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<br />- I?.�'eznsfer oi tite Pnopert�os a�eaeIIdal I�teresY tn L3orrower.If aA or any pact oF the Ffaperty or any inte�est irx it
<br /> � is solQ or uansferred(or if a bene�icial.tuter�st in Borrower is sold ar aansf€rred aqd Borroaer is not a natutal percon)aitho�
<br /> Lender's prio�e+ritten.consent, Lender may, St if5 Opt(OIl. IC�11[t@ imm �Af payaseaf in fuil.nf a�l'sums sec�red by��t9tis
<br /> � Secudry Insteument Hawever,thls OpiIOD sAall nui 6e exei+C�s�d.R}Y-�ttde[lf QHC�Cise is oiaht�ited h�r_fedrsal lscv as t�f Qhp�!.at� � -
<br /> vi tnis ae�uiiiy I�i E . ,.
<br /> if L�r exe�cises tbis option.Leader ShaU gIve Sori�awer noHce of acceteiatian.The notice s1�all provide a peri�d of aot
<br /> less than 3�days from ih$date the notice is delivet�d or mailed within whitPi Borcower must p�y ali sums secaued bp this.
<br />- ' S°..c�rity Insirument.If BormRVr,r fa7s ta pay these sums prior to the expiraiion of tl�s period,L�nder may invo�se asry remedies '
<br /> P����y�S��Y�suu�4�t without futther notice ar demand an Borcower.
<br /> 18. Boraowe�9 Rdgat to Rel�tate. 4€Borrower meeis certain oonditions. Barmwer s6all have the right to have
<br /> cnforcement of tLis SecarFtq.i�.�isa�irie�at any pme priar to the eazlier of: f a)S days{or sucb other period as
<br /> aPpltcable law may spaeity €or�eme�p befnt�sate of ttte Propeity puzsnani to any gower of sale ooataitted in this
<br /> � Seciuity/nsd�ume�►i:or(b)e[�try of a judgmettt eBfQn�ng iJtis Sc�tuity inctmment.7Yiose oo�itions aie tl�ai Bomnwer:(a)Pa]►s
<br /> LeIIder all sum4 wtuch then woutd be due uAder tI]is SeCU�'ity in.ctn�mPnt�the IVofe as if[to acoelerdlioD had ocCast'ed:(b) '
<br /> cures any default of aay ot�er covenants or��: (c)PBYs a�exPenses inau�:d in enfo�ing this Se�euriry i��*�+s�„p�;,
<br /> inslu�ing,bat not le�ited to, reasa�ab2s attomeys'fees:and(d)takes sach action as Leasier may reasnnably reqaire to as�re
<br /> that the tien of Wis Secarity Instrumeat.I.�nder's rig6ts in the Paogeaty aad Sotrower's oblig�iian to pay the s¢ms secnred try
<br /> this Security ,Iasi�ument sba11 aontimie anc4anged. Upon �eiflstAtemenc b}� Eorrower, ttus Sr�ity Instrurr�i a� "ths
<br /> obligatians sec�ued hereby a6a11 remain fiilly effective as if no aooe�erstion 6ad ocwrred.However.this right W reiastate shaU
<br /> �t appty in ti�e case of acceteratioa�nder paragraph y7.. ,•� �
<br /> Y9. Sa4e o!Nate; Cbange at Lona Se�rvtce�: �`he Note or a partial intenest in the Note(together wit�this Scxurity�
<br /> Insuument)may be sald one or more�mes aithout prior iwtice W Borrower.A sate may resuh in a change in the emity(Imowa
<br /> as the'I:uan Servicer")tl�at collects montlily payments due under the Note and this Securiry Instrument.The�e also may be one
<br /> or more changes of thn Loan 5etvicer unxelated to a s�Ie of Ehe Nate.If tbere is a ci�ange of the Laan Servicer,Borrower will be
<br /> ------g'iven amtten cwtice of the chaage in acourdaate wish Qaragraph-14 a6ove aad applicab2e law.-'I4�e�sotice-wt'll state the a�me aad -- .
<br /> -- address af the near Loau Servicer and tite adstress to which payments shoWd be made.The aotice arill also wa�ac►y other
<br /> information►�eguired 6y appUc�hle taw. � .
<br /> � ?A. Ha�rdous Su�. Borrower shaU not cause or petmit the pr�seatce. ase.disposal. sWrage.or te[ease of aay .
<br /> . Hazardons Substa�aces on or in the Property. Bormwer shall not do, npr altow aa�yoae else to do, anythi�g affecpAg the
<br /> Propeny d�at is in violation'of any Enviroamental Law.'IUe pieoeding tv,io seaEeuc�s s6a11 not agply su the presence,•use:or �
<br /> storage on the Prope�ty of small qaantiHes of Hazardous Su6startces that are geae:aU,y recognized to be aPP�Priaze to normal
<br /> . residential uses and to naiMenance of We ProPenY- . .
