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<br /> , TQtiE3'HER WPCH all the impresveme�ts aow or he�9•er etaxed on the properry.ahd AI!�e�!ip^tc�aPPurteaances�amd , -
<br /> � fixtures rtaw or hereaRer a,part of the pmQ�ty. A!i reptacements and additloas shall atso 6e �ove�d by ihis Securiry`
<br /> instnvmenL AI!of the foregoing is t�fe�red to in t6fs Sec�uity Iasttaatent as the°Pmperty.' - _
<br /> � BORAOWER COVEN�INTS tbat Borrmwes is laWfuliy seise4 of die estctt�hereby conveyed and Uas ttie rigttt ta�t and -
<br /> . oomrey t�e PraPerty aad tl�at the Praperty is uaeusutnisere�.exc�rt fo�en�um6aaaces of recanl.�orm�rer waaantts and will , _
<br /> defend geaerelIy the 6de to the Prope�y against all claims ar.d demands,subjert to any eacumbrances of cecord. ._
<br /> . TfIIS SECURITY INS7'itUMENT combines omform cavenaufs for national use and nnn-uniform cbveaants with limited _
<br /> � ' variadons by jurisd'iccion to canstitute a uaifdtar secufsty instrument sovering real pmperty. � � _
<br /> UNTFQRAtl COVENAIeiTS.Bomuwer aad L.eader ooveat�nt and agree srs folluws:
<br /> S. Naymeut�of PMmc3pai ead Inier�Pregay�aent end Late Charges Eoaower s6all.F�mP�Y Fay when due the •
<br /> principal of and inter�st on the debt evldenced by the I�bte and auy prepayment and late chat�es daeunder t6�e Note. �
<br /> 2.Funds for Tases aad Ins�aa�. Subjea W applicable law or to a writtea waiver by Lender.Borrawer shall pay to
<br /> Lender on the day montiilY�yments aze�f¢e under the Note,until the Note is pa�ia foll,a sam('F�ads"�for.(a)Y�Y�� ..
<br /> aad ass�ssme�s wluch may ait�a priority over tmis Se�.vrity Iastnuneat as a ilen on the Peoperty; (b)yeazly Ieasehold payments .
<br /> � ar gmund reais an tiae Froperty,if any;(o)Year1Y haratd or pmperty inswrance premiums;(d)yea.rly ttood insaiance premiums.' , _
<br /> � if any:(e)Yeasly mortgage instuance premiums,if any:and(�ai►Y sums Payable hy Barrawer to Lender, in ar.�danoa witD �
<br /> . the provisioas of paragrap�8,in lieu of the pay�ent uf mortgage iiismance premiams.�'hese iterns are called"Escrnw Items.'
<br /> • .�.:endes may.at enY time,caLe�x and hold Fwads:in an�amoum noi to exceed the masimum amaunt a le.nder foz a f�deially
<br /> . ..::i�ted mrntgage laan may reqnire for Sorrower's escrow aagccaunt un�er the federal Real Estate Setttement Procednres Ace of
<br /> . .�;,';``�'974 as affiended fmm time w time, 1Z U.S.C_ Sectlon 26U1 et seq. (°RFSPA°),anless annther law tl�at applies to the Punds
<br /> ...��'`:. .sets:al tesser_au�ount.If so.�Leader may,.et aaY.�me�collea ahd.hoId Fimds m an amount aat oo�xcee�l d�tesser amouYU.
<br /> . Lender n�y estimate the amount af Funds due on t6e basis of cumnt data ead reasonab2e estimates of eapenditures pf futut�2
<br /> Escm�r Items orothe�ovise in accurdanc�with agplicabte Iazv. � � ' '
<br /> T6e Fuads st�aall 6e hetd [n an:;�:..�tudon Arhose degosits are insured by a f�deral ageucy, instcumentality, ar�entity� .
<br /> (ir�clud'mg L�ender.if Lende,r is sucb�i'in..+�u�':�n)or in a�r E�etal Home Loan Bank.Lender shaU apply the Ftutds to.pay tiie �
<br /> Essmw Itemg.Lender may aot charge Fw�r;vJ�fbr holding and aPPIY�g tde Funds,.anatialty a�talyQing.ths es�crow acaa�mt,or .
<br /> verifjring the Fscrow Items,untess Lendei paj;s�3errower isuerest on the Fands and applica6le!aw permits I�nder to make su+ch
<br /> ..�a.�charge.However,L,�rider may�nire Bormwer ta pay a�one�ime ebarge for au iadependent real estate tan r�por6nS sen►ice �
<br />, ;.�'u�8y Leader tn cannection arith this loan,•unless applica6le taw provides othenvise. Unt�ss an agseement'is.made er
<br /> ���icable law neqaires imerest to 6e paid,Lencter shaU not be reqnired to pay Bomnwer aay interest or easniags on,tha Fuads.
