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<br /> 9 Has�rdew llfaMdaL.Trhaian ahntt k�the�Araperty in eampttencs�r(t��ti�pltcabte tawa ordlrtanees end raSutsBons'
<br /> relattr;p to tnduatrW fsypie�e ot�vironms�al pro�tton(eoltadtivery roTesre�to harei�a�"EnvironmeMal l8wa'�Tit�ator shalf
<br /> ke�pNeRropertyfr�efrometlsuDsfantesdaem�dto0e�owortoxicunQerenyEmdroa�mentsli.�wa{coUecUvery�eferredt� .
<br /> Aaroin as"Nsrard4us Matartats'�.7ncaD�x Rare9y war►arns and ropresenb t�t,ender thst there are ao Hanandous MatarWs on o►
<br /> �utderth8 PtC�petty.Tnr�o�AerabyaIIree�to Udamnttyand Aold harm[esa 1�ttder.Its Qltectore.otRZe�emptayees endeaents.and
<br /> ��prq�.►succ�sors to Lender's i��w fram ar+id e�aInst atry and atl t�atms,dama,��,+losse�a�nyd��Il�ab�iflRtIes adaing Ir�c�ornneBiJan wtlt�
<br />._._ ' ._.._OtV�Y"��'�'��a�f.��u�•�Qi����t�'�A"�iii�t�l'r�Ri/Y4�'tltV��v�i'�iG'�"___ . .___.
<br /> 10.�nwtt d Rs�.Tru9nor hareby aaslg�to Lsnder tho eenb,tasaas ar�d profits ottha Propetty provided Mat Tniat,ur
<br /> ahal�urstilt�eaccu�renceofen Everrtotl�ul�hereunder.havsUie rl�httocaP.edand�etain sur.R cenb.iasuesand prafi4sastl�ey
<br /> became 6ue artd payabt�Upon U►e accurrenca ot an Event of OatautL Lender may.ei�ser in peraon or by egeaL wi�or�out '
<br /> br[rt�tng any a�tien er proceedtn�,or by a receiver�mppoir�d Dy a court and wiit►QUt regard to t�e adequi��yr oT[b aecu�ity.�Ler
<br /> upanartd taks po�aeastan a1Qre PropeRy.orsr�ppartYhace9l.[n itsown namaorM�ename aftheTnistee.aad doarryacbwh;ch it,
<br /> deemsn�oassaryorde�ira�tetopresetvei�ewatu�marke�bilityorrer►�ilityolNaRroperty.aranypart�reofarin�resttlte�eir� ,.
<br /> tncroaae the laCOme tt�erofrom ar pro+.ect Me aeCUrity Rereot artd.with or wfUtout faktng possessian oi tRe Psopsrt�►.aue tor w
<br /> • oNierwiss coltact Ins�issues and prct�ts tl�ereo�fnctud(n9 thoae ps,pt d¢s and unpaEd.and appry ths aame.te�s cmts and
<br /> ex�enaes olo�ecatton and eoltec�on inctuding attomeyrs'fee�upon any trtdebte�ned s�cured P►are�y.e11 in auch order as Lender ,
<br /> may detem�tne.The entering upon and mking posse�sion at the Froperty.Me coltectTon of such rents.lssuas artd profits and the
<br /> appttoation tAereof as atoresaid.st�all rta!cure or�eraIva any defauft or rtoUr.e Gf Qofeutt hereurcQer or tavaRQatB arty act done In
<br /> � tlf��te�an.�e�tD�tand eDDt ca�on ot tenie.issu�etautp o�arM Trustee d L�ender shatl Daient,�d to exarcit se��iSM
<br /> P���4SO►inaayafthet,am Doqunenborby larru�n oecurranoecTarry EYentof Oetault h�tudir�gwiMoultimftationtix�rf�htto
<br /> exerci�ths power ot sata wrttser.Le�r s cighm and�emedies urtder tMs paragrapn st�atl be cumutanve wlUr.and tn no�ty a .
<br /> fimttttknon.Lecsderadghtsand remedlesunderarrya�ignmeMofieaa�andrerqs�eoardeA a�qair+stttrePrapertyt.Lerxler.Trustee
<br /> �nd Ns tecei��sttali Da liebte to accotait ony.tt�rerts��ecetved.
<br /> ----.- ---- ----11.E�Rs d R�iul1.The follaw[nq shaU eanstfNte an Erertt o?Defa�alt unde►fhIs Oeeta of Truat .. .._ . '
<br /> . . (a)Fafiture b pay any[nsffil(meni o!pdncFpr�or ir�erest o!any athe�sum secured here�y�rhen dt� - - ... .- � ----_- .
