_ _ ___ ���
<br /> _ � ��
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<br /> 17.3Yanater of�he Proper4y or a Bcueffdal i�e�fn Ban+uw�rr.tf u!a or a�yi pait of the Pra�y or airy i�eress in at .
<br /> � is satd os transfem�tos if a 8e�fccial intese5t in'Bortvwer.Ls•sold or transfe�rod aad Borrower is aflt a aaun'al persun)withaut • .
<br /> s Lender's pfimr w7itten cots�cat. Lender may., at its option. r�ire im�iat�Fayrm�t ia ftall af a11 seua.s secnsz�d by ti�is
<br /> �Securiry Mstrument.Howtver.ittus opttoa�alt Qot be exercisod 6y.l.e�der if e�en�se�y prolubited by feder�l iaw as cf the cL3te
<br /> .�OF thi8 Si.Y9!!!ty Inctn�ntnt�t, �. � ,
<br /> tf LQndesesercifes.this��llon..l�endet shall.�ir�Ho�er_notic.e of acceteration.TIie notice'sl�ll provide a p�tiod of�ai
<br /> tess tAan 30 dnys fro�tl:Q date•ihe notioeis del�vered or rna�ed�n-w�i aower p -- � ----- vy�—-
<br /> S�arity Inst�umem.If.�or,tatwer f�al�to pay these sums p�or to the expira�an of this perioG.L�r u�y invoke a�y�Ps
<br /> p�rmitte�t b}this Secadty�nsnr�ettt rnithaut fur�jter ci�tit��r dcrr�on Eox�u�.. • -
<br /> 18. �otra�s Rtgbt to ltt�astate. �f Borrawer meets Qe�tain conditio�s, Sorroaer,sh�ll �� ttie righQ m t�ve
<br /> : enfarccinc�t of this S�uriry insuuuae�disou�inued at any time prior to tTte earli+u of- (a)S days (or sBCh ot�er periad ag
<br /> agplicabie law'ana� specifY for rei�stat�ent) befor�sale of the Frnpeny P�usuant to any power of sale mmainetl �n dus
<br /> 5tcurity'Insvttmem:mr tb)eatry of a jud�e�t enfureiag this Secxirity Insiruruent.Z�o�e conditions ase that Bc�rraaer:(a3 pa3+s
<br /> I.c�sdcr a1i suats wlu�ch th�n cr•uuld 6e due under t�his Security Insnunnent aad the hto2e.as if��elrtuti8n had ooatrred:(b) .
<br /> cares aay default of a�r a�ther covenants ur a�eacents;(c)PaYs alt eacpense�iacuire�!in e,nfon�this Securi4y Instrtiment,
<br /> � • incl�ding.but t�o4 lim3te�to,re�anabie suiomeys fe�:and(d)ta�ces such actcon as L��der.maY t�a.w�ably c�eqaiie ta assur� ,
<br /> t�ai the lien af tlus Secursry tBSt�ument.i8ns�er's rights m the Praperiy�d 8orraa;Er's obdigation w pay tHe sa�rs sea�o��=.
<br /> th�s SettitYity Itt4ttumeu! sh311 continue unc8nttg2d.�Upom re�st2t�m�eIIt b� $ol�wet ihis SeCUt4tl► inurnn�+t �d �e
<br /> ' ptilig�tioss 9ecun�.here�y sl�l1 remain fnliy effedive as if n�a�leraafln bad oacutrtd.Ho:veves.tbis ri�i ts m.�..�tttte s�ll
<br /> ttot apply in tt�e case of socele�on ander paragraph 17: � �� �,
<br /> 19. Sa1e oi Not� Ct�tnge of I.oan Servt�: The Note or a pa�al intecess im the Nate(to8sal�er
<br /> fnarn,ment)rtay be sold one or morz tirt�es witY�ouE prior natia to Basaw-er.A sale m�►y nsult in a cbange i�tt,�e�ity(L�own
<br /> 3s the"Loan Servioer')that callecxs awtuhtY PaYmeats dde�nder the Nate and Wis�nty Instr�zut.�also may be ot�e
<br /> or m�ore changes nf the Loan Sen�c�s'unretated to a sale of the 1�Iote.If there is a change of We Lflan 5crviacr.Bunr�wer wi}I fi�. ,
<br /> . gicea wiitten notice of the cdange in:aeror+dance witt�paiagtaph 14 afsove andagpiieable taw.The nati�wt�l state the name and
<br /> add�ss af ette qew!�Servicez a�d tt�addtess to wlucb pa�ments shuuld be made.97�e natict w�i ad�cmrtain aay olUer
<br /> � infarmasion r�quired 6Y aPAlirals2e lacv. •
<br /> 20.tisu�rdo�Snb�. Bonaner shall siot rause or pecaiit tbe eresencx,�r�se,disposal-stotage•or�elease o�'any
<br /> tia�dous Substaiwes on or in the Property.'Bormwer s�all nnt dv. nor allow anyoae else to do. �affecti�g tlae
<br /> Fraperty tt�t is;n v�inlation of any.Emiron�ntal Law.'iY�e preooding two sente�ces shall mat apply to pre�Oe.as�as
<br /> . stardg�an tbe of smaU quantities 4f 1ia�urdous Substaaees that a:e generally recognized to b�:�prapriu�to.�l
<br /> , tesidenUal uses to mainteaanoe of t�e Property. , " . •
<br /> 8orrow�r sha12 PI'o�Y 8�ve.l.Qnder wrttttn.notice ogaay finvesti�tt3on,claim.demancl,lawsvit er a�er ar�an by any
<br /> gavemmental or regulatoiY agen�'aT PT�vate party involviag the Prop�t}r and atry Hazardaas Sn6stanx or Eovino�n{ai I�w .
