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<br /> � ' Y7.�cansf�r oi the Pt+opert9 m��a���tA St►r�°wer.[f N!or a�art of die�ropetty or any iriteceaQ i�it �
<br /> � is sci4 nr trensfr�rn�Cur if a benefrdal i�erest in Borrawer is soi@ Qr trr�sfetred aad Bosrower is not a a�tura!Fers°n withaut
<br /> Let�cr's`priot.wdtten cansen� 1,cmder may. a1:its option. �mmedi3te paymeat In futl'oi all sutits Dy this
<br /> , co�.,�+�v Tn.ctrument.Holvever.this optIan shali ttot 6e exertas�L�ender tf exercise�rohi6ste�by federaf!aw us qf thc d�te . �
<br /> - - �-uf this�ecurlry Iastnlmettt. . _ ._..
<br /> � �if l.en�er exercisES ehis epnon,Lender shall give Borrowes natice of acceieraticyn.T`he notice shall pmvide a pertod of.noi
<br /> - te�s thaa 3!?d:►ys ftotn d�e date tt�e at►tice is delive.r+ed or mnile�t��tiet�in wiuch Eorrowcr must pay all sums secureH by thls
<br /> Security Instnunent.If Burrower faits•to pay these sums prior w the expiratian of tius period.Lender may 9nvake anY renledies
<br /> permitted @y t6ts Secuaty Insuument without further aotice or demarid an Bormwer. � '
<br /> I8. Barrasce�s Right to Reinstate. �f BQrroaer meets cenaia onndiqans, Borrowes shall dave the dgttt to Q�avc
<br /> . enforcetr.ent af t�is Sec�rity Instre�ment distontinued,at ang tiate�prior to the earlier of: (s) S daYs�(o�suc6 ather petiad as
<br /> . agpiicabte iz�w maY specitY for reiastatement) 6efore sale of the ProFenY Pu�uant tu any pawer of sale`oonG�ined in.t�is
<br /> ��qy tn im nt:or(bl enity of a judgment enforcing tlus Seauity Instntment.?huse candiHons are that Borrower.{a)Pays .
<br /> f.ender ail sums which tlten wa�txi be due un�er this Securit3►InstNm�et and the Note as if no acceIerasion had asoarred;N3.
<br /> �s wy defaWi.of anyr other covenants or agr�emeats;(s)PaYs ail expenses incurred u►enf°rcin$eh�s Securi�.Is �n �
<br /> e�cFiidsng,but t�ot timited ca.re�sonable attomeys'fees•ana(c�takes such action as Lender may reasonab3y reqwre to assure, . .
<br /> t5a�'the liea of this S�curitp Tnstnimem,Lender's righ3s bn the Praperty and Bormwer's abSi�atlon to pay xhe sums seu►red by . .
<br /> ttis Se�uritY IBStruinent s.6a11 caatinus unchanged. Upon reinstat�menR by Borrower, tlus Security tnstrumeai and-the
<br /> Qbllg,ations secor+ed hereby strdli iemaip fiilly effective as�f ao acceleretion hart oavrted.However,this rig6t to ceinstate shall
<br /> ' not appSy i�the cace of'accelerstion under paragraph 17.
<br /> • 14. Sale o!l�tote:�ange oY I.man Servicer. 'The Note or a parna! incerest in the Noce (mg�her wi�[hIs Sesarity
<br /> Instivmem)msy be�etd one ar mote umes witliout prior arnice w Borro�+er.A sale nnaY resolt in a change in the eatity(tarown
<br /> as the"Laan Servic�s")tbat coIIects mantbiy paymeirts due�der the Note and dris Security Inswment.There atso may be on�
<br /> oi more changes af the Loan Servicer utuetated to a sate aY the Koic.If there is a cl�aga of the Loan Sesvicer.Borro�+er will 6e .
<br /> given_written natice of the ebauge_in accardance with paragraph 24 af�ve aad agpi�cx�e lsw:T�e aot�ce w�ll staye the.oame and
<br /> � addres�oY ths necv E.oan�rvioer aud the address ta wtucb paym�lc��uld be�de.The notice a+ill.also oontain.any'othet
<br /> � infonmat[on.�eqnired liY a�'�i^a61e law. � •°;� � . �
<br /> • �p.gp�trduas Soh�.��wer shall gat c�:se or.�:�t�the�prese�. use.ddspasal,storage. or rel�ase o€any .
<br /> . }�a7ardous Substances,oa��tbe I�ragerty.'Boiro�i�t::sball uaa,�i'3, nor allow anyone else to da, any�h�g affecKing 4tie
<br /> Property t[rat is in violation of.any Env�sv�unental�La�:'�P�-�two seaten�s shalI nat appty to�ti�e Q-r2sence,nse,�ar � ..
<br /> - � . siarage on the ProPerts'Af sma11 quarititi�a:Haxard�as�bstanccs that are g�aeraUy recagnjzed to 6e aPPro�riate to.aonnal;
<br /> �:c�dential uses and to m�c�ce of the I'roperty. ;...',; ., . . .
<br /> : Borroarer shail proa¢�Y give Lender written r�a o�any Iavestig�tion, c�,demand:la�usuit or oth�t.actian by any. .
