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<br /> GERALD L. SEARS AND C�HSTANC$ 61. S�AHS� .�#SBAND AHE� ��FB hereit� .
<br /> celled tl�e Qrantar svhether one or more, in cons�ideratiora af S�XTY TW� �'HOIISAND
<br /> , , .
<br /> � AHD, �tQl1A0 DOLLatft5� ___�_ ._..4..�----•..----- {s62,00�.00j received iroir gr�ritees,.;
<br /> �t ' do hereby<grmnt�, hargai�,. se12, convey�and conf i r� un.to . � � . �
<br /> � � � ' ' C�lROL A. AAN3EN . � ' � . . �
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<br /> . ' • ... � . � as graatee ��ar�ther nr►���c ���. .
<br /> , �. . . . . ; .�� . , . . . .
<br /> � � t�e �ollawiug desCSi�bed Rea� proper��i::��,,��•�:-,-I�i4�L CounQy, Nel�s�;a�kar� �. �.
<br /> . ' _ ' � • ';J,��::2�� I . . . t .
<br /> . . . . , . . , . . ' � c.. ,
<br /> . � . F.ract'ianat Y.o! Fuur (dj f� in Fractiona3 Bla�tc� One Q��dr�d� Fatty �i�6t����l48�},,
<br /> . � ��in 39�e i�nion Pa�cff3c Rafl�ay Coa�paay's Becdnd Aci�i�ion ta �the City of Gr�nc� �
<br /> Islanc�., Hat 1 .C'ounty; Nebraska and sb �uch� o� Lat �One (�� of .tB�e Caunty � � • �
<br /> Subdivfision a!� a par4 0! the Wea�t Ral� ot t4ee SoutB�est Qusrt�er .{14��fZ5i�11/�) at .
<br /> Sea�tior���sit�e�n (15), �s� Township Elevex� (i!) .Nor!!a, Range �Nine. �9� Me$t �f� fhe
<br /> �tb P.�t., in Hall Cou�ty, Nebras�a, to �ak� �: .Yull lot of .sarid Fcactibri!►1 Lot�
<br /> Fouc (4), In .Fractional. BlocTc. 43ne wundFed Forty Eight (148p• in� tfn�an Paefil3a
<br /> � Ra.i lway' CalMpany`. s Seco�� At1di t ion, Hol 1 County,�Nebraska . � , . .
<br /> . ` � . � ,';.:,;
<br /> , To have and ta bm��.';,��e abov� �escribed ' , i`rv•`. . � . .
<br /> . , prea�ises to�ether withR�;�t:i1 .
<br /> tene�eats, heredl.taaen��u�:;:ia�4'..atppurten�nces thereta beZon�in8.,�nto 't�e. granie�e .
<br /> .�ni� t,v �ran�ee's .meirs sici��`ae�sfQna forever. � . . �� �� � .'.v�r;�''_�
<br /> � ,. . . � � .. . ,� ,..
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<br /> , � An� the��rai��a� �doas heceby eqnverrarst wi�h. the .arantee and with, �ran;e�:'s.� ` . �
<br /> hefrs.ancl •sssigna th�t geanto� f�s laxlul�y seised o! said pr�fses; #hat ti�:��� � �
<br /> . . are lcee �iroa� e�cu�brancea � , " . �� •� ' .,.,:�;;.,.
<br /> . . . _ . . . f:
<br /> thi�t �rantor� has good �ight anid laxfut author$ty to conv�y.�t�ie sa��e; an8 �t�►a�:
<br /> a arantar Narrants �and wi 11 defen8 tAe title. to said pee�ises �t�ainst ,�tba .laMtul "
<br /> � clafss of all'�p�rsons whoasaever. � _ , �
<br />_' ...�I)4.te�i �f�� v�t . s. 19$'S: . .. . . . . , . : = , _ •. _
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<br /> :� ,. . . ,. ,.
<br /> . . . - .tisiv -. . - .
<br /> � . � Gerald �L. Sears ^ �� �"�
<br /> ' ' . • " _ . a;' � ' • �Constance�bi. Sears .: � . .
<br /> : S�ate o! l��V" ����i,,�r;.�'� � •��, ;.:.,-, . :. .� . � � � ' ',,
<br /> . / � � •'. ��al Y.,� . .
<br /> � Xlif County)ss: , � � .. . . . .
<br /> ; . �Fn this ��5r day of.I�' /QS1� ' ,. 1995_ .befare ■e, the under�ignerl a Notary .
<br /> �ubli.c, duly co�rfssfoned .and quel.ified inr. in safd Cotinty, peesenally caiie. .„
<br /> to �g knoirn tu be the, ad�ntic�I persan or�persons w}�ose nawe is or nai�es are
<br /> aifixed to the toregoing fnstruaent aa�d �acknouledaed t�e executi�an tf�icreaf to be
<br /> : hf s, Ler ar !liei r voluntery act and. deed. � _ . .
<br /> iVitness ��r hand and Notar3al Seal the da�r and year laot atiove wcfitten.
<br /> . . • , . . .
<br /> ., , .
<br /> . � � � � � . . ' Notary I+ub13 c
<br /> MY. Co�is�ion expi�res ihe �ag� �r . � ,�„__„_,,, 19� •
<br /> • • . . .
<br /> .. --,.' � � ymn,e�,'�#��'��M.r. i� � • � .. .-- - --. .-- -- ..-_. .. , .._. .
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<br /> � R68ER?Ii L REEQ , . . -
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