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[',-• . <br /> . < � by this 5�curity Tas�rum2fK.If�ocraa��r fails to�y tbsse sums�prlor to the e�ua4�an af tY�is period.Lender may iavnke � . � � ? <br /> ' � . � • , ' amy reme�es germitted� tbLa Sxurity iasttumeat witt�qut furthei ao4ioe ar demand na Bormwpr. . < . ` <br /> � 1��.Boira��'s�to iielastatc. tf Bonower meets c�rtaia otanditians,Bosrawer sh�l!hava,tha righi,tn[sava �: <br /> � . � . enforcem�nt�f tbLs Security inc�ume�discontinued at any time prior to ttse earlder oF(a)S daYs(ar sucb other pe�iad�s . j ` <br /> , ` � . apptIcab2a Isw may sreclfy for t�eia�te�sent)laefoza sala of the Property putsaaIIt to amY pawer o�r stle caniaiaed in shis , . <br /> • • Secarit�r Inshum�nt:or Eb1 ea�►of a jad ��enfo�rcin8 tipis S� 'ty i,�..,���l�a R�ac*__�c�e1��n�sd-:_-__ — - — " - <br /> - ---- �-- _ -- �ia.}�°...�r.l3-�-��a-���_..--_...-i°�t1r's�i�- . . <br /> . � . �c�wmad; (b) �aues a�Y defautt of a�r otHer co'veaaatg or ag�ement� (c)RaYs all��spemses incurred ta e�a�fng tbes � , , <br /> -� - ' :_ � : . S�udtp Inshu�t�t. imfud3ng.but aot limited to.�asaaa6te ettoraeys' fees; ansi(�I}4akes such action ea Lea�er�ay . ' - - <br /> __ �( . . - - � t+easflna6ly t�ui�t�assuse tI�at tlse tien of tbis Secu�iry tast�amea�'I.endes's re�ts in tf�e Fr�serty ar�!Sormtlea's , . . - -- <br /> obl�gation to�sy 6is sums secured by tbis Security[as�rume�d�U conSiaas unci�g�d.Upua ceinstateaaeai by B�mwer,., <br /> , � this Security Ins�n't aad tha o6fig�tioas�herehy s�ll r�in fiiUy effective ses if t�o acce2eratiaa had oocumed. _ . . <br /> . t Howaver.tbis right w teinstate st�al!nntap�1y i�t�te r.bse of accelention tmder b 17. • . ' ` . <br />_ , 19 Spte o[l�Iot�Ch�a�e of Loan 5ee'vie�. 'It�e Note vr a al inte�est�a Note(tog��er with this Security <br />_ : .t . IIIStr�ent)ma�be so2d ona or mora times without prior aotice w�nawer.A sale may result in a ct�age in the entity ��1i� . , <br /> . ` (icuuwn as t$e lmn Senlicer')tLai coiiects taonthty payments dna ander the Note and this Sec;u�ity Ins4mmen�'lhere . • <br /> • also may ba oae or moie chaages of the l�oan Senrices umelaLed m a s�[e of tha Nate. If there is a cLange of ti�Loan . • <br /> � • Senricer.8oriawer wiA i�e given wtiKea uotice of the c�age in accordanee aith pang�p8 14 abova a��ppticxb�e lavv., , <br /> t ' �t�o�otice will state ctta mime�ss of tbe aetY Iuan serncer iwd tha aaaress to wtuch pay�eMs sL�ncd 6e ma�ie.. . . . . . <br /> • ` . ' �natice wW si�o conmin any ot�r i�rmsten�raqu�red bY�PPlic�ab2e l�p � : � or re2ease of , - ..�-. _ _ _ _- . <br /> P? � <br /> ' ?A.�ard�nns SobstAnaes: Borrower sbatt not cavsa or permit tbe �sea�e.ase.disposa9, , . <br /> _Y. � ' . .. , ,. . . any Huu�Sabstanoes on or ia the Fres�erty'-BoimKrer ahsU mt aa, sor xllaw attyone eLse to do,snY�B���8 ' .