<br /> � of wtuch Bor{oweY Fias actpal'k�wted$e. If]Borrower learns,or is natifiad by any gavemmeatai or reguta�sy�hotity,tI�
<br /> � am��xivai or ather rta�diatinn Af�y Har�Sot�s Substanoe affacting t�e Prvpe�ty u aeoessary,Borrower shall pmmptIy taYe • ,:,•
<br /> � all�oe�sary cem�dial acqions in a000rdanc+�with F�vironmental.I.aw. • •
<br /> 'As used in this paragraph?A. `Hazardous Suhstances"are those fiubstanoes def�as toxic or l�azaMotis�it�stanoes by,.
<br /> Envimnmental Iaw aud the follomng sabstahoes: gasoli�, i.'etosene,c�tI�er flamm�ble.or toxic petrolwm q�roc�ts. toxia
<br /> pGSticides and herbicidts.val�dte solveats,'materials c�on�iEn,ct�a5bestas or fursnatdediyde,and cadi���e�:i�s usod in� .
<br /> d�is pazagtapb 20. 'Envimna�atal Law' tueans federaf lav�s amd laws of the jurisdicRion a?heta tLe Progetty is tocated tt�at
<br /> telate to health.safety or envirdnmenta!pr�iorl• . � ��`
<br /> . I�ION-UNffORM COdENANTS.13orrow�r and Lender further covepapi a�agree as follou�s:
<br /> ' 21.A�tlnn,Ra»edics.I.endet siwA give mties to�Bom►vPa prio�to aaodaatio�following Barrown's h�ci . .
<br /> ot aap.oovm�nt o�agamte�nt in this Sec�Ity In�nt (bat mt Pebr W aooda�ti4u�nder p�ra�rap6 17 w�t+�ss
<br /> • apptica6lr law pcov3des othtr�Qsc).The notfae si�all spe�5t9r (a)tLe dd'au1t:@)t�e adiva req�ir�d Gr c�n t�e deiad�
<br /> (c3 s date,tiot t�$than 30 ds►ys from the date ths lwtfa!s gQvsa tu Borrower,6y�rlxkb tbe+del�dt nwst be c�rad:aad �
<br /> _ (�thst faiture to care the defaWt op or�ois the date apedfud t�tbe eoti�t may nsoit in aocderatb�oP tbe s�
<br /> aecm�od 6y�tbis SearitY Inwnrmait�b-ale ot tLe Prupaty..'i'6e nnd�e slnit hrt6er infornt Bne�ower�ot tLe c�kt�to
<br /> �s�I�te s�a'so�efaatbn and fd�tig�t to Dr1�a oo�t�to as�ect tLe na�w�`ot s ddswltti tl��otio� �
<br /> delaee of Iiatros�er to ao�on aad sak. If the defauU is aat cue±e�o�a Qr @�i�.�tAe date apeciti�d
<br /> � I.evder,a:iis,optioo+uwY re4utre dmmediate�ya�eM in toll ot all sams seca�e�D;ttgr't�Stc�rity Ineteu�art witfio�t
<br /> tart6�er deunau6 aai!msy i�Wc�e the pov��of sale and�ny.ather remedies po�mitted bYY apptic�bie faw I.enda�sbW�a . '
<br /> . eWitle�lo ooll�r.!��expenses intorred in paxsvieg We ramea�es provt8ed in Wis pa.ratgrqpfi'21,iodadis�,bot nat I�aoiEea
<br /> in,�bfe attorneys'fas aad costs of tti�2 evidenoe.. � � .
<br /> U tLe pow4�af s�te�S fnvoke�t.Trustee�aTl r�ecosd s�uf�i�m e��„�a::�:��-�'���- -
<br /> Fropnty fs iocated and shall mail copies of suh aottce i�tbE man�nar.pr�cri6ed Ti5!:aPWka►D�e l�vv to Bon?ower�e eu .
<br /> 0�r,t�:�:.r'.�s�r�"rils23��a�s.li��?e�.2�.�ites�Ei�►r_�!Iaret!hy ap��i!1k�Genv,'�"�,•scieAN�ivn,�t�61,k netiee .
<br /> - of s�le to tLe p�and in t�mauner�cf�cri6ed by appticaM�e ta�v.Tr�tee,'ir�.tiY(i�dett�tui�:i�n Borr�c�r.si�atl sell
<br /> the Propaty at nufil�c aaction to ti�e hYgh±�Sf�9iS�der.at t6e tfine and.it��:and tmder tAe taa�.ct�'�te�ib 4Le notke af '
<br /> raIe fn oue or�nn.a�parr�a�in any��i'st,'�'sn���°'.aza�.'P •st�►�msg�as ss�s c . ar a�ry pnnxl a[tle,,
<br /> ��Y bY P��i��anneu�po�meflt at the[�ne and ptak�t,rrf�a9 Pre�st�sd!allftP,�d sak.I.ead�or t�de�.gaee�� �": . .
<br /> � .purc�ase t6t Yra�iecty�t any:1nJe. . . : . . . �
<br /> � . � . . � � . ::;' , .
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