, :
<br /> ' fi::_ '.��5, .�� � t - '� --- - - - - -
<br /> —: . ..��. c *�Sa�i.�q. "'_ ' . _.
<br /> .... .. .. . -.,_— _ _ .w _—_ __
<br /> ' ..' �....� - ._�...��._.—'_� . --=r-�.—;��-.�. � ���M . � - .
<br /> . _——____ .,._'_ , .. _ ____—. _'—_ _. . . .. _ —_ _• .—__ . _._ . _ _ . .
<br /> - . - _ - -� . . ��95` �.�DSS39�� � �� .
<br /> � .
<br /> (�OEFf�Qt WITH 8II[�E IIIIp31�Y8IDEffiS Q4W Oi ILClC'dR4F EILCLC�Q��I@ QI@pCCLiyl,an4 nl!eastrnent�.a¢Durtenan��.and. �
<br /> fixnues now os li�reafter a pari af,th$ property. .E111 nF�ce�ts�sd;addttions sha11 ats�,be covcred by w3a Serurtty
<br /> . � Instrumeat.AII of the foregving is referred to iri this Securiry InsavmenT as the•Pcopesty,.°
<br /> - --=BOR1iOWER.COVENANT5.tbat BoaowCt_is.Iaw�'u�UY.fielsed 9f ihe esiate heieby aoavoycd und h2s Ihe rlght to grauE an� �
<br /> convey the Property sud t�at the�C'rope;ty is�ncncnm er�,excqt�or enc�an��ncrs og-reco�:Bot�btu�r-rap�i►�sa�wiif== ,
<br /> defend geaerally the dtle to the Property against all claims and demands,subjer,t to a�►y��mbpanses o�meord.
<br /> �HIS SEC[7RFC�1NSfIt1JME[3T cumbines uniffirm cav�naats far iia�oaai nse and aon�uniiur�t eov�aetts w€th lisrtiu� - --
<br /> 'r�� variatlQns by�iction to coastitute a uniform security�nsuomeat c�overing real proPertY•
<br /> � UNIE'ORM C�VENANTS.Borrower and I.euder covenaIIt smd agre�as foll�ws: .
<br /> ' ,i-:��.l:.lf's�yqient a�t I�riaci�etl aad Tnterest;Pr�Ycne�t and I.ate�Charge9. Basrower shaU pmmPti3►paY when ciue°el� . _
<br /> . P,'�g�1-cif�ct uttcYrst on the c�bt evtdeaced by ahe Nott�any piepaymzni mmd Iazc charges ds3e�u�der tP�t Note. � ;
<br /> ' 2.Fands for����ad Instirance. Subje�;�;�1:�:�law or tio a writtea a+aiver!sy L.ender,Borraaer shalt pay ta .
<br /> Lcnder a�the�ay monthYY yay�nts are�e�'.��n"�,�ths Note is paid ia full,�snm t"Funds"•�Yar.(A)YearIy wxes. .
<br /> ' � anc3 assessments Whicdt may attain.priority�i�«.;:t�.��.'�ist�:�uument as a lien asi the Property:(b)Year2y,l��nld p¢ynxnUs
<br /> ' or gmwdd rents on the Froperty.if any;(s)`5?�.J�-�-�..�'�.�o'r'`gmpertY insuYance Premiums;4d}l+e;�eiy ttovd Insurancxprenttum�+
<br /> � ' � tf any;(e�Yeazi�r mortgage insuranee pre�ic.."^,��;T�{�any sums paxabTe by Barr�wer w.l.ender,in�ordance with
<br /> . tlu provisia�,i�i�,j�ra„°raph 8,nu tiea ofihe�-��;s�af.moKgaBe ins�ran�ce Fnnpiums.T'dese ite�s sre c�11ad"Fscro�v dtems.".
<br /> � L�ender.m�_����q`1dme,c�llect and Ho2��:��Cza�:an a¢�onnt not to exsced th�maaimmum�aaiouat a Iender for a federelty ,
<br /> relafe�u�;�ge laaff amy requere�far Earr��"��ow•acoow¢t iirkder iiTe f�dera!Rea}�Estate Sattemeat Pmc�dures Act of
<br /> t974 as��eci from�to time.�2 U.S.t��c�;� 2601 et seq.("RFSPA°).w�tess anataer taw tha��pplies ta it�Funds �
<br /> � sets a t�,ainoant.,if�o..Lea�er r�y. at�-:�'eolleeE ead ho2d Funds in an amaaht nat w e�cc�+ad iha ttsser amount.
<br /> Le�er�;;�siimate the a�ount of Fuads due on.t��asis of current flrita aad reasoneble esutmatcs nf eape�tures of fuuue
<br /> �,.., ,,. � . .
<br /> � ' Bsc�ow�pr othetwise in occordance with applicable�aw. .
<br /> Tt�;�`d�j�s shall 6e held in an institudoa whose deposits are im�red by a federal agency. instrumehta]ity, ar entity � .
<br /> �...
<br /> , ,(incluc�ut�rt�z(der,if I.cnder is suc�s an instimdon)ai in any Feda�ai Home-Loan Bank.l.ender st�ll epply the FunQs to pay the . .
<br /> ' Escrov�I ;t�>l.ender may�nat c6atge Borrower foi hvMi�g aad applying the F�ads.anaualiy enaipziug tha eacr4w ac,cuurlt.dt '.
<br /> vcrifjring t7��cscraa Items,unie�s Lender pays Ba..�;�.�;..:,��s,on the Fuads and applirable Iaw pemtits I.ender to rn�ce such
<br /> a ctiaige.However.L�eader inay reqnire Boirdwew c����►�::�ne charge for an independeat real estate tax.rtpotting secvia
<br /> used by.Le�der in connoctioa with this toa-±; rt�a;��.`�..g:law pmvides athemise. Uraless an egrxment is m�d�e oe .
