�'� �..F ..�.. ' c'+�-_a c. . e -= __ .'_.
<br /> �. ,i� - ' -- �.� _��- – —
<br /> °f'�:. ..i.:il;,�< - �s_�' -- — -- '� -�_-
<br /> . ; � ,� � � � . ` : ,� � � ..��5�i0"'��. : ` � , ..
<br /> . �—�--_�s�oisn� a� �ct�ib�.t �AN; 8t any t�s ix� ths fut�e wh�a F��s� Pas�ty --- ---_ _
<br /> � og�nd, . �in�t�1L ; nr�d `�qn�tsve�fia�° s iwadvap e� � �g _ _ . -;
<br /> approuima,te laaatfoa� c����ha aas�nt as sho�a o��EU�fbit "�.", vitti . .
<br /> sucls ea�e�ran� to I� coapazabl� �n wid#h, constauatf.on and awrtace
<br /> � � as tha� of.t:Ee presant].g�-nsed 's4adara�y. . . ,
<br /> � � 3�, p�n Saaond Farti�sa Releasa and �aaa�ti.Qn q! �s eases�1ts
<br /> abovo d�dcx�:bed aii� �t�a, .�oaPi�t3.an by F3�st Pa�ty 'ot the no�
<br /> . roadway. : Pirst Party agrees to g�ve Ssca� Partfas�. a pera�aaant _
<br /> , pe�cpetual, nqa�-exclu�ive eaaeaesnt !or fngress and ays�si` to 'th�f.r.
<br /> � s0.i�4--acr� �� aad ires#deace.�ar �ss by, �'is�� gas�y, it�t aqsnts, .
<br /> , ert�ests,.��d,favite�s, �tnd snch easea�snt shall bs appur�inaat �o and " '
<br /> �. ' run�t with the title to Secand Parti,es' 10.124-acrp tra�t iocated as '
<br /> . . � abova sat torth. - � ,
<br /> � � ,. �: The�arties aqre� that eli caAts atnfl sxp�nass o! opa�nfn9, ,
<br /> CR1�t1'1IC�OA� and fnstallatien ot ths ra�dvay eas�asnt a� sl�vrt on • �
<br /> � . � �1i'hib�.t �2l" shall bs paid for by F1SSt Pasty t�titli AQ e7e�it�t� O�"'. .
<br /> � � oblle.9ati.on ta Secand� ParCies, asid &�v�nd Parti�s .aqres to �xscu�s . , :
<br /> . any'���1ea�e,-�9r��r� or clxusent.'��flary ts vacate� and relsase �
<br /> . �s� �i .;a'�s,;�-desar3bed ea�s'�?�s ataci t�:.�raASf�r aaid. c�nvey fio �
<br /> �Fi.=st Party �uch �it��ent r��e�Ata resazved b�y.Ee�dnd Parties �a•ths�:.,�,• �� ,
<br /> � .,., � :+ :,�;.-
<br /> . Bu►rvivor��ip �tar.ratq�;::Desd designa�ad as �oc�uMSrit Hu.�78-t702299:. � , � . . :
<br /> .�: ��::�,� � s.� 11��ei� tt�e,�oPei►��ot the easa�nt as 3ndta�t�d on �hirii.t ..
<br /> � � "A;" bY, Fiss�. PastY. tIIa �iar�es, heret4 ac� thnt. �hs �st and . .
<br /> , � �e�k,z;�sa oP iepa3rinq sinrl �asi.t��:ng .s�:8'� �Ya,s�;`�advap a�ttrr .
<br /> :,, ,.: . . ,, ..,
<br /> ��' d aa� ha1!
<br />. � :ltri►�a�.].at�nan. sha11 be� paf8.r,�ie ha�����y i►�,x�;.Paiti� ,� ' . . b3�` .�. •
<br /> � ". Sacond pit�s..� , . . ' :''' . :'. , : , ,.;:; : � .
<br /> .. `: . '�.� 6. . �condl Partiss hat'ebY relaaN ths•Yssarv.a?�i.ca to `� ot : . .
<br /> � �. - �l��'peraansttt use.the ],ake suhScch ad�oins F3i.r�►�, pa='�'i!'ac.�P�P��Y.� - . �.
<br /> ��:.
<br /> . . . is��de�crfbesi� in Exhi.bit mi�F �n tae -�iagranic� �� ����� �.
<br /> � • . . %Cf°'�i�7.6i�9t �iait's �ia��fi�•`�r°'�'+�'��r.� .i!` '!'.. �"�� i-"`-5-,*�'„y;; '�=�algi�:
<br /> � .. ... . . • °
<br /> .------•----IT7�'�+il�f�- fi�7: � • ,�.: - � �•. .. . .--...---- - _
<br /> � . � pox�ion and t3�e �re�t shore beaah;�aran o! the� ice�r,�. prop�i'ty���t,;:=:;,' � .
<br /> ;:•.
<br /> � . otim�d� by P3rst Party as�d�scribed harein. . � � � ��•
<br /> � ;';�,;:
<br /> . . 7. Ths parties aqrse to coapsret� �t�t ana anoth�s -�n ord�t '. : ;':,;:�
<br /> � . �. to acca�pltsA t.�w�r int�titioa as s�t �'ax�th I�r�in tfl � �sp�3.�q � . . _
<br /> arr�d instaliatton ot n aev road�ay, vacation anQ reYsas� by �roond ' �
<br /> � ,. . � � . � -3- �
<br /> � ,f � . � .
<br /> . ,� .
<br /> E� : � �:_ '
<br />