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<br /> - �- __=�'�14�'R�[m x'"""` °�;. ... ..�. r. 4.4, ; a,+s�YS. n..n �.r... . s- 1 m+M '[�,�..{ses."R -
<br /> .a„-�: ��� Y _��.ai� _.� .t � y�,r v- — _ —_. _.
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<br /> t�tiCE�L a t��i,.�� �- � - . �� ��D�J�� 2040�s , . 0�/iS/a995.` ; -
<br /> . Utd�oi3M COt►BNAt�'�'s. B�aavrer and Lead€�cavemat and.�e as foYiaws: � . .
<br />. i. �ja� �T P�indp.a4 aad. Inter�t. Banawes�s�ll F�P�Y PaY at� due t�e prindP�l aaa �t . -
<br /> .•. i�ev(deac�d 6y t$e Note a�d tait ct�ge.s as p:ovldtd in t�c'Nata. . . .
<br /> : �.�mdb tit�Ttua�.I�od Sabject to appltc�ls�e daw or a wriu�n waivar by Lender.Bnimv�s s�l pap to
<br /> . ir.�Cr an the d�3►�aa�y�Ymws af grlr�fp�l and tnuses��e payahi��Sr t�e Nate�ana'F_C,�Nate is p�id in fn11,a
<br /> sum(dc�in 'F�ds'7 eqsni m�r�e t�ifib of t�e ye�tly��u�asses�tnts('iactudatg curdamiaium and plsnned tmit
<br /> develaPment as�e�s..if auy)w�icb maY��tmin P�taairy orrer tbls�ed of Tius�,nnd g�uud�eNs an tt�e Froperty.if
<br /> �Y.P��eifi�of Y�dy Fre��IIm�fbr itaaid I�noe.pI�s ane-twelfth of ye�cly paemium i�ments �
<br />----��'i��Z�-��-ac,.�t,ni��2o�:i�a:i�r�i "�3�-t':�'���-'�- _+�r��;r�__
<br /> • OS�SSIDEIltB IIat��f3It9 8�[2�50l1ab��t�B t�D� BOIIaW�I,511i11.OQt 11�Qbl��t9 t�CB&i�Cb�7y�ffi Of�ItE�`3
<br /> to t�dsa to d�eatentB�atBo�mtoer n�.�ch[rayareats to theimIdcrofaprlor saortg�g�ordeed oftmstif snct�hal0er �
<br /> is aa iacdtut�nat t�der. � � •
<br /> If Ba�+a�wer psqs Fands to I+ender,fhe Funds et�ll 6e I�eld in�a institatian @�e�epa�sits ar�af cvbicb are
<br /> �ar�ood bq a Fedetat or stste ageacy(in�ading I,ender if I,endes is snch aa i�an). I�e�der sball tpptY
<br /> tha FuacFs tQ�ay s�id b�a�,s►ass�e�s.ia�nse prtmi��nd graunci t�.Le�ks may mt dr�tge fcxr sa�di�g wd
<br /> � apptyIug tbe Funds. wziyr3ag s�id�ccwnt or verifyiag and�campilir�g s�id asse�aa�nts and UilTs.uNsss 3,endat pays
<br /> Eoaow�i�e�est ou the Tnmds and appltc�ble law p�I�ender to m�l�e sach a cturg�B�nower aud Lendermay agree
<br /> in vPritiag at tht d�af ezsamoh of t�is�Dad of Tco�thu inte�t on the Funds sh�il be p�d oo Bnumares.affi�s
<br /> sach�greement is made or applicabSe law reg�mes s�d►u+trnst to de pai4.Lendac s1Wt 1�aE 6e teqained to pap Barmwer ,
<br /> nap i�s+r�t or pumit�gs an the�unds. Lender sball give m Bazmvver.�vithout shargz,na a�1 xcwmtiqg of t6e Fu�s' � ..� .
<br /> sbavvi�g c�odits�deblts W tT�Fands�d the p�wse f�wLic�rar�ddsit m�e F�a�s m�de. 'ft�e Fands m
<br /> � P�E�as ad�idfln�l soewity for ta�'�,i�seaued try thLs Oced 6f Ttast. � �
<br /> .If ti3�e�mamt of die Pua�lt�fi�.�,�tnder.to�et vai�eha fut�t monthty i�tal�etnts af Funds p�y-abk�edar to ;�
<br /> the t�dat�s of tue� �..��:��a�d groua�t�ts.sLaU ea�ced the amaunt a�ro pap said '
<br /> � �.�s.I�s�e F�'s a�d�gccT�-�..d s�ents as tbey Fi1I"dne.�eucGSS si�]I 6e. u�w�er's option, -�.,'_
<br /> . �.��F��Y��to Baaav�s�.;�cedited to Boaowtr am m�nBtly�nfs of Fwids. If tve�nt 6f tbe Fnnds ..