<br /> .., . . ,Borrower and I.ender may agreE in wjiting. however,thai interest shall be paid on the Funds.I.ender shall give w Borro�i�i'>. '
<br /> �rithaut c�aarge,aa annuaL accowuing oF the Funds,showing credits and debits 30 lthe Fun�s sAd the puipose for;arluc�� •
<br /> � ' �:.•r,�it to th�Funds cvas made.The Funds�a�pledged as additional security for a]I sums s�by tt�is Se�curity lnswmeni. �`
<br /> �.. '' If the Fands held by Lender exa�ed the amounts germiued to b+e held by applicable law.Lestder st�atl account co Borrower ,
<br /> �or the excess Fuuds in arcordance wiW the requlrements of app2icable taa�.If the amoont of ttse Funds held 6y�nder at aay
<br /> time'is Qot sufFctent to pay tUe.Escrow itetns v�hea dae,Lender may so notify Barrower in writing,and,in su�case Btlrtower
<br /> shaU payr to I.eader the amount necessary to make up t6e deficiency. Bonower eha11 maYce up the defccieney in rt�mote t�an
<br /> . �cwelve montlily paymer►ts,at Lender's sote d�scretion. •
<br /> —_ _._:i,I�n,��u-:�t i�f�!! e€,a�sums se�s��hy this S?r*s�_+y L*��t�ment,l.erder shall promptly refi�nd�4�.Borrawer�y _
<br /> � _ - .��- �i;uds heid by I.en�er.If,.sn�xs Qaragzaph 21,I.ender shall atquire or seB the Property.Lender.pripa.i,�the d:�uisitton or sate ;
<br /> � � o�the Propec[y�.slfall a�rl.y,•����unds keld by Lender a!the time of aa�ujsition or sale as a cie��i�iias't;t��sdnns secura�Tci
<br /> _ . this Sccvrity I�:.�acument. . � ,� � .
<br /> 3:A�p1Ic�t:on of Fa�ts.iJntess applicnbIo taw provides othetwise.all paymenta received by t+en��+�ar paragr�ph9
<br /> ' I'and�s�all be applle�l:firsf,to'any prepaytrtea�t charges due under the Note;seoond,w amounts puy$bte um;'er paragraph Z; .�
<br /> . tbiM�tfl interest Gue;fourth,to principal d�e;�and tast,to arry tate ctuuges dae under the Note. ' � �
<br /> . 4.Cha�e�,Liens.Bonower shall pay all taxes.assessments. charges,fines and impositions attributable to the I�roperty
<br /> which may attain pr3ority over ihis Sscurity Insttumem, artd leasehold paymenta or gronnd t�ats.if any. Borrocver sha16 pay ,'
<br /> . Wese oblig�tions in We manaer proyided in paragaph 2,or if not pa�d in.that manner,Botrower.shall pay them on time directly �
<br /> to the person�iwed payraent.Borrower ahal[prornptly fum3sh to l.ecder al}not�res of amounts to be paid uader this parngtnph. .
<br /> If 8oreower.makes tfiese paymenta directty.Borrower shall pmmpdy fumish to Lendes rece9pts evidencing ti�e payments. .
<br /> Borrower sha91 prompily dissharge arry lien which has prioriry a�er tdis Security Iasmiment ualess Bor{ower..{a)a�c.5 un ,
<br /> writ�ng to the payment of the obligatiun 3ecurad by the lien in a maas:�s acceptab2e to Lender.(b)contestn in good faitb the 1•.v,�n
<br /> � � 6y, os defr.nds against enforcement of che lien in, 1ega1 pmceeGings wtuch in the LRnQer's opinion operate to prevem the
<br /> • enfarcement of the lien;o�(c)secures from tlte ho�der of the 13en an agreement sutisfactory to Lender sabprdinating the lien w
<br /> ' Uii,v Security Instnunent.If L.ender deteratines that any part of the Praperty is se►bject to a{icn wIuc#�may nttain prioriry ovcr �-
<br /> this Security iast�ment,Lender may give Eoao«�er a notice idcndfying the lien.Borrow�r shs!t.satisfy the lien or talce one or •
<br /> mora of the zr�tiqns set forth atiq�a within t0 days of the giving uf not'soe. . :;..
<br /> • � � . . � Fartn 80�8 fF/30 '
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