�_ .�...:_�4 — - _—___ . ,.�-.-.�-� . . . . . . -
<br /> � ... �_:c__:__ . . :� � . . .. �� i�'.- � .E., � —� _
<br />._'� `.-•+, . � , . . __ . { �, . . -' - .. .- __ ' ....- � , ._ -- . .' . . ' ' . _�.�'� -
<br /> -_. .' --- �-r. - „ —` '_ }�� " — �.. ?__ `A._r �^_�3.—` � ____ t _ _ . �.. a<(..,..,.. . ° �t.�_r = < - -c _
<br /> , . . ."i ' �` ..- �.`_ _., r>�...�_�. _ .. �', .. .� . .`. . _ _..._' _'._. • _ . . , ', —.•- ` , ' � � . � x � ` . '�. ,
<br /> ` ,t� � . . . 7 ,.'� . � . . .. ' � • ' � � . . . ' , � ' . - . . � ,. �.� • _.
<br /> ._ . , � .. � . . � .. � . .. ..�n_. �i��������. . . . ' ,_ �`, .
<br /> �`` . ' . •r. ` . iac�ndimg�oads or IIoading.far whic6 Lknder�quires�.7'dis insur�nse shall he main�it��n��.mnunts�ad . � � � . .
<br /> ;� far the�ertbds t6at Le�der��es.'Itte lttsa�nce cartier pmvidix�tha iasot�tnc��[s�eanseu�y Borsower saDject'to. � • ,• ,, .�2�
<br /> ' , � . L�erider s appmvt�l whicb not ba�om.�soaa6ly withitcld. �E Battmver fails to a�intaan caver�ge described abu�ve., , .
<br /> � . � •Le�nder may,at�er's o�tioa.Q 6 t a I n cnveisgo to pm t e F t L e a d E r's�r�g h t s in t h a�rt y.i n a c a o r d a n c e wltY�Pa�g k a p h . . .
<br /> : � �. . ,s...:;•� �0 t»fQ�_��.�!_i�.tn�_g:�ndxrdmortsa��� - _: - ' .
<br /> - -- - --- - x - -
<br /> ----.—=--_��-�.�.,.• ve tb as --- ,.-, �
<br /> . Lend��s�alt�ve�mS�t��are�tao��ta the�em of�Ho�ao��g�pmmgt�c�e tot�jnsur�nca . '
<br />- - - - "- �1��_ P�F� .r° . • . ' -„ - - --�- -
<br /> _ ` - camsr+a�c!Lender.s•ender may m�ce mof o�toss if aot made F.�P�Y�Y��r• � >� • , � :.
<br /> - � Uai�ss Cxader aad Bart+aurer o�ag�ee ia writing.�astua�ce psa�ads shall be spplied to�estaration or tepai* . • . .
<br /> ne
<br /> . ` . of 8ie Paapeity dawa�e�.if the restatation or tepair is eoo�tIp f�'b2�and L�der's secvaity is•aot lesse�dshaJl be � . . . .
<br /> � • ' r�oin�on os rcpait�s not ecoaomical{p feasiAte o�laader' �rlg►�routd be Iessened.the���*��pmoeeds . .
<br /> `• 's-' ' applied W tha s�s secured bp t�is Seauit�►In.st�-+n*�whether br not thea due.with eali e�Pua W Bortawer.If . � .
<br /> Sotcourer abando�s tite I'mperty.or does not answer witbin 30 days a aoti�e from l�ader tha3.the insm��c�r 6as . :
<br /> s �._ offen�d to sett2e a ciaim.then Leade��ty coltect the ia�atanos Pmceeds.Lender msy ase tha proce�ls to re�air or restan . . ,`�.
<br /> �. the Property or tu pay sums secnre3 by this Security IasUutne�,whdher ar not then due.The 3Q�day pettod w�11 t+e8in , . , .
<br /> : when the nntics isg�veu � � ' ' .
<br /> ' Udess l�nder�ud Barmwer othetwiss agn�e in wtiting.anY lication of pmceeds to p�iacipai sls�ll�ot�ecd or .. -- - `
<br /> -. . �ne tha due date af t1���Iy gsyt�5ei�*s ref�n�d ta in gus�s i axI 2 or einuy�a tha�t„t�a%-r'�'"�-� �' "- - - _ ` :
<br /> . �_ � `.:<,��:'`..
<br /> . u�e r p 6 21 tke Pm p e rt�r is�u�d by Le�er.Ba�r s�rr t to any insoianoa poGoies a�d praoeeds r�suItinB � ;..
