t t _ . , . ,�. wr.ert�-...^--___. .
<br /> .. :_„=."�C-. ._.-s„ . '— '_ '�. .r�s-YSZ--�^s-,t-..^._ _ .-- � - .- ___--
<br /> ►. . '• `t'c-- _ _. . .�+-�—.:. r4:t<'�'°'"..`?r•.e`•-:+,�!r.,�Fv-._� . '__ __
<br /> �..:-.`,f9�"�+�.r=••:- � �. ;' . .� ,..� -�4} �`� s "'�rsree�icc=.�—� _-
<br /> .Jc -.a.i`.�Y`.�r::.aF:S�.]�.' __— —__ — - - -- __ -- —
<br /> . . ' . . . 9��1�` _����� . • '` .
<br /> ' . 'i'6G�R'�IE4t WT�'H ult the impraveu�ents anw pr I�er�af�,.�r ero��on tbe ProgatY•an8 nll r.s�e�ents.a�purtenanres.anQ�
<br /> • . fixt�res.naw or�Efercaf�r a �ut nf the Q�perry►: A!l r�y2aoe�nts and nitdstions s�:a11 also 6e aove�d. 6y this �esari�yr
<br /> . t�A,fi af s�.°fct�e�s����!.«��a�irity.Y�tn�as thc°Fcap��tp". . , �
<br /> � 80RRO�VER C�VENl1N7'S tIiaiBorrower Ls lawfWty seised of the estaie hereby coaveyed tts�d hns t�e right io gram mnd
<br /> caa�ey the Property�nd that t&e Property is naenaimbcred.eacepi foi P.nc�lmbr.u�ses of mrord. Barrawer�vamintc'and wiit
<br /> �efe�f.�ailY ths Ritte tu ttte't�o�e,-t5+sgs�s$!1�i¢itr ar.d d�,dstsjeet��fl��EU�es Qf r�. , • ��_ �.� _ .
<br /> ' T�IIS SECURTi'Y IN�i�3MENF eombit�es uniform oovensats far e�tional use end�o�unifonn cov�nts witb limited ,
<br /> var�atiuns By jurisdistion tn cor��dtute a uatiform tocurity insttumeat cmr$riag real grnpaty. � . ; . ,
<br /> UNffflRlti COVENAYIP['S.BorroKqr�n�d Lead�r c+�veu�t aad s$r�x as fo2�ows: �• •
<br /> 1.Pt��me►t�af PeInd�,l and Iat�est; Prt.�a�Ymeet�Haate�C�. Bormwer sdail FromPtty►�Y wGen due the
<br /> 'principal of aad intere�t an the de6t evidenc�l by the Note and any prepaymeat and late char�es due under d�e Note. >, �
<br /> ' ' �.Fh�s.for T9xes and Ins�anoe.SuBject io applicaUle lstw or m a w=itteu waiver 6y Lender.BarraRet shai!p�y e�n .
<br /> I.et�der on ths day rnamhfy Payments are due under.ttie Note.until she Notc is paid in fpll.a snm("Fnnds°l fo�(a)yearly tax�s
<br /> �!as�e�e�ts�hich ma�st�in priority over this Soa�rity I��as a lien an the Pmgercy:N)Y�Y i�td pay�nts
<br /> . ur g�und�u an the Pruperty.if stry:cc�yea�y t�a or�cy wsur,�ace�u�;(d?9�Y��Fr�atms... •
<br /> if aaY:(e}gn±arty martgage ins�piemi�ms.if any:aad i��3►�RaY�Ie by 8omawer ta Lender,in aa�ordaao�cvith •
<br /> the provisia�s of par.�graph 8,en ti�'of the paymenf�of mortgage finsnranoe premiums.'l�ese itesns sie d[ed'Escmw Items."
<br /> iebder may,at any.time.Qo12�ct�nd hold Funds in aa anwu�cmt to exae8d the a�aximnm amovnt a�u farr a fedeially .
<br /> r�tated martga,�to:rt.may requir�for Basm�er's�crow aooam►t ander th�federal Reai Fstau S�tt�at Pmo�Act of
<br /> 1974�s amzndr.d from time to tisn�, 13 U:S.C_Secuon 2b01 et scq.(�RF�PA'�,naless a�otfur taw tl�a�t appiis m Wc Fmnds
<br /> sets a Iesser�moun� If so. Le�r may.at any tir�.oaftut aud hoitt Fnnds ia�'amut�nt nat t�exoee�,tt�e t�str a�oti�►�
<br /> Ir�mder may estiasate t�e amou�of F,w�,ds due an tha basis of currevt.data and c�saaab4e estimates of�pendiAues'of fu�, .
