��[ :_ . . ; . . �� ;.�r- r ,�-�^ •: =ir� ..� .0 �. ,�r°5 L�"�" ._. . _. . _.
<br /> � :.s:~�.� _-�= .-�;:: u��t�T.rr''�.� �� tx �nu.s.:�'�. -s.�i �-Y�"�i'�'�'t,'�-� `
<br /> .S 1t1a7�_ �.� ��`��71,c�v���i.�� -------- ----
<br /> -- — —. -
<br /> :.. . _. ---�— --. . _ ..._ .__. --- � - --
<br /> - - - - , -- . -- _-- - =g�� �.(IS�!q� F- - -� -
<br /> snbs��ialll'�eqiuva�ent moit,�age i�ce cove�age#s nat evai�abie,�irvv�rer sbalt pay efl�eaGh manth u sum c�to —
<br /> one-tweIRb of�e yearty rnartgage�asardn�premium being paid by Borrower when the insurasiee�veta�e tapst:d or ceas�d to , _ .
<br /> lse ins�-�.ender�vill.a�o�t*.nse.mid x�tain these pay,mmts as a lass reserye in lieti oY raort�e insurunce. Loss rescrve .
<br /> .. paya�nts ma�r�¢o tonger be i�u�d,ax the option of LendeT,�f mcts��e�suranae coire�e(i'D ti�e amaunt nad for lhe'perta!
<br /> that Leatfea reqnires)pxovidbd 6y nn ifisarer approved by�an�er aga�n I�oame�s ava�able aad fs abmineA.&i�'ower sha!!pay
<br /> ' tfie prenuaras required to usa�ntain maz oage�ce in e4�t,ar eo.provide a fass r`es�ve.until th�requIsetnent for mo�tgagc :
<br /> insivance en�s`in aocordance with�ay wriue�agr�°.,.��c aetwec�Sorrbwer�d l�ader o;.aPPlicablc law. .
<br /> 9 IaSpeCtioa.LendeT ar�is agent may,matae reasoaable entri�:s apon and u�speotaons.af tite,Faope�iy. Len�e�s6al�glVe -
<br /> � £arrawes aoti�at the�ime of os prior.to an ins�ecdon s7�cdfyi�ceasonable c�use for thc iaspection. . •. .
<br /> 10.Cond�atfoa.�e'praoe�ds of anyr awar�or claim�or damages.direct or co�entinl:an conaection w�th anp .
<br /> - T��_��„?��°--�^f-a����ha,krisaerty,ar_tot ootnyevsaoe in lisu af�udemn$tio�e�are here6 assI a� `
<br /> - Y��._ ._. _._ _
<br /> sha4l be paid to Yxn¢er. , .
<br /> Ia the ev�t of a totat talang of the�perty.tbe proceeds shall be applied to the sums secur+ed by this$ecuritY In.�um�nt,
<br /> svhether ar nai then due,with any eaoess pa�d.to Hnrmcver. Ia the evet�of a p�rtial�taldng'of ihe Ptoperty iu wht�it dte fair _
<br /> � market valne of th�Pcopeity�nntnediately before tfie Yairing is equal to or greater d�an the a�ount og the sams sec�ed by this.
<br /> �• Securit�Z�rameni i*n►n�t;�Iy before the taking,aaIess Borraurer and Leader atherarise agree in writing,the sums seaued by
<br /> • � this S . �astrument s1ra11 be reduced by the amnunt of the pmoeeds`muttiplied by the foftowing fraction: ta)the tatu! •
<br /> amon�t o�*� �ens secared immediately before ihe taldng,divided by{b)the fatr market vatae af the Pro�erty ima�s�diately
<br /> before the�g•���.i?�t�r�shall be paid to Borrower. tn the ev�nt of�paztial taking of the Propetry in whith the fair
<br /> c�utcet vaiue a��e Propeity�ir�m 'zs.:,�'�Y Defore the tatdng is.�.ss d�an the amflnnt of the sums sectired i�ediatety be£ore the .
