- _ ( .. __- ,j,' . ` ' r . �.� . . i���/� ����M . - 4 . � � . ,
<br /> TOGEFHFFt tiVP13�i alt tfie imPravein�ts now ag herraRer eractod on the pmpeaty.er�alt e�ments.appuroenaaces.an�
<br /> Cixn�res now ar hereafter a�art o�the pFoPer�S�• All t'ePlacemet►ts �d �dittaas st�all' ats� be mveraf`�by this Sr.curlt�►
<br /> e . <
<br /> it�ument.Al�ef the foregait�is referr�d tb in tttis Secarity�at as the PmpertY•
<br /> BQRROWER CdV&NANTS tbai BurroRer is lav�Fullg seised oF tfle�state gereby comreyad and has the rigLt to graut� t
<br /> —W��y_���p�y u��r{t�Yraperi�-�-at�����:r.=`��ses-�_.�.Hflnvrcet_warrants'snd�c'Il. -
<br /> ' defend gener�lly the title so the Prop�a'ty sgawst al!claims and demaads�suble��°any e�a�mbran�s of ceeosd•
<br /> � THIS SEGURI TY L��TR�1MEAiI'couttri��mifostn cdyr,�nss fos�aatiorta!,�und nun ainifann coveaants wit�i limited . --
<br /> variatioas try jurisdictioo to constiuite a unifos[n securify inst�ument at�vering real PmPertY• . _
<br /> . UIVIFOISM COVENA.�i'PS.Borrower and Lendei�eat�and Late C�aiges.ws;1 ' wheu due ti�e
<br /> 1. PaymeteQ o!Prinagal and Interest;PrepaY� Eor�er shall prom�tlY PaY
<br /> �principal af and iatetest on the debt evideaced by the.Note and any'Prq�aYment agd tate�arges due uader the Note.
<br /> ` 2..Fa�ds for Tases and i�.,��.S'nbject w applicable taw or to a written waiver 6y Lender,Borrower shaU paY to
<br /> Lender on the day manthlY PaYm�nts�e due under ths Nute.uniil the Nate is paid in fuU,a snm(°Funds")�ar.�(a)��FeY��
<br /> aad assessments wh�ch maY attaia Prioriry nver this 5ewaty Insuua�ent as a lien an t6e PcapenY:(b)YeaztY .
<br /> or g�arwd rems oa.d��►;perty.if any;(c}yearly hazard or pmp�ty�su:aace�ams:(�Y�1Y tIs�ad insuraace preminms, ,
<br /> a �lste bg Bosrowet w Lender, an�cco�ce�iii� ' :.
<br /> if any;(e)Yearly mo�`�insuranse premiums,,if any;and(t}anY sun�s PaY ,
<br /> , the provis's+1ns af paragrsgb 8,in lieu of the paymjent of mortgage insuraaae p�riums.These iteapsi ar�rallaf°�scrow L'ems."�
<br /> L�der arap:�t Fury dme:collect a.Gd hotd Fwcds ia an amaumt not to exc�d the maximum amouni a tender_finr a fe+derall� •- _
<br /> related mo�E�age toan may ceqaiie for Borrovuer's escrow�nt.under,the_fedetal Real Estate S ttT,rrr�nt Prooedur+es Act of
<br /> 19'i4 as amendeB from time to tinie, i2 U.S.C.S�ctiosi 2bt)1 et seq..('RFSPA°).unless another law th3t agPlies m the�ands ,
<br /> � sets a iesser amounL If so.Lead$'�a?�Y•ai aaY�.collect�ad.haid Funds in an amount aot w eac�ver�the Iesser amouFrt.
<br /> �Lender may espmate the amon�si�_�nds due us�ttie basis of curr�t dsts and r�opab���ma�es a�:�►wre�of ftutiie :
<br /> Escrow Items or otherwise in acaost�ce with apPlica6le law. , . ' , -
<br /> ' The Funds shalx:L�e held in an institutioia whose d�gosiits are idsured bY a f�det�9 agency. instrunnentality; oi entitY
<br /> (incInding I,endec,if�der is sach��iasritudon)os in itny FederaY Home Loazs$ank.Len�er shal!apply the Fucids,to p�Y� � .
