. , ` � . ' ` . . �:95.,.� �.�l��Q ' . � ` . ,
<br /> , 'i'OGETH�WiT�H ail tlis improveatents now or here�Rer erecu�on the�mp�•.rty,ttnd n11 c�scshents,�guttraaaccs.aa�
<br /> �'ixm�s eaw o� hereal�er n part of tlie prdperty: Al� t�pl�CCments end addidons s�al1 al�o be rnv�rcd by 4hls 5orurity . .
<br /> ` Znstrun�ene.All of[he foregc►iAg is referreA co Yn this Security Ia�trau�nt cs che°Property.° • . � .
<br /> BdRROd�Vp,�d COa►EA}A�YI'S that Bartower ts(avvfuiiy�etsecf of tiie c�te her�by c�nv�yed und[t�s e,`�e right ta�nt arid ��
<br /> - --�.+r�u-tt�-Prn��r,�that t�.�nne��is=unPnc_»�.�_��-€� - - . 1 � ---.
<br /> defend gca�ralty the titte to t�ia�ropetty against a!l claims aad de�antis.sudzjecc w any ensum�iaacc�es Qf record. '
<br /> �5 SE�U�tYY'Y�i�S�iRi3�+i�I�i'cambiacs miifarm c�veu�ts for a�tiaaai ase sad nan-�ifom�covcmnts urtdf I'unttai . _
<br /> . variaEio��s$y�'t�risc�iction to constitute a acdform serurity inttnim�nt covetitrg reai PTO�ertY• s . .
<br /> UMFORM COVENAN'3'S.�Borrawer�d I.eader wyenant a�td agree as follows: � � .
<br /> , l.P�ryment oi Petacigai and Intere�t; Ptepayment and Late ChaTges. Borr`ower.sh�ll pmmptiy psry whea due tR� '
<br /> principaf sf and Intcrest on the debt evldenoeci 6y the Note and any prepayrag�t and late cfiarg�ss due amder the I�inte. . �
<br /> ' . ` �.Fan6s dor'��[es aind Ias�rant�Subject to applicable Ia,w or to a�vr'stten waiver by Leader,Barrower sAal� pay w
<br /> �er on the ctby cr.onthly payimnts are due under the•Note,uatil the Nate is paid ia fuA,a gum("Fuuds")for:(a)yrrrIy�xes
<br /> . and assessmems wtuch may attn�n prioriay wer this Seauity.Iasuumen¢as a lien on dce Pi�operty;(b)Yearly leasehoid�ayments .
<br /> or gra�nsfi rent�on the Pmgerty,if smy;(c1 Y�Y h3zaM or propecty insarance premiums;(d'j yeariy itood insuiarcce premiums,
<br /> if a�+:(e)Yeariy rn4rrgage insurance premiums.if any;and(�aay+sums payable by Borrower io I ender�in aooarda�a witls • .
<br /> the pmvisios�of paragirapi�8.in fieu a€th$payme�of mortgage insnYaace premi�s.These itcros are called"BsctoW Items.°•�
<br /> • Lender may, at s�ay:time:oullea�@old Funds in an amouni�t ts ex�eEd the maxi"��m amouut 1lender foi s fGde[ellly " ,
<br /> � re)ated mortgage toan may.requira for BorruwePs esca+ow accou�un�fer the F�rai Real Estats�ettlement Pmoedunns Act of �
<br /> � 1974 as smeaded fiom time to tim�, 12 U.S.C.Se�on 26(It es serj.(°RESPA°},unless ancither law tliaY applies to tbe Fa�ds
<br /> sets a tesser•amount. if sa, I.ender may.at any time.coilea and hotd Furds in an amou�st not ta exceod the lesser a�. .
<br /> L�asder may estimate the amoum of Funds dae on the 6asis of curredE data and reasonable esdmates af eaE�nditm�s o£fatuz�
<br /> ,.Escrow ItEms or�tber�vise ia acaordaace with applIcah2e law. � . . .
<br /> Z7te F�nds st�all be hetd In an institutian whose deposits are insured bY a federal agency. instiumentat�ty, or eaitity'. .
<br /> , (t�etuding Leader,if�ender is such an ins6iution)os in any Federa!�tame I.aan Bank.Leudet shail apply the Fpnds to gay the �
<br /> Esrrow Items.i.ender atay irot.cha�e Borrawer foi holding and apptying the d��ds.annnally anatyzir�g the e:rccovv aceouru.vr .. .
<br /> verifying the E.ux�r4w Itec�s,anless Ler�der pays Bo�rower inter�Y on th�Fumds aad applicab2e law pamits t�to maloe sach
<br /> a charge. Hov��r'ei.Leades may reguire Boarawer ta pay.a on�cfiarge foz aa iadependent real estata tax repor6n�so�vice
<br /> •ased by Le�r,;n connection with ri�s,...iYan, uniess,applIrab2e ta��i:�rovldes otherwlse. UnIess an agteemeas is made or . �
<br /> �„-. ,
<br /> aDplicabte lavr!���uires intere�t to be p��;i�:nder sf�sll not be requis�.��tu.pay�orrower a�}+intei'est or easniags an ttu Funds.
