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<br /> �:k,x`•'!..5:.4�°�:r�: 19.�er af 34e FropQriy or a Bcae�dul U►Eeces3 in Horrower.If all or any part o�the Property or any inierest in it
<br /> _��'-:s �'�� �` ' � is sold or transferret!(or if.a benefscia4 intesest in 9onower i�sold or tmnsferred and Borrower is r�ot a ilatuial person)anthout „
<br /> _r.,.�t,::' `!�S:,' 8n_
<br /> t� �`� Le�cr'�pdo: written catuent. Lender may. at its qpdon.•reqnire immediate payment in fuU of all sums secured by this
<br /> ...:;�:..
<br /> •f;';�.� � ;;,�°<<�� , •. 5e�urit�instrument.However,this 4ption shall not be exercised tsy Lender if eaetcise is proIubited by federal law as o the =._
<br /> �::��; � �., , of this Security Instrument: � � _
<br /> �- ��• • .� •t�,.�, If Lender exercises this opiion.Lender shall give Bosrower notice of acceleration.'Itie aotice shall pmvide a period of not =
<br /> _ � �;__-�- . less fhat�34 days from the date t@e�rice is ddivened or mailed.within which Barro�ver.mvst pay all sums se�vred by this
<br /> Securiry Insttument.ff Bormwer fails to pay tiiese sums prior to the expiratioa of this period,Lender may imoke any rcmedies _
<br /> `r'.��='"�`� �emutted by this Se�urity Iastnament�vithout funlier�odse or demand on Borrower. _
<br /> ".�� , _.� ;.,` 18. IIorrower's Ftt$ht to Refastute. if Borrower meets certain conditions, Borrower shall have the right ta have =,
<br /> -. ;_L4 4,.�:=-;:� enforcement of ttuis S�cunty Insw�ent discontinua! at any time prior to the earlier of: ta)5 days�(or sucb other periad as
<br /> _ � '� • applisable 1aw may specify for reinstatemeni) before sale of the Froperty pursuant to any power of sale contained in this =
<br /> _.�LL`'`'''�•«`� ' Sectteity Instrument;or(6)eatry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument.Those conditions are d�at Borrower.(a)pays
<br /> „�,�,.:.���..:. �
<br /> ' +a3;� _ � '` Lettder all sutns whIch then would be due under tl�is Serurity InsdnrmenE an3 the Note as if no acceleratian bad accurred;(b�
<br /> J �, c�res any default of aay other covenants ar agreemenu; (c)pays sIl expenses inca�rced in enforcing ttus Security Instrumem, .
<br /> rj;;�;�;�.��R iacluding.but not limited to:reasonabte attomeys'f�s;and(d)takes such aaion as l.ender may reasonably reqnire to assure --
<br /> - that the lien of t6iaSecurity InsWmenl.Lender's rights w the Praperty and Borrower's obligation to pay the snms s�by ,
<br /> ,;:�:_.,;:,.,.��, t tRi3�Securiry Inswrtient shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatemem 6y Bnrrower. this Security Insmiment aad the —
<br /> pbligations secured hereby shal!rem.aiae fulty effesYive as i�no acoeteration t�ad occumd 4Hmvever.this right to reinsta�e shal! ,—
<br /> •� • not apply in tha caae of acceleration u�s9er paragraph 17.
<br />-'* . "-•='<<;;�=��_-' , 19. S�'a a4 NioY� C6ange of laan 9ervis�. The Note ar a partial�rest in t�e Nate (togetgsrs witte this��arity �
<br /> fa'�"�'�;'"-�°?� Insttument)way be sold one or more�dmes without paor notice to Borrcmer.A saDe may resuIt in a change in the entiry(kaown —
<br /> ��-�`:• ����•`��•` as the"[.aan Servicer")that wllects�monthlY PaYments due under the Note a�d this Security Insuument.l�ere also may be one ,
<br /> �-----� �T .... or_mor���a�sges of the Loan.Servieer unrelated.to a sate of the No:e.If tltere is a change of the L.oan Senr€cer,�oriower�vi11 be �
<br /> -- . __ :._•.rT..� ,- .:. _ .
<br /> 3�;�#i�'-.`r �., glven wtitten notice of the change in accurdance witCi paragraph 1�aliQve and applicable lavi+:TTie notise i�rill state the�aad
<br /> ' �� ' " � address of the new Loan Scrvicer and the sddress tq afiFch payraems should be made. The notice will atso coniain a�m�+r other
<br /> ---f informatlon nequired by appllcabte law. " ' •
<br /> `R�•4��`�- 20. Ha�trQaus 5ubstuuc�s. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence,use. disposal, starage,or release of aay
<br /> - ��� Hazardaus Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do. not allow anyone else to du, aaything affec�i�g the .
<br /> r �� � Praperty that is"in vFolatfon of azry Environlriental Law. The preceding two senteaces slwll not apply to the ps�sense,use,Qr
<br /> r.'..,..;:..:
<br /> � ,;. storn�e on th�Property of sma�l quanritles of Hazardous 5ubstftnces that are ges�erally recogmzed to 6e appmpriate to nom�al .
