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<br /> -' 94-+ -]Lt-„'l` ' X. " t_ �_��.'�^^'l�„c" - . � — " .
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<br /> �" ."S¢..� `'(V' Y C i �'�.',�-,
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<br /> �`S.c ' . � � jI - _
<br /> ' . T'�e Fasnds s�hai3 hs tietd in an.insHtudon vrhose de�sits are insured by e federai��dge�nc�.uis���entity , _
<br /> :�: r;�`+, ` �.^IIl�lflj�*LERdCi.ii l.er.Qer is sush fln inssitutiou)or.ia any Federa!Hoa¢e Loatx Bants.Lender s6alt appty the i�uc�ds to pay the
<br /> .�;;;�:,� . �� . _Essraw ite�s.LeaQer may nat cdsz�r�rrawer for floldins and applyin�t�ue Fimds.anaualiy anatyriug t6e escmw acoount,or . �
<br /> �° `f��,`��^,t/ ,verifying Ne Esctow I4et�s.untess Lender pays Sormwer interest on the Fus�s and agplicabte law permits Leader to malce such `
<br /> . ' " a eitarge.However.�ender tnay t�c[uire 8orro�ver to pay a ane-rime chaxge for aa indepeadent rea�estate taz repartin�service
<br /> e
<br /> - ;��..��_.��`..� . , ns� byr Lender in oonnrrtion wixh tt►is toan, cmtess appEirable.ta�r�provides atherar?sa.. Unlcss an ageemeat is caad� or` . �,
<br /> � ' applicable taw mquires incerest to 6e pa[Q Leader�halt�tbe reqarired to pay Bosower any interest ar camings on the Fuads.. �
<br /> t �,` . `< �onower and Leader may agree in writing,0owever.that i�erest shal!@e paid on ttie Fumds. Lersder shall give ta Bor�wer.
<br /> ' - ``'° cvithaa�t ei�.�rge,au aant�l ascounting of the Fitnds,shAwing credits end debits w the Fimds�td the purpase for�vhich each �:.
<br /> , ;, 4: .dsbit to the Funds was�:de.The Funds are ptedged as additia�nai secutitY fos all sums 5ecured by this Secunry Instrument. �:
<br />_ If the Funds heId by Lender exoeed the amdunts peimitted to be hetd by�PPlicabfe law.Lender shall accouat to Borrawer �,
<br /> � '`' for tite exoess Funds in asco:dacas�witD the requirecneats of applic3ble law. If the ainaunt ef the Trurtds held by Lender at any �.
<br /> �,,�-�'�r� • time is not sui�eieni tc�pay the Fscrow Iterus ahen due,�.enQer may 4o no t i f y Enrrowes in writing,add.in such ras�i�nrrower
<br /> � ��� .: . shail pay to�er the�mmt uecessary ta make up the deficiency.Borsower shall make ug the defidency in ao more than �^
<br />'w,�r.. ��:- ;.., twelve monUilY PaYm�nts,at dxader's Sole discretian. �,
<br />_..`�LL:_��N vPon PaYmens in full of all sums secured by e�his 5eruricy insuumens,L�der shall prompUy refuna co Bomowe�any �,
<br /> __�• �: � .t Fus[ds I�etd 6y Leader.If.under paragapt►21,Lender shall acz�uire ot se1}the Praperty.Lender.Prior to t6e acquisition or sale -
<br /> 'f`.;<<;;: `=` of We Pcaperty,shatt applY anY Fu�s.heid ls,y Lender at tlie time of acquisitiam or sate as a ctedit against the sums sec+�red by _
<br /> � 4..: ..
<br />':'�k:����,:il "' 11115 SECi17lt}I�AS�IUItICIIt. � , ,
<br /> - ''--"�`.�� 3.ApplIcattsn og�xym�ts.Unless a�plicahle law pravides olttenuise,al!payments received 6y.te�er under paragraphs -
<br /> ������+ .
<br /> ��� �,., << , I an�.2 shaU 8e appiie�: first.to anY D�Y��es duC urtder tl�ee Note;secaad,tP amouats payable under paragaph 2; -
<br /> :r� ':�. third.ta interest due:fourth,w pr�ucipai due:and tast.w any tate c�ges dae uader the Note. - �_
<br /> , ��r<: •4�'u�ges;7�.teu.s.Borruiver�iatt�ay st�ts,:�,s�se�,�es,fs�s and imgQS':t':ons�2e to e1_te Prope�tsr =
<br />_-s...._. �` which may attain priarity over this Seauity r.,nn;m�„t_,�leasehoid payments oz ground�ents,if any. Borrower shall pay . �,�.
<br />�_�'����� � these obligations nb the manaer provided ia paragrapb 2.or if Qot paid ia that marmer,�4rrawer shafi pay them an time di�tty =
<br />'-..-i:::,:._,_ .. ' . 'W the persoa awed payraea�Bormwer s1�ll promptiy�famisl�to Lender all natices of amauats w be paid wtder this paragiapb. _
<br /> ." , '��. If Borrower malces these Payments direcxlY,Borrawer shall promptty famish to Ixnder receipts evidenciag d�e Payments• . �r_'
<br /> "�� • Botrower shal�piampdy dissharge any liea�duch has prionty over�is Secauity Insdvment unless Bormwer.(a}ag�s in �;
<br /> �f�.��_ .
