: , . . .
<br /> �,� �---�—�.__,.�.. 1.. ..,�rr ��_.�. . _ ..,,,_.�..� - �, '
<br /> �. ' '•m�a �cn�.. -. w
<br /> r.-�.- ,__—.,.,�-„-.,..s 7,. : " - - '•>'_ � ----.� - :.___ .�...
<br /> � , •..� -� -"._ �. -.
<br /> L!-..s.a_�.]l�_.ci.l+Ji -"'1"� -- _- °""- --�
<br /> � �;{;: _ -- _ __ - — _
<br /> �m�v�
<br /> .:. .�,�0����� �d.�� ��� ���' '
<br /> —,�---,.. ..�..� .—� - --. - - � . , .. ..
<br /> . . . � . - � . , ' . .. . - .� ' . . .. �i. - , �, � � ,
<br /> - �� . . ,. . . � .
<br /> •� • . ' . . � ;- - . . . . 'y � . .
<br /> -:. --- : --- - -.� . - -- --- ----= _ -: .- . =.----.=-----.���-la�� ` : � - - -_ .- -
<br /> , , '� .- _� _ � �, .gfl��ax haa nist �ratxsfer�ee�3, �a�s3���o�� �2�• � , -
<br /> � • � veyed any fa►��rest i� the aese�s ��reia �o c9nt3.nue ag �
<br /> � �. col�at�ral Eo�r• the �ind�b��rine�ae owing to;Lender to any .
<br /> � • 'peraor�:or er►tity. � . . . . , � �
<br /> � � d. � Aa af� the da�te��ereo�. ��rrowe� has good mair- , .
<br /> D�etabl� title to tl�e assetg herefa to cont�tAUe a� col_- : ,
<br /> � - late��]. for the inde�teda�s's ov��.ag�to Lendez. : � �
<br /> ' ` � e.._ There are no�aGt�,ex�s whfch �a.ve been insti- . • . , .
<br /> ' tut�d agai�set Harrawer which cbulst x�sult �n a judgm�nt ,
<br /> aga�nst Sozzawer. . � , � . . '_� .
<br /> , f. �Tnere are na w�paid or uasatisfied judgm�nt� -
<br /> � nf record� eatered againet $arrawer. . . . � . . .
<br /> • � � . � ' . g- There are� no �etate, .€edera�.��o� other tax �fens : � �.
<br /> , � �£i1�8 o�c itot filed carieti�ut�ng a 2ien �agraS.s�et aay of . . .
<br /> � � � �he asee�e ta contlilue' ae security �n a�co�dance here- �� .
<br /> � ' � . with, e�a$pt rea3' eatate`o� peisona�..prope�fiy: tax�e .�� � . � �:::,,;, .
<br /> � � � whfch '.are not de2laquent on the datc�_ oE th3.s Croes- :<;�`;; �
<br /> �� � _ . Ca]:Ia�era2�zatfon Agree�aent. : � � . . . � '"�-':���
<br /> � .. ?. y�s. �e�es. Ho�we� sha1�. •reimbu��e Lender 'for ,
<br /> � � � aZ1 exper�.�es. advanced by iK in reapect• t� th�,s Cross- � �. •
<br /> � CQllat�r�.izati.an �igree�nent, i�acl�ding,: l�at not 13.mS.�ted..�o,,, li�':.�
<br /> . : seaz�b�a;':reaor33:ng f�es and atGomey f�. . ' . .
<br /> �.. g, ..�'entanLincr �;re g. Except a�r.sge�cifically agreed �he�ei�, , . .
<br /> � al]. cov��t� and agreemente containe3:,�r.the existing��F�ates and . .
<br /> � Fiaanc:tz�r,;�•S�aeements �l,n �esp�ct tcs 3xide��r�ciaeas of any ;�e ory •: .
<br /> � . � mor� af �orxower to ?,ender exidtYng oa�t�e �date of� the �irecu�ior� �f;;�:'. .
<br /> � . . s�f thi� .Agreement �sha12 :remafA in fulZ force an� eftect, ' : �
<br /> ,_, �,. ...,. . . :.,..: ..
<br /> ' .� � ' : .g ,��,,,*;�AQr�en nt. •Th�s Agreemr��� contain� the:�x�t3.rt • . `,4
<br /> ,�:-
<br /> , . �'� �em��t;:�`�:and underetan�S.ng nf tihe, par�.��,s. .. T1zis Agre��t ;s�al]. � � �F � .
<br /> �-�a:� be "s��ifi�ed,,_.�imeride3 or changed in �:`:.y. reapect e,3cce��' by .
<br /> � . ; ,waitte�.�$trun�its eir,�necZ 1�y a21 partiea hexe��a. . . . .
<br /> . . ,. . . �
<br /> . {•` r:�,,:`'• . . ' . ;':,1•,. , . .
<br /> *�� �'lwwahra��•1•ieaaa . . ��.:P1�L B'�ILI2t .��,rr�v�tti.ntt. hE:rP32Z�.CQII�__.: . . ...�;.
<br /> tained;t��a12 be construed�f.n aacore�an� ,4�i�b the lawa af th�� . : �,�; e
<br /> - • - - -..����`-�.�'� '�'-y��b�;_p�li i�� !'h�-aT_rP__t!� a���F:'i lp�t•19�.�.:�?•r-°--�!!. � - --- � --_
<br /> � � � canta�fa�c� ,�hall� be de2ermine@ bk a ca�szt a� competenC � �' � •
<br /> . �urisdi��ion to'be unenforceable, this,:Agree�tent �hall be ����� .
<br /> . Cone�r+x�� ae though avch�ua�nforceala��;.��ravisiuu were n�t a pa�` :
<br /> h��emE�.,r::. .. . "'���: � � : . ,•
<br /> • . . � � '• .�,�,�,'�� e�nr��ng gE�ect.'. Thio� Agr�eti�� ehall �be� b3nding upcxcr. . .
<br /> and sh;a�l inure to the benefi.t o�, the.�arti.ea h�reto. theix �
<br /> heizs, 2egal xepresentat�ives, .succesaox+�� and agefgints. .
<br /> � � iN' WITNESS WL�REpP, the. undereigned .have execu�ed this , . �
<br /> . Agreement ,ori the BaCe.ffxat note�l above. � •
<br /> . . . 3 ` . . � .
<br />