<br /> �-_= resldentIal uses end to maintenance o4't'he Property. .
<br />�P,;,�� �orrower shall pmmptly give Lender written aotice o€any investigation,cLaim,deaf�d. lawsuit or other.actiaa isy aay.
<br /> • � • gavernmentpl or regulatory agency or private party involving the Pjvperty mmd any Hazardous Substauce or Envir�runental Law �
<br /> ` �.���;, • of which Borrower has actua!knowledge. If Borrower leams,ar is notifiell by:,�ny govemmental or regulatory authority,that
<br /><< F� any removel or other zemediadon of any Ha•r.ardous Su6stance affectiug the Praperty is necessary,Boaower shal�pmrqQi�y Wke
<br /> _ - all necessary remedial aCtlorts in accordance with Env�mnm�tal Law. •
<br />'_ ° As used in this p3ragraph 7A, "Harasdous Substances`are those substances.defiaed as toxic or hazardoas sub�by
<br /> - ,Eavironmentafi Law and uhe following substances: aasoline. l�erosene, other flauunable or toxia petrbiewn produc2�_'foxio
<br /> • pestic[des and herbicidea.valatife solvenu.muterials contau�ing asbestos or fom�aldehyd+e,and radioactive piateriats.A's used in ,
<br /> � thla para raPh 2A, "Bnvironmental law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property�is lacated that
<br /> - relatc to�ealth.safety or emiranmQiital protectlon. � �
<br /> _ t�t024T-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and t.e�sder turdaer cavenant and agree as follows: ' ;
<br /> 21.Aaeeleratlon;Ytemedies.Leafler shall gtve not�ce to�3orrower prlor to aoode�a4ion foftowtng Borrow��r"��'6r�cb
<br />_ � ot any �vc�nt or ag�re�ment in titis SecarIty [nstraomen4 (6ut uot pr[or to accetereEion nnder �rag�sgis 19'�anlesg
<br /> y AD�llrabte faW psovides oiherwlse).The notlfle sha31 specify: ta)tbe d�t'uult:(6)th�acttor�nguir�'1 to rxtre tbz defaalt; •
<br /> (c)o dnte,nat less t4�n 30 daya froin the du3e tfis aotice is given io Box�rer,by whic6 the de�amlt mmst 6e cared;�nd
<br /> (d)that t�(lu�re to care Ihe defaalt on or befane�se date sq�edfied in the notice m�y:resnit in Aa�PeratEan uY the sams
<br /> �ecuted by thl�Secartty Instrament mmd sale oY the.Property..The natftc shall furtt�r iteforu�8ortowe�r oY td�e.i�gM to
<br /> - retnstatc aRer acsetera�tlon nnd the right to brTng a court�non to ess4rt the nua�tet�oY a defauit or cb,g�.otber
<br /> — — defense ot Botrower to acceteratton and sale.If the defanYt£s not care�oa os Defore tGe date s�erffled in the�nuttc� .
<br /> _ l�ender,�t tts optio�e.enay requlre immedtute p�yment in fall of aU svms secured by t61s Secarity�nsti�umc.nt withoat
<br /> tUrtPter demand'ancl mey Invoke the power ot sa;e ea�uny other remedtea permitted by appi�cab7e�w.I.endee sball be
<br />' enlitted to co!!ce!all espenses incarred in pa�uing tLe remed2e�s provided in t61s ParagraPb Zl,i�u�ng,bat not limtted _
<br /> • to.res�sonabte attomeys'Gees an�casts of title evi4ence. •
<br />� — �t ibepo we�ot sale is invoked,'Ceust¢e shafl record�notice of defaNt in ea�;¢�o�ty in whicb any part of the.
<br /> —. -- — Property Is tocated und shai{mafi wpies of sach notlrx tn the manner prescribed by agpllcab�s taw to BorrB�ser an�to
<br />_ — __� lhe at�ter ptr�sosts pr�sesibed by uppl9cu�de law.ARer the ttme regutred by appllcable law,Tr�stee s1�V gt�ve puE1�c notiae
<br /> ' � � af.sate to tha peeaons anc0 in the mnnner prescr[bed by apglIcable taw.Trustee,without demand a��orrower,shaU seil �
<br /> tiae Prpperly al publtc euctton to t6e hl�est i�ldder nt t6e tlme and ptace and under t6e terms desi�aate�iat ttte nottce oi � ' ,
<br />— ----- .s�le Ip one ar mors parce09 ond tn any ordcr Tn�stee determia�.Tnrstee cnay postpone sale of all or a�y ^ ot the
<br /> � Pro�tHy Dy puDltc annonncement at the time aad plaoe af ony Rrevto�isly sched�led s s�le.L e n der ps its�ee may -
<br /> �wrct[�sc Ihc Praper4y ot any sale. ,
<br />:° ��'��"� ionoa sm28 s�so .
<br />—��--=
<br />