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<br /> ----- -� .._.. ..__.��.�. — - ----�-- � ------ -
<br /> - ---- --- ---. —_-°-'-__�_.�.ze_�_�. -._,,,.�f 9-�---=- -
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<br /> � � 17.T�anster bi the Rtnpe�rty or�t Be�siklal In3gres!in Bnrrn�ser.i�till or aap patt of the Fropqtty or ut►Y imer�t in it :.
<br /> � es sotd or tca�sferred Ear if a benefic9al saterest in Borrower is s�ia or�ansfetced aad Barrovuer is aot a tt�tural person),'�It�out
<br /> t m`fult of ell sums se�ured!sy th3s �
<br /> I�ader's pnos wristen cb�. Yender�sy.at its optioa. , re immediate paymen .
<br /> .� y LtR[der if exercise is pmhibi�ed by federal taw as of the�att
<br /> Se�n�it�t Instcument.However,th3s opdfln staalt siot 6e e�cerdss�i�
<br /> __-._nf L3is�lt1t Inctmrnent.- - -- --- '..� . . _ . . ' --
<br /> If�.er•der exerases t�op��n�r sLalTgive�or�ol��s�ce oi�te�ao�Tu�uodi�s`ua��:�a�'"`��—
<br /> � le3s than 30 days from the dute the notioe is.deliv+ered or maited witFrin which Boixower musc pay alt sums secured by this
<br /> . Sec�it3r Insta+iment.if Boaower fs�s fo pay th�;e sutris�tior to the exgiratima of t�s periad.Lat�er i�ty�o'�e aay re�ies , -
<br /> petmitc�d by 6iis Securiry Instrament wit8out further nottce or demand on Boirower.
<br /> �$. �errawe�s Eigt�t to Re�mtatc. If Borrawar aa�ets oenvn condicioas, Borrourer shall have.the night.to i�ve
<br /> enfo�nr of dus Security Insttnment disao�inued at any�ime prior w the eartPeY aF. (u)5 days(or suc�other period as
<br /> applic�i6ta 1aw �►sPxifY fbr'rr.insta�ett�nt)�b�foie sale of the Property piusuant co any power of sate conrained in t�us
<br /> 5ecurity Inst�uc�ent;or @�entry of�jndgmeat enforcing this S�cu�rit5►Insttut�m.'1'hos�e con�tioas are that Boaower:(a)pays .
<br /> I�der all sums.wl�Ich t��en wovld be due a�ier this Se�ity Inst�nmeat and tiie Note as if ao aoc�le�atian had accumd:(b}
<br /> cares aay default of any ather covenants ar agreementst(cj,paYs a11 e�spenses iac�irred in eaforei�Ehis Sec�i�Y,��
<br /> " inclad�g,hut gat limited to.reasonable attomeys'"faes;anfs fd)t�es such actton as Lendet may r�asonabiy rCgwre tQ ACa�
<br /> t�at t�lien of this Sc�risy Instn�+�:�r'o s-�►is-m the,Prup2rty a.nd Borrower's ohligati�►to pay the sams sectued try . ,
<br /> this 5ecuriry Insttunnent shail continue unc8anged. Lipoa reinstate�t by Ba�ro�¢t. this Secnri�Y Ins�u�t aad t�e
<br /> . � obligations�secure¢6ereby shalt•��in fully effechve as if rto aoceler�►tion biad occua�ed.However,this right to teinstate sha11 .
<br /> ,.not agply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17. � `�
<br /> i9. �oi Note;Chutge oi Loan Servtce�The I�Iote�or a partial interest L�the Note(Wgeiher wit�tbis Se�rity. -_.. �
<br /> • �insuu�a►i)maY be said one or mo:c�a+ithout prior notfee tu Borrower.A sale��c�Wt in a ctta�ge in the eatity(imnw�
<br /> as the"Loan Servicer")that oollect's monitily payfftents due under the Noie aa�d thLs�aca�¢v Inst�ument.'I9�ere also may be one. •
<br /> crr more ch�nges oF ttte Loan Seivtcer unrelated to a sat�of the Note.If there is a chanb��the I�oan Se�vicer,BC►rro�vec v�'iII be
<br /> given written notice of itre change in a000rd�ce witU p�a8rapb 14 above�and applicable law.The aa��e wil2 state:the aame at�;�;; � . ,
<br /> address of the acw Loan Senricer and the address to whicb payments ahould be made.'I4�e notic���1 aL�o ccsat�aaY ottsir;::;�;�. .
<br /> infaa�ion�equired bY ePFlicable law.� • . ` . . ` `
<br /> T.4.H�mits Su6st�.Bnrrower shall aot cause or pernrit t he presenve,u�,d i s p o s a l:'stora g e,e�.x¢f��se oP a�`' .
<br /> Iiazandaus Substances on.or ia the Property.,Borrower sba11 aut do. nor aflaw 2sa��else w do. an�� �eciin$tbe �
<br /> ` . Propeny that ia ia violadon of aay Emironmental Lsw.The preceding twu���►�'s�t11 nnt ag�sly w presehce,use,ar..,••
<br /> storage nn the Property of smaU quantities of Haza�dous Subs3aaces that are�enesraliy�eca��."o;�e sppr+npri�te w nor�;�it:'..;t:
<br /> residenrial aees aac�to ma�tenanca of the P►vpei4y. ��.�:"r: .:
<br /> . . . �,..
<br /> • Borrower sha11 pmmpdy give I.ender�written notive aY aay investigation,claim,?c�riand.lawsvit or ottter ac�»n hy:cii��.;;'.`;;,`� . �
<br /> govea�aental,or regatatoryagencY or private p�rty.imroIving the.Propraty and ar►y���:s S�abstance or Etsv�x��',�`�`',_,�•
<br /> of whicb Bozrower has actual knowledge,. If Barrawer leams.or is notifced by sa,y�c�f�'�1.or regulaifl�'r.�Y�.il3iority,that�;"��.;:�:.,-::.
