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. F ' �<11 r ��,.,g, . ., . .. .rt _ <br /> -�;^+ o - �....i+..'"�r_ '.. . , .. �e:�.- - — _ <br /> - "�Y'�i " .y�_ =,m.:.. 4c_...s..�.1. �YJ - - ._�_�_.. <br /> -3� .��. ��a» >'sr+ ._�_-��.� <br /> rei,�lts __—'_ _ <br /> ..._-_ ___ _- . _ —.—_ . -. , .�� .. —_- __ '— _ �"__' '— — _- <br /> _ -_. _'__ -_�,.,,.. '. <br /> . _ __, �—� .... <br /> �. _ .,_. _. . _ -.___ -_ . ."____.,': .. , . . . ._ - - -++--�--^-. . . .-.-.. _ __.__ . ._. <br /> � , <br /> , � � . . ' � . ������� , <br /> � . . , <br /> BORROW�R COVEI�AINT�that liorrower is law�'ulIy seized of the esoue haeby oonveyed und has the cight to gr�as <br /> ' and wnvey t�e Frn aad tbat tt�c Pcoperty is unensumbered,�xc$pt for encu�nbiances af r�cflrd. Batmwer a�nants ans! ' � <br /> wil1��nd ganeis��tte.o tlic Pr+aperty�gainst nll ctaims an�de�maads,�ubject�to�ajy encum�ranas oYra�ord. . `. <br /> • ` , .UNIFORM CUVBNAI�TS. % � . � , . <br /> �- .- --- �----D�roa�-a?I&snc��a�.nn+f i_nm[`ha.�r�.�w�sf�1l nay_at�els_�i?.t�e�ne; na nf_And tnrtre.cinn _ <br /> � �he debtevidensedby ths Note and ta�chuges dus�ader ttte Nate. • <br /> �. Montht��aymmt oi Taa�a,�ngno���er�CVargea. Bomaw�st�Il inciude in e�ch rnonthlY PaYl�g�. <br /> tag�wittt tite�'�cipal s�d�t�st ea s�fortt� �t the Nu�� aay �t#t�g�;a svm fas(a).taxes snC s�xia� <br /> �ssessraents levied te levied against tF�e Pmperty, (b) deasehald payment� or gmuad reats �n the P�+aperty..and. . <br /> (c)PreTri,�for+++�_�ra�uired ande�Firagcagb 4.In any yeaz in wIsic$the Lend�r m�st�a martgage iusurattce. <br /> �ccemiamr tn the Sec�ta�y►of Housing.aad Urbaa l9�v�Iapment("S�°),or in any year in w such premium wotdd ' <br /> II3VC I3�tCQ1I!!Ed lf L�EGdEF SLI�II$B'c(I thC SCCt1T11}t TnctmmP_,nt� y paj�eut s11&ll slso IIICIude ei4hef:(i).a Stm�f� <br /> � dse aannal moaigage�nsurance ps+effium ta be pafd by Lender ta the seaen�y►,m(n7 a monti�3y chacg�iHstsad of a mo�tgage <br /> �u�nec pteminm af tbiv Se�rity Iasttument is hetd 6y the Stccemq►.in a reasonabk amounE.tu be deteTn�ined by tba <br /> � ��/. F.a� for the mantblY charge isY the Ser�etatys�ICSC�'ffi3 8TC C���^6TOW I�S�BII�d1C SQIIIA�Q1 I.CQdQ • <br /> are caIIed"Esccow Fnnds." � <br /> , � ' Lender s,�y,at any time,coTIeti and�3 arnonnts for Fscrow It�s in an aggregate.amonnt not to exceed the r�mnm <br /> �t tt�i atay be req�far Eomotvea's eacxow'acxount rtnder'the Real F�taie Seulement Pmoed�ues Act of{974, !2 <br /> :. �`LT.�.C.$ 2501 t�s„n. a�i�plementi�ngEa�gNatians. 24 CFR Part 3500. ss thep may•be amended€mm ti�ta tpme <br /> �'�ES3'A"?,p�sept that$te�Pn or.reseave permitted Iiy RE�PA for umm�ticipaie��'ssbmse�,ents or disbwscments i�cYan <br /> �e�orrawex's�aymcn[s are ava7able in the"acxwnt may not 6e ba.sed on am,ounts¢`��or Ei�e�a�ge insuiancc pneminm, - � <br /> . � � �f the�r�..'';ts betd by Lende�for Esccuur Itans ea�ceed the a�pamits�tn i�e hetd hy Il�PA;Ir�Qer sttalLde�1 . . <br /> • ,�;���tI�e ex�aarx��s teqtUrb9 by YiF.�FA: if tbe a�nts a£funds.�by i�r�mt}t timc t��tot�W pay tbe , . . <br /> , °�mw Items�wt� du�I.c;u�s ma}c aotify the Sorm�aad req��rnmwet tr�'r�e uP the sha��iatcy as . . <br /> .. ..- �qi�rmiued bY�tESPA: .:;:.:;: , :-:::: . ... , ,;.. .. •• ..;:::.r; • , . ' <br /> ;�:.