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<br /> � t � `dtherxise aflorde0 bY HOP,tica�ts Gawr,ahall not�a a.waives ot ar preclude t�s exerctse of any auch dg9�t or reme�.Yhe �
<br />-����.. � procuramento!(naurenaeorttrepaymentottaxesoro4herlfensorehargesdyLendershsilnotb�ev�aivBratLendsfertgM� �
<br />.'"_:'�'<< ' er�caier�ta the maturi7i o1 ifle trtdebtedrtes3 escur�t by thfs Qee�.of 7r�t =_
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<br /> ;.';,�k.< � Fainsd shali titnd,�nd the d�Ma hereunds�r shaii inure to.th�respscthra s�aceeasa�J asid asstgns ot Lendsi en8?nisto'r.�II , �:
<br /> eovan��and egreetrteflts oi Truator ehaft tra jolM a►d ssveraL YAe ce�ttons and headings o!the paragrephs o!ti�ts Oead af �`,;
<br /> � 1 Trust are fcr comr�rliance anty end are no!ta bs used t�int�rRrot m defina tho Oravislons tisree4 .. "`'`-
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<br /> "-Y�'��--- aQAficabSe faw F.xceat tor eny oiher ea8ce requlrad under appticable taw t�Da ghren in anath�r ma�aner..atsy nottce proatdsd
<br />.•;':_-ycY �S�' .
<br /> fortrttfiisQeadofYru�tsha1l�egivsn�}matIIngaucdrno�cebyceNBsdma3teddresse�totheatherparttes.atthssddres�s�1 �.-
<br /> .��. � forth a�or�My na8ce provIded Sor in 4his QeeO at Tra�shalt 6s efteettve upon malfing in tha manner desiQe►ated heretn.f!
<br />_�-__
<br />-��:��-� Tn�s2cc ts more fhan on�persoe.itattce&ent to the eddress s�t foM above sh811 b�rtatice tA e1!su Person�. . -
<br />::.;�.,��a (� �Lender may make arcause to be mado reasanabts entries uDa�+@nd inspectIoas af tha Frap�rty.pravIQed
<br /> --_,.�� that Lender sT�211 gfve Yrustor na�ce PNor to erry sact►tosyection spe�ttyirtg rea�ona0te�cause th�refar r�SateO to I.eade�s
<br /> �-'- inflere9t in Ute Frageril/•
<br /> �_;���t (a��ariv+Y�e�UAonO�entof�tlsumssecwredby4his0eadafTiusLtsnQerehatt�u�tTnesteeto�eco�veytha .
<br /> '°"�� �A ,ProD��ndahallsurrenQ6tthtaQeedafTrustandaUnoUassvtd�nciitgdnde�taQnesssacure�bl►�s0eed6fTn�sltoTrus�e. —
<br />_�a:�
<br />_- r.—�, Trus4�sl`,�l1 recarney tha ProD�!►witltaut war*ent�/and wittiout charSe to eha�erson ar persarts legatht er�titled .a -
<br />=:s��� ' Trusint�s3D pay 81I CASt9 ot recordBUon.if 8rty.
<br /> Y_,3� m) p��i�ty;SseuHty A�rm�nb Aa eQd�tanal security tor�e pisyment at the Nots.Tiustor herehy grsnts -
<br />��,� LendBturtdertitot3�UntfmtmComm6tclatCadea8eCUtftYtMerestinellB�aure&�uipment,enda�lterpe�sonalPraPe�f► , . -
<br /> _=_�-w� us�di�nv�snecNonyv[tnffie[eafast�t9or(mprove�¢rrtslocaiedthareorRartdaatethen+uisedecf�redardaemadtoDeapartat
<br /> - �rpp c�te eecured hereDy.This tnstrument ehIItl be construed ea a Security ASreesrsent urider satd Cada e!id tAe Lander
<br /> - = shalf(ta�9a1lgietigi��andrented�esafaSaCUte�Da�llundersaldCadeinadd[gantotlterfghteer►dc�meNescr�ate�u�d�r .
<br /> ___.:_..�
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<br /> - - � �be cu�u�Aa�wY�t�i'In no waY a Itmitation er��?inder's dghta end re�edias under any ofl�er security�g,raemertt slgned by . _
<br /> ----- .. Borrowero�Truat�r?�` � "_ .
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