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<br /> '+'-�����..� . � . . - . . � .r .n` ... .4.. `-'f .�d4�Jt�Y. . ` _ J . �_ . f L�.'L" _ — _
<br /> -' .1�.r..:-:'; i .r- t— . �' -c'� .;.5.��r�, � Lh�� .w-{r Li �,�' LI - � a s,� }k __ _
<br /> �r:c�sr � � �r f'��` i�r tl•Y'�j�. z-a r'�:^t�i'1t"'n°�i.�$'r��'n''F---�?Sa'f„�. �+� -~w.�E si�;.._...d.•�- �:'`�--�-'�" _.
<br /> .
<br /> '-__ n _____� ' _' "—� _.':______--.— _. _--1c+_°_ ."_ . .__ . �.'_ __— — — — —_ _:,_—_
<br />._ . . . .. ,. . , c �.3.
<br /> .
<br /> _�__ __.___—.__ ' . ' __-- _
<br />.— __ . .. _—__— _....... '.
<br />.� . v ` • L �— � =� - � � C .. '
<br />— ' ` t � �. <
<br />.— ' ����i�is . . . . ' , '
<br />_ � iN�br�f� ' �.. , . - ���" ��}Jr' r�� , .
<br />- . , .
<br /> -.--- -'iit6i:�' : -. i�r?isY�i�uiY.-�s�.�i�vaan i aydr�.i�eiv ottd Jud3tff!a:iai�tir,-teu�bm�i u�vefi�i,
<br />- . whase addte��ts 12761 Sho�em�lce�tsl��d R�ads W�RdY��W�4(�al�t 68883i TrUttOl�QRd B1ttCS{.S .tiut�h�AtiOtMy
<br /> rt t.aw.�pddress ts P O:�o�c 790,G�and ta�end:Al� �S�IA�'i�at� , ' �
<br />_ VY"c�n�sssth: That Whan�,Tn�amr has�x�cut�d o�certain C.�es1 of Trust Nat�Baar�n��ven dat�Mfrewhh�nd -'
<br />= dca�vn to ths or�er�f Matropoiitan Cif��s�n�a CoaiAany.her�fter caltid Bane�iciary.for tt�prkx�p�l su�o! .
<br /> Three Hwutrea Rfcrr 7hausane oo�zrs IS3�0.00@.00).aayabi��n caw[u1 m�ney at t1�Uni�d St�t�s wt�ich sh�U e.
<br /> [eQ�i tender tn payment oi aU dabts and dues.Dubfic and privats.�t tt�tims af Wlnr►enL with�xchango on tt�City , .
<br /> � ot Nsw Yaric,payabta tR�nsta�fmarns„t1�s ftn�l instattment due Fabru�ry 1.Z0�0�Krith[�ite�QS4 tlie�eOR t�ortt t!N�ais
<br /> . � �f�s tlMraire prov�d. `. ' .
<br /> - And VVhertas.Ttuatot is desitous of securing the Pron►At�aY+nemt o!satd Deed at T►ust�Nsts and a!t intetatt and
<br /> ch�s t3Hroon,in wJh�ss h�nds sosvar the sams�y be. • � � �
<br /> Naw,t�erefcre,T�r,fn c�hsitter�tion of tt�e pcemissa,and fot tfis p�oss etatcisatd,ha2h pranied,b�tpak�ed,suid.
<br /> and carn►�Ye�l,and herabt►does�rant,6arpain,se�and comrey unta tha Tnistee.tn t�+sL vsritn povyer of sats,purswM
<br /> m t�e Nebnstca Tnist l7e�ds Act ISection 7@-1001 ec.sea•!,a��tha toitawino des�ea rail erists.Pn�nlsts and .
<br /> � ,'P�a�t1l.situaie(n du C�nty o!HaU and Stats uf Nebr�ska,ta wi� � � � �
<br /> :. Reai Essats as.Qesc�ed'on attached Exhi6it"A',toIIsther with"ati�i�iil�t��mw�t�iereoee. � �
<br /> . ,
<br /> _ . . ; . • . , .
<br /> Th�NoU s�cuad IwabY�'l►,provtdes that tha Ao��c�y at its optlon ahanQs or adju�t th�iat�nst .
<br /> � rat�s ast iarth therein. � . , � .. . . . .
<br /> hi�a�Iiar�d that aM ia�ation pu�rps,motor6,en�fnes.�tr�.sDriaWers,ccntroi Q�u�is and$ccauortas,and all other ,
<br /> impa:�m iequitxna�n ta�tather with aU watar and�+rat�rfn0 jnnhU a�every kin8�r�scriDtro+�.and W improY�u, .
<br /> ' fixturas�and.appurtenancas eonnacted d�arewith aow ar her�after �la�ced or•isrst�lted on aaid premisa shaR de �.
<br /> , COr1Sfilld ii�ffiXOd.tO 8ttd Y pdf�Of thd f0a1 @StBtd N�f4tf18b0V0 dESCtSbpd 8nd�UbjlCt t0 9110f tM(i[oVitiOtli di tP1ii
<br /> Doad of Trust. � � - _ •
<br /> � 'R�Nois wciued bY this�d of 7rvs!Es fur�er s�cured.br,r a R�nciny��5�t�+�and 5ecurity A�rwn�na�of�vrn
<br /> , data her�wRh, covs�in�ap iaigstioa equipr�enL improv�i�+?a�`r,t�, f�.:x.es �nd �ii.�tanartc�s ss Osscribi�d �n said .
<br /> _ Fltaancinp$tai�mertt and SeCUrtty Apteert�nt. � � .- ' � � ' . '
<br /> ,. :,:;. :,.�'. ;:,.°,: . . .
