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<br /> < TOLiETHER�VTFH all the isagroveatents nuv�or her�te�e[e��d on the property.aitd all easem�ats.appurtenauc�es,arul =
<br /> fixtures ttow or here�R�r a part af the prape:ty. All replace�ents aad additians shalI aiso be cove�d 6y this SacurIty _
<br /> � Instcumeai.All of the foregaing is cefemed to in this Security Iasavment as the"�raperty►•"
<br /> BOP.FtOWER C�V�PlA1+I'I'S tf�at Hmzower 3s lawfnlly seised af the estace herehy'oonveyed ansi 6as ihe rtght to grant aad ,
<br /> . oorney the PtogertY�d tfizt the Property is amgu,cumb�red,except fos encumbraaces af rerord.•Borrower war�ants and�vill —
<br /> defend geaerally th$6de to t�e Pco�ertY ag�inst a11 ctaims anii demands.subject to any encumbtanc�es of recoril. . _
<br /> THIS SECiT[i1TY I�1S17i[3A+i�Ff'coa�binrs unifo�oovenants for national use ar�non-unifqrm covenants with lfmited , --
<br /> variati0nsby jt�sissditxioa[o oot�stituYe a�tpifomi sCC'u�ity i� rment oovering real ptOpe�Y• ' , . _
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bar�awer and LenBer ao�rQnant and agree as foltows: whea due tlie '.
<br /> 1..Paptneat of Priaeipa� aad Inter� �lrepaYmeat aad Late C1�es-Bormwer sBall promptty pay
<br /> � prIncipal of ecd interest on the debt evideuced by ttie Nate and anp P�ePuYment aad tate chatges due eiader thg Note. ,
<br /> . 2.Fimdst[as'Fas�ans�IastaraIIOe..Subject to applicabie taa or to a ariu�n waiver by L�der,8orrower shall pay w .
<br /> Ieader on t6e day uuanthIy payment�are dne undet t6e Note,uaril the I�Qote is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for.(a)YeaztY�x�s
<br /> � ��ss�nents whic�may auain prtority over this Securi¢Y lnssrume.nt as a liea aa thc FropertY;,(b)yearlY leasehold paymenis
<br /> or gronnsl re�is on the Ptuperty.if any;(e)YeartY b�d or pmperty insuranc�gremiums:(d)Yeariy flood insarance premiums. ,
<br /> if any;.(el Y��Y�gaF,e insnrnnce psemiums,if any;aad(fl�Y�PaYab2e by Borrawer w Ieuder.in aecordance vrith
<br /> the pmvisions of paragrapti 8.ut lien of the PaYmem of martgage insurarsse PrPUtiums.These items are calted"Escmw Items.°
<br /> Le�der may. at saY t�e+colled and_hold Fun�s in an amount aot to exceed the maxlmum amnunt a tender for a fedeialty.
<br /> r�lated mortgage laan may te�uire for'.Bomnwet's escrow accaunt imder the federal RPai Fstate Settlement.Proa�ui�s Act of
<br /> 1974 as amendeA from time to tia�, 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et s�ri-(°RESPA"?,unless another levv that applies to tRe Funds
<br /> .:�;:'.::sets a tcsser amount,,.�;���.eader may. at azry ti�.coltect aad hoid Famis va a�aznoum not to exceed.tha lesser amaunt.
<br />-� . ;°:�. .. ' .��ouat of Ftmds�+due offi.2he basis of c�r•nt dara aca�.`r.�sonable.estimates uf�im..
<br /> � �Lender reay:estimate t#���n . ,.. ;: .` ;,- res of fam�e
<br /> . �. :'_i3scruw�g:ps or oihetwise m accondance vvish applicable law. ,.,;,r• . , `�� .;`<.: • . ��� ��ry . .