<br /> � • �•�vemmenta�or regulatory ageacy or�rrivate p�rty i�-;�ving the Praperty ac�a:iJ`��3azardous Sutistance or E��•�enmeatal Law �
<br /> of which Borrower.�as actuallmo�;ledge..Tf Barrower leams.or is notified by aa,i gavem�ental or regulabor�c-�harity,d�at ,
<br /> any xemova"•,�r other.remediatIon of aisy 3�tazardons Su6stauce affectig�the Progerty is aecessary,Botrower sA�U p'romFtly fa�e
<br /> a�l necessazy r�:rnedial aciions in acco�ae with EnvironmenizJ Lac��.:_� . .
<br /> �1s�sed in thls paragraph 20. 'ffaza.�dous Su6stances" are,t;u��stances defirted as toxic ar harardnus substances by
<br /> '3�nveronrnental Law a�d the foIlowing subst�mces: $asolin�e,kexas�;'ather=�mable�artoxic petroteuax'�roducts. toxic .
<br /> . ' pesticid�s aad hetbicid�.volatile solvems,mac�rials coF a�$�i�a,ur for�+dis'�Yde,and radioactive m�.�is�ls.As usod In
<br /> tl�.is paiagr�p6 Z0. Environmental Law' means federal iaws ac�:4��nf t1�;�wu�iction where the Propeaty is loeated that
<br /> ' • relate to health,sa�ety or environmental protection. • � .
<br /> � NON-UAiIFORM COVENANtS.BmTO�ver and 1.ender furtb.Y�t�:a:�ant and agree as foltaws: �
<br /> IF
<br /> 21.Accxlerat�n;Remedies.I,enc3fr strall give notice to���r�rior W acceleratton toUowiag SorraWer's breacb
<br /> �. ; �.�{stey cove�wnt or agce�neat ta th�s�ecnrity Iustrumeat (buf�mt�Ptior 6*a soceler�tion under p��Ph.17 udas
<br /> ��:::�;��l.kable taw provldes otherwise�.T8e notice shalf sp6city:.(a)ttte defauii.���We action cequired Ra�ct�tiie iktaWt. .
<br /> •,.••.� ;;t�S a date. i�s tM�a 3U ds�9s trom tbe date the aotice is g►ve�.to Barrawef,by�rldclr.Is�e detautt uia�st�be.aired;pnd
<br /> tM a
<br /> •� :td).Wat C�.w cure the default ao or betore the datc �iis the noti�e may Ksu/f:.3a aooderatioa of•tbe sums _ .
<br /> U
<br /> � •.i!�;,�1�ld tfJ�'�..�filtl�'�iT1111�P.11t.$N�.S�C Ot tbC�pf'OpElty►« ���.'1.O��CC S��IU'fillS i11��11r'lOWH'OI�f!T��tO
<br /> LE•&1t�'AoCNfrrtic,jn�!the C7gtlt f0 6itng a Court aetl0a to,�gis<�e,vc►n�a�Ecr�e Qf s!detflutt oc"qp�'?1dhi�'
<br /> :;��.�08�Bos�ro�rer 6?:�ai�teratioa s�nd sale.U tLc detAntt i�not cured et��ur�.bet4rc the'dsie spocl!`xd In�ihe ba�
<br /> j,�idlPs.AZ�f18�LiOEy UTii��'TCQU�1�'�=C jMl]yII1RiH�D{tll�Ot aIl 6Ufi5'St�S1F.�'�bY�S SOCIlXLIY�11'�11�WP�t��dtlL
<br /> II
<br /> ' furtt�er denl�d.and may�pvolce tife Duwer of sale and any otlgc remedies;�itted 6y��Plicabte law:�s�iatLQ!je.•
<br /> � .�ntiNM M ooiiect sll lxpenses ineurcbd ttt�utsnin$ttle remedtes)gmr�i�l In teI115.par�rapit�i,iIICIudii�g,oai noi iiau,�i�aa � � .
<br /> ta,n�onable attorucys'�ees aad co�:��f titte evtdence.. �..� .� ., .
<br /> - i�t'-,.z ::cr c.'°�'°.3�iaeQ.!�.�1;`�'nrsts�e�al!r�o�d si aat�fcr9 ot defa��it4 e�tb�in vvL�.�►J'.[�tt oC Eha
<br /> " 1P�c'uPn'tY is�irated�nd sCmt!ma11 ropfes of s�h�fc►tice in tfle mAnner p[es�i�Dy ugplic� e Mw tri���'tt�to�rer mrd m _
<br /> . . the otber persc►ns prescri6ed bY.apPliwble luw.Aft�ra�the tLae reguir�by�p�iYf�ble law,'frast�e shaU:' e pnblk noticc�
<br /> � . • •: •.:,ta�s.Tnuiea.wttl�o�t.demand on Bo�v¢er,shal!sd!
<br /> of sak tn the petsa��n�in the manner pt�escr.�3sy n�y..c�1s., .
<br /> , ti���Y�P�b17c aacttan ta tlis h9ghest�btdder at the dme¢�d piace and.�der the term9 designate�in ihe notke nt �
<br /> sde In oee or�.mors parceis aad in any�arder'Fnutee deterreinw�.Tnuter ni�y postpone s�ie o!ali or ady p�r�x1 ot tl�e .
<br /> PropatY�^1[w�c announceinea!�t tLe ttme�nd p[�ce ot nts�+ Pi�cvtously�c�edoled sate. Lender.or its des�gnee rnry ,
<br /> � . p�crcba�e t6e Property at any sak. • � '"� � .
<br /> ' � � � � Fam 8028 9�
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