<br /> � . �taking,unless Borrower and i,�nd�z�rrawise agree in writ��nx,'�;�s aPpucab2e law otherwise provides,the proceeds shall
<br /> � • be apPfied to ttie�ams secored�bp this.Searrity Inst�umens�+���x�the sums are then due.. : ,
<br /> ._ L�$t e Peo�r is abandaned isy Borrower.or i�z��,:^'�.��.3�2�a to Boa+Q�ver that the condemnor offera m�ce an .
<br /> awurd or settle a etaim for damages,Bo�rower faits ta r�����ender arithin 30 days after t�Ce date.the notice is given.
<br /> Lcmd2r is au4horized to oollect and appIy t6e pmcee�ls,at its crL�;sit�ier,to r+�swratian dt repair of tUe Pmperty oT to the sums
<br /> scr�tred by this 5ewsity In�aent,wbedler ar t�ot then di:� :..• :c :; • • � •
<br /> Untess Leader auc4��r otheiwise agree i�c���-�y application of proceeds to principal shall�naf��xtend or
<br /> . postpone�Bie due daze�f;%�:F�rvbty payments referred ca i� . �phs 1 and 2 or c�ange ths amoum of such paymet►ts: .
<br /> II.Borrower l�t�i2�easedi Forbearano0 By t.e�'�'����VVaiver.F.xtension af the tlme for paymeat or mad�fication
<br /> of emortizacian of che�s secnred by�is S�sy insci�:��aj�bN Leader W aay suocessor in interest of Borrawer shal! .
<br /> not oPerate to release`��Sabitity of the origuial Borrower c*$��wer's succesg�is m intezess.Leader shall not be�uired tv . .
<br /> conun�,mce proc�iags.,�,�any suooessor in uuerest or re��s:'�extend time for paym�rt or othcrwise madify amo�ti�n
<br /> of ttte �uums secured �i` c,'us Se�ntY Instrument by reasdn o€,arry demand made by the arig'�na! Borruwer ar Botrawer's .
<br /> successors in interesc.-';��y forbeaiance by Lendes in exer�ising any right or remedy shall�t be a waiver of or preclude the ,
<br /> caercisc of eny right or'ieri�edy. . ' '
<br /> i2.S�ccessots as�'i Assfgms Baund;Joiat and Several L�ability, Cq�lgness. The�ovenanta and.agreementa of this
<br /> ' Seatrit�►tasuuraeni�'�insI aIId beaefit the succe.gsots and a'sscgas of Lender and Barcower. subjecx E�o the grovis9w�s of
<br /> D�B� !7. Borro�►e¢''�covema�ats and agreementa shall be 3e��,5�.wer31. piny Bosrawer v�ho Co-signs tWs Seaurity
<br /> . rnstnutsent but does nc��xecute the.Nate:fa)is co-signiag 1�'ss:��n�t�;�ii�wneut only to mort ge.giant.and oonvey that
<br /> 8orrawer's imerest in the Prupgrty undes the aerms of this Secr�t;�y�r.s,�(@)is not peisona�y abligateQ ro pay the sums �
<br /> �r+ecurcd by this Secusi�y I�strameni:attd(c)a8rees that Le�==��-'�cr,.`�:��rcc�er�aY agree to extend,mqdifY.fartxu or
<br /> makc nny�ceommodations cvith regard w the terms of this 5a�"s��in�t�..�'t o:;1�:Note anthout that Barrow@x,'s oons�nt. �
<br /> 13.Loan Ch�rBes.If tt�e loan secured by this Secur���t+-�uezt is.s�:�,��.�t m a[aw tvbicb sets maximam loan et�erges. r. . .