<br /> � `1,"�y'�: �,I�ds shall be fleld "ui an nnsatuteon whax depos�ifci°.•insared by$f��s��S'• °x:. •
<br /> `�•'�mdr��.��y if�.ender is sucb an�lr�stitution)ar�ia any F�`.�me Loan$�ak.LeucS.�s�all a�pi,�r the Faads'ta 8aY the
<br /> ����:,��.::., 1 n theFu►nds,anmisltyan�ailrivag'�te�crov�'•acoouIIt,or ,
<br /> , .�aiv It�. Lender may aoi cbarge Burmwer f�nr hotdmg�il.i�s'�t! g �render ta ma1�su,s�
<br /> �'`:.�er��ll�eg th•.Escrow Items,unle�ss�PaYs Borrawer intert�s•.tx.--�,.uhe Funds anQ appticable law permits�
<br />- ;;�a Ct�t`ge��a�r�ver I.eBder maY Te��$orrower to pay a one�ai�'d�arge for�iadepean��.a'ea�estate rax repos�dag:�ri�
<br />- ��':.'vsed by �c�er in conneroian ��is loan, untess applicabx��3�ar pmvldes otherwise.�:�itr��ss an agreemea�t is �iiRe or
<br />- applicable law tequires�er�st to be paid,Lender shall aoi be teqaired w Pay Borrawer any iutcrest or eamings on the flinds- +�
<br />= Borroaer and Lender may a8ree in writing,however,tf�at interest shall be pai3 on the Funds.Lendes siiall gn+x to B�+rcawe�', .
<br /> cvithout chasge.an asu►ual accounting of the Fands.showing credits aad debits to the Funds and ihe putpoEe for wiric6 each
<br />- . debit to the Fands Nas made.The�wids are p�edged as additional seauitY for all sams seaiied by this Sea�rity Iusuuinen� .
<br />= If the Funds he1Q fiy Lendsr exceed the amnunts permi4trd to be E�e(d by applicabta law,Lendez shall secount to Borrower
<br /> �fos the excess Fimds in aocordanoe with ehe requirements af app'.icable law.If the�nount of tk.Funds 6eld by Lender et any , ,
<br />= tizae is not eufficient to pay the Essrow Item9 when due,l.�nder may sa notify Borrower in writing,aad,in such case Borrower.
<br />_. shall pa�r.to I.ender the Funount n�ary to m�lce ap the,defic�ency. Borrowes stiaU make up the deScieucy in no mo�e than .
<br />- tweSve cawnthlY.Payments.at Lender's sole discretion. , •
<br /> Upon payatent in full of ail sams secured by this 5ecurity Ia�trument, Lender shall pc�mptty reffund to Borrewer any
<br /> Funds heid lry Leader.If.uader paragcaph 21.Lender shaU acquire or sell the Prapem!.1.ender:prior to the soquisitian or sate
<br /> og the�perty.shal!apply�aay Funds hetd by�.ender at the time of a�uisition or sale as a credit agaiast the svms secuned itY
<br /> tt�s Secudry Iasaameat - .
<br /> 3.Applice�lon of P�yn¢e�►ts.Unless applicable law provides othenvise.a�D yayme�ns receiveA 6y I.ender unde�r Qaia�ap2
<br /> .l and 2 shal!6e appiied:first,w any prepayment cbarges due uader tiie Not� second,to amuunts payable under aragrap
<br /> tiiird;to interess due;fourth,to principa]due;and last.to amr tate ci�arges due ander the Nate. .
<br /> 4:Charges,ldens:Borro�ver shall pay all taxes,assessments.charges,hnes ar.d impnsitions amibutable to the PrapertY
<br /> a,6ich may attain priority over this Security Iastru�aeat.aBd teasehold paymeats or ground rents, if any.�orroNer�shall p�y
<br /> these obingz3ions in the manner pYOVided in para�aPb 2,or•if roi paid in that mannQr,lBoaower sSiail pay ttrem on tirae directiy
<br /> to the person owed payment.Borrawer s�all promptly furaish to Lender ell notices of amaunts to be paid under this garaBraPh• ,
<br /> IE Bomower makes these payments directly,Boirow�er shall pr+umpUy fumish to Lender receipts evidencfag the pay�nents. .
<br /> Borro.wer ahall�mpdy disettatge any lien which has priorlty over this Secusity lnsmiment nnl�ss�orrower:(a)agrees in
<br /> wridn;to the payment of the obligation secared by the lien in a mameer acceptabie to Lender;(b)contests in good faith the lien•
<br /> = � by,ar d�fends.against enfarcement af.the lien in. tegal.proaeedings which in the I.endet's opinion.operate to prevent the
<br /> — enforce�ct�t of the tien;or(c)saurea from the holder of the lien an agreement sazisfactury.to 1,ender su6ordinadng t�:lien to
<br /> this Securiry dnstrumerat.if l.ender detemilnes that any part of the Propesty is subjeci to a lien whith inay attain priority over
<br /> this Security Instrument,Lender may give Eorrower a notice identifyin�the lien. Borrower shall sadsfy the lien or talcee one or
<br /> � ' more of the acGons set forth abave witiiln 10 days of the giving of notice. ,
<br /> ;� . • Form 80Z8 91�J�0
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