<br /> Escraw t�'�ns:.Len�:�y not chaige Rormwer for polding aad appiyin8 t�Punds.aimuatiy anal�g the escrow.acoosint:as . _j.:� :
<br /> verEfyia�3�ie Fscrow Items.unless I,ender paps Bormwer,iirtere�t or�the Funds a�nd appiiea6te!aw perttuts LeBdcr ta m�k�sucfi ,',,
<br /> a clias.�;��:.�iwever,l.,e�nder�►Y reqai�Hoaawer to pay a aa�p-��e for an independeat'rea!estate tax�po�d,�:�v ioa _
<br /> ased'��.•�n�ier ia:.�ai`�siection'with this toan, ui�ess appli�Cs;� l�w pmvid�s otherwise.Uhte.ss an agreemeut?�s�de or . . ,
<br /> hcable law ce�.'�s,:nterest to ba paic�,LendE,`n:'iaU not 6�tecluired W�Borcower any inten:.s!os�,;��on t7te Fwxis. : ;:`:,.,;
<br /> '�PP�. '
<br /> Borrower and Leader may agree irrwritinS, howeve;,that interest shall be'�cd on the Funds. Lender��'�2�;�e L;e.BoTrower.��:.�.:�,'-=
<br /> withauY charge, an aTUma1 ac+couu2���of the Funds, sliowia�cr�iits and aeiiits to the Funds and the p�-'�ase Yi�r t��.�each , ,`;`.;:
<br /> d�it to the�unds was made.l�e.�.�rt�s aze pledged as additicd�Z�e�uricY for all su�s sec�md by this SeaaritY�-"�'r��• '
<br /> If the Funds heid 6y iznder�f�the amounu permittc�?!�i�e heid try.applirable i��w,i.�der shaU accadnt it�;���wer
<br /> • �for ttez e�ccess Funds in ascordantae.wit�the c�qtiiremenis af up�;r,able taa�r;.f:�'t1#e amouaft of thc Funds h�l�by I�ei at aaY • �;.::•::
<br /> 6u�e is not sufficient to paX.the Escrow Items when du e,LenBer.may so��x.{Cc���S3orrower in ariting,and.i°suc8 case$°rrowcr ,.
<br /> sha]!GaY to L.eader the amount r�ecessary to maYe up the detz�i�+Cyr..Borrawer shal!make up th�deficiencyr in no more than .
<br /> cweive monthlY Paymcnts�at Lender's sole discretion. ..,�' ' .
<br /> � U,pon pdyment ia fu(1 of aIT sums secured by this Secvrity dnstrument, Lender sha21 promptiq refund to Borrovi��r.aay
<br /> Fqnds heid 6y 1x�r3er.�,.under paragraph 21,Lender shall ecquire ar sell t��e Propeny.�.ender.prior to ttve acqtusition or salo
<br /> of tbe Propcny.sir�ll aPPly anY Funds heid by I:ender at the ti�of acquisatian or sale as a�redit against the sums socured bry
<br /> tlus Secusity Insttunnent. „ , •� � .
<br /> 3.Appi'�catiun ot P�wy�ea�Untess a�plicabte law prnvides otl�rwise.all payments,nceived tr,�Lmder undet puagraphs. .
<br /> t and 2 shall t�e applied:first.v3�riin,�.prepayc�nt charges dtu:��icmder the Note; sesond,�r:s�'+�maants�payable under�tsgraph 2;.:� .
<br /> thir3.to.'intCrest dae;fou�th;t4�r�."ip�l duc:and lust,to agy�t;ite chaa'ges due under the Nott.�
<br /> ,�,... .
<br /> 4:Chargcsi�•Roico+�r shau Pay all taxes.a's�esm�en�s.charg�s,,fines and Impositions attributaht�to the�'iopettSr
<br /> ----. ���..�..r.-•-t�s:.,�.,,:�,r.;�«,�_r��r.lrscphnte�_m y.�nt?nrs tn��+!_?r'enfs, if•an}r._So�rower shall ttay_. � ..- ,
<br /> - the�1 gstions in t?��iia�."��vided in pai�g�Pb 2.or if ixr,.t paid in.that'mviner.Borrower shall pay t6em on�fx�it:�iroctlY_ .
<br />- ta th�p..^�sum vr�.�y�ent.��*?:�ver sh:�l�promptly furr;d�'�o l.ender a11 noitoes af amnunts ta be V��w�der t"uiT;��t�8ra�ir•
<br /> . .df Borrowtr makes li�w payYnents diiectly,�orrower shall pmmptly fumisb to Le�d�r receipts eviQencing the payments. ..
<br /> Borm�wer si�al�,t[�imptly discharge any tic�ti�t�:�ich has prioriry ovecl.`vs 5ecurity tnet�„m�nt untes3:A.omo�wer.(a)a�.in ';,,;,
<br /> - � vvriring to Ehe payrriei�of the ob3ig�tion secured by the tien in a manner acce,pta6le to L.ei'lder: (b)cor`�,+�����'?��aittt th�lun
<br /> by.�os cicfends against tnfora�r.i��t:af the lien in, legal pruceedinAs which da tde L.ender's opiaion operate`W�rovent the
<br /> " enforoement of tlie lien:or(c):��air�from the Eold�of the lien an agreetnent satisfattory to Lendet subotd'mati�t�`tke lien to� �
<br /> � this Sc,curity Instnim.ent.If I�Sr�detenmines that.any part of the Propercy is snbjecc to a�ien whicb ii�y`altairs�t'i�s'rity.ovex
<br /> ' � this Stcurity Inst�;Tr[ixit.I,ender may give Borrower a natice idcntifying�the lien.Borrower shall satisfy the GGh or ta�ct ane oc • ' '
<br /> � more of the actianG�forth a6ove witUin 10 days of tite giving of notice. . � , � �
<br /> . . � �a.n�3t?�8 918D
<br /> � � ' � � vyezde . .� - �
<br /> �. . _. . . _ _ . . .. . . . � -
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