�� '7�e Es�xuw 3?ands are't��dgrd,as addirion�l se�'-:��"for afl sums se�aned�a��:�is Seauity�ossLUme�t.`��arrower � <br /> . . ':�tenders ta Leniler tL�fuU paymenti of all s�ch sams.Hoimwds aecewat'sAalZ 6e�;�ed witta the�n.^t�ing for all. <br /> in�staltmmt items(a):tb);end(c?�a�s�-"�?rt$a8e ins�uancx pc�tan�ikzi�instatlmeat�5at�h���3t beca��obbgaLad so <br /> `. PaY���1',aaf►d I.euder shalt .Qefund�nX cxc;es.S�tib BarmwaG r��;ar�to�ii��aa a fa�clos�tt+e sak �. <br /> . ,� of�t6e Prapeity or itsd uisi�ioa by��Bo�a�r`s�.accoc�¢•�al}be credite� with ar.iy.:�t`� �.�ar'.a3 far all � . . . <br /> iiL�ta]iment�for items<ot��'aad(c).. ,.. ,,: . :.:� ..,... :.-..r. ., .,<...;:, <br /> 3. Appikatbn � ��.�'4�.�,�.�ments ander Paza�aphs'1 apd 2 shall�ap�lied by E��s fa�c,as's � . <br /> , �g�'to Q�e�ortgagc ins��zun to bc paid hy�nder,w tlie,Sa�;,�y Ar to tha��y cUcr$e��' ` <br /> •the��etary instead of th�e m�orSPfl��r�rgage'�rance pnmiuxs;,:�;.:,, • . . • , , , • :,, + <br /> to ffia es specSal�..�ts,leasehoId paymeat�.+qs:��ntt.Yents,'and fs��:� and otl}ci` ` f <br /> S�COND: y�a + � . � <br /> , �haratd m.,�utance�mmiim�s,_as ; ,;;�:f.. . � ..:.,:, <br /> 1�8p,to intciest duea�:Eat th� � . . , � ; .� � <br /> . �to amuri��at�af the princ'tpal of the Nate; <br /> 1�te cbarges BU�utffier the Note. , . . ` . � ' <br /> : . .4. F�Fiood snil QtlBer AaTard lnsaianoa �oirower s1iaU.iusure atl improvaments oa the Pcoperty.whe�er now , . <br /> . in exitk�x or subseq�smtIy�.agaiast any darards, casiialties;amd wntingen�e�incIpdinS �ne;fbr which Isadec <br /> t+�qu�insuraa�x. 7aLs ias�uaatx sHt11 ba maintalned in tde amonnts aad for th�penods tt�t I�ncler toquires. Ba'rower'• � . <br /> shall aiso insure all' vemcnts on the Pra�xstyr,wF�thsr nov�r in existenoe or subsegaeatIy enx�ed.�gainst Ioss 6y floods � <br /> to the�xseaa nquicedn�s�thc SaSeacecary. AII wsumnce sbaIl be cazritd with companns approved by t�nder. The insuranca <br /> policies and�y sbail be Ixld by Irnda�d shall iac2ade lass payablt cl�ses m favar of+er�d in a falm acapt�bk, ' <br /> �v,f�aer. - . . . __. <br /> In the eva►t af 1oss,Boaawu s�U give i�ender inunedisu notice by mail. Lsndar may'm�lcep�oof�of Ioss if aot m�ck . � <br /> � Fr�,Y by Bomower.•Fxh iasnraaoe oompaay concaaed is henby authoriztd aa�d dincted to maict pa�yment far s�ch loss <br /> �directly to IRader.iastead af w Borcuwa and to Lendo.jointly..AI}or euy part of tbe insuranoe proeceds may be applied 6y, <br /> � ita opdon,eitba(a)to the znducdoa of the indebtodaess nnder d�Note�tLis Secmity�Insuummt.�¢st ta m�r . <br /> delioquent amounts appliod tn the order In Pa�sA�aph 3.a�d then to Pre�Yment of t�:�a1.ot(b)eo�e�or n�aa <br /> � o�'t�dumge�ptnprrty. Any applk�an of t�e proaeeAs m tH4 principal sUa11 na��xund or postpone t1�e due Nl�e of tbe <br /> ��Y WY�ta whkh are r�taRd w ia Psca�aph 2,or ctwqge�ttt�.,�mount of suc6 paympits. Any ezass,�.o�nce . � <br /> grooqods over aa au�aont�qu�tv.pry all outstanding Iaddstednes�::latd,er thb,Note sntl Uus Satuity Inspnrm�t,ahaYl be � . <br /> . • qraid ta�the entiry lagally enBtftd the�o. .,���::,:. . <br />-- � .3�Ei�e•reui t�T`�i�er'sc+sti��vg`�i,3s�urity�It�^fnu�ct a�oi�tra�sfe;uf�,.,'.0 Do 63:.Frag�.