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-� 1�. �.F. `� - - . , . . ...,.. ,;r __ _ :�_, :i• '��:::?,., -- ->r.z: .. <br /> _•,A:_ _ _ v�T'^_.':.^„' -: ,}.. _ ` Y- _ _ �'.}j ,� . :-�-1. tz Y.`;r'_:.'>a.:i <br /> t o,t�� -': . �c.,. . •,3,i�.ti�,z•:,t: t {' � '- � r •, <br /> — . _ `•. r. _ _ � ..��.E:: _� . 4 �.s e.'�'i- � r:-. <br /> -- r ' c< :�i'��w . l t �- r t{y f'i'''�.'t <br /> < < . j <. )'k;j•�'cn;;f. r <br /> �K . i�,"a ..�: .�..v �i,'�6�, L S • .�` . '..LC�1 <. -1c� - ' -) i'i. . �l.A � ryit'i': .� t t �.-. <br /> .o. � �f f- >`p.._ `�,b, �,,"y'.. ' . r . �. o !� . t .,i .�r.a �� ��a:y.��. �r� c �� ��•`�. �.t' :�:,i��., :3�.��1 <br /> , - _ <br /> -i-�. .. _ •�: . .: <br /> • <br /> n. `.�. <br /> L . s , .., , ,�, . � `•" :�t f -Y �:�. � :f�.t`l�i't� v <br /> ' � 1 ��2° .l.� <br /> ..�a , : _ ._.}.. _.. . _;_. ,.._ . . . _ <br /> ,. �. �.. <br /> - - - ,.?�.�. � ���fs :'T.. <br /> S ° _ _. . . — ' . , —_- <br /> �,~r' �� .ii' • ' Y•��,t:MO�� <br /> �i ;t.�:` .Gt� ^ ����O ` <br /> � • �� WI1�� .��� F <br /> ,�{t� o ' . . • ` . <br /> -- ";�•<<,.�::' -•���;� :� 1.PaYma�. Battower s�em� to make eIl oaymtsrrts cn�tAo seaued deb2 when dua. Unlese 8ortower end Lsnder agree o4h�ttvlco mry ` � <br /> , � i ` .. <br /> , payma+�ta Lendos receivaa ftom Bortcwer ar for Barmwer's banefit wFll bs appIIud itrst to anl►a�a�Borrawer owes on th�Cscwrctd Qc�Dt � <br /> ,'t� e:ctuaive of(merest ar�(ncipal.sccnnd ta irRe[�st.and thso to prtrtclpaf.If pardal pteqaYmern at the seaaed de6t accure iCr any wID ,,,;� <br /> — '_.�.!;'" � " '. nOt reduee or exeuso eny sehEtdulaA DaYmerrt urtN tha sogitred de6t(s patd in tu:i. . . <br /> •,- ht <br /> � . :`. ," ' 2.lX�ims Agsnst,Tf�e.Bartewer wtli paV aIi ta�ces.�essme�:�and�r char8sa aL�ri6vteCID W ths proAarty when Qu�and erill dof�0 ttH� �. ' ,. <br /> `�v '`,I', •".,;%..r �� t o t A e P ro D eRy�ga I n s t a n�d a t m a w t il e n w a u 1 Q i m D�!►t T c�.d'i e n o!t M1�i s d e e d o f�L e n dar m a Y�a Qutre Borrowar to assl8n enV rights.elaima ar <br /> •..a ;< <. � defansea whid�Barcowar may hava agatnst P����DA�V[?h�.0*m�teriats to improve ar mai�n the proR�tty. . <br /> •; < � � `�� 9,in^s�ucneo.Honower wiil keap theproAErty insured undar tstms aeeeptahte to lender at Bonawe�'s expanso ettd far Lendet's 6saefrt.AI! , . <br /> . • Insuranco poficiea ehali inciuQe a stFUidarO morts�age ctause tn tavor of Lender.Lender w7i be named as toss paYee cr es the ins►ued on any svefi <br /> r%�� ins�ance poBey.MV�nsurenae proeeads may 6e apylied,within Lende�s d� e'tther tho resTaration or cepoir of tl�a QamaSsd preperty ... <br /> --... �• . . <br /> - ; - - o�to the seciaed debL H Le�Mer reQutrea rrtortgage�nsurance.Barrower agre�s to mau�in such insuranee for as fong as Lender reQuires. , <br /> ;, �i. 4,prnpe,ey.Bortower w�l keep tAe proDercy!n gaod eondidon ar�d make siE repaUs reasonabAl rteceESary. -`` .. <br /> F ' ,.. 