<br /> mitia g to ttie p a y m e a t of the obfi g a t i on se�ure�by the lien in a manner acceptabie to Lender:(b)contests�a good faith t�e lien �::
<br /> - e
<br /> ulti.�.r..`���:.-� bY,�or defends a,g��-enfora�mem of�th�[ien m, tega! proceedin�s.wlrich in the Lender's opimioa aperate to preven t t he =_
<br /> ., .'." enfoi�aement af the tien;or(c)secares from tbe hotder of the liea an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordmatiag the lien to_ -
<br />-=°=°�'"-�-�,�.`
<br />_�'.�-;�t tlus Seturity Insisumeut. If I�nder dete�that any part of the�cu�tX,ys subjed to a lten which�ay attain priority ocec .
<br /> =��'�:, this Seturiry Iusuament,Leader a�ay give Bosrower a rtotioe identifyi��t6e Gen.Boirower shall satisfy the lien or take one or
<br />��•:.::�;;.: . rriose uf ths actinns bet forth above aritbin t0 days of tite giving of notice.
<br /> .. 5. Ha�r� or I�tvperLy Yr�snsaace. gorrower s�fi keeP t1�e improve�etds aow existiag or hereafter er�on ehe .
<br /> a
<br />•-��,�.'���` • property insnted against tass by fice.Gazards include�a-�-.hin the tenn "extended cove�age"and aay other ha7ards,including,
<br />_-°___ '�'�' -' tIaa�ds ar flaoding.for which Lender requir�s ms�uance.This insuraaoe shall be maintained in the amounts and fos the periods
<br /> _ -_- , that Lend�r requires.The ipsurance carrier gmvidmg the insurance shaii 6e choser!fry&srrower subjecx to Lender's approval
<br />_���� '. wfuch shall not be unz�asonabfy withfletd. If Borrower fails to maintain onverage desccibed above, l.endes may, at.Leader's
<br />,:..�:.R_..� :• .
<br />,_,,�,_;, ,y .'" optiun.oMann covemge to protect Lender's rights in ahe�operty in acoordance with�¢sagraph 7.
<br /> ������, qll insuranoe pouetes anc�reaewats-sball be acce�le to Lender and shall�clnde a standard mortg�,ae�anse. I.ender
<br />• "":'-'_�'�_, sball have the dght to hold the policies and rertt�vals.If Lender requires,Borrawer shail promptly give to Lende�Jl reaelpts of ----
<br /> - - = paid premiums aud tanewa!notices.In the event of toss,Borrowcr shall givs prompt notice to th�mstuauce carrier and Lender.
<br /> --=�_=-==== Lender may mike proof of loss if not made pr�amptly by Borrower. . .�-,...
<br /> -- • Untess�Lendea and Borcower otherwise agree in amting,insuraa�:�uocerds sLaA 6e a�plied W restoration or repair at:(i�t� ..
<br /> -=:,��� property damaged,if the reswiation or regair is economically feasible and Lender's 53curity is aot Iess�ed.If the aE'storad��•
<br /> - _ _= repair u not economicaUy feasible or Lender's s�ty wonld be lessened.the ins�ancc proceeds shaU be apgii�:l tb the sums
<br /> - ==°_= sesured by this Security Insuttment,whetl�er or not ihen due,with any ex�ss paid to�Borrawer. If Barrn��c�'�abandous the
<br /> —_-- Progerty.or dnes not answer within 30 d�ys:a notice�from Leadez that the insunace cazrier has offered to seule a claim,t�?
<br /> Lender,may oollect the iasarance pmce3�i�: .�nder may use the proceeds to repair or restare¢i�Prapes'ty or to pay ��3•
<br /> - --_ -� secvred by tlus Security Instrument,w,a�I:r�uir ma,t tf�n due.�4►e 3Q-day.periad wilj begln wh.^,a t�t;,natice ls given. ' .
<br /> - i,Jnlesg Lender and Borrower c�uscs��;u`��ini�arriting, any applica6on of.praceeds to principal s1�zIL�,ot extead or ,
<br /> post�one the due date of the emnthty�us•a�ati*G��:��to in paragraphs 1 aad Z.ot chaAge the ardount of tih�,�ayrtEents: If
<br /> • andes pa�grapb 21 the Propeny is acqaif�by Lender..Boaower's right to any insarance pofisies end prooeeds�Csvlting from .
<br /> damage to the Fmyerty prtas to the acqa�►shall pass ta L.ender tp tb.�extent of the sums secured hy this Security Insuume.ut
<br /> immedia4ely priot to the soqui.qltion. = .
<br /> 6.Occnpandy,�reservat�on,Maintenence and Protecttoa of tts ir aoperl+l;.�orrower's Yaan Appllra8an;Leasehotds. -
<br /> — Borrower shall accuQy.establish,end use We Property as Boaower's pri�cipal r�ds.,-�ce within siaty days afte,r the execat�an of.
<br /> ___ ttils Secu�ity Insuument and shall co�inue to acc��py the Property as Bonower's principal residence for at least one year after �
<br /> ---__
<br />