_ , .
<br /> --_ .
<br /> _ ... � _ -- , �
<br /> , . : � • � �a��=� �,��.�J.
<br /> � cv�d��una3ian os ather t�ici�q of any part of�e 1Pmperty.or for con�eya�e in t�eu of ca�tdxa�nada�.crs ltee�by ussig�sA a�d � .
<br /> sha�ll6e paid to L�ader '
<br /> In the e�vent of a total mkia�of tht�Ptc►PenY�the proceeds shall be appIIed�w the sums secaired by tt►is 5as�iry
<br /> tasnument,w�hether mr nut tEen dua.with'any excess�3td ta goaower. In the ev�rt�of g partiat tak�g of the Pt�perty f s
<br /> ------�-�s�t.i�.�ir_�_°�°��f.���°,tt�'i��:�ar�jy_befare�the tr+kfaa�Is egatal xo t�rgteatetthan th�aaiu�nt af�e stuns
<br /> � secu.rd by diis S�c�uitY insuumeFi�mmet i�aAely be�`vm tTie.ta-kin,�,umless� � _. _ ... - --•- -.�-`---
<br /> tiie sums.secured by this Secu�ity Insu�rnent sS�i16e reduced by she amauni of th�pnaaeeds maldplied by the follov�+ing •
<br /> sr�tia� tai uZe to�t tt�notmt o€th2 su�sc�.u�d�ma�iat�ly�f�e t�r�a,divi�ted by tb)ttce fair'mat�et vaiue af the - --
<br /> �P�'l itnmediately before the takiag.' Any 6atance siiall be paid to Boirower..In the eve�t af a para�l talQng of tI�
<br /> � Property an which the falr marlset vatua of the Pinperty immediatsiy beforE ahe tating is Iess thaa the emociat af th�sums '
<br /> secu�+ed immediareIy bsfcre ti� taYtng,unfess Bmiaw�r and Lender otherwise agree in v�riBng or ewtess agplica.6Ie taw
<br /> . othenvisa Pm�ide.s+the praceeds sGal�be aPPlied tu the sums sccuccd by�is Seaarity��stNment whether or nnt the�nms are
<br /> then due. . . . . , . .
<br /> If the Propetty is abandoned 6y Bo�tawcr,ur if.aftrt nodce lry�a�er to Ramiwer th�the condema�r o,ffeis to malce,
<br /> � an award or seule a ciamc for damage.s,Hormwer fails to tesgund to D.endet within 3d days aft�s t�e dai�tlia ctatice is giveQ,
<br /> Lendsr is autharized co collest.aad agpIy the piooG:Js.at its opdan,eid�r to restomuan�r repair of ti�e Ptopeicy or w t�e .. �
<br /> swns s�cuced hy dvs S�cmritX� ,m ^�*,w�*.�z or�t then dua � .
<br /> � UnIess Lende�r a�l Bomnwer othe�wise agee in wnifing,any•�Plicatio3n af pcacaeds to grincipal sha11 not ext�n8 or
<br /> post�ae�he due d�.��f the montbIY PaYmemts refernd to ia g3ragraphs l.apd 2�c6ange dse anaonnt af such paymen�s. •
<br /> . �2,•Borrawnr;lot Rcleased3 Fotb�ranoe $9 �•Not� Wiictr. �xtensl� of the teme for paymens or
<br /> � � modifcaiion of aas�.�^.�ttbn of the sums se�u�by this�Iastsume�t�SUd tiy I.eader to any successor in ia'�caese �
<br /> . of Borrower sfiall�ae:Gt�erate.to release the Gabifity of the angmal Boaow��s Barmwes5�sucaaessoTS in intenst.�_ .. _'
<br /> •shaU noti be cequire��cnmmea�e pr�dings aSamsi aay sueoessar ia iva�t or refase tn extcnd tim�for'pay�e�oi� .
<br /> �Yaodify amumiation of d�e smns s�svied hy this Seauity Insbvmeaz�?�of�ry dcmand ma�de by the aig�al, . ,
<br /> Bo�r ot'B�rrnwer s sucaessors i�iaieiest. Any f�ce by Leader i��aw�}right ar reinedy s�aIl n�i�a
<br /> ' waiver af or precIude tha exercise���rigbs or remrdy. , . ''<` . `: •
<br /> ' IZ. Sae�'a And Assigns�nd4 Joint and SePEra1 Idab�iRY,Ca�ecs Tue caven�►ts and agreements.a�ft`•.�is .
<br /> . Seeutiry tastnmmc�s�11 bu�d aad bene5t tf�e sua�esso;s aBd assigns of Y.etr�c aad BoAOwer,stlbjx3 q�:�he P�'isiaits of . .
<br /> . ` �aragiaapt� 47.Boaasw.�°i�s covenattts an.i agc�t�shaIl be•jauu and sceeea�:•Any Rmmwer who c�sfg�s ttus Seeuriry
<br /> Ins�r�at bai does i�it execute the Nat� ta)is.co-sgttiag this Secatiry In�"":�en!onIy to snortgage,g�atit aad�Ke�tirat . .