6.E�rtaea.Borrowet sgtaea to p en�enaers exvenses,includ3ng reasanabla etOOmeYs'iees.if Borrower trreai�m�y covenatns in ttds deed <br /> ex <br /> _ < %•' - ot vust or in arry obBgaUon Baaued�Y Ws dee6 of mrst.Barrower vritl pay these emuunts to l.endar 8s Orovided tn Covena�9,of this dec�d o! �i.' . _ <br /> � �,�`_ Wst. � i;%,.,:i�•' . <br /> s>i,: <br /> � ;,.._; 6.prfpr geeuricy h�terasts,Untess Barrower flrst obteins Lendera mTtten consent,Borrowe►wID nnt make or pertnit acry cAamges to ar�y priar ''�••'*�`''� <br /> �; ' ::.�.'" �`;{���.�:' seairdy irUerests.Bonower wili pertorm aliaf Bonowefa obflgaUons wdet any prtor mortgage, deed ot trust ar othec eeauiq/agrsametK, <br /> ` �. •,� ,. ,�s,j�' ctuding Bortowefs wvenarna to ma�e Paym�sts when Qu9. : ' " -•�. � <br /> <c;:.;; �. .fn,�i V� . . <br /> '`�...��`.., . .��f,� . ;8.Asal�m arrt o!Rn�a m�d Profita Bmr�aaiar assigns to k�r the reme and profrts ot the propert]r-L9ih�as.BC�otiver and Len3et Aave ,�^e. ed ,,,: , : <br /> 9 , � , �f ` , aff�erwlss'm wrtting, Borrower malt cqlzas�enr7.'f8ia&i 8lra er�rt:rs as loc�g as Borrowsr Is�ot In defgs3L YF'�n�rav�defaufiT&.Len6e.Lt.-�'s ,r s i F <br /> -., ;, , )� ,5 age�rt,or a co�ut appoiMed raaehrer�yT teKa,Posses�n aia�l manage the OropertY er�d coUact tPvj�:��amc�s'i�aactar eoQ;r..�s3`��e ' :% .,r. : <br /> / if�JG.' �,.t.,,� Q <br /> #� ;r�c�'fBi'+i.�':}'�,�,����/i� (8igC68SS$f�/fB10t8Q OXpBI1S@9tnI8[�t�T{B�ULfl$f1RiR�p►iL�O,}f@fliS wrRl tltan ePAN 0�Q������������'d�[i l"AS{�lB•IIHti[1�d2118f . <br /> .:Fr,t�t:��',� ::.'•;}:.'� � . <br /> . ':i2.1'.��..." <br /> g,t,s��}rotGs-�ndom(riiwiu;FJarme�Untt Dev�opmenb.Bortowaragrees to compty with thm provtsion8 ot arry fease if this deed of trust is on <br /> ..��-���� a Ieasehotrod.t�thia deed of�ust is on a untt in e crondomtnium ar a plannod unii devetop►neM,Bortawer will pertorm all af Barrower's duties , <br /> ,,'�. :' under the covertarrts,bydawa,or reguiatrons of the condomi�fum or p1aruieA unit developmerrt. . <br /> _l .. g.quthinity ot Le�to P�iorm tor 6urrowas.If Bor►ower faifa top e(f0I10 9f1Y of BOrt6YYeJ'e dIRI�S 11�1dE�t tl118 dBEd Of UUSL.LBRde!1f18y -° ''"� <br /> � ,� �,' peAorm the dutfoa ar cause tAem to ba pe�tormed.Lender may sign Barrawer'a nat�se ot ay eny nmourR if rraeessery for performance.It enY . <br /> , . .' ,,,,• ...• ..- ' p <br /> ; ' • <<,`�: .i;.;=:,•�.<!� e q n s t n+c t i q n o p t fie yro p e r t Y is diseomtnued or not cer*tad on tn a�easona�e manaer.l.ender may dd Whatever ta necasaery to protect Lendefa •. <br /> ... <br /> ,; . , . . . .secumY intarost!n 1ris.00OAe.riY,.TAis may tne1uSe eomp 2eUng t h e eanstru e H an. <br /> .: ...,..