<br /> 6eid by tendet st�not be��to PaY taaes:asses4ments.in5ivauce premitt�and gmnt��eats�is'ti�e�f�ll due:
<br /> , Barza�er sball pry to Irnder aay ama�t nxe�ary tu m�e ap ibe defcc�ency in one oi,ct�at�psyuients ag,Lender msy
<br /> �• � � . � .�.... .. . . .
<br /> ' Upon payment in PoIt af aU soa�seauo�by tLis Deed of T�nst,I,en�fctr�;:�m�Y refimd!o�mw+er+u�►Fimds
<br /> t�ld fry l�nder.If uader p�n�raph 17 heroof tke P4opeseq is sold or the�is oti�.��s�e soqai:ad 1ry.L,endet.Lendtr
<br /> � s1u11 apply.no Iater t�a tmm�diatr.Iy prior to fhe s�le of tLe pmperty or I�s xqnis�qios rby Lender.aal►.Fuads beld�y. _ '� .
<br /> � I�ndar at fLe titae of applict+tion as a credit agaia�st dhe wms saaued by tbis DeCd of 7�st. �
<br /> 3.App[ic�don ol AqmaKs. Ualesrs applisa�a".e law provIdes otbcswL�a]1 pa�aents tocelved hy Lender undar tUe
<br /> . Nute aad par�apbs!�d 2�eroof s1u�ll he applir�bq I.en�der tust ta PsYm�ut��#amonats PaYabte to I.tnder by Bormwer '. .
<br /> under p�h Z betea�tLen to i�t payible an the Note.�pd tbea to Qte�:noiptl of dsa Note. ,
<br /> �.PYio�r M�ty��Deed�aF Tr� C�ag p�eos..Borr+�wer s8a11'peifaim all'a�Sottower's obli�tIoas ,
<br /> w�der�ny anrt�e. dxd of mist or otLer see�ry�gcamenc wi(h,�litn wh4cL Ws grio:ity'anrer dus Deed of't�ust,.
<br /> Inclodin�Bo�a�w�et's cuven�s ta m�ce psymeuts wLcn dae.Baauxct stuU.I��canse to be p�id�ll mies.�
<br /> aid aLes c�raea,.f�aes and impositions�i6ataDle to the PmQ�rty wbic8���ain a priority ovec ttria Dood of T�o�t, .
<br /> �te�pa�yme�s ot gtottnd tenrs.if aay. •�:t.�
<br /> , S.Ra�aird�a�aoe. Hosrawer s1nU keep tiye impravements now eic�s-�c�,,�ez�ker�Rer encted on t�e P�op��
<br /> ia�ured�loss by fine�t�su�ds iaclnded wlt�in tbe tum'a�teaded cover�ge:,a�d soi�other?na�ds�s Il�der u�. .
<br /> i�qoi:e aad in sach amannts�ad for sucb per�oQs as Lenider m�►y ieqaire. � . .
<br /> .�� � 'ILe i�anaco c�ptovidin�tbe ia�ac�.s��i}be cl�osea 6Y���APP�!u��+P�* �
<br /> ;'�';r�:` dut sach�ppcovat a�ll,oot be nmeasombly wi�eld. All i�noe polic'iac�a�od cenewals tberoaf a1�116e in a fa�m .
<br /> � , �aoepn6te to 1.ttWtt aacl s�lT inctade a�tandud m�ge ciwse Ih f�vor of and in a fuaa;r�cCeplshla w I�ender. Lend�er ' .
<br /> aWll tiaave tLe r�gbR w hold tl�e polides aid:enew�ts tDeroof,�t to tLe teaus of s�ij mo�.'tga�.depd of avst or atber� ,, .
<br /> . soa�prity�gCeemeat wltb a Iien w�icb�s pdorlry over this Deed of'l�ast. '. : �: �. .