<br /> •�. .
<br /> ;:',,';".. _ . • '..ti`.;:,� . .
<br /> .��sr1►�havo the��hL power and autl�ority durinp ths continvamce of th1�fi�ad of Ttast ta cotl�t tM�ents.
<br /> . isaw�`�!'t,�xafits of tho R���1►and of arq/persona!p�psRy Wqtad therson wf�F ar without takL��nps�4t�Of.
<br /> th����xsa�i.y affaetsd F�erebY.attd Ttustot hersDy atfsoiutety and.unconditionsiiY aasi�s slt stich t�:,,i.�u�s ind '
<br /> ..,�. prot`it�rtir,��fici�y!•_�ftc1�rY.rio�nnwr,huaDy consents W Tnutau°st�oil�e�on and rK���of such rf�nts,iqws �.
<br /> .�;;'i�ci b�d�Sxs as t�Ny,:�Crw snd bkom�WYsb1�.so tocp as Yrttttor ftlp�o�.�fit Wch�, ir�;i�a't#ai�h whti rlsp�ct to �:�,�:.
<br /> � `:'� p�yRn�n��.srnr rnl�i;�ness�ur.�a hireb�►,e,r in th.o.�ormancs af u,y��4.r►e f�.i.�a.r: 1�s�,�,..wnc of. ,::,.
<br /> - dKa�iFC��I hs�ft�r In teat'�rct to this Da�d at.Trust�i haw c�.:�`4�i.C�in4iiiD.8n�s�lt.:ss s. . • : .
<br /> � m�tht of fapNt insi v+��put notic�c!�it[�.Tn�sido a anyons atstmins�enQ�r Trtistof,i�'c�rithnitt tpsrd to dk.ti�ii�tl�.. .
<br /> '.-.1.• tM� �� MM M� ����� V �I�a�1 Lr • -.
<br /> �'.l..�C� G'���"«.. sC�.�� �Cif�cvi a�m5sa'i� ir��w'iti uti�`°$.iG w w �i�U�s td
<br /> ;:'r•,�;': � �� � i���
<br /> � , :� appotnt o receiver of th�r propsrty. It is turq��tr�r�tit�t in c�of dli��fhft(n dN paymrnt of.�e�id ptincfpai L7wd
<br /> ;..�;���' 6fi YNit NOtA�t if1Ul�i�.A6 aHy D�[t thlf�Ofi�it AtFtip mat�� nr�n tit,r�,:��w� b� �-�.
<br /> -r _- �-�,,t�! --�^..l�l�!!!t.�„'����!r ,,:
<br /> , cov�rarts or aIIrdsrr�er►ts conteior$�i in tMs�ed ot Yra[s�ttten the Bemgrlriary,its�stiz�cbsaars or as:ipns:�ite�l�and. .
<br /> is ber�aud�oriz�d�nd�mpoweroed ta t�lis tmmsdiate possasatan of tha said p�ef�2t�as herebY cca+ntitsd anc9 aN crop3
<br /> ; . tMfwrt,or to coM�ct tt��nts therefrom, a�ad to appty ttrs proc�thereot to�tis DAYmenu M thr d�bt hereb� �
<br /> s�cund..� , .
<br /> ToOed�widt atl and s�ui�r t!�tenem�nts.�Mnditamar�ts.Priv�Ws and appuitpnances,oow�r heresftlr tocat�d
<br /> . � upoi►or b�tor�p so or in anywi�s�ppertatnin�m ths a�c�c�d�scrfbed pr�p�ity.r�r arry�p�rt ther�Of.lr�bdin0�Y�
<br /> � ripfrt of hortN�te�d artd evs.ry canttnpant dIIt►t or ost�t�d�entn.• . . .
<br /> ": �,'. To Hav�and to HbW 1hi Ssrn�,topether with all u�d sinnutu Me privlleaes md iDm�rtenanrxs d�enunto betan�inQ:
<br /> ' In Ti�ust IV�vKd�bss,th�t in casr af defautt in ths Pa►ymsnt ut�oaid Deed W Tnsst Note or aoy put thar�o!►or In ti� .
<br /> � payment ot the iMereat thereon,accordirtg to th�ter�or and ef�ect af�said Deed o}7ruu Note,prir�ipal or trttenst, .
<br /> � i!arry,w in ca�defsuft�hati bs mads in or in case.of viotanion or breach of any ot tfls terma,conditions,�ave�nts,
<br /> or ayreements hrroTn corttained,then atl sums srcured hereby aha0 tmsnediatety becoms due ondpayable st ttie option,
<br /> . of the hatdet of ths Desd of Tnrst Nots, and the Truste�may proesed to sefl ths pro�rty t�aeeurdance�wit#�tfi�e
<br /> � Nebrpaka Trust Oeeda Act tSection 76�1001 et.seq.1. T�ustee 8hail receiv�.a fee of One Percent 11961 ot tAs entirs
<br /> � fndebtedne�s then owin�to Bensffciary as e tee In exercisinp the power of sate. .
<br /> And td�a 7'rusior covana�s am!a�rees to�nd with the Trustes,tnat+�t tAe ttms of the ensealin�of snd d�livKy,of .
<br /> these pres�nts,hs ts w�etl seized af ths aaid premise8 in tee simpte and has paod�iphL feill power,and fawful authority -
<br /> to�ronL baf4ain.�li and conv�y tAe s�mQ in msnr�er anA fam�s afaras�id:uu!th�t ths aams us fres�nd cku ot -
<br /> all liens and encumbrancas whatevar and the harein 6arQa�neO prem[s�s in the qu?et and peaceable po�session of ths -
<br /> . • � " ' {
<br />