<br /> . .�� . � from�to the ProPert9 Fnor to t h a .�uist�on sl�II pss�to�W the ektent of the sams s e�e d by t�i a S e c i u i t p . . , .
<br /> £' • I�nt�y "or tb the acqoo�ismoA;:.;:. . .
<br /> ' ';; � 6. Oaa�ney.�>�MATate�aaese�td�nt��af t�e�lrop�y: �'$La�n Appfic�fian,� • ; -
<br /> .' t-: ` . l,�olt19.Hotms�er shall occuPY.estabfis6, aad ase tha Piope�ty�a Boraower's ptt�Ipil�vviShS�n siary daYs � ,.. „ .': . -
<br /> '..� •�'
<br /> .r �i.. .. . _ after tha ea�on o€this S�.vrig►Ia�men�a�sball ooatirma to occ�upp the Propertp as Borrower s Rriatclga�t+�de�s . ..
<br />- . ._ for at te�t one y�r aRer the d a t e o f occu�scy.o n I e s s L e n d e r o t 6 e c w i x e g c E�s i n w n tt a g,w�c h ca a s e a c sh�ll mt ba' � . --: :;.�_
<br /> � . �" uareaso�bly withheld,or un2ess exteauating cIrcumsmaces e�dst wtuch are beyonrl Borrowar's so�roi.�orrov+r�r shall mt ,. . , .
<br /> - destroy,dt�noge or impa�t tl�e 1'�eriy,aUow the Property w d�tet�orata.or oo�dt a�tste dn the Paapesty.Sorrower . �.
<br />"� ., � sbaU be in default if any►furf�itaie u�on or proceeding,wbetl�er civit or crimlmi,is��that�I�.�nbder��s 8 S�esari , •', . ,�:: �.`.�
<br /> '' *^,� ' . judgment caald r�salt ia forfeituie of dte Praperty or athe:wise materaUy impair Y 18 by , .
<br />- . . It�ament or L'ender's seairity inte�st.Bo�rer msy cuna sach s defautt and reinstate.as Proti►ided ia i�StiPh • _ , �
<br /> ; � causing the�ction or proceeding to be di�with a talIng t�at. ia Lenileer's gaod faith detemaimtIon. precTud�s -�"'�f�"�
<br /> -' ` � fnrfeit�ue of the Bo�ower's interest in the Pmp�rty or other m�ial i?mp�icment of the Uen ec�ated hy tbis�Sesurity ;�, '.� J .
<br /> -_ • � I a s tr u m e n 3 o r l.e n d e r's secuti t y interest.Bonuwer sball aYso i�e in defiult tf Borraa�r;diuin�the toan oppUcatton prockss. . ... r . :. � .
<br /> �' �,�,,, � g a v e m a t e r i a l i y f a t s a o r i n�tt a t e i n f o m a a t i a a o r s m t e m e a t s w Lender{or faii�w p mvtde L e n d er w i t� any m a t�i a l� _ ,, ,:
<br /> ' ;, , iafor�un)�n soa�ction withi t�e Loan evtdence�by.We Note,iactudiag.but not 1i�,^i1c�3.to.rePresentatioas co�cemin8 ,=
<br /> _ '.�,s,:.::' Horraar�'s occupan�y ef the Pcv�r as a pria�ip�1 restd��:Tf tbis Security Iaattu�i ir�on a le�seho3d,Borrower sis�ii • .�Y :' �.� �'
<br /> + . ld�ad tha fee t'st�a . .
<br /> f" • complp witl�all tite pmvisirnas o#'�dte trase.If.r'.r:?ROwei aa;:�fae titte.to Wa Propetftp,the leasehu ��
<br /> er
<br /> ' shafl ttet merge nt�ess I.endes agrees to the�xsr,��i�writing. . :. . ''.• ' � • � �Y ``��
<br /> .,�T. Pt�oteetioa c�tf Ixndat's N,gtNs in t6bf r�aFettY. If Burrower�to perfoim the cavc-u�ts mc1�gna�s : . � � �f ;;
<br /> t6b
<br /> , �' • ' ' co�,�mad�ia this Se�uritY Instrutnenti or tbera�s a�egal�ooediag that t�iy signit�caatty affect Len�r s ti hta in tbe � : �.�1;<,, ,
<br /> . . �%c��a R�s��r�►,r���.�?`����on or forfeitvze ar to eaforce�Sws,or ngWauoas). ,;��. �. i .
<br /> � thea�°a�er may do a n d p�y for w v a t e v e r i s u e c�r y t a r�t e c t B i a v a t u a of the P r o p e rt y a�i Le�Ier'sri�tts in We
<br /> 1 �� a .
