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<br /> 17.Tia,�sfer at t6e P�vtierpr as a�eaeIIeial�ater�ta Bore��er.If aii or�any past of the Pmperty or any.inietest in it `
<br /> �is soid af trat�sfemm�d(or if a bene�tcaal inte�st in Bprrocirer is satd or t►ansfea�d a�td Rurrawer is aot a natural person)withflut .
<br /> `ieeader's prior wiitten consent. �nsirr cnay. at iis apuo�.recluire immediate payment in fuU of all swas secured by:dsis - , `
<br /> ` Security instrr�ent.However,this upiion shall nnt be exerc�sed[ry Lendcr.if exe�ise is prohibited b3�fedesat law as of the date
<br /> -- - -uf this Security[nstrumept. . � „ .
<br /> --°-- ` -If�end�r exercisss[h�optionT.en�er-�g�v�wei nouoe�accel'erauon:l��ce sL�i provide a periv0�f�a�t— _
<br /> • less Wan 30,•days from the cjate�ttie notice is deiiv�reci or maileQ cvitbin�rhic6 Botrower must pay alt sams s�ured 6y this �
<br /> � 3etvrity Inshvs�t�rt_if Bos�ua�tr�'aiis ta pair t#�e s�us.gsius to tt�expireticm of�is�e;ior�I.e�cder�ay�invo�e arsy,rm:.d.i� •
<br /> � . permiued b}this Securiry Iastn�ment without further notice or demaztd on BorroWer.." '
<br /> 18. Borm�r�'s Rigiit ta Iteinst3te. If Boaottrer �ets ceriain cor,ditions. Sorrower shaII have the right to have
<br /> � ,eaforcement of ti�is Security Iaswment diswnrirsued at any tipue prior to t6e earlier of• (a) 5 days(ar such ot6et pzaod as ,
<br /> applicable !aw may specify far rei�5talement) befare sale of the Properry pu�uant to aqv power of sate oontained in ttus ,
<br /> $ecutiry Inctmm��ot @)enlry of a jndgmeni eufort�tg this 5ecttrity ,m�Tliose c�nditions arn iLat Bonower:(a?PaYs
<br /> I,�der al!scsms wtric8 then wauM be due under this Securiry Ias�wnent and ehe Note as if no acceleraiion had octutred;(i�y
<br /> cures any defauIt nf any other wves�ants or agreements; (c)Pays aR eapeases incarred in enforcing dus Sec�nity InstruIIteat,
<br /> . . . including,but rznt iimited to,teasonahte attomeys:fees;and(d}taYe.;such acrlon as I,ender may reasonabiy require to assare
<br /> tBaz the lion of tiais Sea�riry InstRument,IBndep's rigl�ts in tha Pmperqr aad Borrower's abligation oo pxy the s�ms secured by , °
<br /> this Secvrity.1n ,•+;nt shall oonsinue unchanged. Ugoa r�iastateu�nt by Barrc��r, this Seaasity Insirument and the
<br /> obligations serured hereby sha�l remain fully eff�cxive as if uo acceler�tion had ac�r�.However.tbis rigiit to reiastate sha}I
<br /> . aat apply in ths case of auceleiation under paragraph 17. � � � . • .
<br /> I9 Sate of K�te; Chaage of Laan SerQfca: The Note or a partial 'mterest in the Note(togeth�r witI� this Se�ety -
<br /> Iastrument)may be sold one ar�ore 6mes without prior '�crk�qe to Barrower.A sale may resnit fa a ciiaage in the s�ty(imown
<br /> as the°Loan Servicei'?that eodleas monthly�aymea�ts d;i:.�der the Note and this Sec�}eity rn�n,��.lYaere atsa may he one
<br /> or moce changes of the Loan Serviccr eutrelated ttt a sale z�'li�e Note.If there is a c�ange of the Loan S�icet,Borrower wlll be � _
<br /> ,z�: given written notioe o'f ffle cflange in accardata-�:bJ;itFi Paragrdph_14 ahdr-eattd appficable law.The r_�;ae will State the name and . �
<br /> ' addres�of the new Loan Seivicer and the a��i.go which payments sfirhi�d be made. The noit�a,till also rontain any otiier
<br />:'>:�,� in�rmafion�eqaiced by appliaable faw. �;::.: �• : `�.:>' .:�;,.•. • • ' �. •
<br /> � • �0.•Baaardous Substanccg. Borrower sbail not cause or permit ila:.�,�ear�;.r,t�,..d'is�iosa.,r`;,storage, or release o�aay
<br /> - • Na�ardous S¢bstznoes oa or in the Fmperty:Bomswer shall noi do,.ne�`ai avr�a�rr��else�to�db, anythimg affecting th�
<br /> . Pcaperty tbat is in violatioa of any Environraental Law. The Pneceding�,sea�enC��;��mot app`[y,ro tke pr�sertre,tue.ot.: .
<br /> stoeage on the�rope�sy of srnall quantiaes af ttamrdaus Substances tAzi.a�generatiY�reco&niaed.t�!,be apPropriate to aarmai.:.:. ;
<br /> _ residealial usesand to m�M'�n�?+�of tbe Progerty. . • � , : . . .:-.;: .
<br /> � Barnawer shatl prorqpUy give Leader wnuen notice of an}r investigation,•claim,demand.lawsuit br oWer actiop by any?-:';�'�...