<br /> �nd that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or�tc;a�:o�n ch�b=�..s•r.�it�,ed or to he collectec!in connecti,on vnW th�
<br /> tw�n exreed the pem�ittat Gmits,then:(a)anY s�ch laan r���e s�all be rar�t�d;�y ti�amavm necessaiy to r�uce the charge
<br /> � to the permittai limlt:and.(b)aay sums atready collecte�:���3orrower.s�t;�tt ea�ceed��ieeTmitted timits wilt 6e tefunded to
<br /> BoRa�vcs..Lendcr may ciioose xa t� ilus fefilud by t��z:`�the prl�uipal awed yIIdcr the N�ste or by malcing a dlc+ect�
<br /> �•r�emeRt to Borrower. If a r�� reduces principal, ch� c�`,:cuon vnll be,treated 0s a partiat�prapaym�at �nthout anyn
<br /> prep�y��►t charge under fhe Nc�r: , . . �
<br /> 14.Noikes.Any natice to Barrower pravided for in t�s.�nrity I�^'�'u�nent sha116e given by delivering it or by ma,iling
<br /> it b�r tirrt class mail unless appficabie law requires ase of anac'��s m�ttiard.�e iaotice shall be directed to the Prope�ty Address
<br /> ar er►y other addmss Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender stiaall be given by flrst ctass mail to .
<br /> Lenitet's odanes3 stated brsein or any other address Lender designates�by aotioe to Borroiver.Any natice pmvidecl fvr in this
<br /> 5ocutity lnsttument sha11 be deemed to have been giveu to Bonower or Lender when given as provided in this para�taph. �
<br /> . 3S.GovemtnR I.i�r. S�Dility. 7`his Secvriry Ipsuumenc shall be govemod b federal law and o� law of the
<br /> �r
<br /> � � jurlsdIction in whlcA We Prop,eat�r:.a tocated.In the event that any provlsion or.ctause•of 's Securlry Instn�nenf flr the Nate �
<br /> � wnflicts with appttcabie iaw,snc�i c,onflicc siiaH nat affect ottxs�prorisions o�u�i�Seourity instnsmen�or the Note which can be ,
<br /> � givcn effcct without the�ntticxing provisIon:To this end t��L?risians cf t..'`^=s Ssrur;;;ddstrument snd the Note ate decZared
<br /> to bc sevcrwblc.. � � , . � ,: •., �• : �
<br /> aF,i_t��e+nw�s'K(`.nmr.Bottower shtlA�giVen one c�:�c�ed�o:�Y�,sc�e Nv.ie�.��W�s Secx,rlty Instn�ment. �
<br /> 1?.Tr�qsfer ot the Peoperty or a Bene8dal Inte��.�i Eorraw�..lff r.,:.�or an��.-t of the Pedpeny or any interest in it •
<br /> i�sold o:trat�fcnal(or if e beneficial jnteres;.in 8orrower is sflld or trans��ried and S�rrow4r is not a naturaJ person)without '
<br /> Lcnder•�pdor wrlt�en coriseni, Lender may.�t �ts option, c�quire immediate payr^;�:�izt fuli of ati sums secumA hy this
<br /> Sccurity tn�i[um�nl.How�ver,t8is option s�:1 roi be exer�s��y Lender if exercis:as;�.;�.;5ited by federallaw.as of the date �
<br /> �sPthis S�xucity Instrument. �, �,
<br /> IP.Lender exercises thIs aprion,Lender sh;;��give 8orrower nadce of acceleratia��.�'r,e.�ctice shaU pravtde a period of not �
<br /> l�ss than 30 dAys from thc dute the norice is d�ivered or mailed within,��:�.:u^ Br:r���r.^..usE pay a�! sums.secured by this
<br /> SocuritX 1a�trumcnt..lf&�rrower fails to pay these svms prior W the expi���l�:s p�ri�d,�.ender may invake any rem�dies �
<br /> . •� �tmitted by this Security Instcument withoat further notice or demand•on Bczrok•er. • .- .
