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<br /> _ _1995__,n�t_�j� zr�,�amd�tialt.�a�.� �n,a�enAandsu�2eux��t thel�iartgage;_�_af_.- --,- ,- -
<br /> T Tr�st or Sesurity De�d{ttt�'Scr�tity dnstrumen�')vf t�san�date given by tfu undtrsigted(die'BoAa�wer")ts► •;
<br /> - �:.��a�E�mts::u'sll3�.trk�e�tuie{tI�''I4s�°' so. . • �
<br /> �Tl� E�ite0lt 8�i19irtg tn�late Altoti�tiae ot 6rte� Is�en�� �e�r�st1, A Snduti Sivinqs flint
<br /> � � '(tt�°;�ender°)af t�e same date and ccwyering 4he pnsperty describ�in the Secuirity Inst�ment and lacar�cI ax � ,
<br /> ' ' 1620 N HAHCOCK AVE� (iRANO ISi,.A�lD. NE6RllSKA 688�3-2536 • � � . �
<br /> . . tPcopetty�idd�ss} . , � �
<br /> • , �M�� iWD TH� NIORTlp.Y .p/�l(lIAEM;. 'fNE NOTE tlMf�'S. THL AMaUNT T1lE'. � . • � �
<br /> �. • Bbi�NiER'S IpTEFtES�? RA'� CAN CtlANtiE AT AirlY, ONE 't7iME ANL? TilE ,
<br /> ,.' . ' : MAD�IMUM RATE 7'F�E BORRO!lYER Mt�SY PAY. , . . �
<br /> �MDITIONAL.COYENAN7'S..In addition co tbe oatiea�ats and agcammts made in the Saurity Iasttuaxt�, � �
<br /> ' . Bermwer and i.pndar furtbe�oovengnt atW agre�e as fflitaws: � ._ ,
<br /> • ' � �. A.Ilr'�.F1tEiT RATE a�►ND MO�'I�LY PAYME3tt'f CHANGES ' , . . ..
<br /> � , � Tlrs NoTe pmvides for aa ini�al Im�rest rau of 7.000 • , �:The I�ots�mv:�f�sr c�an$es in
<br /> . tha intarast rate o�.t�e�o�:hSY FaYmmts.as f�Ilows: � � ' , ,.
<br /> . . . . �.Il�RE.ST RATE ANID M013TBi.Y PAYMENT C�APIGFS..: , .� . . � " . .
<br /> <
<br /> . . ' ' � �� - . . / ,r . .
<br /> ' (�)�� ' fA � 2QQ0 �'�`andon�hat :
<br /> � : . , TLe intErest,tate I w�l pay may a�ange on the Grst day ofSEPTEMBER , ; '
<br /> • � � l�*RYC[,St���1�..t.��1C OII WbIC`�3 IDji Iffi�tBIC CDII�S�CI�dG$r.1S C7�I!'.�'S'QJ�$C�iC•� • ;;(• '
<br /> . . . - . . � . ,r.'', ' . . � _
<br /> � � lyl lYF�L1Ri �. . .:r')i. . . - . �.��'- ' .._:�_ . . ` . . �
<br /> Begianiag with ti�e ficst[�ange Date.aaw i�terest rate wlll.be b�,sec1 ak�an 3ndeac.;'�"lndet"'.���e�rodciY
<br /> �. -� aver�ge yieYd un Unitod S`�s Trcasiuy s�adjasoed ta�caatitaat maturity o����;�s,t�s made avu'labie by .
<br /> ' . � the�Fedesat Rasava Boatd:Tis�ma�t taxnt�adxx figiue a�ilabla as of tbe date 43�y;s�i�efon each C,tr�e D�Re '
<br /> is calisd tha"E�trtrnt Index." ' '.-� . . . . " � " •.
<br /> � If the Ind�z is ao tanger avaiEable,the Note�Holder w7&!rd�oose a r�r index whic�is baseFi npon op�Qaable _
<br /> . . . . .�iafara�iaa.'II'nd Note Holder will give ma noti'st of this ck�oise. �::-°i ' , .
<br /> . • • . . :. . •';r<<;��::;
<br /> /� � :�:,:.,.. .,,�.