<br /> . Bar��s idte�esc ii rd�e Ptoper[y nnder the teims of this SeauitY Instrumen� ib)is rr.oi p�lalty obhgazed ou pa�fr�s��+s
<br /> secure�.�this�ra'�xY Insuume�aud(c)agrees that�.erider and aay o�er Bonrower map ug�e w e�atead,.modff��;��.....� .. ,'
<br /> . • ��.��� �vit��ga�t to�e terms of this�e�ity I�a� or.t�e Hote without tT�at.Bc�t�u�h�b� :;
<br /> t
<br /> ' C�SCL'.t. .. :.:;. , �.. . ;� � f s �:r
<br /> h.�F.#�t+�tn� If the loat�secured 6}*this Secwiry In.stnn�e�;4#f subje�t co a!aw a+hi�fi ss�s ina��m�,�ban ,
<br /> ���i1�that law is finally inte:preted so that 4�8 inter�st or other loan c�ges collected'ar to 6e colle�d ip co��
<br /> ai*.�`�rf�i�ican exceed the pemuued b,�-�ts,then: (a)aay such loan charge�hal1 be reduce�ip�';!the funount ne�essary to�n��ii�:
<br /> tNe diicc}�te to the pemutted 1imi�a�1.C6?J any sv.�s'alneady oo�fmm Bormwr.r wiucb�eXCxeded permitted limits wat,�ta�.. •
<br /> c�.,�to Boaawer. Ixude=maY a�ose to rW;�Y�e this refoncl isy redacing th$principal owed nnder the Nste ar by ma'�ixg a .
<br /> � . �'�ayn►ent to Sflrrowar. I$a tefand teduce,s<�,t�e�tion wili be treaied aa a�paztiat ptepayment w�tt�aut a�}y ' .
<br /> �;�...i'�„r�;r_�.�ntchargenndertheNote. ' . ',. '
<br /> ' � . � ��i'4;Notkn. Any notice to Borrowcr pmvided far us this Security Instr�iment stiall be given by delivering it ai.by
<br /> m�a�ri�i�y first class mail us�4ess applicabte law nequins use af�t�r mWiod.1'he npiYx s6a11 be directed ro the Fivfeusty ,
<br /> Addxe��r6'�ar aay other address Barrowtr 8esignaus by aouce�esi3�endr�r AnY notice tu Lender.shali 6e giva►by£�!hat11�.5s.. ,
<br /> • mait Yo 3.endsar�addne.�staud herein or any othet addness Len��desigaa�es by notice to B�rnower. My nqdce provr ,�Et'Cor
<br /> . in t�is 5ecurity.Instrmnetie shall be deamed to�ave been g�ven to Bo�reF{er ar Leraler.when given as pmvided'��iri�ttus�
<br /> :;;�;;.
<br /> ' � � �15., GovarpiaS I.aw;Sever�y. 7liis Securiry Ins�i�.:ent aha1l.Y�e grntmec�by f�ra1 taw.aud tIre Ta�':Q��We . ` .
<br /> lwisdiction in whic�►the Piop�rty..?r�:•icxated. In the event tbat't�Y,•provasiaA or clause of tfia,`�� �Y�t�t os tli�'k��►te .
<br /> �'conflicts with applicab2e taw.suClt:srs�ftict stiafl not affect o�t5�iu'��v�sion's�l�ihis Seciuiry�al�:��+�aFtl'K Nate a�ui�i:icaa
<br /> be,give:e Zffect without the�on�i�c+.,�tsg pravision. 'tb this en�i'L'ie'pmv�"v:�of this 5`�ectuicy�ead the Nr1t�`:`2te
<br /> „ dect�mbesevenbta .s�.` . .. :. ' ••'� �' � �
<br /> .�16� B�TroRer's CoY►y. �t�a;+swer s�ail b�pven ane confarmed capy ci the Nou and of tiils Security Instrumen� . �
<br /> � �5�11. �n.5flr af th!Pto�Cf.�oc a i3enef�ci�3 ittte.�F'°,�s�,�asta�css L'ati or�iy�.a;i�e FtG�rty ot any�:,::.:��£Hi
<br /> }t is�Id ar t�ransfemed(9r if�b��interest iA.Borm��e�is sold or transfemd and Barrower ts�t a na�urlA�'�on)'
<br /> . -- ariti,aur i.�iesk prior wrncen wn�r�t,rt:erx�r zaay,ac;�i�,r�•,ra�3�s��ayn��i��fatt c�f�s::.�s�,�-.�;-- ., .�-._.-
<br /> this Security Insdumen� Mowever,this optioa shaYl not be exer�ised by Lender if exeY+cise is prolu'bited by federal t�u'�s of� �
<br /> � tbe date of this Seasrity Instrumein. � . . . . � �
<br /> i�Lender eaercises this�optian,Lender shall g�vt Borrow�r notise of eccekaaaon. 7�e notice shall provide a�etiad of .
<br /> ' t�rt tess than 30 day�fmm the date the noti.ce is delivered ar mailed within which Borrowet�must pay all swns sccurect.t�y tl�lis
<br /> Se��uity In'suament. U Borrowea fiils to pay these sim�s pri�to the expirauoo of this perio�,Lender inay,iu-rr�.�►F .
<br /> eei�edies pcm3itted 6y ttiis Securii�G"ism�enYwishw.it fuither nodce or.demaad on Botirvwer. �
<br /> �8. Borrowtr'a Wght to lteinsfata If 8arrow�r muts ccrtain aoraliriuns.Barower shall have the right w Quve
<br /> � . enforesment of this Security Instmment disoontinued at aay dmo piior to t�e earlier o� (a)5 days(or��otlxr periad av
<br /> I . StaSis L''amiIy—flmak Mu�iltd43e Mac UNIFO�IV!IIVSTRIJMF.NI'--Unifortn Covea�ocs !J!�'tPnBe a�j6PQ8�) .
<br /> . .
<br /> � .. , � �
<br /> -..�-_�.
<br />