<br /> -:F _;; . . . . pr�ty..Londer's +�ctiaas may inciude pxying any s�mos secured tiy a 8en which has prIorlty over t L�s Secudty
<br /> �� ��� _ I�trament.aPl�flB in court,paYing�easonable s�ttomeys'fees�e�zt�o a the Property W m�ke�irs.AlthOVgb `-i-
<br /> � . : � � Lender msy take'actian imder Qtis pataBraPb T,.g.euder doas uoi��� : - -_- - �,�`
<br /> � '. ' ••:Any amounts.d i s t i u t s e d by L E n d er u a d er t h i s pus g t a p H �a d d i t i o�t l d e b t o f B o n a w e r sec t i r e t!6 Y tlus J �_
<br /> , � � . . Sec�;�I�psttumeat.Uniess Batc,�wer aad Lender agrea to ather tenas of pa��,tb°��i4mounta s6r11 bar intes�est from , � `=
<br /> s
<br /> ; ���': .. t'�:c�tt,�n f�u ��''G{s �a t e A n d s t�a U b o p a p a b l e. b v i t h i n t�. u���s h c e�f t a m Ir.ader w B'orniwer� -
<br /> : -
<br /> :x .. , te�,trsti�8 AQymsM, ., ,,�• . , • . . -•:
<br /> .�. . . . S.M iasueaece.�:Yf L•ender t��:ired mo�t8sge.n�m�ancd���'condition of mlciag ti���.aa adoutod tiy tbis. , . �, .^
<br /> � � ,.Secwity Instru�.Borroarer shell�WY�t}���1�to maint�4hie mortgsgo imuraa�x;un��sffoct.If4 for aay ; ,
<br />_"'' . � ' ' rert,vt�► tbe mortgagu ia��aoveiage r�q�aed by I,endor i�pses or:a�es'to 6a in afkct,�Bam�xrer si�i11 paY ti!4 :;" . .. .`. ���
<br /> • p�tri:�s required to oM�a ou:�erage sabsGa�aliy equivaleni to the morigsge iasmance pmviausSy in effe�ct,at.s cost'• � .
<br /> : �. :�r
<br /> . � ' �;. sn�'-sonntialiq equivatam to the ccst to Horrower of tha mortgage tnsarsr�oe previausiy in effac�from�a aitermte m�c{.gng� , r _
<br /> . . . . . •� ias�ar approved by Lender.If substauti+tlI��yeequiv�lent mo�tgage insurancs ca�erage is not�voitsbI�..Bat[ower�si�;artE•p�►q. - - .�."`'
<br /> T - — -- - - -ii�o itiYi�shs year'��g�e:�.�:.L:.-�:==.n.�"���°,#'..^id by'Fosrntise�iv�4n �=- -,
<br /> ,i� - tLa iasuruxe caverage l�ysed or neased to be in effact.Len�der will acce�sa,::a�se ud.retain these psymeats as a toss res�erve �: �
<br /> "��� �,:- _. � . . in�iiw�a°�ri�:�o:�,-�-.�a. Lc�:.,,.a�9�;�n�e��!y nri i�+nger b�:�uual,d ths optfon of I�nder.if t1�a�t8�8�. � �_,:�;,'�: __
<br /> . . . ' in�ance coverage(in E6e a�t and fot Wa periad Wst�.eader requires�proYlded by�ias�uer aPPmved 6�'�I€�.';nder � � -
<br /> ••• � � . . again becomes avutabte aad z�cbt�ined. Bomnwer sirall psy tse premiuma required to maintain ffiortgige iasuraeeu u� ' ,"�r ..
<br /> , `��` � - effoct. or to pravide a lossr��e. antil Wa r�equircment fox mortgago in��utar�en�s in accordinrss w�th any wrinten '}`�3<�+`
<br /> ,;�.
<br /> ,� ' _ . agreeai�nt behvaen Borrower as�d Lender or Wpplicable law. Farm�Z8 9I9p/p+ps.3 of 61 � �._ �.
<br /> • � ' BAHKEA9SYBTEIH9.IHC..ST.CIOUD.MN6'.A:021t�800�997•?.".d11POHMMy141E�fblal , . ` ' ' . , . _�.
<br /> f . • . ,
<br /> .. � i � � . . ' . � '
<br /> � � . . '1�: _ '
<br /> -4 . . . . ' . - . . • '
<br /> T - . � . . � . .. ..
<br /> . . t ' . _ . ' ' _
<br /> - _ • . i . .
<br /> ...� - ' . _'_ �....... .-.'.-.1. '
<br /> .. .n, . � . . . ' _ . '
<br /> ' �.�� . ; . . - ._'.. -
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<br />