<br /> ' (�)AbraecAolqrdefauftuttaeranKpr�vtstac9oontalnedinUteNot�thbEkedofTnastarryottAelasnDocumenb.ovarry
<br /> othe�lieen a encumbrance up�n ttie Prnpe�ty; �
<br /> {c)AwritofexecutionaratiashmentoranysimilarprocesssOfa116eerner�dagafnstTnisWrwhiCt�sAailbeeomeratfenort
<br /> . �e�ope�t a er►7►ParUon a+�rea[cr tnterest theratr� .
<br /> (�There shall be�ted Dy af agafnst T�ustor or Bomower an actian under any presertt ar futur�tedersJ,state ar cther
<br /> at8wte.law ar rego�alicn retati�to bankru�tcy'.[nsoivency or atAe►retief tar debtors or Mere sf�aR he eppotnmd artytr�ae.
<br /> �ecetvCror Ltqufd�tcrETnr�tpror CipROwerotofallorenypartofthe Prope�.�rtri��ents.tssues otpr�2stherea��rTrastar'
<br /> . or Bormwer ahai6�arry gert�uf aa�ignment for the benefd o!creditor�
<br /> (e)Tha�sate►trarts[�.Ies�essignmeritr comeyence ar tuMef encutnb�anc9 ai a�lb ararry Part of or any inter�ififPee �..
<br /> Rraperpj.�ither voltmtarity qr imrolunt�rity.wi�taut the express written coftsent af 6��v:provided fhat Trustcr sin�.t�a'
<br /> permittedt�execute�teasa ofthePrcpeRy�hatdoesnotcantainenoptlontopurchasea:cdthe�nnofwhicbdce�not�L�9ed �
<br /> ona year � .
<br /> . M Abandanment at the Propert�r,or ' �
<br /> (�BTrustortsnotanin4lvidual.Bfetssuaz�a,sale.transfer.asslgnmen�corhreyanceorencumbre�potrtwrethanatatal
<br /> . ot�—per�ent o!(1 a cosporatlon)its iasued and outstaading stack or('d e�actrt�rtttip)a tofa!of percent of
<br /> p�narship ino�est�dtirin�Bie perfa!thls Oead ot Tnui remains a lien on the Property..
<br /> t2 R�I�N�rtfion upon O�u�fn S�e eventotar►y Ev�entot Ogtaultl.er�der may.wlBtaut rtotice excepl8s required Dy
<br /> .taw.dectare all indebtedness seeured hereDy to bs due and payabie end the same shall ifiereupon beeQme dus and payabie .
<br /> ���!I q�C��d��t�t or eo8oe ot erty ktnd Theroat�er Lender may: .
<br /> (a}Oemara!tltat Trustea euercise the PQWER OF SALE�flnS80 hereht Snd Trits�ee aha11�ateatler catt�s Trtnmr's
<br /> tnte�est in fhe Property to be aatd and the praeeds to be dinribvted,at1 in the manner pravlded tn the NebraaAra Tncri Deeds
<br /> I�cC .
<br /> (D?Eaetcbeatryande(ilti�hbpr+cvldediwinartyollhel.aanOocumenbotby(awuponoocur�ofarryErarttWDetiul�
<br /> �(c)Commenceanactiontoforectasethis�dolTtustasamoRQa�ge,opr�otntareceiVer,aapectfis;altyentarceanyoteie
<br /> � �vansnts hereoR � ,
<br /> Na rgcrted'y h�s�in cernerred�on ar r@served to 7s��Uae a�LenRer Is Intended ta be exciu�.iVe of r�ny�er��emedy henein.tn the
<br /> L.om Qa�cumenb o►by ttw provtded csr pemfitted.�tL�t.each aM0 be cumutatiYe.sha116e tn qtQliitvn W ereal►Ott�er remedll 9T�t -
<br /> . i-��-+�..intrnetos► �� aean+�c�:�'�'�r•exfs'�ttigtt,ta9ror�nequtc�►o►glat�dute.�dmrybemrocct�etfoor�curr��tly. ,-
<br /> ind�apendentlYora�,ocm�ivab• � .,. .
