��::;},':��.
<br /> F�opeKy thet ta tn vlotaNnn af aml Envtronma�tal Law. The P�ced'mg two s�ces sha0�ot eyPty to the presenea us&or ,` '�:_;�`�,"v`
<br /> � � storage on the P4�opaty► of smari qua►rtEUes of Ha�tdaus SubsTences that are SeneraQy rew�I=ed to tie appmprtate to nom�al ' � ;'- _
<br /> •;. , . . ` restde�tat uses and to Enafritenance.at the Propesty.
<br /> J' .��
<br />-- ,`':°_`,_ ,":_.° .. . Bortower shaH promptty give Lende► � aotice ot any imrasii�ttan, c�1cn. d�nand. lawsuft ar oth�r ac�n by miy . .._.��. ' `: �:
<br /> ._�; :. , ' '. .. govemmet�te!or re�ffifory ag�ay or pitvate pariy(moMng the Praperty and er►y H�zudous SnIDstet'tce ar Emr:mnmenffiI Lsw+ag �';J.'�<°
<br /> • � whIeh Bor�ower Nas aetuai knowtedg� H Bamawa te�ms, or ts rtotffied by acry govemmental ot regulsitory aWiority, th�t any �•��'.:�
<br /> r�zavai or otRer �IaUan ot any Hamndous Subs�nea s�fec4fng ProAertY_ta necessffiy. Barmwer aha0 promP�ill� � °. ;'.
<br /> � - , necessery remadfai aGions tn eccordance wfth Envlroame�l Law. ,' ::=
<br /> y� �:. .,.,. .__. . � ' As used�n thls paragraph 20.'Hazatdaus 9ubsffinces'are those subs4as�ces defined as'to�do or hamrdous'subatances tty .'t�.'�:;'
<br /> � . Fnvironmer�i Law and the toQowing substancea: gasaQne, kerosene. other ftantrt►�bie or Mxle petroieum producb, ter,�. :,, �� ' ,
<br /> " ' pa.sticides and herbtdEes.YOI81II0 801{f2Jit8,matettffis corrtoh�ing asbestos ar tortnaldefiyde,end ra�oactNe mrate�iat�. As use�in "^' ` f j ;
<br /> �, �.'�, :. paragraph 20. 'Envhomtter�l 18w' means te�t fasvs and fawa at the judsmcflon where the Propaty Is�Or�ted that r�ta �.�.�-�.^-:; :.
<br />� .:ir'� ' k�.
<br /> .. � heaitPi.safery er ernim�se�mi protectlan. � �� �r
<br /> :;' . . _�• �'�..<< + �:
<br />� � • NOI�t-UNIFORM Cm17ENliNT3.Banawer end LenQet further covenam and a�ee es toIIowa ,,=:�..�'-,, . ':
<br /> 7...'" .
<br /> � . � 29. Acr.aleratimn; Weme�?ar�. Lende� shati ghra nmr2lce to Borrowar prlor to ac�e8era�ain ��
<br />_ ' •, .: iollowing Borrawer'� breacA �9 arry cavenant or agreement in thia Ssaurity/ tns4rument (but no2 `' `;. _
<br /> ��,r..: � � pNor to acceteratton under paragraph 17 unless app(tcabie law peavide9 atheewtsep. �e noUca • .�"'�.`,"�
<br /> .-','.4`".. �_-_
<br /> ,.'.js;,: ; ,. ,.. �� shali apecHy: (a�the detaui$ Ib) fhe acttan�equireo�o curo 4ina de9�ui� (c) a d�. a�3 tes�f.'��,n . ;,�_ �`'
<br /> ,...:;,,• . •:.�•�� , � ;.: .�,
<br /> = :4,:�- 30 days tram the date the aattce io given to Borrawer, by whlch ths defauk m�est b�cured;�d ���.`F
<br /> �. .;.;:.��t ' �i;�;r�.