- . : <br /> _ � . . tha Pmperty tbat is in violation af any Eavua�rm�eatu�Lzw.�e preoadiag two sent�es sl�ll not�pply to tHa p�resence. . <br /> � . � • use,ar storsge aa the Pr�ferty of ss�ll cnaantitI�s of Ha�us S�thst ara geaeialty iecog�to b8 appropriate. : •,•� <br /> � . j . to narmal msidentiil c�s ans!w m�inteaince of t�a Prapnrty. , . " lawsait or other�ctiPn 6 ' . �• ,. � . <br /> ._.� "� � . . Batrower r�all PmmptiY 8ive Le�der written nnttce of a�r imr�tigatioa,�1aim.demaud. Y . , . <br /> � os fiavira� _ . . . , <br /> =- ' �Y S�v e n n a�e n t a l a r t e g u L t Q r y�g e t s e y or p r lv�dap�ty�mrolvia g the P t o p e rt y�ustaay I�uat�daos Sab�aac�e _:. ;` <br /> . . � me�W Law of wLicb 8oirower 6�s ectQaf limawledga.- lf Bomawer tearas,or is�a d 6Y�Y So v e m m e a t a l or t+�g u�OiY -" �i: , :._•,.. ,_.. <br /> �. ant�oriiy,tI�at atry iemay�i or ather temedistiaa of any Hrrudous Subsuace af'fec�g�a Prq�ee:ty is sace.ssuy,Botrower .•;.� , `:� . <br /> i .. ,,.., � <br /> � :�;:;�• , <br /> . � • �P�F�Y t a�e a llneces�ry re m e d i u l a c t i o a s i a a c c o r d a n c s wlth fimdro�neatal Lsw. � � . . .�:... ; <br /> . : As a�d m tflis j w t a g i a p 6 20.'H�TSrdaus SWbstaaces'are @iose sabswace.s de8aed as uuaic as'l�uNous subst�aoes. �:::� <br /> . '� by Envimnmeadi�[iw and tba�smaces: gas�oiine.temser�,o8ier flamma6le or Wxic petroteum pmducts. . � "r_ _ <br /> . toxta pesticides ais�&e�tcides.volatite satvents.materiats ca asbestos or fomnaid�yd�aad rndiar.tiva�iterisls� __. . ":';::`�F;.. <br /> � , • As ased'ua�ris�ua�2�.'kmIronme�a!Law"meaa4�ws aad laws of the,�t�irisd�'ction wLeta�e Property is . . I <br /> .. ta��.t�ri�'aZ.ts� ,s�e�ty or emirnmmentaip�taetan. -,;, • !� �'E � : <br /> � � ;!�oh.i,Ifa�Covraw.�rts.BoTrawe;aad Le�er fwther coveaatd and�ee ss followa � t�� .t. <br /> .,.` $� A�a t i o n;R e m e d�. L e a�e r s�a t l g f v e n o t i e e W Barmm�ser p i i o r to aaadaratlatfa�do+�� s _ . ��, , � <br /> ' - . ,. ' ', � � - breach of auy covesaot or�ent ta Wis Setur.�ty In�nme�►c dl�'not ar�ta nced�iuiGmi�ar t7 t ,, - �'< ����` <br /> � � ad� 61e�Txw pmr�s o t h a ti v i s e?..'T h e n�l a e a h�s p�:t$)t h e t;(b?c b e��d t n a e+e t l�e� . . ��� . <br /> . .. . . c�iWN c)4 date,nat[es�,(�aa 3Q days from tLe date t�se�+ot[ae is given ta$on�oweq bY�r Wt m��� ' .� :�. '��` <br /> , :�;�;:;:;;:. c�a;i�d;�nd t�tbat 1'a1lu�na�n aae t6e dd'aWt bn or bd'c�4� speclfkd in f3,r�notiae�y w=ir;,. , � : , <br /> . � . <br /> �` , � ,.�t��.