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<br /> S� � : _ a+h c.-.� � �S' d- Y •, l . • :' :.}� 'i �.� f l � G� �:
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<br /> �^-'^'(,'�'��t^'u'k� —";`_ . . � . ` ` � .. _ 1 • . r a�� ���� � ..�
<br /> -- . o ' ''.Q.�,�� ' . `i/1GG4g��'�9Y1��70 HiY�R�V 0�0��O�im/1QMtfON16� t.'O� p .
<br /> .. %o£. ,�f� �rti,�W � . . �. �� f . . . , �.,.
<br /> ��`Y �THlS DEEP!C�'�Rt1ST.ts made as at ft►��h.-4�Y af ''��8, `.t8�.all and em�n� =-
<br /> � ' =4�`t4�,`.,f�, tfiq Tri�afor. ` . . • �:
<br /> --:a.• '�,y`. �"�• a�e. , , -117�i8�i81'tA�i �'
<br /> .-�:Y�-,4:��.:°'.,�•�.�. 40�0 1.aebchoA !.n Grand Island�tn'Tr�s�o� or more). �
<br /> whose rtasiitng csddresa da �
<br /> - . . . �°:
<br /> :�. �' ` tha Trus�e. ' � _ �
<br /> • • ',,�`, , O. Box 15�7 Gsand Ielaad, t�E 68802 erein'Trustee and �`
<br /> � - �ttn�s�sai(ing gddress t9p• . �' , �' • �_,
<br /> � �f Q�e Beneflct8ry. Fine Pointa 8an� +
<br /> ti��'+ � .
<br /> `�'�'; `��`•=: `� whose mafltng eddress is 20i5 H 8'roadge.�� Grand Ielend. NE. 68802-i5rd7� (herein"Lender"�
<br /> .�:::.:�:,k:.�s<� .. d:_:
<br /> � ,��y� FOR VAWABLE C6N31DERATfO1V,inctuding Lendefs eutensfon ot credi4 tderdified hereirt�°�el Zarulm a
<br /> .i;.;.���';.;_:�:;,;`�s . ,: �'.
<br /> y�y��' �.`�. , r�l c ?�:rub {har�in"8om,4Wet'.whsther one or more)and the trust t���°~ated. ';
<br /> : +Y�`'�+'�,i �• ''�.Y'�h". , i "'�`�� ,.
<br /> tha;�c�Fpi af al�a�C'Fr is hareby ecknowtedged Tn�stor he��'i*�av6t��r';�7;�5,Uansfera convsys a. �*'�.�L��t`�S
<br /> �; � P:..�'��� 'iF��E�t�dPC�isO�SAl..E.tarthebenetitartdsecurttyct�r.rdtar.coP+dar�sublectmthe�rmsae�c�ur���.�ia�:�►-r�fr,.�s� �'_
<br /> �. 4 c�`� fczf^Jo.a}i�reai PropertY.described es foliow� . . , . " • • .•. . , �." � �-
<br /> 'ri�aaPY�_""'"'-=� . . �
<br /> j�� r,�; : ...,... :� A�I�:�IVIDED OH HALF I�R�S'�.Yr� LOr 3"�°�'��ti� t24f. t�£�T�4TE SUBDZVISI0�1 �
<br /> ' �� _� CITli OF GRAHD ISLAHD. �ttlLl. COUHTY. HE8ItA5I�A•
<br /> f a('f ,� �� .
<br /> ��t, ��� .
<br /> ::,, -,{ ''�+_r�• . =
<br /> �;s.�.•.: -t >.
<br /> ' 's-vy'::i,,�n.l.,:,r.-" * . • . f
<br />_ �• _a f��"si.r•r�.,'.. . .
<br /> - '-.Y�?.���°:`��`�� � -- Together wtth all pultdings.tmprovementsr Nxtures,streeta altaye,passagewaya sasements,rights.p�Iv�tegea and apputte-
<br /> t°,��' : •
<br /> -.j;:�;�.•�,> r.:: • nance�[ac�ted tfisreon Of tn anywtse pertatntng thereto.artd tAe ro�.iasue�and Pro��.�tana aa�d rer�ainderstheraai,iutd _
<br /> �f�,x�.�`3�, sucA penacrtat properry that is attached to the Impravemerds so as to constitute a tixtute,inctudtng,but not Omtied w;haatlnp and _
<br /> co�lin�equipmen�and togettterw(tt�th�homestead or ma�fie9 tnt�r�sts,if any.whlch inLet�es'tasre Beroby teteased and wettved;atl
<br /> �':�.�.; , of whlch,lnotudtng reptscements and edd�8ons thereto,ta hereby declared to Oe e pat�af the teal eatace aeaur�d by the Itan of t�ts
<br /> ` • '`�'�'�y.y Qeed o1 Trust andsfi ot the taregotng bglnp re?erre6 ro heretn as!ha"Propert�r". ,
<br /> � � . Thta Deed of Tiust ahall secure(a)tAe psymes�t�of the princlpal gum and tntereat oviQenced by a pramlaaont note or credit
<br /> �-"-"�"-'`��`� " y,,,,,,�,� �AtA t nwg_,_, ,havtng a maturi4y daffi of Audu t �Sth 2088 -.