<br /> � 1�. Bu►row�er'� RI�t to Retagtate. If:�nrrower ineets certain condiuoss, �+rr�.�,er shall have the right to have
<br /> enforeetr�nt csf Ihis Seci�r�ty instrumes�t discoatinued at any:rime prior to the earliex ra: Qa)5 days(or such other peripd as
<br /> applir�biC luw map Fpccify for�reinsuttement}t�fe�re sa!e c��he Property.pursuant 2�z�y power of sale containeA in this
<br /> �ecurFiy Lulrument;ar(b).entry of a judgment e��'n.^x�;t�is S�:urity Instn�ment.Those condidons�e tBai Borrower:{a)pays
<br /> E.end.F rti�vns w�Eeti then would bc due undex�ss�..��r.;y tnstrument and the Rote as if no ax�?:,iation had occurrad:(b)
<br />_ � • cures any deCcwit of any other eavenants o:agree�:s:�c) pays all expenses incurcctl in enforring t7tis Se�us3ty InsUUment,
<br /> incluGing,huc nnt Iimitcrf ta. reasonable uttome�rs'.f�s:�;:��4C)takes such action as li�c:a may i�casa��ly requi�e ta assure �
<br /> • tt;ai tQa 1lcq uf ihfs Sciurity Instru�rscn� Le�er s ri�;e:s i�r�3�soperty aad Borro«�,s's r��igation to flay the suxns secured by �
<br /> lhi9 Security tnsCt�ment eGall continae unchan�t. 4Jaan reinstatement by Bt�cs-«•:r, ti�is Security i,ashument and'ttse '
<br /> obligatian9 sccural tmrrby ehal)rernaln fulfy effective as iF ro arceIerar�P.�e�.�.*r�.,d.However,this rlght to retnstate shall
<br /> not apply!n tho cus�of nccclerqtton under Qaregraph 17. .
<br /> I4,.Sit11e ot Notei ChAnge Oi Loan Senricer.'�ss n`ote or a partial ini�,rest in �he Note (togeiher with this Secarity �
<br /> Irtstrualcntymay t�e b�tit��nc or nrore limes without prior na:��to Borsower.A sale may�.strIt in a change in the entity(trnown . �
<br /> a9 tl�e"t.�an Scrvlcs►"1 th:it c�ltects monthly payments due�c..°r the Note and this Securcy+Instr�a-�nt.Thera atso may be onG
<br /> ar n�nr�clt,ttigcs�P ihu I.u:ut�crvtccr uavclated ta a sale of the Not�.If there is a change of the E��9ervicer.Borrower wili.b�e
<br /> �iven wri�een a�t[ca�,f Ihe change in aceqnianea with paragrapb 14 ubava and applicab[e law.The ccTMcz will state the nume and . -
<br /> �cidress of�he new l.�an 5crvicer nnd�he address to which payments should be made.The norice wid�also�wntain any 4ther
<br /> i�fi�mt�tlun ecquircd hy tipplisabtc tntiw , . , .
<br /> 20. Ho7Ardot�v 1Ui�stanctw. gntra�ver,sh�il n�t cause or pemtit the presence. use,d.isposal. storage. ot retease af any
<br /> H:iz.�rdaus Subsr,�nccs on or in t4c pr+por�y. Sortawer�shali not do, nor atlow anyone else to do, anything.affecting the
<br /> _ Pm�env Wat i�u�viutufiu�uI�ulv�lvitutbmctttti)E,aw. 'Phe preceding hxo�seniences shall not apply to the presencs.use.or
<br />- etoru�e nn�he�rnpctty�►��snc�li yuantitics aP H�azardous Su6stances thaf are geaerally recognized to be appropriate to-aormai
<br />_ . residential uszs and tu maiqtcnancc of t1�c Property. ' � . .
<br /> oasa a or a Porm 3028 9/90 -
<br />- • ,v.�sq
<br />