----,�-.-_..,-.-. -- ._. .. .... ... .... .. _ .. , . . .. ... . . ... .. <br /> • •� ,j�=�, '';;• iendo�e faBure to pertarm will not prectude Lertdar trom oxarctsing enV of tt9 other rtqhts unQet the faw cr tD(t Qaed oi 4ntet. , � <br /> �� Anv amatmts OaiG Dy 6erdar to ptotact Lsnder'e eecurity{ntsreat wlii�e eeCUCed by thie dea�a4 trusf.Such amou�wW 6e Que an dem�nd . •�� ... <br /> � ° _ '" an0 wfil6aar Interest nom Me date of the pavment untfl patd In tuU atttse Intere�t rate In ef4ect on the accurad debt., ' <br /> � ��., . <br /> � t0.ONmd�an0 AceuaraN�n. if Bortowor fefta to make eny O�e�1 when dus w Ero�ks any cov�nanta und�r ttf[a doad o!Vuat oe fn =5,_.. ---� <br /> ' " - ahttgatlan eeeurad Ey Zhla daad of truat or ony prim mangags or Qead af mru4t.lsador m�y accalarate-Me mawrity ot tt�a sacureo aeot enA � <br /> � � . � , , demand lmmndta4e payment and msy inwfce the power of aeio end eny aMer tamediea partnftted Cy apylie&01e tsw. <br /> • c " ' 11,R��s�st tar Hot[w af O�fa� ts hereby reQueated that copiee ot ths nottce9 ot Qetautt anQ aai0 ba eeM to each paroon who Is a pa�ty . ,�;�:��� <br /> �•. :���;' ��c�,%�, :� hereto,et tho addresa of eaeb sueh person,ea eet taRh herafn.. •fi�„Y:;��•- <br /> �� 12.Caw�r W 8ats.lf tha LenQ�ar imokes the power oi eafo,the Tnistee shaU firet recorA in the otiteo ot the tegi�te►a1 deeda of eact►courtty '"�' �' <br /> ' � whetein the trttst propoRy ar eome patt o�parcol tltareof ta shuatad o noUw of defauft containing the(nformatton reyuired by law.Tho Trustae ��� ,. <br /> shall aso mail coDtes of eho notlee of default w the Bortower,to o{3ch pereon who is a party fsereto,artd tn otAar pereasls as urescdhed by <br /> � � � appltcabte law.Not tesa than one manthy after the Trostau records tha noUcs ot dotauft,ar two montt►a N tho ttust Droperty ia not in any �s�+�-: <br /> ' � incorporated city or vUtage and is used in tarming aDeratlons certted on by the trusta,tt�e Trustea cha114{i�m publtc notice o4 sato w tho pareons _.•�-• <br /> �,.;�: e�t� <br /> ' ��;�,:;•:,7„ ao0 in the manner Drescri6ed by epppUcab/e faw.T�ustee.wtthout demand on Borrower,sl�atl sell the prop et pubtla auctlon to.�s highest ---- <br /> ' " �•:,�>:';t'������ 6ldder.It required by the Farm Homestead V�otootton Act,Tniatee ahall oNer tha property(n two soparate aa(es ae requUad by appUcaDle taw. ��';*_- <br /> i.;;r��, Trustea may postDone eate of at1 or amr 9aroef oi the propa►ty by O��to announcemant et the time end place of any p►svlously scheduted eate. �'``E�_ <br /> '.. • � � .i'y!