<br /> - . ' . �'.��.��\i� .�.-{(.;:.��5�. . . . . . . ,,..
<br /> _ ;��re acb Change Date,the N+ote Holdei will s�t�"�new intere.st�by:tu��3�g � ; :�=::`(�;` .
<br /> '"'�q�.". . ' . Pe?�Pa�4s)( 2.00Q :,.�- � g�.�.�.�"�•.
<br /> ;i;:.;i:�:�� lrid�x.:'�'t�e��'���dec wii!thm�oaad the:t�att of thi9�ddition to the naQeat pbcei$hth of+�pac�nt�e
<br /> . �.. ,-�('` ��` pc�t.(0:[2i5Gf.��i&ijax to the limits staaa��'m'�aec�ion 4(D)bdnw.tbis rounded�vV�l be dt�r'+�r�i�tereat .
<br /> •,a�;tfn�t]fe next Cl�ege D�:.::�' ,..::.. ���'::;3.'��'�,.' � � . � ,'
<br /> �'''•`6'hc Note Holdcr will th�iu.t3�crmine t6e amauot af tve mont�tY P�Y�t tl�t vwksr�l@�be sa�cc�t�zepay t�e �
<br /> umaaid nrincip�tla�t I am expe�tnnwe at t6e Changa I?att in.fult.dn f�1e Mu�E�'�te�s my nevv inta�est r�te . � _
<br /> -- � - in su�star�iilIY ajaal�.'�e aeautt of tbis catcufahon w�6e tl�e,i�iv amaue oimq inuniiu��rymeaG- .. - �- ",,
<br /> . , . ,
<br /> . . . .. _. . � __ . •
<br /> � .
<br /> __, . .-- - .. .. , . -- � - — - -.. .- - -� � -
<br /> .. _ . ., •- ; -a�
<br /> 'I�)�.�LLSOII I11�EY�Rit!G�_ •. ,' • �,, � - . ' ;,'.• � �,},;
<br /> �, 8 Dd� ''r 5..
<br /> 7Y►e i�nest t�te I atn t+equit►sd to pay st the fiist QWage D�te will not�o gi+eues th�n � • �1�;;::',.:� . .
<br /> . ` a�Iess t�n �'•OQQ ' � 9G.'I'heneifter,mY tut�mt rut will aever be i�ed or dxn�od:�''`• .
<br /> � � � aay siggie CN�dge D�te bp m�ore than twa p�ranhgo poin�{2.0�)fmm�the rate of i�est I�►w ba�u prying ; � . .
<br /> far dfe prec�eding t�+dve months.M i�resi.cate will neva be grater th�n 12.000 . . .. 96, • ' .
<br /> � i�ty intsrsst rate ��i 1� nsvsr be low�r than S.00Ox.. • � . �
<br /> �j�tl'a�IveDNe�oIC� . ' . ' . �
<br /> My t�tw interest n�e wilt bocon�e cSfectirve an ea+ch Ch�nge bue.I wHi pa�r tl�e aa�unt of my nCw moNhiy .
<br /> � •.PRY����8 on the fust m�nthlY PaYment data aftu.tIIe Changre Dste.until tiye ai�t of my moI6t61Y . .
<br /> Q�yment c�ge.s again. .
<br /> . . . (F)Atot�CeelCt�es � � , . .
<br /> . � • 1Tie Nae Hold�r wiU det+ver or mail co me a notice of any chaages in my iatrrest tate and tBe amoam of asy
<br /> " . monthly payme�bdare tije effective date of cury chutge.The notice will incInde infvrmation�+equtred by 1aw to �
<br /> ' be given�ce aIId a[so t�ee tit�e aad tc�ephonc numhcr of a petson wbu wi�l ��r any �an I�aY t�ave .. .
<br /> � . tegaMing ths ntxice. . . � �
<br /> . � • . , . .
<br /> ' . lIAl11T.I5tATE AOJU�TAALE i1A7E 8�El1-MM&.'�-Sit►g!a FamiN-fite�M�t�lft��G IMi1o�n�6Mtrue�nt . .
<br /> ' . � Farm 8411 S1S5 � �
<br /> ��2?Acn�ts► ve�rtaara��axus•�soo:sxi•ns� � . �vr6meo.,�rcrev.w► . .
<br />