_ �; �g� ,�. � . . �.
<br /> � � � 1a�S � �
<br /> � . 9'4�L Ti�tER�VITH a1!s3�c,improvements now or�exxsted on tha pmFe�tY,aad ell easEments.up�uttenanc.s. .
<br /> fixtufes anw or here�fter g part o�the propetty. All repIaceu�enus aad i�dItians sttall also 6e co�erea by this Sesurity
<br /> icubumenG All oY the foaregou2g is c�fernd to in�is Serarit�Instnsa�nt s�s tlie°Pmpe�ty.° :.
<br /> SORftOWER�V�NA�T�,thnt Bam�wet is Ia�u11Y seised of the estate hereby caaveyc�i and has the right co�rant uvd
<br /> . .: �a:,��t,`a�►ar�tls�t��is nn�smlwrrd_eyoepi_fat eIICU1IIbTd1��s of[txozd. 8orroKer wsu�ants ond,w611_ .
<br /> ' defer�G gerteri+lly the tit�e to the��gerty ugainst a11 cE�ims aRd deinaads,s�bjest ta any encutnbsunces af record. -_— . _ _
<br /> � 'P�iiS SE�iT�tYP'Y INStR�'coQbines�nifv;�t cav�aants far aatio�sal:a��ns!r�r�ttfiQrtn wvcnar�ts with iimitad ,
<br /> � vatiadans hy jurisdis;tioa ta constitute a uniform securicy insuuu�nt ooveiiug mal P�nY• . -
<br /> � , UMFORM COVENANfS.&�rrov�r and Lender emrenant sad agree as followa: � .
<br /> i. 1*iyment ot Ptinctpaf and�i���and Iate CbaiSes.Borrower�all PromptlY P�Y winen due��he .
<br /> ` priauipa!of aTd�terest on ti�de6t evide�oe�#bY tbe Hooe and aayr ptepa3rmegt and latC chargcs due under the Note.
<br /> �Z.�l�tor Tases and�m�ance.Subjece to applica�Ie law or to a wri�t�waiver by.Ixnder.Boxrov3er sb�i1 pay m
<br /> . � I.eis�er on the.day mantbly.PaYments an due uIIder the Nate,anril tt�e Nou is paed in fnU,a sum t"Funds")far.(a)Y�Y��
<br /> . . �and�.ts erluc�may auain prioaity o4er this Socariry InstNmeut as a ticn►on the Frnperty:(bD Y�Iy leas�ehold piayments .
<br /> or groand reats on the Praperty,if any;(c)9�arIY haiard ar property iasaraaes pre�mns;(d)Year1Y Qaod insuranx premi�s, ,.
<br /> " if aaY; (e)Yeariy mbrtgage insurano�Bre�ivais,if any;aa�{tj any s�ms payab2e try Bairower to Le�er,in aa;o�ance with
<br /> ehe provisiw�,s af�8 8,in tiw of tfoe payment of mortgage insoraaca premiums.Th�„e items ac�e called'�oar Itemeu�is." _ .
<br /> . •: Lender may.at an}r fime.oo11�i aa�d ho2d Fqnds in�an amnnnt aat�to exaeod the maximum amannt u leader for�federAUy
<br /> .`; related amrtgage tuari may reqoite for�otrower's escraw�i under tfu federa!Iteal FstaL$S�tlemsat Prooeda�ss Ati cf
<br /> 1474 as ameaded fr+om'rime to ti�e, 12 U.5.C.S�tiaa 2�Q1 er seq. ('RE5FA').untess another law tvat applir.s io the Funds
<br /> s�Es.'s�amount. If sd,`L�artca may.at any tima,.ooit�ct aad Iwid Funds ln an amonnt not us ear,eed th+a lesser amunm. .
<br /> .�f5...,..
<br /> � . Lender uiay estimate t�e amo�nt of Fupds dne on t$e basis nf cumm data at�d reasaaabk estimates�of e�tucas of fum�+e �
<br /> . �seroR![tans ar ot6�ut aoaaidance with applicable law. � • ,
<br /> Tbe F�ds sbal!be hetd in an ins�titudon ahose deposits are insared by a fecleral agency. idsnumeat�fitY. ot entttY� �,
<br /> (i�tqding I�der.if Lender is such an institation)or in any Pede�al Heme Laaa Ba�i1c.lender sha11 apQly the Funds w pay ttie .
<br /> F,scru�v I,t�ms.'irender may not chaige Boiro�vee fm holding anti applyying the Faa�ds.an�Iy.aaa�Y'�ia8 the esciow acs�nutB,or-
<br /> verifyiag tBe Escrow It�ns.anlsss LeMe�'pays Bormwer inierest oa the�ands a�applicabte iaw permita Lcoder W make sns� .'
<br /> a charge.Haweve%�.e�der maY�quke Borrower to pay a one-time c�arge for an iadepeadeat rea}estate tax reponipg seivict .
<br /> . used.by. � in oont�tion aith this loan, uuless.$PPticable law provides atherwise. Unli��an'agaement is madc or - .