�Ti�a�+� Lender ar itro Ansignoe maY O�ahase the proporty et erry aefe. � =� <br /> '' , ";:' ' :'!1(i�;�}�' Upon resefyt ot pavment of tfie price bfd,TroBtoe shaU EeRvar to the pitrchasOr Tcustea's Q3ed comrell���e praDmty.The reeiNals catttalnod In [��„t� <br /> ''�� ' � Trustae's doed BhaO he prima tacio eviGience ot the trath of ths stemment�conteTned thOroin.Truutea a1t appty Me proeaESda o'f the sate in tho <br /> ��,,,�'r;�. toRawtnB orQer: (e) to efl vxpensas of the saia, inctuding, b�sY not M�ited w, reasonabte Tnuste�'s feea, reasareabfe aitomoys imes end ��= <br /> - •�• teinnatemant teos;(bl to sll suma seauad by this deed of trust,end(e)tAe balanca,if any,to the patsons tegatly entitted to recetve ft. � <br /> �`�'�'�"� � , 18,C�resio=ure.At lendePs opUon,this dced af trust may be forectosed in the menner provtde by ayytica6la tuw to�r t�raciosure of moRgapes �`r <br /> . • �.-;�,'�:� . , --- <br /> : : i;t;;���i_.7�• . O71[8��1fG�8f[SG . ' . , :. .� . ��--- <br /> ".'s ! . .°•`;�}f�.'� .14.t�Da�.londsr m�r ertter the pra�76y to inspect tt if lenQer gives Borrower tatteo betcrehanQ'GGi<<r�mt�crr.ust stete the reason�trlo <br /> - -:,�•. �'+ � QBttSe Tor t�ndefa inspachon. � , . <br /> : ��`�:' ":'�•...: 3�. <br /> ,:�'! :-":: ..".":�� 'r� �.�96.C�on.6onowar asstgns to LenGar the�roceeds of eny oward or ctaim tor'demagea conneet�d witt�o�rtatlon ar•ot2�er taking <br /> of ail ar eny part of tl�o property.5uch praceeds will be epplied as proviEoa in Cova{�ar�t 1.7hfs assl�unem is suLjeCt to tho tsrma of arry prtor <br /> security►agreemeni. - <br /> }. 'iti,a`.• '�� 18.Waiwr.By exercistng eny reme�y a+.�ta�bte to Lendar.Lender Qoe9 not ghroup arry HgMs to tater use ar�t►other remndy.By nat exercfsing • -� <br /> � .: ;S•t>��= w:. ..� any romoQy upon Bonower's defauh,Lersditt��taes noi watve any rlght to leter constdar�a avent e Qofauit if it tfappona agein. -:--:--- <br /> : ',�:.:,,:�jkf;ry��•,•, ,, �•_"_--_ <br /> z! �� �� j� 17.Jotm en0 Ssverat Lt�p�r,Co�atgnera;Saceessors and Asstyn� Bound.Atl dutles under thia deed o!trur.t are jotnt and sevotai. My r� �--,- <br />- j , . J,�, ' .�.` Bonower who co-sipna thia daad of trust but Coes not co-stgn the underiving debi inswmen4ta)does eo oMy ra Brant and comey that <br /> r.., . • rr„ �:f.... BonowePe iMerest in the proporty to the Trustee undar tRe torms o!this QeeQ of tntst.b addition such a Borrower�eea thet the Landar end � <br /> _ �;: ����`'��� �' � ' ar�Y othar"Bonower undar thls daed of tnast may extend,modifv or mako any odfar ohangas in tEi9 terms of thls Qaod of teust cr tha scc�ued '-._-,:._Q_ <br /> iO"'t�'�' `�.�. debt without that Borrowefe eonsent a�d wfthout retoasing thot Bortowor nom the terms ot thia deed ot trust. _�;**�;-_: <br /> . • .,�,..... , r x�.._ <br /> .- . .:t�,;-;',r. .,. �.