<br /> egreameai dated .� _,. .
<br /> _--- = '"'�'�• tn the odginaf principat art+ount of•� 73.704.02 .and eny end aq modtflcatlonn,c�xtenstons and renewaia
<br /> - thereot or thereto enA any and alt 4uture advancea and readvancea to Barra�rer(or any of them if mQre than one)hereunder
<br /> '' '� pursuant to one or more pram(ssory notes or credit agreementa(herein cailed"lVota'�;(b)the paymant ot othea aur�s advaaced by
<br /> � `' � Lendartoprotect,thssexud4y.oltheNote;(c)theperfortnanceafallcovbnantsandagreernertfsotTrustorsetforthherein;and(�al1
<br /> - preserrt anA f�riure tndeCtedness end obliga8ons of Banower(or any ot them tf moro than one)to LenQer whather direcL indtrect
<br /> � ebsotute or contingent m�d wl�ether ariaing by�ote.guaranty.averdrnft or otherwise.The No;R 9hts Qeed of Yrust and eny end ail
<br /> xeeutedinconrtecUonthorewith,IrtctuQtn withoutiimimttonguerantees.secudty
<br /> N te ar otherwtsae 8
<br /> t ecucetRe C
<br /> ot�erd cuenbtha s
<br /> 0
<br /> P
<br /> ,.
<br /> � �.. • �gr�ements and assig�ments af leases an�rents,a�all De roterred to herein as the Lcan Dacumanta.
<br /> �A _= Trustor cavertanb and egrees with Lendsr as toltow� .
<br /> __--�<� t,p�y�n�nt af tnQ�bt�drtasf.AY inQe�tednoss aecured hereby ahall bs paid when du0. •
<br /> �.�.�;�: � 2 Tfti�.Trustor is the ownar of tho Properly,has the righe and authority to canvej Yne Property,and waaants$fat the lten
<br /> created hereby ts a flrst and pdor Iten on the Property,except tor Iisns an�encumbr�nbes ssi 4ors�o�y TrusWr in wri�ng ared
<br /> °- _==--_- delivaredto Len�sr0efora executlon ofthfs Deed otTrust,andthe exeeutlon and deltvery oithis Oeed d3'�-,�atdoea notvlolatesny . . _
<br /> - c�r�ct or athet abligaUon t��vtstch Trustor ts subje�t � '
<br /> 3.t�n.As�ea�S.�'2+�9y before Qeiirtquency atl r�x�9,apeelal assessments ars�tati other charges agains4ttae Property
<br /> �ow ar hereafter i�viec3. .. . , ,
<br /> - - - • 4.tn�urar�cs:7lokeeA�eWfopeRytnsuredagalnaldama��yfire,hazardstnefudedv4lthintAetertn"extendedc+�*�:ago:ar.d .
<br /> � - � auch other haza:�aa Lersder tr.ey requlre,in amount�and with campsnfes acceAteble to Lender,naming LsnQoras ariad8i�onat •
<br /> - - - nam�4 InsureO.with loss payabte tv the LenQer.in caae of tcss under such paliciea,fhe Lender ls authorized tb adjus�coitect anA
<br /> cau�r�;amise.aiI cialms thereunderand sha11 havetheoptton a�ap�ftying aIl or partolthe lnsurance prcceeQs mta anyir,�ebt�dnese
<br /> :�:��dherebyandinsucborderasLendermaydetetmine,�A�2otiheTruatortobeusedtortherepatr+orr�storaUOn�9L?��Properly -
<br /> - -== crr(�37toranyotrierpurposeorab1ectaatl�tacterytolsnder�utaftecUngthelleno4thtaCeedofTrusttorlHetullernoci:Rsecured.
<br /> = tssraby'betore 8uch p�yment sver took ptace.My applfcatton ot proceeda W lndebtedness ahab not�nd or pos�rte the du�. . .
<br /> �. Qate of atry paymenm under the�tote,or cure any delault thereundeT or horeunder. • �
<br /> - _ �W�� 5. E�ctonr.Upon wdtten demand by Lendar.Truator s�all pay to i,.enQer,in auch mannes ao Ler,�rmay dssiga�ate,sufflclen!