<br /> In fbe event of Ias,BotrovNCt st�ll give N'om�pt nottCt to t8e iaatraace c�rr asd,4 rnd�;r.1,�Me�t�y t�e p�f . ,
<br /> of loss if IIot mide�ompt�y bq Bairower. �� , .'; �
<br />_ � If tLa Pm�!+ry fs aM+�t�►,wt hy_�nrn►�,rer.m if�*ma,��?s t�t±�aM tco E�:�vithin�0 dsys ftom d�C d�1Qe • _
<br /> aodce is meikd bY Lenler w Borrower tlu�t the i�ttrtIICa cs�i'r�pffets to settte a cii�'`G��iati�ue�ce f�cneflts.Lefldcs.'€s
<br /> authoriatl to calkct a�n0 apply tbe iusurance pracads at Lendor`s opdon eishtr to rrswrat�on or repiir of tLe Property or `
<br /> to t6o i�eCC�a�ed ti�j t�es.Deed of Tra�. , ,• :. :. .
<br /> i:'Praa�tk�c��1 Mai�anee d`��9SiTpxet!'; L�[d�D COn�diiai�'s Pfaa4ld Iddt DerdOp�eeata. ,
<br /> �o�nwer'si�ll tEaj►�ie'Pra9ettY in�wd cep�T aad sh�]1 aot cammit w�ste or�permit impairmeAt�or deEedontinn of tbe .
<br /> Pcapetty.aael sbal2�coa�plp add�t�gc�visia�of�n3r t�aso if tliiis Dad of T�t Is an s Ie�sehold.IP Wis Otod of�ast is
<br /> on s uat In s c�ndonoiniam or a pli�sed unit dea+elopmeflt.Barmwer s�ll�.�foim aU of Bomuwer's oDlipdum un0er tLe
<br /> decLation or cavemrbi.�s cnadng or gaveming t"�s�andaminium or plaanQ�it devitopmenc.the by-lsws�od re�ui�tio�.
<br /> of tbe candomiaium c�i:��lanaed anit devaYopment;aud coffitituent�etxs. � . . .
<br /> � 7►. �tatect;m o!Lea�ier'a Sa�ky. If Borrower f�ils to�perEorm th�e s�renmts a�ap+eements�malaed in tl�s
<br /> DeeO of Tn�st,or iff aaiy actioa ar procee4tqg is oomm�noea vVRicb mtteri�Uy affects Lcndet's intetest in Qie Properiy.t�ea
<br /> Lea�r. at ta�er's opti�. u�a�o�s�s to Bo�nowea, m$y m�s s� a�. Qiab�ae w� wmis� inctuding '
<br /> reason�bk s�uomeys' fas.aad t�Ye such acdon as is acessiry to protac�Le�er's interest. If Iender mluired aooct�ge
<br /> iffivraace�s s coodition of m�lcing tbe➢o�n secuned by thts Doed of TnW,Boimw!er s�batl�y the praniva�s nqulnd m
<br /> m�fnnio such iasutince in effxt antil sucL time as the roqtwrement for socb Ir�uaua teimiaues in arao�aoe witb =
<br /> Ewra�awrr•s aad I�nder's writuu sgeeemeat ar appticabte la�v , -
<br /> . Auy a�dis�used by Lender pRUSU�nt m thts�7.with intenst thenon,ai tbe Note mte,sbill become � _
<br /> � . � . addttfond�adebtadaeas of BnrmvNer secu�d by this Dad of Trast.U�ts9 B�mwer and I�cackr agaa to Ml�er temos of -
<br /> p�ymecit. �L amau�.�ts sL�ll be piyahle agan mdse fmm tsnder to Bomuwer re4��8 WY�� Nothing ,
<br />_ co�talnd in Giis pu�ng6�shall'ns�ira Isndtr to inear a�►acpense or take any asdon.�ereunder. _
<br /> S. tmpacdoa. Lcnder m�y maice or cgnse m be mide rqsrna�bte enfries upon aod lnspecttaag of the Property. _
<br /> pmvi6ecl that Lsnder slull give Boirawer norice prior to atry such an5pecdon speclfying�ea�onable canse therefur related eo
<br /> . !�t'���;n t�Ytr�+ttty. � � � � _ -
<br /> Kenra�,2�r�2 s�ss o�ri�piaai(8�core�al Coyy(Braaab) � CegytCu�st�rl pnyezors . �.
<br />_ `
<br />