^ciy ti�t,cxQri��ic,�1w tite . . - <br /> . indo6oednesa;aU rigbt,titk;and inteiest af Borrowa in and to insuianac po33cies''n foroe shaU p�ss w tho � .. . <br /> �- �. �T..Si:.^t► '_�r-^+r.::,te'�',;.�, 145-'��s-t°� �.� Ps'...:�.-o����: �5,,,�""��.�.'s.�.�w's-��!•y�±r�+;� �, _ ..... -- <br /> �s• . <br /> . �oid�. Bom�wer.a8all oocupy.establish.and use the Froperry as Barrowe�'s principal residcnte withm si�r dsys afrer`'�:�'� �. <br /> . t�e execa�tio�of ttiis Sex.wity�nsuwment and sbaU oantinue m oavpy tbe Pro�erty�Eorrowa's principal cesidsnoe f�r at <br /> . l�;c o�yr,��t�,:ct�te of,occupancy,w�ss shc Secrctary dctc�mints tlsrs r�quir�nt nn'q cai�undue tysrd�f►1�.fisr . � <br /> _ � Bumwer,ar imkss extenuating ci�tanc�es exist wh�h a�re bryoad Bon�wes's oontrol. Sott+uwet st�a(!no6fy l;end�s of� ' <br /> anY extenuatin8 citcu�es. Barrawer shaU nat commit waste or destnay.dsmage or subst�nti�ly chen�e t1se.A�opatq.or <br /> aIInw d�e�mpaty w de�eriorate,crasonable.weat and tear exxptecl.'9,,ender may inspeci the Ptnpe�y�f t�e Ptope�ty is . ' . <br /> vac�at vr�a t6e kan is in defanN. L+eadu mry taYe cea�ansbb action to ps+weet aad pieserve such v�aot.a <br />. aD�oeod Prapeny Bannaer a6a11 ziso be in default if Ban�ower.dwing tLe Wui applic�aa Pioarsv.Have m�l1y fatse � <br /> ar inaccwate infam�atlon or statcments w Lender(or faikd toprovid�I.enda witb wy m�erial inform�tion)in ooar�cdon <br /> � wId►t6e�n evide�oe�b�r Ux Note.includin�,but not limited to.�+epc�atations eon�xx�iang Bormtver's�psnry of the <br /> as s�priacip$1 resxlence. If this Secar�ty Insttument es on a kasehotd.Barrower s6all oamply witH the provisi�s of <br /> x <br /> t� . 1f Bomnwet acquines fa titk w the Aropeaty,t�e Ieasehold and fx titte shall nat De merged r�nle�s I,e�der agras to <br /> � the mergar ia writit�g, . <br /> �r. C�eracs ta Bor�uwer and PrOtatba ot Lmdet's N�thts in t6e P�+aperty. Boirawer shall'pay ali govetnmental - <br /> . . or maaicipai c�r8ps,fines and'unposiaons tbat ere not included ta ParagragA�. Bormwer shalt pay dKSe obligstions on <br /> time dire� the entity whtch is owad the payment If fa�ure to pay would adreisety`uffact Lendsr's inoensi in the � � <br /> . Property.apan IraQer's ttqu�st Borrower shull promp8y fiunisD�o Icnder reoeipts evldencing these_payujeats. . <br /> - If Bormwes fedts to malcs these pa�ents or the PaYm�ts c+e4ui�d'bY Pa�agr�2.ot faifs to prrfom�smy ath�r <br /> covtoants andagroements eontained in itLis Savn Inst¢umen�ar there is a y � <br /> . Leade�s ri�t►ts in the Prupeny Ysuct�as a ptoc�Lng in b�anYruptcy,for ooa�tio�n o�r m enfotce taws o�r re��'a�nj� � <br /> t�sn l+ende�may da an�pay wh�� er is c�ecessazy to�nocti t�value of tl�e�toperty and Lendes's rig�ts in the Pmptrry. . . _ <br /> Iactudsng payment of nxes,ha7ar�iaswanoe aad otLer ioems�atioaed in P�rag�h 2. � � <br /> Any amounrs disbursed by L,eadar tmder tfis Parag�rapb sis�ll bewme an adduional debt of Bolrower anA 6e secuied by . <br /> t�is Secruity Instruraent 7'hese sunounts sh�19 6ear interest from the date of disbursec�euL at the Note rat�and at the oyeian � – <br /> , oFLender.shaU 6e amae�cIiateJy due and payable. . - <br /> ' ' �-_ <br /> . . fPagr 2 of a poges) � � == <br />