<br /> oumsto enabte Lender to pay asthey bacome due one or moreolthefoitowing:(n ail fax�,assessm8n13 and othorc7a:r$esagatn�Yt
<br /> -=-�����'� �Praperty.pf)the premiums on the property insurence reqatred he�eunder,and(Ui)�*r�premtuma on any mortg�3 inauranee
<br /> -=---'� re�uired by Lender. �
<br /> � 8. Mfinbnana�,R�p�trs and Comallanc�w!!�Lac�s.Tnrator shali keeD�►e Properiy�n gaod canQltlon eas!rapalr,ahg'f::•
<br /> _h �; promptty repair.or reptace any tmprovement whlch may�e Aamage0 or destroyed;shall nW cammit o�permit arry waste�
<br /> Qeteriorarian oi the Property;eAatl not remave.demoiish ar su�st�nUatty efter any o!the tmpravements on the Proportyr ahall rtot
<br /> j������s�.� aamm(tsutferorpemtitenyacttobedortetnoruponthepropertylnvloteUanofenylaw.ordlnance.orregutaUom,andehsllpay8nd
<br /> -- —,��, promptty dlacharge at Truato►'s cost ana expense all Itens,encumbr�nce9 end chargea levted.Imposed or aasess�asalnat the
<br /> �- {�::.�,: ProAerty orany parttneteof.
<br /> ;�•.�•.: Z Fminfn111am�tn:Lendof la horeby asatgned all compensaUon.awards.damsgea and other paymente or retlei(hereinaftar
<br /> �°'�?;�•- • "Procaads'�Inconnoctlonwithcondemnattonorott�ertakingolthePropertyorperttharoof�orforconveyancelnlleuotcondemna-
<br />-�-- ��'•��� tlon.l.�nder ahall be entitted et Ite opUon to commence.eppear In and prosecuUa!n�ta own nnme any actlon or proceedin�s.and� __
<br /> :.::::z:•'�:�i:.�:.t: ;-`
<br /> _ -:�,__.�.Y� shatl ataa be ent(tted to mako any cbenpromtse or eetttement in connectlon wtth sucD fa3eing or damago.ln the event eny poNon of _
<br /> - _ the Property ts so taken or damaged,Lanser shatl have the optton.in its sote and sbsofute discreUon.to eppty ait aucfi Praceed�.
<br /> _ _=`�""'-"'���'� ' � afterQAducUngthereirometl,co9teandexpen�ssincunedbyitinCOnnecUonwithsuchProceeds,uponanyindebtedne3ssacured _
<br /> -�='�`•�.,��,.4 horeby and in aact�orQer as Lendor may dotermine,or to appty all sttcb Proceoda,after euch deducttona.W the restoraUnn o1 the =
<br /> ;�,-Y,. �.
<br />--�- =�z�-=�-; , RropertyuponsuoAcottdtttonsesLendeamaydetennUeArryapplicattonofProceedstotndebteQnessshallnotextendorpost�one
<br /> ����,,...^.:
<br /> � -,.,,y�:�.-.:'�.�:��3� • the due date'ot any pIIyments ur,der thQ Note�or cure eny tJefauN thereunder ot hereunder.My unapyllea funda ehall bo pald 8� _
<br /> , Truator. �-
<br /> s'--° � B.i+i�tarmnsc�by L,�nd�r.l►pon the occurrence o9 an EvQM ot DefauR hereundsr,ar it erry act is taken o►leg�l pr6eoEd:r.g �
<br /> .�`�'''"+"`'`'�'�'" c�menced which mateNelty 9Necb Lortdee's Interestln tha Propory.lsnder may Ia Im own dlacreUon.but wlthoutd�:c�tlon fl�� =
<br /> -� •";�;'; -'.' ,' e�.and without notice to a demand upon trustor and witftout reteastng Trustor irom arry obtigaUon,do arry act whlthTru�h� `
<br /> ._. ." .
<br /> _:,; �=• .�� -.�• �' �graed b�t falta to do and may elso do any other ect It daems neceas�y to protect the aocurity herefll.Trust+or shall,imme6l�7� i=:
<br /> � � upon d�m2nd theretor by I.enser.Rey to Lgnder alt easis art�expens�Ineurred and auma expended iay lsn6ar In e.annECttfln vf� t
<br /> � :;- thbexerclsebyLt�nQerolthgloreguingrighls.toaetherw�ToBntere�tthereanatthe�ds!�.ultratspravtQedlntheNot�i.��ahEhallb� �
<br /> , �, � as1��d to the indei�todnes��ures!horaby. Lender s��a�l no�incuF arty Ilability C�s�vsfl o4 anything it msy da t7 omit to do
<br /> ��,,�{�� �_.. 1 '�'� t�r!n�r. �-
<br /> .,^ - . =. -�: s . - --� I.
<br /> ; � . , �1 ' y � .yl . . �
<br /> �ij'� �� : . . '.:i . '
<br /> ' � ��' . . •t . `.
<br /> . _ 1
<br />_ •. N ` . �.
<br /> n�. • .. . � .1.
<br /> � '• " � ' � ..� .
<br /> •
<br />