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<br /> , . ��7.T'�er of the Pmperty ar a B�ettda!�erest[n 8arco�rer.If 211 or eny para of che Peoger�y or aa�c inter�st in ie �
<br /> � Is sotd or tr�sferted'(Qr if a bmefcciai iaterest in Bomuwer is so2d ar aansfeRed and Bomnwer is not a namra)p�son}with�ut
<br /> lender•s�rinr ev�4tteb cogsenA Le�der may. at its op�Ion. req�ire inunedi�t� PaYment in full of uU cu�s s�cured 6y this
<br /> 5ocurity t�n�H"�tiver.this opqlon shaU aot be exar3s�,by Lc�der af eicen^�se is pmttibited by fedrral law as of she date
<br /> • of tfiis SecuriiyJl�elil, `:. . � `
<br /> I�I,ct�r esf�.c�th�9Ptlon.I�ender sha]l.eive Bomo�ver noti�cc of aoceler�tion.The aotice a�all pmvide a periad nf nat _. __� .�
<br /> —i�si�3�6��fro-an t�ie�ase t�he ao�ice is detivered ar mai�e��un�ii�$arcow�r mi�t�ay�i- _ mis —
<br /> Se�curity tas�eum�:{f.�er fails to pay these sums�rior co the eagaration of t&is periad.Leader may invoice r'�►Y reme�iies
<br /> � peamitti�by�tt'sS�, Insm�ment withoat fcuther aouee or d�mind on Bo:sower. . �
<br /> 1&•Borrnwes's to Reitist�t� If Bnmowcr meets cet[�in wnd'etions. Bo:mwer shall have fas right to have ,
<br /> euforoert�eat af tl�isScciimY insau�at discontinued ae any tirne prior w the esrlier of: (a)S days (or such oth�t period ss
<br /> applIcable taw may specify far reinstat�m�nt) befnre sate of the Pru�e�.y purs+�ant ro uiry poaer of saFe contained in this
<br /> Security[nstrum�t:or(b)entry of a ja�t enfar+aag this Sesurity Iastrumem.7't►ose c�ditions are t6at IIorrower:(a)Pays
<br /> ' i�nder all Sums w�htd�t�en wanld be dµe ander th�Security Lusuument and[tie Note as if uo asceteta�tian had oavrred:(b)
<br /> cures any d�fault of a:ty other c�vEnants or ag�ments;.(e)PaYs sIi expenses incurred in eaforcing tIus Security I�s�me�,
<br /> incIud'uig.Ent aot timiced w,r�aabte attomeys'fees;arid td)taiaes such actwn a4 Ltnder m�y reasara5ly requi�to sssuhe .
<br /> that t�t�em of this S�ui Iasuume�rt.I.ender's rights ia the Fiupeaty aad Bbsrower's obligation to pay the sums seaie�t!y
<br /> this Sesurity�Instrameat�aU w�inuc unchanged. Upon minstatec�c►t by Bomnarer. this Secariry Inshument and the :
<br />' bbligations secur�ed Iletieby st�ti te"main fu11y effective as if no aocef�ratiun had oavrtra.However,ti�is right to t�iflstate s�all
<br /> uat appiy ia tt�case of aoeedetarlon und�er paiagraph 19. ,
<br /> 19. Sale mt Not�Cl�nge og I.aaa Servlcer.?he Nate or a pBttial interest in die Note(wgether with this Secaaitj!
<br /> InsVament3�maY�e so2d aae or more tim�evithout priar ao2ice to Borrower.A s�le�aay�sult in a change in tha emity(known .
<br /> as the'Loaut Servicer")tt�calteris momhiY PaYm�dne uuder the Nate aad t�is Secanty Instrum�ai.'tliere also may be one .
<br /> � ur more c�mges of the LoaA Sen�icer anEelaied to a sa4e of the Note.If[here is a change of the Laan Servicer.Barrower w71 be
<br /> ; , givw wriaeq�ibe af the c�ange.in xeordance wit�t paiaga'ap6,14 abave�d a�gti�blelaw.Thc notROe wiil state ihe name and, • -
<br /> address of the aew iAan Setvicer and the add�s to wt�c6 paymeists shoWd 6e m�da 77te aotioe will atsa oo�say ott�
<br /> � information reqniied by applicaDie('aw. '
<br /> ; 20. Ba�rdo�s Sh6sfzena�s.Borrawer si�aiL uo�canse or peradt the gtt�sence,ase.disposal.stoiage,or retease of aoy , �
<br /> ; ' Hazazda:s�ubstazcaes on or in th�Pcopeny. Borrowet sliall aot do. aar altaw aayane else w Qa.anYthiag aff'e�ting the
<br /> .Pmpeaty that is in violatian af any Emin9�nta!lacv. The p�eoe�ng two sentences sball aot apply to the preseace�.use.or.