<br /> Borrower shall promptly give Leader w�ritten notice of any investigat�on,claim.dernand,lawsuit or othe�actioa by aqy
<br /> govemm.ental ar re$utaturY agencY or private party involving the Propetty and aay Hazardons Sabstance vr�vinbra�enial Iaw .
<br /> of w�icb Bon�owqr 6as a�oni tmowtedge. If Bomow�r Ieams,or is notified by any govemmental or�regaT�n��y suthority,that
<br /> any removal or ather remediation af any Hazaz,dous S�stance affecting the pmperty�s necessary,Borrower shall prompdy tate
<br /> all necessary remedial aarons in accardartce with Envinonmental Law. •
<br /> As�used in this pazag�apb 20. "HaTardous Substances"are those substaaees de6ued as tn�cic or hazardous snbstanoes� �
<br /> Envirunmentat Law and the fallawing substanoes: gasoliae, kemsene, o41�er flanunable or toxic peuoleu�pindr.cts, puxlc �
<br /> pesticides and herbicides.votatile solvents,materials�containing as6�tos or forn�aldehyde,aad radioaaive rm:tertaiis,As ur�d ia
<br /> �g P�B�P�20.•"Enviranmental Law".�neans federal laws and taws of the jvrisdiction where'the Property is located that
<br /> re9ate to healtb,safety or eavirosunental piotectioa.
<br /> � NON-UIVIFORM COVENANfS.Borrovver and Lender further covenant and agree as faltows:
<br /> ZI._�dtratt+on;Remedlcs.Lender shall give noHce�o Borrower pdor to eooelesa#ion fo[towing�o�mwer's 1tt+eacl►
<br /> . ot any wvenAnt or agndement in tids Sscarlty Instniment (but aot prlor to aooelerufion onder pa�ph 17 m�le9s
<br /> �appllcabk law prc►vtdcs ot�envLse).Th�notice sinil specily: (a)the dePanit. (b)tlte acttoa requfred tncpr►�e tbe defaWt;
<br /> .(c)s date,ni►t less thaa 30 dsys f�om We da3e ttt�csotlee Ls give�to Barrnwer,by wldch thc detaWt�a�t be�3 and
<br /> ' . (d)that ftdiure W cun tl�e ddautt on or befole ttt�date specitied in the not�ce may result:ta aaorterat�on oi tLe:�tc�s
<br /> � secared 6y ti�is SSecurilq I�lstnmt��td sale of�e Aroperty. �ee nottce sba4 f�fnl7ra�m Borro�vee oi tRe ?sq� .
<br /> reiastate aftes Aocelerallon and Ur�ui�!tn qrur�:e ooprt i��"tn Yo a�sert t�e aoa-cx��srit�of a defa�t or anq�,n _ �
<br /> �.:defense ai Boiroives to.uoce�e�z�p,�.i�u+�sale.�'tiAe depaalt is'not cured an�or Defua+e:�tlate speciiied in the not�c� .
<br /> , . �Lender,at 3ts option,mss�reyairs�edtat��ent in fuU of ai9 sums secured by tbts Seaudty Inst�e$t wit6out .
<br /> ,,llw�iber demand and msq voke tde a�'faih.and any ot$er reu�edies permittRd bY aPD1t�a.bte Iaw.Leader sl�all De
<br /> ���;?��!ts e�!le:t 31!ex�;�s�;f�:u,u� �3a���x r��wes�rovidcd in this paragrap6 Zl,tacfiding,D�not Eit�z,,�#ed
<br /> to,restsanable attorneys tees and�afl�tte evldence. :
<br /> It the.�Ower oY sat�L9 inve�art-,.'�,'t�..��e Q�.,,.r„��r�e:�a rt;.tic�u4�.°�ui ia a�ch�u�,y in whidt�y�4�o�'tne
<br /> Property ts C�ated and sixall mail cupies ot svrL notiee in ti�e mamer psescrlbed 8y ap�Sirable taw ta Borrower,and to
<br /> � the otber peisons pres�ibed by appficabte law.A.�r the ttme required by applica6Ie Qaw,Trostee s8ai��ive pabiic notice .
<br /> . , ot sale to the peisoas antl tn the mnnner prescr�;r�t 6y ap�licatite law.Trvste�wiitwui�4emand on Sorrower,st�l sell
<br /> tde Propeity ai publk auction to the Nghest bidder at We time and ptace and ondes the t�nu5s dpslgnated tn the natJc�•Qf
<br /> s�le ta aae or more parcels and In any orQer Teustee deteamines.Tr�stee may postpoa��iul;p of al!or any puroel�+�[fi�e
<br /> �P�Y�►Y P��c��oetnent at the ttme and�place of anq previonsiy schednied saye. Lender os tts desig¢ee iaAy
<br /> Pum�se the Psoperty at any sate.
<br /> � . �soze g�so
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