<br /> . Bo:rower��id�i�ay:'�`in writing;however,that interest shal�be paid on the.Fu�ds.l.ender shalt give to&irrower, � �
<br /> witiiant charge, a�a ars,u�t�u:�udting of tl�Fun¢s, showing crgdits�aad debits to the Funds and the putpnse for which each
<br /> � debif to the Funs#a:v�as cn�fle:'Ttie Funds are pledged as edditional sea�ixy for all sums se�.tiued Iry this Securlty��ment. .
<br /> �Tf the Fur,r�ae2d by I.ender exceed the a�vovnts pexmitte�!,t,a���s�'d bY aPPlicabte[aw,I.ender shall accapnt•to Boa[m��r .
<br /> f�r tfi�acce���s in'a000rd`ance wit6 the reqo�remenis of app2ic��:'iaw.Jf it�e amonnt of t4e Funds Beid 6y Ixader at'�,nY
<br /> time is not�ufii�ient to pay the�srmw Items when due,i;�nder may so'natify Borrow�err in writing,aad,in sucb case BortoRrCr �
<br /> �. shalI p'.ry to Len3er the amoun2 nc�cessary to make up i�;;c!sficiency.Borrawer sha11 a�ake up.the deficiency ia no more than •
<br /> twelve mantt��.�ayiaents.at Lender's so2�discrction. � , � ' .
<br /> � • Upon pq.;:y:�nt 4n ful!a��lt sums s3cured by tius�Secvrity Ir,�,i-rzment, Lender st�all pmmptiy refvnd to Sor�ower;it�� .
<br /> �ands heid by er:If,under paragr�li��`�y Lendsr s�all aeqaire a��ju!!the Propeny.Lender,�Sx�xtr w tt�acquisition or�� �
<br /> ` of the Fmperty,sl�aU aprp1y auy Funds he'li�I�LEneiet at the:d�tee of ui�aisition iui;��'•.p as a crei�it�gaimst tUe snm4 saw�od iry �
<br /> ' J�119 SCCUfIty ItISliUtliERt. . ' . ' , , � -
<br /> . •::., 3.:Atpplkation ot P�yments.Uailess appticable Iuttt�tvv9dzs othervui.se.all gajrinents rac�ived by l.,endegia�,der,pas�raphs
<br /> i ah¢�"si7:�7::{�e aPPlied:first,to any prepayment charges dne aa�d�r the Note� seeond.to amoUrits PaYa61c uri�r paragrapb 2r
<br />. thiM,w im�u����due;foutth,to pi3ncip�l due;and last,to any tate charges due under We Note.� � :. .
<br /> �4.Ch�es;'i.ieno,�orrower shap pay a11 taxes,asse�sments.charges.funes and impos�ti4ns azeribataj�r:�io the Praperty� .
<br /> -
<br /> . which.ma�r.auaiw��r't�;��c:h'-��y_Ins�rR:n.��3 tgaa�.`.v�is-�ay�nn�ur gioanci recrt�s.if any..�vic�war�-pay •-�— -
<br /> . these obJigatioas•in the manaer provided in parngraph 2,or if aot pi,d In.thxt matuier,Sonnwer s�atl pay.�i;:tars time directiy �
<br />' � :�t��.'�rw^zi:;."+°�EL�iY'y�`?�!.R^�*cft�?t�tn:as�nrttmnttX furnich t�f cmrlc=r all[�ot�±�e4�+f c�mnunts tr►�w.Mi�i�mrTa!rh�F�t"+..�M�!►..... . __ -
<br /> . . If Bamawer r�,kes.these payments diredi;p:��3orcower sh�ll promptSy C�zsnish to I,ender'receipts�ni�ncing the paymenta. � .
<br /> •Sorrower shail pronqplly discharge 2ny lien,whicb has priority over this Securiry Instnu�ei►t ni}!;ss Boirower: (a)agrees iri ,
<br /> wridng to t�e paymeni o�'t�r obligation secured by the lien in a manner acoeptable to Lender,(ba�vastest�ia good faith the lien �
<br /> by. ar deferxls against e�'oscemern of the lien in; legal proceedtngs wNich in the.i.ender's cp�'�n operuu,to�prcvem the
<br /> ea�forcemenG�f Q�lies;�or(F)sahue�from the hoIder of t➢�c lien aa agreemcmt satisfacwry to l,e�der subordiaating the lien ta
<br />, this Sec�uity 4nstrument. If[,ender determines that'any part of the£'�rpecty is su6}ect to a Uen wfricd may attain priority aver •
<br /> t63s Sc+�ur�ty Icsuument:Lender may give Bdrrocver a notice ideatifying the lien:8orrower shalt satlsfy tho lien or take une or
<br /> more of the actians set forth above within'l0 days of the giving of notice. .
<br /> . � Faan 3�125 9190
<br /> . � vago s ot e . .
<br /> . . ' � � ' �
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