�r�. <br /> , ,<<,,5�•.;r Thv dWos and Oonaflte of this Ceed of trust sha0 hind and benoflt the succe�sora and assigno a1 Lender artd Banower. ������f;'; <br /> t.4'i`�_ <br />— ,...f' ,(`, S�:_ <br /> • 18.Nattca.lJntesa otfiarwiso raquirad by taw,arry ncttce to Bonawer sfiatl be given bV doNvaring it or by mailing it by certiHed maU edQressed to r-Y -� <br /> : �t�'.''; Bonovrer at tha pra eQdress qr anY otAar eddresa thet Bonower has¢ivan to Lendar.Borrowor wiU gJvo any n¢:ce to Lendet by certlfled � a- <br /> . y.: mail to LsnQer'e eQ reae on page 1 of thta dood of trust,of to arry other eQdresa vuhich lander has Qealgnated.Arryce9rr noUce to Lender shatl <br /> :,;�'•%�. � . be snnt to LenBePe adQress as statod on paga 1 oi thia doed of truat. �'�''_ <br /> . �,,��. . ��'`-`:° <br /> ,' • ...����,,-• Any aotles SA�'d De deemed to have bosn givon to Bonowar or Lender v�hon given in thc manner stated above. ,x;?�• <br /> .• Jt.�,,t... T ::�n:- <br /> �;,;.,.-:. ' �ty <br /> •.. 18.Transte ot the�rop�s Bm�ftaiat Icsurest in th�Bonowsr.H ell or eny part at tho propo or any IMaroat in tt 1�sotd or Vanst��ed <br /> � v�iUwut LcmGer'a prlor v conserrt. lender may demand Immedtate payment o! tno @aocurod debt. lendar may aiso domand tmme late <br /> • Qemand payrrt enBiri�o e�mre s(tuatio S�if it is p ohibted by f�eta�law(es o!tho dagto of twttie dcoA�ot Vu�nstenaA.However, l.gndor may not •��. . <br /> :>: +: <br /> ` ' � 20:Reeomeyertcs.When ths obllgaUon s�cu�rQd 6y this deod of trust has beon Oa1d end LenQer has no turthar obiigetion to mako advancoa <br /> " ' • under tfie instrumor�oe agteamonte secured by thia Qead of trust,tho Truateo shelj,upon writtoti�eQuest bY the Lendor,recanvay thetrust <br /> - _ � � property.Tho LonQnr sheli dotiver to tho Borrower,or to BorrowePS succossor in intorest,the trust deed and tho note or othcr oNdence of the <br /> . . obiTgaUan so aetiafied.6onowo�shatt pay ony rocardatlon costs. � <br /> = 27. Sueaessor Trustes. Lendet, at tsndar's optlon,,may romove T�usteo end eppoint a cuccoasor trustoe by fire� maiting a copy of tno <br /> � � substltuUon ot truateo as requtred by eppticabte law,end thon,by fiiin9 tho su6stitu2ion'a}Vustoo far reeord in tho o�ico of tho tegister of daaQs �.� <br /> � • �- suceeed to 01�1 tho power duties audiorl�an�Ut10 oi the Trustao�nnm d�in ta�ho deod of eU�ust and ot any s cr�,assor vustoa of tho property,sha0 . , <br /> '��,,. <br /> - - ;t�;: ... ;;: <br /> �c:. • <br /> ' . � 1;Z�����,.r5.•; . � ... <br /> _ 4E;• <br /> . ���(��- � . <br /> , ,�.t _ . ..,�� <br /> ,r, <br /> . '} � ' �1� :� �Aw4020l�J <br /> -- �--- . . . B.'S'�...°YS^!�J444.INC45T.Cl0UD.lAhib63Wi�=o�0..�99•134ltiOWAOCPJRTbNE91t9191 - -: <br /> , . .nal..'j+ - . }. <br /> � . . r(r,1��;� ,'• • . . <br /> ' :�_�; �'��;� . .. <br /> �� <br /> ,� �i � ' <br /> ' .. • . <br /> - ,. - � ,. <br /> -. . � �` '� . . . . . . , . .._ . . _ ' __'_'_. . . _... � .. . <br />