<br /> � st�srage oa the Ptopertyt of smail qflantitie's of Ha�udaus Snbstanoes that are geQerally rewgniaed to be.appmpriate to�mnal
<br /> E residetnial uses and to maiatenanoe of the Piapeny. . • �
<br /> i� Borrower st�all pmmptlY gn+e Lender wriuen nw"�ioe of anyr investigatinn.tl�im.demar�,�awsait os other aai�n 6Y�Y
<br /> � govelament�!ar negnlatory agency or piivate party iuvo2ving the Prop�aty and aay Hazaz�daus Su6stance or F�vimnmental iaw. .
<br /> of which Borrower t�s act��at labnwledge.If Sorrawer Ir�ms,ar is noufied bY�Y 8uvem fa�ar regWatmY ant[�atitS+,t6at � .
<br /> ' any removal or at6er remediatioa of any Hazai+duus Substanoe affect�ng ehe Pmperty is n�c�ssar�+.Borrower sha11 Pmmptt9 take
<br /> � aij neuessary remedial actiaas in a�contdartoe aritit Envimmneatal Law. ,.
<br />'t , ps used ia this paragraph 20. "Haza�dous Substances'are those substances defined as w�c or hazardous substanc�s try r.
<br /> ,.. Emironm¢ural Law and dte fniia�ring substana�s:.g.�soli�e, icesosene. other flammable or touc petrolwm Q�ducxs,.toxic .
<br /> pes�eides and tiecbiad�,v�nl,�fi�`��rsnlvents,raertetiafs eontaining asbestos or fQrroatdehyde.and tadioacstive materials.As used'm ..
<br /> . t1�is ParaBr,�tl Z0. '�tavii�+l�i!ars!h�.L�w°mcsr�s federa! laws and taws of the jnrisdiction wUere!#�:�c�aPertY is t6cated t�t .
<br /> [elate co health,safery`or. �ri��i(tlixental pratection. ` " . .
<br /> NON-UNIFOR11i Cflc�!'�.1V7'S.Borrower and Lender fu�her eovec�aai and agree as follows:
<br /> al..Aa�oet�ation;R es.LeaBer s�aU gFvt mt�oe to Boa+uw�prios to acoeteration foQowI�Bon.awe�s 6ee9c�
<br /> ' o!a�y aavebant or�in this Secasity I�! (Dut�wt Prior to aooderatton ander � i?�less
<br /> � �pplicabk I�w prav�des otherwi�e).'l4ie notioe sBaD spec[t;:.(n)tht defiuh;(b)the action to cars t6e dt�im�
<br /> (c)a dst�0ot kss tfi�a 3�dsys[mm tDe d�te the uotice ts�vm to Borrov�er.by whkb the defadt must 6e auad:and
<br /> ., (�that t�IIun�to cu�the detaait on or before t6z'date spedtkd in the notici msy result in a►oodrratio�of the s�s �
<br /> secaia}by tTds Se�ity Ina��mt aa�sal�o!the Property.lbe autke 5�l1 tarthe iefoem Barawar qf,t�e ei�to . .
<br /> ' rdastate aRer u�ode�atioa'aad fhe d r�t to Dring a eouct aelton to usect�tbe dm�esistma�a detadt:tra:a�ot�ec . '
<br /> . del�ot Borra�a to aoGde�artion and sak.If tbe def�Wt ts nut aa�nd oa os 6a�ore�tlee dnte speGified i�'tLe m�a�
<br /> ' I.eo��,at its�,may eeqatr�r jmmediate payment in tiill ot a11 s�saund by tbts S�ty Instnmtkst�rithout.
<br /> � ' � r�aemana ana�y�ey�.��R�r ot�e�a an�ocue�rameata�uea ey a�6te Lap.I�enrler shall be �
<br />`,;'; entitted to cnilett ofl eXpeaaes ittia�rrsd in pmsotag the remedlc5 providtd in t�s�apb t.tactad[ng,6�not limited
<br /> , � to,r�soa961e zttar�eys'fas And ca�ts of tftte evidea.�e.
<br /> • U•thepo�rer of s�le Ls invoital..Tnutee sltail cemrd sl notice of dcfapft in�c�y m wf�isb su�p�uf fi� `
<br /> . Ptoperty is[ocatal and si�li maA copies af wch notice in We manncr prescrIbM by a 6ie bx to Bort+ower aal to
<br /> -. - � -��.��.�-.^—$!.;g��•_.��`*!'-L����'���'�'��-'�'!�+._.h?*_#�t+�;��sp►n!!�tF��!h�+�Ric�e .
<br /> oi saic to tbe pei'mas�in the manner prescribed by applkabte tpw.Trastee,v�ithont dan�nd on Bdxcas�rr,shail6eq
<br />. tpe D'rvpetty ,W.•j�n[illk anctioo to the htg�est Wddcr�t the Utne'�id N�and andar the tenes dnslg�tttl in t6e nWks o�
<br /> � sak in one on;•�.lipi'�(�riets�xi fn nny aMer T�tee determ3ney.Tst�tce msy sale ot all ar�ny pa�d ni thc
<br /> . Pr�ptrty bi�pt�iill!�,:u�n�ncaniant�t the tL�ee and piaoe.ot wy prevlousty s��K�sak. I.cnder or it�d�e may
<br /> �ttie Pi'��pc�at aDy:s�k. ,
<br /> Fcrm soss sr�u
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