`:`, . . of the sums sc�ed Msp tNs Securit9 Titsiromc�at aud s�r�t6e�er.ty.'Fbe t[r�i�s sBaD fmrti�sr infa�ram Boermv�' , '�%%�':;,,i . y i <br /> . � . �^ _ � at the�r t E h c r�.sdastace a t t e:�e k r a t l o n a�a d t h e.r i g 6 c c o b r i e��c:z�n e t��t m a�r c t h e a o a�t a u o e of a � . _._ d <br /> ' � ' • � dePaWt o�a�otbe'dr�'ease of Baraw�to��daaUau s�t t s a l G��t�e d e!'a d t L 4 n o t c u e�d o n o t b e t a r e ffi e.� � . <.� . <br /> �.,;.; ": " � .. in tlre nottc� /.eoder�t itg�ptlon n�ay sequire immedtate p�r m c�t in�fuil of ail sums secured 6�t� .. . ' ; <br /> j '_r. _ ::.,:,r;.. '. _ _ 5�e c�'G�iruo�e�ot vrdtt�aut f u r t h e'd e u�t�d w n d tns��i n Q q�c e f h e powa'Q i s a k s i n d a n y o t�e+r r a t a e t l�@ N'�ltfed b y - — <br /> ,. - — ' . pppik7�fi�e is�d.�aier sa�ii ue au�if�leSi ta �-.v;:ui�u.w�#�"�,cura�ed in pur^��.�.;6 t�:�:::�'�¢:c•�•�a��S , '-� -_ <br /> �u t:.,: <br /> { • . ---.^�,`—,=.--"� �_`�l���� �11[Q0�jI�113fl8�Q���IS'fEl�Y�CAB�B U��f�t E��C`. ,,. '��:�.�._ <br /> � F tBe p��a'of s�e Is im�d,Tn�tee sball t�eaAnd notioe a[defindt In dcb oounlY�i�l w1�ic6 rN P��� „� ' <br /> � • ,��.;'�k',,;;, PNoQeety is�and sb�lf ma�il oop�tes ot such oudoe in�ma� � by bk law tQ Sp�'ru�++a'a�d. . . • .. - <br /> �'' � !.r�, . . •t.'' tu tae otber persons pre.saribed b�,s�pplicaAle isw.Afta !be�stiqidred 6 ��I�va.����a _ . . <br /> � , �tlmol�t. � ��. <br /> .. . ;;,;.:`;:, . ��mf�ie o�sale to tbe pe�aons aud in We iaaa�iee�+rrarrtDed y� Tr+u�ta+ . <br /> . . ��:: . .� ,a6tU seil tGe�ra�art9 at pub�lic At�tton t+n.�l�igAeat Mddd�At tbe��nd pische and uoder li�e tr�n� }� <br /> nd <br /> `� ";.,,;.;, �ia fhe�ot sale fn one aar mone °i�md in a�arddr Tt�s6d�dkta'mines.'tln�tee m�7�� . <br /> . . ,';.,.,.. : ' . �, . . _ <br /> sale�ali nr a�parces of�be�eoPerty Dy publie a�om�et st tLe Bme s�:iplsoe of�P!'�i�d7 . ;` :_„�,�,., <br /> . � � eak..L�nder or Ib d�ree nwY pm�c�t�e�ro�a't7 a��7�- � ' �. ' � . • • - � . <br /> [1pt�re�etpt ot ps,9auent oP thep�ioe bld,frustee shaU de�tv+�'.,tA tht puc+�asa Trustce's dac�aoo�t�tbe -.,� <br /> - � - - . �y. ��e�eitais.ia.idse 3'sa�+�s d�d s�i ix;pe�r.�w�'9t3e��resiQenoe a 1ne i�a�f�e�iw�-de: - ;�, ,- <br /> . .. <br /> .... ^ <br /> - �, •,,{,;'. - :� idt�rein.7fcmtie shall sppiy tiie peoceeda a�t1�e sWc tn the[olbw��ox�drr:fa)w aD r,oets t�nd arpee�es af,�x�=--.. �','� - . ±�s`R'. _ <br /> i '� , . . . .r; <br />_• � � - . . • . � � , . • .� . � - � � - .. . . � � 'j�`,},�r <br /> . ' . , ftl1SG�2Q �/��QO�O��� ' . . - ':ii;!:� <br /> . . . .� . .. ' . . . • , Ip;cii . <br /> � , r.�nca�s srsTp��tnta:Ol(t•lOa977•2Y411 iORM M9i'�tNt 1B/91 , . . •• . <br /> . . . ,•�t�s:1t� . <br /> . • . . . . i x�.i <br /> . • . . _ - ' :,;�,':;.1.: . <br /> . , . , , . ., , . .� ' , '3��. <br /> _ , . , , •,;- <br /> _�" . . . ;,s�: <br /> . y�:.��' <br /> . .. - . - ' . , ' � ' (��'�, <br /> . . . 1 . . • . . . . <br /> � ..��� ' . • . • ' . . 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