<br /> • 79.TruM�.The Tnistee may�gn at a�l ume w�out c8tuse,and t�en6er may st arry Eme and wiBioat csuss appoint a ' -
<br /> aucc�uortxsubstituteTnistee.7N�erhall nothe l#abte W any par[y.tnctudtrgvriShoutlimit�lion lenQer.Borroxrer.TrwM►orarry
<br /> . purchesacaltheRroperry.tararrytosrsardamageurefessduetorockie�sorwUttufmisconduc��ndat�llnot0ere�rGredtatitrearry
<br /> action!tr•t�tfnneCUon with tAe entora+sthent of this�ed of Trast untes�indemniitea,in writlnQ.tor all cost�compKt�albn or
<br /> .espensess whtch msy be�ssoctatad cl�arewiB�tn a�d�tlten.Tne�e may become a purc�aser at arry aate of t!�Property pudic�sl a►
<br /> under tlse pow�sr o9 sale Srantdd Aereln):Postpane the aate o!etl or alry porHOn o!!�e Property.as provtdQd b'Y taMr.ar ea11 fhs
<br /> Prop�Ay a!a whoie�or fn separals parrxds a tab at Tnrsteds dtsere6an.
<br /> . •14.�a�E�Yw�.tn��snt Tru�e�a8s Ih�Propuy ty�s of pqrttir ai�k�,7rt�lss rAYI bs eotiWd b appy
<br /> �nr 8a�e rH«:eeas Rrst m oaymene otan cosb nnd a�penseYOr eaerct�ing a�wer a sate.tnctu�ing.a rruale.�m sesa arw tand�e'. �
<br /> an4Tnisieeaatcame�etee�,actuattylrtcuRadtoextenipertnt8edbyappt(qbt9taw.tnMeevenlBaro�rerorTrusLDrexer�ise�arry•
<br /> 8ght provided by��aw to curoan Event of Oetau�t Lender sRat1 be entiHe9 to cecaver irom Trtrstor atl co�artd expenses ec�aiy
<br /> incurred a�a rosutt of Tnistof�Eefautt including�riU►out limitatian a1t Trusteea flnd atbmey's tae��o ths exbnl perr;�i9ed by
<br /> agpSitabte t3t�
<br /> 15.�i1dn 1ldrif�cM,11Don�aQ1�5!df 801'rOwt@s.L6tlde►mey.W Iti optiQr4 rEetc9 additi0tta)and tuturo t�aRCSS etf0 ee� .—
<br /> edvancestriBarrower.SucA advanca9and reaQvance�wi8�interest�eceon.snan be secure�l�ythlsQeedolTnuLAtnotimeaBW
<br /> Meprineipalartrountatfhsind�bkQrt�seewedbyMi�OeedofTiusLnotinclu+dir�ad,rtaaav�neaacuproeece�aecurtrydu�[�
<br /> Oeed al Tiust axcee0 the csl�it�al print�pal ameunt s�d Rerain.a S IS.!M.�i ,rrhichever is�ater. .
<br /> t&��ra�o�e� . .
<br /> (a)�QoROwr t�al RaW■�d.E�risiQn eltha tlme tar payment or modi8eatiao of amortiration a1 B�e auma sewrea by t�i� _
<br /> OeeealTrustgrrr�edeYlandertoanyauc�essortntnt�eres�elBerrawetat�e0nasaperamtmreteas�tnaaymanae►.tnotia�itity �_
<br /> otl�e vrlg(nal B�mrer and Borrower'a suuessors in interesi�rst�il na10e required t4 ea�nmence p►ooeedings again� =
<br /> sudesue��ssctarre(t�s,sa�¢�end�a.etarpiy�s,erttarcrt��acisem�dityatt;artiz�onal�esuzn9s�uredbytnfs0eedolTrust —
<br /> . try raasa�oY enyr d�n�nds tnaGe 6y Me eriqinal Bomiwe►flr�d Borrower's suecessot8 tn tnte�est . =:
<br /> ED)L�ed��Pp�wra VY'�tho�attecting tt�IilbEliT/018ny CRttet psiaan li�as[Or tlte payt�nt af irty o�R M[!in
<br /> mer�oneQendwit�oata�eetingti�elIenorcl►arg�eoltAisQeedalTrustupanenypartionaYtl►aProQe�ryRntthenarB�er�fora �'
<br /> �naseA�aeet�yPortlsettt4lm0urnot8(lunpeid�oEtig9Dans.Lendettr,ay.framtime�Dtim9andwithatdeC�se(7tE�atSSlny ��'
<br /> perso»soriante�u exLertdBtematuriryoratceralsyefthemrmsotarrysuehealigatiarts.f�)B�attuerisdurgertces�('�teiease
<br /> or�ecartvey.ar�sa tn ba�SeaseO or�m�ayed et arry tirate at lere�'s aaLOn ar�►P��b po�an es al et�e Riape�ty. .
<br /> t-S�ra r-��s,��sn;�a�aG�:;n-u��c.�r tar a�►y�Reree.�ar ivi��e r�ns ar u�
<br /> efrartgemerts�eiith ds�tnrs in re►aLon tfter�a . ;� �,
<br /> 4
<br />