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<br /> � paymeats crray ao tange=be�,at tt��opt�un of Leuder.i�maatggga�oe cov�agz n'�m�i�t�d€or tha paioS . ' —
<br /> �ae L�6arr��0�►��raa�s appmvedD�►t�s�,�ava�aeS��e is�.s�cow�r s�alt�y axi � -_
<br /> F���I����mtuaatace ia effa;���ptavida e Wsa resesve.�asl!the iaquaemeat foc mortgage _ _
<br /> ias�saiLs ia aoocn�poe witbsay�vriatta eg�nt 6etwat�Botmwa at�Lmda�agplicabla tsw. , `•
<br /> ._ 9_Ias�ectioa. I�r a i�ts�gmL ms�misi�a�Ie eauk:s upon�nd iagpx�ians af th�P�mperty.LenQer shat!give _
<br /> � --Bara�nsUOeat�emx��am a�napa� �Ies�se��tse�-=----.-` -� — —` � —
<br /> 10.C�. �ptnme�s nf�y aw�d�ca claim fix d�mages,di�ct aer c�nse�amitia2.in canna�n with euy =:
<br /> � oc��u�r�TCiag of�y pa�t of ib,�Pm�peiry,�r f�c�v�in&a af�,ers iureBY�8�� , =
<br /> sbaIIbepaidtQ]Lcnder. � � � _
<br /> III(bC C9C�t Of a t0't�t�D$0�t11C�.t�C p10C�3 3�bD 8�f,1�1Ef1 t�$iC S�S�bji thi4$�inchn�+�±L '
<br /> W�Q�dOt@!EAlmQ�Wl`t�aDy�ICGSR�SitlfD B�W�i��C EYQ1�Of 8�[iI81 q�IIISQf I�E�Y ID Wll�t�C�IIli�i � .
<br /> vatua af t�A+opaty imm�t�y bsf�ce the tai�ng is a1aa1 to��4 man t�amat�ai af tbe s�is secarod bq t6is Sec�ity
<br /> �asauma�t immodiately f#ace the taicing, �L�ss�owa�d Itadei W�bwise a�gtea in ovri6ng,ih�soms secmed by�@ns
<br /> Sa�sSr I�tcumant abaII be iedocea by d�e a�ant of tDe�anceeds anWtiplicd bY thc fa7lowa�S�(aa the tflql arnarm�t of
<br /> • tbe sams secated�a4adiatetY befcue Ibe tzJ�g,divided hy(b)tse f2ir m�et valoG of rhe Poupaty irnm�iateiy befaua ttie
<br /> taY�ug.Aay b�tame�Il be paid m Ba�wa.In t�e evast af a pani�l t�ing af th�PivpatY in wldch�ia f�ir madcet vatue oYS� -
<br /> ptopatq �}I �fata t�e ta�mg is lcss t�s ibe amo�nt of 6�e sams�ed imme�d9 be�ope$ie I�g,�aS� �
<br /> Har�a�a acRBi JG�ada a�e a�Oe in wtiftn8 a�app�lc!aw ot�ri�e pmvidrs.the pio�teds sha11 be spp}ied to!�e
<br /> snms se�vRa��Y�,s Socaorityt In�mmt pv�tha atnot d�s;�s arc Qien dne. �
<br /> If tbe��•�.is abaodaoed iry 8a�wa,dr i�a�natioe by I�eade:tp Baaowa ttr�d�e�atffas to malce aa �
<br /> � � • award a aeple a r�e far tFa�„Bontaw�fa�s as�po�d t�Lender aithin 30 d�gs afta the�ate tbc3 nodce is gIv�.lx�adet
<br /> � �s�at�d tD colleet�aQ spph►tt�e peoc�eds�.at ia�e�e/n i+esto�8tios u��npafir of t�Pki�pe�ty ar tu the sa�sec�ad
<br /> � by�is Se�uiry Ia�atima►t,�vhe�a ar tx,t 3�at du� . . `. . .
<br /> Un1eu I�fa,�od Boaowa o�awi�e agee in,�iting,+oy�pD�on of proaods��.�an nut ea�a�r pos�e
<br /> 'iLedneda�eof tbemon�ty paymeatsirfa�dtu in�hs 1 and2 orchaugethoan�atof anc�paymmts.
<br /> ".�.�.iL Bu�r�wei Not Reia�cd;F�ace�y Lmder Not a W}f�a. B�aston of tLe ome for payraea3�r modit'�catian
<br /> � ca'�'�nu�t�tion uf the s�s�6p t�is.Sec�ay Ias�t�by I.md�er o��y saccc�sor in iutaas���a��a e1�II .
<br /> �aot q�a�te t�tr]et�sse�e ii�bjlity M thc a�igiosl Bamwee ot$otr�'s�s in mtecess.Le�rder s�il not be�qrdrod�o :
<br /> �P��&g��Y�in int�sc a iefa�e 6vi�tt!timc far paymeat a a�awise modify a�ov�tiou of .
