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::�.�.v:��a�:,r�:�ei�s� _ _ ��_�;�--�� �'i+.� � --- _ — <br /> .._.ry _ -- ;."ss�y�,• _-r"r-�.��-.�..a . .__ -- <br /> _-_ �!7�'+:; �+.t a��r{'[�"�"�i.'�:&. —�— _ � .�„�.e.._�_S}�'?'."u7i� _---.. <br /> -- __ ...�- _ _ -- <br /> ..,-m. •.�s.` p� .'3 f "� ' _ - � <br /> __ ""'°"'°� °c3.a.T��_�, �����1.� t^t, �x�r�."a'ry'_""'�C�Z•�'-yvr.}C��y __ ____ <br /> . — z {`�� '�;-'E`�„�a'' L .��" "! � �- 4-f£ <br /> sst�raacnFSwww�6?l�z�,�$p} "7�,y Li� !� .�+`t •� � t r T. - .. .r.•tr�#d���t ' 'a.`L � �-_� -- - <br /> - ` - - - - �..�-:�..��.`s � 1F�'�'.t. _..�.__�'�'`Lr.�r.t�:'�f7i�,��f�-�u*.���-----_ ._ <br /> �. .- - - _ -- - , -- - 9,5,,,�- , . , . , <br /> �' ` . . . <br /> , 17.�fesiader oY t��Pmperty ar a Beneiidal dlste�rest in I3arro�er.If a11 or aqy p�oQf�P`e��rtY or in it <br /> i$so2d or or�nsfesced(or if a benetccIa!interest in Sorrower is sold or tran5fermd aud Barrower'ts not a natural pe�son)withont <br /> I�ender•s ptFor wcisten consent, Lensier ma�.at i{s option. require uumedi�te pa,vment in fu11 of ell sums secumd 6y this <br /> � secvritv Insteu�n�liowever,this option slqall nat be exenised by.Lender if exerc}se is prolu'bit�by federaI taw as of the date <br /> - af this�'�ity Insdame�:-. - --- : - ' — - - � ---• - � - -- - <br /> If I.ender execcises this.ogtioa,l.ender staall give Borrower natise of acoeteration.'Ifte�aotioe sLall pmvide a period of not <br /> .' tess than 30 d�s frain t�e date the nou�•is dei'►ver�d ar c�aiI�l witbin wflic�h �amawer must pay a31,s�ss seass�d isy ttus � <br /> Secv.rity Ias�nment.If Bortoaes fa'sIs to pay these sums psior w the expirattoa of this peead,Lender may imolcee any remedies <br /> ` pemtitted by this Sec.arity Insmimemt without�furWet aot�ee or demaud on Borroxrer. <br /> iS. �arroa�� Rig6t to Reiflstate.�If,Borrowes meets certain oondi6ons, Borrower shaU l�ve the ri�fit w have <br /> enforceu�ent of shis Securiry Inswaaeni diSCOntinue�at any tune pr�or w 3he earlier of: (a)S days(or sach ather perifld as <br /> applicable law may specify for�ttinstazemettt)6efore sale of the Praperty puisuant to an}+ pon�er of sale contaiaed in tflis <br /> Securiry Insttument;or(b)entry of a judgai.�:t e�forcing tbis Sectuity Lfsuamen�7�tase con�tions a�e that Borroarer:(a)PaYs <br /> Lender all sums sniueb then would 6e due undea this Sewriry InstrumenII and the Nate as if no acceleration t�ad ooaured;(b) <br /> ' c�s any defaatt of any other oovenants or agreemems;(c)pays a13 expz�sses incur�ecl in enforcing Wis Setur�ty�nsua�aem, <br /> insludIng,but not limited to.�easonable attoineys'fees;and(d)mkes sacit a.ction as t.eader may r�so�ably ceqnue to assu� <br /> thsi ttte lieo oF this Se�urity�nctn�rr��rt_.i.endec's rigints in the Property aad Borrower's abliga�ion to pay the sums secuzed 6y <br /> this Security Instrua�nt shall continue uad�8ed. Upon reinstatement by Botta�+er, this.Security Insaument and tS�e <br /> abligations secured hQreby shall remain fuqY effective as if no acoekration had oocu:�d.Rowever,t�is right to zeinstate shall <br /> aot apply in the c�se of acceLeraiioa under paragiaph 17. ', ;`:.: • <br /> 19:'&ale ot Not�Ctiange of Laan Servtcer. The Note oa a partia! ' r�t i.