<br /> � any cemova!Pr o�er mai�diarion of any Har�dous S u bstanoe a f feaing't h e P r o p e rt y�$�a x y r,$ormwer s1�all�rom ptl y t&ke.,`;' . ;.
<br /> ' � all rs�cessary re�c�tial acrior�in accordance wit�En�nmentai Law. . •. :': ; f�, ,•:
<br /> As used�:�is paeagraph 2a, "Hazardoas Suhssa�o�'aze those sr�9stances defined as�to��r hazardaus sa6stanoes�',��.:; :
<br /> Ea�i,�t�r�tai Law aud the follmuins substanoes: g�c��, keroses�bst�er fl�6Ie or toaie petroleum pralaets. ta�eei�._
<br /> �r�.as and Aerbie3des.voi�tile solvents,materials wntairi-ng asbestos ar foanatd�a't3°ti and radioactive materials.As useA in�� �.
<br /> t�d�(�gaph Z0, "Environt�ntal Law" means federal tnws and iaws of the jurisd��on w�ere the Froperty ts I�d.that , •
<br /> rela�'.csa Bealth,safet3+or environmental pmtection, � : .. .
<br /> NQN-Ul�1IFORM C0IBNAIJR'S.Borrower und I�nder further Cor•enant flad agree as follaws: . .,
<br /> 21.e��..t_�-ss;Ke�e�ie.s.Y.et�der sball give�ottSe tA Botrow�ptior to 9coeteration followtug BoRmeu's breatlii:;:'
<br /> ot aay mvmiee oe �enc tn tids SecarltY �t tbat nat E�rior eo�oeeksatlon unda� paraY;raPh.i7
<br /> unda
<br /> sppikx6k taw provides otherwise3.'!'1ie aobice s1�aU specUy- (A)tbe defau4i;tEt��`.he actM�reqadced to curie We dt�ul��".: ' •'
<br /> (c)s�d�tq not less tean 30 days fmm t1�e date tlx notke is gtiven to Borra�rer,.��whicb tLe deiwlt mast tx�1,au�
<br /> (�?tHat failare to aue the defanl!ua or 6efore the date spndtlat.ic�t6e notic�inay res�itt in,�coderation at tbe au�a, .�
<br /> . savred�by tGLv ScanitY Instrammt aad s�te of the Ptopaty.'ifi+e qi��3ce si�li Iortba'intucm:;�oRro�r��tbe ti�,}��i,r.,;
<br /> rei�tate attes�tlan awd We ri�ht to bring a oomt adio�t�x.s�sert tfle 8on�ca�eac�itPt'b detwdt c�an�
<br /> �u ' ', .
<br /> � . ��'rcnse ot BamWer to aooeiant�on aad sate.If We defaalt is�k�t*xred on dr befocC the iiate spedtfe�;f.a;�e
<br /> 16ietti8er,at its opBon,nwY re9uire t�nmedtate pa�ment ie Nll of all wms s�DY thts Sec�MtB b►s�i�a�t nitLout .
<br /> .farther dem�nd aad.ma�invoke the�oWtr of sale and any oitier rcmedias peirmitted by Appitcabk taw..L�iaader�s�all be
<br /> entiLlM tu c�fiect att e�inc�ned in yutsuYnB the cemedirs providecl in this par�ph 21,including,but not�iimtttd�� � -
<br /> to.reason�bk at[ocneys'leeg and costs of tIt�e evidc� .
<br /> !� � U tt�e power oi sale Ls invok e d,1Ynssce sh�II nwrd o notke"ot default in each co�t�y in�hich�n9 p�rt ot�`::_
<br /> . ' .�'O�CI�y��S t�` Ti���ID!���f(m b�in7iis"��u t.�s�.as:ii::r,+p:rSi�-,�°��� nn? _.,.T$I9l�!�O HOSdYl�Yldt_El1ff.�1�.�• _..
<br /> �t6e M�er p�rrsot�s psrsct�lsed bY aDP��bte taw.Aiter the time reqnire8 by epg�3cabte law,Ts¢stee s�f!give pabl�C tiot�.;;` .
<br /> o�sak to the pt�saQS and tn ibe manntr prescribed by ap�►Itcabte Isw.Ttsustce,withn�8 deman�l on Borcowar.sb�sU ':'
<br /> � t1k Praperty at pubik�uctlon to ttje Bag,i�st AtQda at t�time and P�and�oder tbe te�designatdl Ea t�uotiae a+�� :
<br /> � �sak in onr or�nor�e proels and ia any order Tntstee detesmines.Tn�sta maY P�Aon!sale oi a91 or ony porcel�at,�re
<br /> . 1'roperty by ptiblic�pciounammt at the time and place ot wny pr�vioasiy scbafi�le�sate.L�nde�or its designee�mn;�
<br /> ' �uc6�e t6e�'i+uperty at any s�ie. . . . �
<br /> � �sou v,�n
<br /> ' Psg�6 ot B ' .
<br /> (
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<br /> � - a S;5_-;}l.1�4L :s't1'se��r�s�.:E�_�1_'f__���'!O{�.��'a.��_ "
<br /> rsr - . .t � .-.� -m.ua�a:.•a-�r^-•� •. Za�rrs��ayze7+cJtx.t'+.aiv�- �v - . . . .
<br /> t . a'tic � �,S f. ♦ � r - 'y 4. Y'e1. '�"yi,:by "°�� __'-- . '- ._'""....__.
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