<br /> . appiic 'ab�e tew teqeires imaiest to be paid,L•eudes shall'nat be required m�ay Bomowar 2uv�it3lerest or eanuags on the Fands..•
<br /> Boanwer'ani Lender may agr�e in writing, dowever.tHat interest sha11 be paid on¢he Fl�pi�¢:.Leader shaL!give to.Berrower, .
<br /> '. � arithant charge.an aamial accoun@ng of ths Funds.showIng credits and debits W the�Fu'r'�ds and the purpose for whic6 each
<br /> . .clebit to t(�ee Funds wasfisde.The Funds ere pledged'as add'►tional secarity.fer,.�d'�sams secmed by'ttus Security Insttument..
<br /> . If tbe�Fuads hetd�y Lender eaceed the amrnut�a�permitted to be held b;��.!�`�Tic�bie law,l�ender sUa]!aaxwnt w Borruwer
<br /> � for tt►e�oess F�ds in�curdaaoe with tUe ceqoitements of.ag�icable law.'i�the�of ths Funda he1Q by l.en�ki at eny
<br /> time��•1E sufficient to•PaY the Fserow Items when due,Lend�,iai�y sa�notify Borrowes in writing,and,ut such c�se Horrower
<br /> :,;��:��'�.shall p�y"tn Lender the amount neaessary ta make up tDe deficiEncy.Barrawer shalf m�3ce up the deficienCy in no aare than
<br /> :��;;��:�;;:,twejve moathlY P�Y�,at Lender's sole discretims. • ' ' �
<br /> �� �Tpon payment in full of�all_sums secured Dy this Security Insmiment, I.ender si�aU promPtt�!rc�d w Besrcower�any
<br /> , , '': ,FU.*�`�n7�d by Lender.If,under par,�agh 2l,T.epder shall acqki�or setl t6e Propeny',ix�-r,Pniaz to the aEquisisiol�or s�te�.
<br /> : �pk`at�i�;�ttwperry,shal!apply any Fut�s fietd by Lender at th�tia���f acquisidon Os sale as�ctodii against the svm.g�u,rx."d bY
<br /> '�`��.. t}►i�:�urltYlt�rametjt. �','. � . . `' '; • � '•;�'
<br /> � � ' " • 3 Apgliqtion of�ymegts.Unless apQlicabte law pmvides otflernise��iJ�:�aytuer.tsXeceivad by Leudcr under patagtsphs� ;.
<br /> 1•and 2 shall be applied:firat.to ua5►pre�aYment charges das under the No�.�;:second.to a�ounts payabfe ur.der pa�ag�apb 2; `"
<br /> , thind,to interest dne:fourth,co pri�i�:.al due;aad tast.to any t ate c h a r ges due.a:n d e r t h e N�a f�3. � �
<br /> : �.�,b�es.�.icns.Barmwex��xs�1 pay a11 ta�ces,agsessments,chazSes�finrs and i�isirions attribntabte to the Prapetcty �
<br /> . which•ri+ay�m��;�iori�;►over thia S�urity Iastracnent.and leasehoid patmtents or gmuM renu. if any.Boaower shaLE pay ' .
<br /> " "'� these obligations in�mans�er pmvided in�par';.�t+�h 2,or if not paid in ttf�i�r2anncr.Borrower sha11 pay them oa timG dinectly .
<br /> ,,.,. .�:��.
<br /> : ;;` W il�ee pers�sn nwed'1iaY�nt._Sorrowes shall ptt�n�dy fumish to I.eader a�:�u^��yas of�mouats to.be paid undor this psraSraph• . ,: :'r.
<br /> ., ...,::, .
<br /> .. . _
<br /> �F Boxtawer malces these paytnents dir�ectiy,Sorrovuet shaU prc�aa�rtty fnratsh tri Lendat i�eceipis evld�ncing the payrir�nt�.–, : _
<br /> ,� Hasrower sha11 promptIy disch�rge uny IIen which has pricr:ty ovei this 5eeurity Ias�1w'nent unless Borrower:(a)agr�in • :
<br /> wsiting to t�o paycntnt of the obligation secured by ihe tien in a mannef ac�eptablc fo Lc�;(b)c�r►tests io 800i1 faith'�liett .
<br /> try.or defends against enfoicemqnt of ti�e lien in, legal proceedings whi�in the Lender's oginion operatc to'prevent the �
<br /> ' enforcement of the tien:ar(c)secures from the holdcr of the lien an agree.�.t satisfactory to Lenrter sul�ordinating ttae fien to �
<br /> . this Ses�u�ity Inswment. I�Lender detemtirtes that azry part of the Pcoperty is subject to a lien whlct�usay attaln prlority over '
<br /> . this Sxuriry Instrumeni.Lendet�give Bonower a notice ideatifying the lien.Bortower shall sadsfy tt�e lien or take one or
<br /> � more of the actlffns set fortb abcrie a�ithin 10 days of the givitsg of notice. � �
<br /> , � Form 3oT8 8J80
<br /> , . Paye F ot B •
<br />