�the Note (wgether with this S�curIty <br /> Instruatent)may be sold oae or more�without prior notice to�ormwer_A�al��snay`iesaltia a�ange in t5c entity(irnown <br /> �as tt►e"Loa�e Servioer")tbat oolIects awathty paymeats due under the Note r�d tlu�Sacurity fnstmment There also may be oae - <br /> . or mare changes of the Loan Servicer�uelate�t eo a sale of the Note.If there is a cltange of ttie Loan Se:vicxr,Bortower wIU ise � <br /> given wsItten notioe of We change in aceordanoz witb parasapb 14 above aad applicable law.The notice will state the name aad <br /> address of the new Loan Seryicer and the to whicb payments slwuld be made.Tfie aotioe will also contain aayr other <br /> infosmat�oa required by applicable law. ••;.: , <br /> Z0. H�doas Sahstances. Borrower shsll not cuuse or permit the presenc�_�ase.dispasal,sto�a�e; or release of any� <br /> I�ar�dous Substances an or in the Property. Borrower sGall not do, nor sUott.�;„,�one�el�:to 40, aaything affe�iag the � <br /> Froperry that is In violation of any Em+ironmental Law. Tlie prea2ding two sent�iaes`tsdal�ac�;�l�r to the preseuce,us�,or' <br /> storage on the Property of small quantities of Ha�nrdaus.S�bstanoes tBat are g¢r�•r�ao�io be aDpmpriate to nom4a! . � <br /> � iesideatial uses and to maintenance.of the Proper[y. • ;; , � .:�.; ��,:.,: ' •' . <br /> Bortower shaU pmmptiy give Lender written notice of azry Lpvesti�ation,:�^�,.dematzck,��sai�or other a�ciioa by 8i�y . . <br /> $ovemmentai ar tegnlatory agencyi or private paity involving the Property and s�jr'��rdous 5�sstanoe or Lnvitarm�tat . . . <br /> � ,.,;c�f.wtueh Borrower has�ae�nai knowledge.If Eormwer teams,ps is c�otified try.anq govetame�2rt�or regutatory' authority.t�t. <br /> �ny removal'��other remediation of any Haa�ndws Su6stanoe affecp��t'�e Qroperty is necessary�:;�5ormwersball promytiy�,.� <br /> al}ne�es�acy>r.�medial actians in accondatx�with Enviroamzntaf Law.:.:'' '.� ,..`,.:,.= . <br /> • � As"usix�iR this ParaSraPh 20. "Hazardaus Substaaces"are those subsianses defined as touc or hazarttons substances'isy :. <br /> ,�tivironmental Law and the following subst�nces: gasoliae. keroseae, otl�er tlamma6le or toxic pamTeum prodacts, ta�dc <br /> �cides and her6icides,volatile solvents,materials containing asbestos or formatdehyde.and radioactive materiaSs.A��sed in ' <br /> ' tiiis patagraph 20. "Environmental Law° means fe�era! taws and laws of the jurisdictiaa where the Froperty is 16cated that <br /> ' relate to hea�lth,safefy or environmentat protection. . . <br /> � � H�N-UNL�ORM COYENANTS.Bomnwer and L�nder fuither cflvea�ant and asree as foltows: � . � _ <br /> '. 2�.Acoelesatlon;R�ned�es.