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<br /> THYS DEED bF TRUST(°SecuritY �1as�ent")is�ade oa August I7: 1995 • . .�he tt�oi is
<br /> . gi� ,�,� ��,�:��� �.AZiD I�.tISTSN S. ��1N:.$�sband aud fiif� � } �., , ` ,'
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<br /> � (" ,Boi(n$v�r')..'.�elrasteels �IaRSiEST�BAI�NESBASKA, ISATIOI�AI. ASSO�I�,�-�.`. •' , . . . :<`�•-' f `:
<br /> . �� � • . ' .. y � . . :�, . - ,
<br /> ("Trastee"J.'i1�'6aneficqaty.'is ..ITOBIiEST, B�INK �� NATION9I. ASSQE�`ATION ' '�
<br /> . , . . • .. • . � �
<br /> . whic�s:iso�nize4andexisting��a.ader_t.�c�-~�off the �1►ited Sta,�s of A�neiica. .� , . •��� r
<br /> � addr�snis ZQZ:.�sst"Third StxQ��e�;�►s,-��and Isl.aad,'NeDa+�ica 6$801 . �����"�';� �.
<br /> , :; ; . �").Borrovs�er owes Leadet tHe principal.sam oE:::��.
<br /> . . ";`; . '; , . < .
<br /> • ;.,,::., . ;: : � . ' •
<br /> � � �WEI�iTX-0NE `�HdIISAND'1�VE flUNDAEO ANt3 IQO/1Q Duilas�s(U.S.521.5d0.00 :' �' '
<br /> 'lt�is Q�bt is evi,dqnced by Baaower's notQ dated the same datc as this Secarity InsWment(•1Vota"),vuluch.pmVides for
<br /> monthty payYnaeb,•with she ful�Jebt,if noe�eazlier,dne and payaB�`.�.oa gepteaber S s 1999 • . �
<br /> . � .This Saauity lnsuament spau+es to 1 endet:�&�t1��Y#�of t6e de6�c evidevood by 1�se Note,wItb�terest+aM a1E�aewat,�:,`;;
<br /> c�sions and morlifr,ttions of the Note: (b)t1�e PaYm�nt of all athct suass,with i�urest, adrranoad under p�taSr�81�7 to� ,
<br /> . p�cf:th security of fbis Security Instru�ooent: arsd(c)the Pti�formance of Bo�wer's coVenasts end agie�nenrs: Fur this
<br /> purpose,Bortawer irlevacabIy:grants and oonveys tu Trustc:o. ia tn�,�lith Fov+er o�sa1t.the folIowing�' �
<br /> tw�ted in �. Sall � ' . . . -� : .
<br /> . � . s ::,;,.,;
<br /> Lct� Tea .(�IO). �ack S1oss Ao�cse Couatry C2nb Satoa�.,�ubdivieion, iu �:,City of'Grand ;i�,.�� •
<br /> � �3:iaitd, Hall �ounty. Nebraska. , � '': . ,� �;j,�
<br /> :;�� ;��
<br /> . .. - , , . . `f .. '' ,'`y.:'�:
<br /> , .. ,....
<br /> . /� . . . ' . � - ' .•t' . . � . �:A�'% -
<br /> • � _ � '' , , . .'l��.
<br /> .� afnich has thearl[F�s nf..4310�Saddiehorse Cuur�, G�caad �.rs��and � � . .-. �°"""�. -
<br /> N�btaska , . .. .. ("PcoPertS+Addtr':v�`�: , ' . . .
<br /> 688Q3 E��4�:: .. _ . � ' .
<br /> � 'PO(3BTHER Wi1'H ati the aniprovem��its rww or i�ere�aftea e�aed an the properiY.anA uil easemSnts.apPUte��� �
<br /> li�ctores �ow or hereatttr a part of ti�e plo�erty:. A11 replaoemeenc5:and addiaons ahall atso be,covered i�y ttus Saaus.ty
<br /> ' Instiument»A11 of the foregoia�is rcferrta Un u�this Secaurity Insnument as the'Properiy" .
<br /> � • BO1�tOWER COVENAN'T3 that.Bosrowar is tawfally seFsed of the estate herebyounveyed a►�d 6as the aght to gr�add
<br /> c�cc,vey�he Properiy and et�at the T�roperty is a�encumberad.except foT encum�rances of rxord. $orrower wznants and w�l! �
<br /> deferd gener�lly the t�t1e to the Property agamsE all ctaiins aad demands subja�to any encumbrane�s of record. ..
<br /> .TE�S SF.CURITY INSTRUMENT oombines utifarm oavenants t�or national use and nun uniform oo�eiraritts.witi�limttod
<br /> v�tions by jnrfsdiction to oonstitute a uniform security i�st�ument coveriag mal property ., : _
<br />-- � UMFORM COVENANTS.�a�sower and Lesder covenasi ard agree a.,€olia�o: p when_due tT�e
<br /> 1. Fiyn�mt o[Prindpol and Interest; �repoymtnt auW E.ate Chatges. Borrower shall romptttyhe Nate.
<br /> . principal oi an8 interest an the debt tvidenced by the Tiote and any Drepsiiymtnt end late cliargss due upder,
<br /> $ F�ds tor�'axcs and I�urance•Snbject to applIcable law or to a writfen waiver by Lender,Bormwer shnll p�y to
<br /> � � Lender on thc day monthlY p�,Yrnents are dne nader the Note.until the Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for:(a)yearly texes
<br />- . and assessmeuts whlch may atta3n priority over this Security InstrUment as a lien on ttis Pmperty:(b)yeatly Itasahold Faymenta . .
<br /> _ ' or ground rents on tl�e Fraperc3�.if any�(c)�early Ga�ard or proi�erty irsurance yreminms:�d)Yearly Qood insurance p�miums. '
<br />° � ` �if ar�y:�e)Yeariy martga�e l�suronce pnm�ua�s.if any:ai�d(�anY sums pay.able by Botrower.to Leuder,in ucco�tianee with
<br /> a
<br />=- _•�., the provisions of paragraph 8. ia lien of the guympat of mortgage insuran�e premiums.These items are ratIe�l.°�sctow Items."
<br /> tY1C
<br /> l,.ender cnay.a�arry �ime, ooftect ured hold Funds in an amoum not to exoeed the maximua�amouni a leader for a federaily .
<br /> ° � related mortg�egc toan may re,cluire for$orrower's escraw ascount under the federat Reat Est�te.Settlemeqt Fcocedur�s Acf of� .
<br /> 1974 as amen+ded'from time to tune, 12 U.S.C.Sectioa 2601 et seg.('RESPA").uNe�s another law that�pplies to the Fuads
<br /> �� seis e t�sser nmaunt. if so.Lcnder may. at any time. collect and hold Fands ia an amount not to exoeed the tesser amount.
<br /> � . Lender may estimate the amount of Funds dus on the basis of curcent data and reasonable estim3tes of expenditures of futwe
<br /> . .... .. ��ctovt+Ii��n��r otheewise in ac�rda.�ce wiW appl[�ible 11�w. . �. �
<br /> NEHRASKA-Sinc�to Famity�annt�IKssIFr�Mao�UNiFORM tH9YAUBAEM � Form 30289190
<br />__� �NI�ZPg7HRO YM➢4tORtQ11GEi0fad9•l9191293-9100•(800)991J2Bt v�,�ma • A�end�d6/91• . -
<br /> .� � �
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