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<br /> � vrit&out re2eaeing Truator��£rom a�y .oblfgation, do �+a}�•act which �
<br /> � � �usLo� has �agre�& but €�ils t� dQ �d c�Y �so dQ asy otihex a�t
<br /> �t dee�a neceasary to protect the eecu,x�ty hereof. �'rua�or
<br /> eha11, f.t�nerlia�ely,upon.deaaand th�refor Iiy Lender, pay to Lender
<br /> � al.l� cqsts and"expen��e ixtcurred and suirs e�tpended by Lender� in �
<br /> connectiau .v�ita tIie exercise by Lender af the foregoing sighte, °
<br /> �ogeth�r �vith interest thereoa at the default rate provided iri
<br /> ` the Note, arh3ch ahall �be� �dded to the ind�btedness secured �
<br /> hereby. Lender shall not incur any Iiabi.litY. becauae. of anythi.�ac�
<br /> • �.t'.niay do ar c�af.t to.do hereunc�er. . . . � . -
<br /> „ 9, . g��a�,Mate iale. Tru�tor shall ,keep t�}e Proper�y in ; . '
<br /> cempli�nce witl'i alI a�p�icab�� 1aw3, ordi�aance9 and regulatione
<br /> re].atiag�to induetrial b�gieae or enviaconmental gro�eati4a � � .
<br /> (co�.lectinely �eferred to herein ae "8nvironsaental Lawe") . � . � . �
<br /> Trustor s�a7.l�keep the ProperL`�i frse £rom a21 substances cieemed
<br /> to.be hazardous or toxic uader any Snvizontnea�al`baws „ � �
<br /> (coll�ctivel.y referred to hegein a$ "�iazardous �Materials°) . .. � .
<br /> Trustmr hereby warrants and �represents �o i�ender that there.�are . . ;
<br /> no Haza�doue Material� on or under the Property.� Trustor 'hsreby .
<br /> � - agreeb to� ia�deuu�i£y and lxold h�rmless.Lender, ,its dir�ctors� .• ,
<br /> o�fa.c�rs, euiployeem and agenta,, and aay auccessore ta Lender's � �.
<br /> • . inteiest, froin asid aga:inst aay asad alI �lair��, damages, losses � .
<br /> � � aad liabilities ar�saag in connect3oa wfth..�i� presence, •use' dis- � .
<br /> � , � .poeal or trangport .��'�•any Hazardaus �ter.iai� an, urider�• frQm e�s ;:�:';.:,.. � '
<br /> . about tihe Psop�rty.�.�.�'HE FOREC�OING ��iTIES AND ." ��.;;�'�' �
<br /> . 'A.'���,'�,
<br /> ' �f TR�fST. , . . :,�:;
<br /> � Zp, A`s,�cmmer. `::+�' Rents. Trustar hereby aeaigns to Lender � . � :
<br /> ' the renta, issu�:s and�profi.tg of the Propezty,:provided� that
<br /> �� Txustor ahall, . until the occurrence o� an Eveat.o£ Defau�t hefe- . �
<br /> � �nder, have Qhe �xi.ght. to col].ect� and retain'anch renta, .i:a8nes .
<br /> a�d pra�ite ae they fiaeaerne �d�e and payable. . Qpo�n the �occurrence.
<br /> � of aa Event of Default; Leader may, .either i.n peraon ox bX agea�� ;,,, �
<br /> � � � wf.th or v�it�t�t briagi.rig any action a� pmceeding. or by a_' •:�:i>�' .
<br /> • rece�vex. a�,i.:ited by a� court and without_.regard to �he. adeqt�acy �� �
<br /> � ' of its� se�u�t;�.�}l, enter.uporn•��nd take poasesaivn of the P�rap.t�..,x'.ty,
<br /> or any part 1th�xeo�,: in it$'��swn name or� fn the naine o€ the.�'�' ' .
<br /> � � � Trustee,. and do aza��;�:.�ts wYs3ch it deema necessary or dessrable to �
<br /> � pres�rve tcri� va�2ue, ';��.xket�il3ty �r renta.�f.lity of �the PropertY. � . ,
<br /> dx any part the�eo£, ar intereat therein, i�.Yareaae the �ricome
<br /> ,
<br /> - - - ....- tiieaef�a�a,._or pro����- t�xe �er�u�a�y �h��ea�;�; ,��� u_th cr �•���- ._.
<br /> tatk,�ng poss�seion of •the �op�xty, sue for, or oth�s�vvise aolYeCt,
<br />_ t�:� rente, ise•_+e� an� pscsf�.tr� theseaf, inaluda.ag t��e paet due , �;;��'�,
<br /> ` �rir�� unpaic3...�and apply the same, le�t� coats arid expen$es of �ope;a�. .,.:`.%
<br /> � . � tion and c�:�,leotion i�cl.uding �attici�ey's f�ee, upo� any f�dr�bt�dr�.�`,:` .
<br /> �� �� ness qecu��;�hereby, all in such oa�fler as Lender may. detea�r�r. •• �: •
<br /> . The• en.ter�r� upon and takixxg poase�e�on c�'tt�ke Property. 'tPs� �col-._r:,.:
<br /> le��tf,bn.cy'�such rents, issue�.and g�c�fi.te. �d th� a��2icatian �� :
<br /> � � thereof. a a �a�areeaid, eha�,l not cure�� or waive' any dM�au].t ar � . ,.
<br /> - � notica of�cf��ault hereunder or ittva2id�te as�y act dane in � ' . .
<br /> . �, . . � . ,
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