<br /> � . . govetnmental or regutatary agency or private party I�rolving tfie Ptoperty'and any Ha�ardous Sai6stance or Env'ironmental Iaw `� •;
<br /> of whlch Borrower has actua!lmowIedge. If Borrower leazns,or is notifiad by any.governmental or ieg►ilatory suthority,t4at •
<br /> any remavai ar other remediatian qf any Ha7ardous Substance affectino the Progerty is necessary.Borrower.shall prompdy take
<br /> aU neo�sa.ry re:radial acrions�inn aaoordance uzth Environmenta!Law.
<br />-". As used in ttvs paragraph 20, "Ha7ard�Spbstat�ces"are t6ose s�:�5&aaces defa�d as toxic+��:dar�rdous sabstances bx;':,,' :
<br /> ;`�.: Enyirot�mental law and'th$iollo sabsus��r�s:
<br /> �S Sasoline. kemsene,��r•flamaiable or tox�����rntn°leum products. tax,ii* ',:. +_� ,
<br /> . pestIcides anlf Iterbieides.voiatile solvenu.materials containing asbestos dt fbrmaid�}�e;�u,d r�dia�u,-trve.mat�tiaTs.qs used nt3:.;:.'': .
<br /> ' t1�s pazagraph 2A. •BnvimnmeNal Iaw" meaps federal laws and laws of the.juri�;i�i.�n whete tfie Property is locaied that f_ .�. �
<br /> ' , relate to health,safety or envlronmental proteetion. • � .
<br /> .� NON-IJN�ORM COVENpiNTS.Borrower and Lgnder further covenans and agtee as follows:. ���'��
<br /> = 21.Aacele.rattbn;R�edies.�.i,�nder shaU give aotice to Borrower prlor to acce[eratian fe4�wdng BartoweNs�bjt�acfq�:'.,;�',.
<br />�� of�y s�v.�*.e:��r.�*. ga t�s ��i:; Ia.d.r��s: ��,r:c�t ;�.�:ta : .�.:ii:.� �s�s;. ;a� �Z --�::::.•� .- _
<br /> f�gpiicabk Iarr pruvtd�s oth�rwLseT.The notke shall • �(a)1lte defanit;(b?tl�s�Ton teq�cau+e the�efaddt;
<br /> ef
<br /> .(c}�date.not le�ihan 30 days from the date t6e ao�giveu to Borrower,by wLich t6e defAUlt must bt cared:and .
<br /> �d)that taitw�e w c�ue tbe dd'anit on or 6t!'ore tde date spectfl�d in t6e notioe may c+csalt in�cedeeation ot the.wms
<br /> : 5ecot�ed by t6is SecWdty instrummt ai�d sale af the Pcop�ty. �e�r�tke st6AU tqtt6er Inform BornaMer o�We rtg$t to.:.; .
<br /> rct�state�t�t�aeter��fon and tse�dght ta brtng a conrt actton:(�akssart thr aon-eidsteenccr:ai�a dsfanit or any otl�t;',:':;. , .
<br /> ' defea5e of$orrower Co acc�era�loD ansl5i,te. U the drfau6t is aat iiipci'�I on or betore thP da4�'speeifkd tn the notia�`-:',%
<br /> .. ' 1.ender. at its aptioa,maY�aluire inunediate p�ymeat ta tull of aTi''seuns secaxed by t6Sa Sca�r�ty I��t�wit�oat_•
<br /> tuttber demand.and rnAy invoke the power oi sale and aqy othe�r e�aedies peimitted by applicaMe Ia�v.I;en�ldc abail.be
<br /> . . entiticd,to collect all�apenses[ncurred in pursul�tl�e remedIes prov[ded in this P�F.�Pb 21,indadi�,�nt not li�nitdD � . . .
<br /> -:
<br /> -- - iQ;re�oiyfiieac�s'iayauai�-vyi�tti�miE�iiiwi.z._._ ..------ __ _..-._.. ---- -:..-.-.._.
<br /> . U the po�ec af s�Ie is invoked,Tr�t�sball eecord s�nottce ct�'.de[auIt in e�h county ln w6ich aqy pn;t oi tl�e:.�':-��.
<br /> � �D�Y Is iocated aad st�a11 mail wgies•o��ac6 nottce in the maamr�r� bed by app�i�ble faw to Borrower.an�!ta�.:� .
<br /> t6e otber pessons prescri6ed by applicable Faw.Afier t8e time i+eqai�w.3�y a�ppticable.law,Trtutce shatl give pnbiic antIoe
<br /> . o!sale to t�e persons and in the msaner prescribed by appllcabte G�►w.7lrustee,without dcmaad on Burrower,ebaU seil
<br /> . � . t�Pm�sdy at pnblic aust�on tu the Ci�esi bidd�at.t�e tt�a a:.� '° sr,�i u��tbe ter�s�iesig�teu i;r tBe aiiice o� � -
<br /> sak in one or more pouixts aad�n aay order Truste�detrmdnes.'�utee maY I�Done sttfe ot al!or�nY pareel:of tbe
<br /> �+'oP�t9�Y [�k anno�cantnt at the time 9nd ptaoe at aay pre��uasiy sc6Edated sale. Lender or its destgnee mag:
<br /> . pmr6ase the Propesty at any saie. . , :
<br /> • � iorm 3oze stso
<br /> - , �. . ve�9o16 . . � _ -
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