<br /> � � � � •"�;rr��r� (d) that talture to cure the dehuit on or betare ths datA apoaEfIed (n tha notico mry rasuR � �v_
<br /> U�. ;:��` �� �"':`+;', accetsration ot thA sums secured by th�s Socuri�y Instruma�rt ant��io of th��roporty.4ho not�c� ----
<br /> :�:>.: - �'�w:
<br /> ;.�,��:. � .��--� � shail turthor. Inforfi 8onawer af ttie �Ight to �einstate after ac�afa�atIas� md ths �tgM to bNag s i—�-=_
<br /> �`'''��'� � ' ��. ' eouat setton to aaBSrt the �on�existenee of s deiauR or any other defanss of Bprraw�r to �'�"��
<br /> � �..�,_-=.�-
<br /> ' � accete�on and ea1e. If the detaut! fs n�t curad on or bator�tha date speciRad �n tha aotIco, �''�-���-� —
<br /> .�, ,. " ,-��:. `+���-�
<br />_ ' Lertder at (te opttan may requtre tmmedlate payment tn tull df afl sums secured try this Seeurtiy .;,-;�F.---- �
<br />- � ' � instrumerrt witl�out fnr4Qter demand and may tnvo6ce ths power of eale and any otl�er rem�bdlea . a���':£-._
<br /> .,;,, ' ^ ermitted a l�abte 1aw Lsnder shafi be etrtitted to colta�3 all e enaes Incuned Irs urautn �`r`�� `'�:��'��°
<br /> P �ll PD xP P 9 �'r+..,�,,.. -.�
<br /> 'r�r � 4he remedies pravtded in thts paragrapfe 21, tncludtng, �ut no! limited to, reaaon�le �ttom�' 1�:=:-�<r �
<br /> :���,r �;�
<br /> �'�, � . 4eas and cosfs M.titte evidenco. ��' _� '�''�
<br /> . ;•;;;�,���± N th0 power of sate fa B!;:voSced, Trustea sh� avcord a notic� of defautt in each eouMy tn ."��;,�,'�;;:���:.:,} .
<br /> ��� a:.,°. . ��;�:�. �
<br /> " ; �. �.•t:�':,,;�;: wt�ich any pa�t of the Pr���y ta lccated and sf�a�l mall coplea af such notice tn the manner '....,,.• ...�;.�,
<br /> =..��G �� � , �'• . • prescrlbed•by a��gC2�bfe taw to Borro�rs�rend to the ather persona prescrlbad by.�ppftca6�e faw. � • .. , �
<br /> .�.�,
<br /> �: i�?;:��' . � After t�s time re�3red by�ppltcabte C�,�v,Trustee sha11 give g�csbllc natice of sale to the persons . � � � .
<br /> 1.. , . �:� .:,
<br /> � ' � �•� and in the mannes pr�scritas��y app7acable faw.Trustso.wit,�t demand on 8orrowar, 8t�a11 s�ll � � � �
<br /> ' Ji;r;'l�., ' : � "�;>;;;,. :.
<br /> � ` '�����„ the Pr��atty at pub9ta auc41aao to the highest biddter a�! the time and place an6 under the toreccs . ���` �; �- �
<br /> "'"tYt '' ..:;}S;A�;?,•
<br /> � ". _ ��'��`•���", :' desOgr��ed in the natice ai eale In on� or more pazcels and tn any ��aCor Trustse dotermimo�. . � �:,tr�;��;:,� ..
<br /> - - . . ; , - Trustea may posS�one sale o? alt or a�y p�rc�4 �4�8 Pro�e�r�l i�/ pu�9ic afl�aouncea�ee�t st Q�� �
<br /> � " �� . time artd pisce �"J any prevlously scQcssSuled sate. Lender � fte dAStgnaa may pt�hase �ae ��°����• _ ; . . '.
<br /> � � ' � Property at erry sa��. � � . �
<br /> .. � ::;t;;:;�<`. , Upon �ecetpt o7 paymees3 oi the prtca Bld. 4osmsisa sha11 doliver to 4he p�rchaser Trusto�'s '; � '
<br /> � ���`:��;`� '-; desd convsyirtg tha Propatty. Tiae reaitafo In the Trusteo's doed sQ��lt bo perima facte evldenco�'9 � " -�:�:`�
<br /> '. . '. tho truth ot tha statemante made theretn. Trustee ahafl apply tho procaeda of the eata tn the � . : � .
<br /> '<��,,� • � �r � tollowtng ord�r. (a) to all cos3e ar�d escponsea o! axerclsing tho powar �f sata, �nd the eata, � �
<br /> � ",:`z' .. :� includin the .
<br /> . , g payment of tha Tarus'teo'8 4eea actualtg/tncurred, not to excae�three , .
<br /> . 9'0 of the prlrtaipal amount of the � . ' .
<br /> �, • � � . . �ote�at tft0 time ot the declar�tton o!defaui3, and reaso�eable attamey'e�eea a�psrmtttsd asy lavr; .� � ,
<br /> (b)4o all so�ms securod by thte Sacurity Instrumsr� an� (c)any excess to tho person or p�rs�na � �� - �
<br /> ;;. ... logaity en3itfed to I� . �. .
<br /> ..
<br /> . . �,
<br /> ,� - . . � "
<br /> , ., ,
<br /> ._ •_ ._ F7318,UM0 C!/95) paga 4 ot 5 ♦ . �
<br /> . .
<br /> ._ �� _ . ,—. - ' ,__; ..__
<br /> ti� .
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<br /> � `
<br /> ' , JJ7�4I � . .. . . ♦
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<br />