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<br /> �5--1�15�'� �
<br /> '4�'�]�R.��"�'Y DEEY� �
<br /> �CNaW ALL MEN �Y TAESE P�tES1E1�T'h that RALI'H Ed�V�A� V�EL'TE apd
<br /> �3E7C�'Y�. �V�L'�'F.,husband�nd wif'�, her�szt catled the grantors, in considerativn c,fthe sum af
<br /> ON�, D(�1-�.AFi �.N,C+ �'�"HEI� VALUABL� C�p�S�.�F;_��QN recc;,ved &om grantee, do
<br /> grant, bar�a:n, se:?l, czamrcy and canfirm unto SGOTT��►. x3EN503�i, i�r�ein call�r� grnntee, the
<br /> followir�g-descri�r.d re�l�roperty in Cass Caunty,Nebrasl�:�,to-wit:
<br /> • At� trndivi�led ora�-b,ali inte�st it�xnd ta Lot 2,Itacated 5ovtb of�aterr,tate S0,
<br /> �aCC�sting Ce�-ta�n tYyCtS dt�ded tu th! S���C b��VCb�sltyl, mare p;�rt�cul�rly
<br /> dc,sGr�bcd In Book S►, Page 6S9 and in Hook l3, ]�a�t �49, aA in Stetlon 30,
<br /> Torvna�ip 9 Nart.h, :RAnge 12 Wtst or t�r� 6th P.Mf., Hall Coupty, Nebraaks.;
<br /> �nc�,
<br /> Aae undivided one-h�if interest �n un� to L.ots 1$, 1;�, 2p �nd thAt portion o�'
<br /> Lat 21 �11 of Scctinn 30, Townshi� 9 Nordh; R�a�ge !2 Wr,st of tl�e Sth P.M.,
<br /> Id�tlt Gouuty,Ncbraslcse.
<br /> � T6 have and to hoid the ubove d�scribcd �rernise� togethrr �vith all tenernents, ''
<br /> here�jitaments and ap�;,�rtenances the:�Eco belonging�s•rata ahe grant�*e and ta her heirs and assigns
<br /> fore��er: �
<br /> And ihe y-�ntors do here�y c�venant with thr g��ntee and vvith his heirs and assigns that
<br /> grantors are law!"ully seized of s�id pres�uses; that they are free &om encum6rance eacecpt �
<br /> easr.ments and rescrictions of record, if�ny, tha:gaantors have gaod ��ight and lawtul authority to
<br /> car.vey the same; and that grantors warrani and will defend t.�e titie to said premises against the
<br /> tavrfi�l claims of aIl peesons wharnsoev�er. .
<br /> DATED this r�day of� I�jA , 1995. �
<br /> .� ,
<br /> ;��
<br /> �; ,� r G �/ ^ ./� / f�
<br /> `� i �� ( J (dt�� '/i"�i ' �`j J r /� �;.^ ,.y-�
<br /> �' .' /. / L �R � � .1�L.L�
<br /> R�lp'h Edv��rd Wdtc Betty A.' dtC � .... �...
<br /> �
<br /> ST.e►T£�F�EBRASKr1 )
<br /> �gS:
<br /> The fore�oing instrument was acknowiedged befare me on —/�►—q��.�y. , 1995, by
<br /> K.�1l�1i Edward Wclte ar�d �etty A. �Vclte, husl�and and wife, who ackna�+ledged the cxecution
<br /> of the above to be their v�l�ntary act and dced.
<br /> ; ,
<br /> `
<br /> `� ��� �7'DAI 3A , \
<br /> ��11.E�p►4[i.l.tii7 �OI9Cy. tljiC
<br /> Pl.ease return original r.o: .-
<br /> AT"TpItNEY AT LA�7
<br /> 444 'Rc.GEVCY P��,1Y DR 5TE 1Q2
<br /> OMAi�A iIE 6$�J.4-3779
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