�.e,tider shs�gTve�oa fo Boi�nnwee piios to acreleratlon foUbwidg Sorrow�'s D�ch <br /> ot any oovenan!or agreemea4 ia�t6fs Socnrity Instramfnt (but not prtor to s�celerat[on ander p�ph lT iWe�s <br /> � s►ppiicable iaw provtdes other�rtse).1Y�e natice shgU spe�ify: (a)the detstnit; (b)the aMioa e�eqair�d to c�e the defaalt; <br /> (c)p date;aait[e�tU,au 30 days frum the date the notice is g[ven to Borro�er,6p vr}�4cb tDe def�tult mt�st be c�ued;aad <br /> (�tLat 4citnre to cur�the detanit on as bdosp the date spec�f"u,�A in tLe notk�e mfy rasWt in aaxkratbn of tLe smn� . <br /> secumt by 4$is Sea�iity Instrnmept�s�le oi the�perty.�4i2�shall further infosm BormWer of tbe clqht to <br /> r�instate after acceteratbn aad t6e d�Co 6sing a eourt a�r'.�sc ti�assert the nan�eadste�roe.oi a de[su�t ar any otl� <br /> ���c�e oi Borrower to aocelleratioq�pd�sa(e. il tixe defaolt fs ti�t tared on or betorr tite�date specified in.t6e nWW� <br /> �''�G:�nder,.at it9 opti�on.n�y require immedtpte P�Ym�at tn faA of aIt sooms�ewr�by tlds Se�vrItq Insfrument�vithou! <br /> [urther 8emand and may invoke the power of sak antl atry other remedies per�;itted by np�licaDle law:I�ender ssall be . , <br /> . .euriiQed tu�iiw:t k�i r.x�u�iac�r.�,'.Sa�,a.;i.,��:�m vl:o p:�:1�3 ia SD��.�a�fi.3,���i�g,b�i:.,nr::�f�� <br /> to,re�uasble attorneys'fees s�nd costs of titls evht�ce. � ' <br /> - --'-�i ii7vz�o�f�°5�c�'i��is'itlilc�avc��i�t.S�a ii'.'%r':.''�s`d'.tii..�'.,2"���:�-.-..""'. .t'�-L:���IL��'t�.2�v�'� 2 E-'�_�'-- ---= <br /> Yrmperty is tocated and sttall mail onptes olsush Q�tce in We manaer prescribed by appllca�ile law to Borm�e�and to � <br /> the other personfl peescribed by appticabie�law.Aiter the time required by appitrable IaW,'I'rustee sl�tl g3ve�bik notia .� <br /> '. ot s�c1e to iLe pe�sons tu►d ia i6e awnt�prescn"bed by appticabie taw.Trastee,wif6oat d�on Borrowrr,shall seil <br /> t8e Qe+nperty at pabllc auctio�!0 41ie BI'�st bYdder at the tir.he and p1ac�sund�nder We terms design�ted tn the notioe at .. <br /> � sale in one�or more parcels and in¢n�c�cr Trastee detcrmfnes.Trustee may p�stpone sale ot aU os�smy paral ot the ' <br /> •. �he P operty ai anameat at.rl�e time a�place ot any:previously scbedukd saYe. I.eader oe ils des�i�oce may <br /> ���:. . . <br /> , form 3028 8f90� . <br /> Oapo 6 ot 0 <br /> -'"r.:�,.�.— - — ---- -----_-=-- — <br /> . -° =��S:r__+a('�7i�'��^'t'S�9-�r,�-V�nr.-r-�-.-..,r.� - — - - - <br /> .------- - .�.-.�� - ..� .�_.. <br /> - -�zar.` � -�.._.._. --�.s��...s� � . .,.._. �-� __..�__e <br /> -- _-_ <br /> -- •._ .,.u�,::.iu...;.a..s-:.r«:�--- :�a_.Lr�`7'.�'''�',4'.i .- ...'_.:,....u�n..�� �.�_�.-_---- <br /> . . .','+'�K'}'�2�14`�['9J--xl;f����T'S��i�IS:LYY�T�J — -- _ _ — —__—_-_— \_ <br /> �� <br /> �-,�_��'��I�'{w�'�G{"�1TM'!"4f`�!.���5'r,�'„'�`-��!':f�,,�g�sf . °�...��,. _ •.� _ :'.1�,� ' �";?'-•.��. __ <br /> � -w�i:.L�7t�T7=-nk':�'t4� t�JerS'�c�>�S� .�;� c�� ti .ti��: t• _�f"1G. � ' :.:_ <br /> -�•,c���;.''.R�1�'�I�d.�, �rSi �:'!i"w�7d�7°�'.y,�.-�� ,X.� ;J. � . �i...---- .. <br /> � - '- .r L ' • - ' i'ry- ,�• � ` ��,•"_�1!'! .��. <br /> . 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