<br /> . tbe sun�aaa�ed by tJns Secariry I�t bp�of�y d��nade by.d�e afgtnat BaROwa ar Baaowac'�.s�ac�ata '
<br /> • dn�iat�est.Afsy focbcaraace h�!�in�S a�Y�ht a rtmedY s�11 not�`a waiva of a pn��de dia�:.�i,�aoy
<br /> �a�'�r . , - ..:,:,: ,..:°:.. . ,-; . , . .
<br /> �Z.Sa�s aad A�ns B�md;�zi�t and Severnl�.ia6irity:C.o�signers.�� wvenam� an8 ��r� of t�is �
<br /> Soca�► I�t aba11 b�ad aad bm�'.si dfe sucae�nrs aod�a�,d8ns of I.eadar�3 Bamawe�s�}blxt to tha provT�ions of .
<br /> p�ngt�.17. Barmwds coveaams aod a�reeataits sbaU ba joint and atvtr�l.`.C$ay Soaa�wac wtho co-sigas tbns Secmaty .
<br /> ' ra�ananadt bnt doe�noi ea�eane the N�(a)is ca-si�iag tt�s SoFarity In�n��e�nIy ia ma�Se.�au.�rl coavq►tl�C �
<br /> Bart+owa's�tarst in tha Ptopa�tq onda We t�of tms Scc�ity Insnn�sw�ib)�aM pa�onaQY���iB��t�'l�Y�be son�a
<br /> . saxaed by this SxArity In�ea�and(c)agrxs tt�i I�ea3ei and aay othes 8arowar may agroe o�extead,mo�eY,facbe�a . .
<br /> mrlre any axaa�modatioas arLh�acd tu Wo tcros af mis Security Inmtuoeat�t die Nota w�wtthat Barrcowa`s t�aqimt, .
<br /> 13.I.o�Clar�a If tba Ioou sec;ured hy this S�aiW Ia�t ia snb�jeoi ta a law whicb e�s mucimnm toet►cbarges..
<br /> �od t�t�i�►Ls Tmal[y�moQpc�eted so th�t fue a��erpt ar dt�io�n cbtrges coIIec�eB ar�be oollecKaa ia aa�noct�with the ta,o .
<br /> •�eeA dic paim�lea�nuits,d�:(s)�n}'snch ioaa cha�ge a1�U be redooed by tbe�o�t nocc�Y l�:edaoe��uge to d�e .
<br /> �nsi�Od l�mi��ud tb3 a�Y shan o�midy wuoMod fmRa 8armwer�vhich�ceaded p�x�ed tit�+�1 be r�i�m Bc�mr+rQ.
<br /> l,�arkr msY c�r�a io m�tt�s se�d by�+adacu�g die pr�3pt awM undet tt�:Nota oR�.Y/�+�8 g'�J�Y�1�
<br /> � 8oc�o�I�,�x�a�pcu�Ipei,tve reauaion w�71 ba tratea as s p�raaT.�c v�i.�h:wt a�►-�►j�t cb�r� .
<br /> i�mda d�e No�.�:� . . ':��•�,. . � : . � � �� ::.,;::.,� � ,.
<br /> 14:NMica. Aay m�G��Bonawer pcov�ded it�r�''SJkis Soc�icy►Ins�cumea�ai�'11 bt givea bY de]ie�ag fti,t�c.yay m�i�g,it .
<br /> �by�st�el�ts ma�aak���pbie 1aw roqui�s nse of s�c�a me�►od.li�e node�s�al!be d'cce�eoo9 eo t�se�ro�cy A�Bd[e,as a.
<br /> � any ot�rr ad�iess B��desipnaiGV by nnpcc tfl Lender.Aay notu�W'Lender shat!be givea by fasc c1a�t�il�o-l�eadri•'s.
<br /> ' 81�if�Gaa4t`vit�iciu c"�oig'i�e'�:Si�iiwc`i-Tw'.i.''a'� -'�vo`�rJ��"va�:r::'—:.ird�:s�:�'v`•+tr:.j`ntd:'�:�i:ru3.oi i�ui vaw��j' --' '
<br /> II151111�`AL 6��1C�7Ct�I�fiP�18YC�$�Yl�tD�A[l�W�l 0�Tla�!!'J�l�IG1�VQI�'j�Tdv1l�lIl 1�118 j�8$[�1.,�:%:•,
<br /> 1S.Cove��L�rr.��+i`aab�. '�Is Security l�SCramaat sda11 t�s.:Bavu�ied El► fede�l. taw ao�.�Yt� laa' of tbe �_
<br /> j�iction in�rhic�4lie Ptopaty is locaied.In tbe eveat tt�at any prdvisl�ra C3i�ua ef this Saxuity Ini�t�aat ar.d�Not�e .
<br /> oontlict��rifh�pp�Cabb law.su�b ceatect e1�II aot affoa aha pr�raf�of d�Secvrlly Ia�iumeat a Qa N+ute Rhic6 caoo�ba .
<br /> aiean'e8'ocx tvitt�t d�e o�ffictieg povisioo.To tt►i�eud rhe pvvis�+AS of this 3eauity tas�u�aant a�t dieNa4e ac�decl�red b _
<br /> � � ,.ibe s�paabla . . , � . � . .
<br /> .. : , . . �. �r-a►,�ao:i �r�o
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