<br /> � e�Qlicabte!aw reqnires interest to be paid;t��i;�'T�at b���ed to pay Borrowa'r aay�rtti�st or eaminga ort the Fimds.
<br /> � ��orrower an�Lendea may agree us writing„L�wi�-'��r;th�x�.n�f3r�s:�ti'be patd ba tfle Funds.Lendar s}�11 givo to�rrower,
<br /> wIthout charge.an aanual accflunting of t�..fF��u:�s; s;z�„' %�;ariiNlj�aac+1 dehits to t�e Fiands and the purp�se for whtcb each ' .` . .
<br /> dlMt tQ t}iC FWit�9 W39 tA3dC.The Fuads.are�a��,;��a9 ad�;��i�:?��a�.all sums seaued by this 5e�urity�Ir�.snt�mem�.�..
<br /> � � If t6e Fands held by I:eader exce�d tiie,�z+»:�is pxrait'�:'�o'�S�td�y apglls�bte law,Lender sha1T aGCa�r�t to Bo�rtnwtt.
<br /> for the excess F�n�,c,,.,�,;�a.aeordance with the r�^i�,,�Y?isnta nf�ffPPlic�ble law.If the a�t of the Funds held by i,�nda at any
<br /> dtra is not sufficieT/c:��ay the F�crow Iterns a�tu�,�ue,Le^.�:r.�ay so aotify Bonower in writirrg,and,in sucti case Borrower
<br /> - �iw1l paY to I.eeatr the 2rnuuat necessary+to�:;4p the .�i+�,�icy:Bonower shail maYe up th�de8dencp in av mo=e thstn .
<br /> • twetve mo�at�IY PaYments,at Lender's sole discreiian. "`` � ' ' , r.
<br /> UPun Payment in fglZ of all sums secau�by ttus SecuritY Insmit�►en� Lender sha14 promptlq c�fimd so�arrowtr any � .
<br /> Funds hetd b�LeMe[.�f.under paragraph 2I.Ixndei sha11 acquire or.seU the Properiy;Lender,+�rior ta tlk s�visidon pr s�le •
<br /> � � of t6e Pmptrty.s��`,�ply any Funds held by Lender at the tisne of acquisitioa or saie as a ci+e���Sainst ti�e.sums sxured by .
<br /> : �Is Security Ins�Sq ..�'� �. . � � . . � .... . . � . �
<br /> , � 3:AppiitAtion'oC P�ytn�nt�.Uniess applic�b2:!aw p1+�vu�,s-oth;.gwlsa,a�!payments received Is�r l,c�der wider P�B�
<br /> 1 and 2 st�ii 6e apQlied:fuat,to nnY�repaY�u=s.c�:�;:s�.:.e,cr�:r tt�.�c�e;seoond,to amounts PaYable,u�fd..-r pat�graph 2; .
<br /> ' , thftd.to int�st due;.fnurt�;;:t:a principal dqe�:�w;,u:�;�a�:��cha��s is,under the Note., ..
<br /> � �.CIu�Ra..I�ena.Biotz'�9wer sha11 pay aiU►;G��>as�i�.ss�.c�;.�y��:�8nes a�sd impositions ataibntablato tha Preperty � .
<br /> whkh cn�y attain pri�rtry ovet fl�fs 5ecuzity��.�ent,aGfi��s�otd p�yme�ts or graand rents,if any.�orrower si�aif pt►yy
<br /> � Qleje ablfp,at(toas in tha rnaarner p.,w°vidal in'ya�xaRfi�2,or.if not paid in.R�t:�ars�r.Borrow�r sball pay them on time dinxtly
<br /> t6t1��►etson owed pe}rment.�;;:.�� si�f�rt�Y iia�ir tES i�er�s:xs"�,r�;�s a:`ar�,-�fs-tc3 w��d u�t��t^.�:.._:�..._;_
<br /> iFBo�rowet mafces these paymen�,a�:.�stly,Bc:�inx,�au�shail prompdy fur.���a�nderi�rs:ipu evi4eacic�g d�e payments.
<br /> � . �csrrnw�e ehYJT prampdy dis�3;;any lien cv3iactt has prlority ove�'t�ci��^�3rrity Instniment untess Borm�vet:(a)agroes in
<br /> writipy to�shet p�yment of th�4bligario:i secured by the lien ic��:i�ti,:����:;.a�}'�a2e to Lender,@}contests in good faitb th+e llen �
<br /> by. ��r defo»ds ag�iast e,-rforcement of the llen in, legal g:�.;rt,�u.��'�,�:a��in�th� I.ender's opinion operate to.preveat the
<br /> enfartenxrtt of the lien;or(c)secttacs f�'csm t���talder af tfie lien an�-3��,ics''.�tisfs►ctory to Lendsr subordit�ating the tieti tt�
<br /> . t�ir Security instrament:if t.en��sY�.t�wer^�,,�s'�t-.at any p2ut of the Pc�+�i�g�subject to a lien which may attain Qri4rity over ,
<br /> tAt�SKCUrIty lnstevment.Lender�y�:�:ve CJ:�;,✓er a noticc identifyir.��1',�n.�orrower shall satisfy the licn br take one or
<br /> nx►te of thc acttans set forth¢�ove�;c�ii�'�i�U��'j�3�of the giving of�atice.�. .
<br /> ' � . . ' • . . • Forrn 80?�1 Bt�O
<br /> � . a�Zo�9 .
<br />