<br />. Esctow:[tems oi otherarise in arcard�anoe vrith applicabie law. • ,
<br /> ' . 'The Fands shal!'iae held ia aa institwion whuse deposit� aze inswred hy,�a federal aee��n►, instcuasentatitY, or tntig+
<br /> . Cu�cIuding t.e�der.if I.eader is such a�iastituttanj mr in a�►Fedesaf Ha�F..t�a Ban1c.l�endta s�i1i appSy the�vtnds to pay ths
<br /> Lsemw items.I,ender may not charge Burrower for tiot�in$aud applyin�t��eussats.�nua]ly anaIyzin�the essrow acoaint..or
<br /> � verifying the Escrnw Etems.uNe�s I�r pays'Boxrawer int�st on tbe Funds�ad app&cable law peimits Ienckr w m3f�sueL :
<br /> a chaz8e.Hor�ever,Le�►der may cequire Bo�rmwu so pay a one�-ti�e cI�e for an indepeade�t.real esrate taA reporting service
<br /> � • ased by Lender i�i connection�widn t�rs�[aan, tmtess epplic�Dle �w pmvides othetwis�.QL'r_�ess an agreemem'is.n�de or ,
<br /> . , ,appYicable Iadr reqiums intemsc w be��:�.Laader sirell�6at be mquued to pay Bnm►A�er aay�.rt'z�st or eazaings on the�rinds, - •
<br /> Borrower and Lender ntag agtze in writiag,hosever.tlini uuertsc sliaall be p�on the Funds.�,et�uder s6a1�•give to Barrowu. .
<br /> '::�7thoat c�u8t.aq annual aasaunting of the Funds:sbowiag endits and d�-ts ta the Funds u�d tt►eF�a for which�eas6 •
<br /> . ' ;;.
<br /> ��.:�t tv[�Punds�cvas made.The F�mds are piodged as addidonai secutity for aH soms secur�i.�.�i.s Seciu�rty Insinu�ent. �
<br /> . �.if[�irc�"��ds i�dd by�exoeed the amoants percaiited to bt hetd 6y�appkcahte ta�;,i�,iser si�all aacapni W Bonow�ar .
<br /> . fur th���a�s Fwxds in acocndance wit6 the t�equiremenis af.applicable law.If ttie�amount or st�Fw�ds held tsy I.+ender at aay
<br /> time is not sufficecnt to pay the�Saow Items at�en due.•i.eader may so natify B�amwer�n writing,and,in such a�sc Borra�+er
<br /> . � Shali pay to i.ender tde amo�mc neoessary.to make up the•defrciesc.y.Sorrawee�ttl make up tbe deficimey in r�o mor�t1�at►
<br /> '. � twetve�c��JY p�yartnts.at[rendet's sole disctetion. . � • '� . .
<br /> tTpo��payment in•full of all sums sa�rod by this Seca�ity inctrument, Let�der shali p�omptly refund to,Borrowrx aay .
<br /> Funds futd�by Lender.If.ander p;uagraph 21.Leuder shall�uir�or sell the Praperty,l.ender,Prior to the acquisition c�$ale. � '�:i_::
<br /> �_;.-nf the Praperty,�strali apQIy�nyr'Fands held by T,�r at t6e time of aoquisidor�.or sale as a credit agaia�t the smns sa�(tnd by '`'';`�;
<br /> . :i,����Cit�ji�t tnctr�m�ii� : � ; , ,
<br /> _ '. • � 3..A�piiaittoa af Yiyment�.Untcss pprplic�ble l�u��raeides othcrwise,ail payma�s_roceived by I.ender under pa�s�l� .
<br /> 1 atd�uts��'�be applied:fast� to anY P�Yme�c�arges due undcr ttie Note;secoixl,w r�rwutus payable uflder�paragr�Z:
<br /> • �third,to i��rsi due;fomth,W PrinclPal'dut.;and last,to�tay L��barges due undes the Note. •
<br /> A.Chatges;�.Borrower sha11�y afl ta�cesr assessments,ct�uges,fines�d impasitions atteiDutabie to Uie t�efa�peny -
<br /> vvbich may sttaic►yri�rity over tbis Socurity Ynspament,and,leasehoId gayments or graund rents.if atry.Borrower shall paY
<br /> �.._._.. _._ ..-
<br /> ._ these o6i�gations in tiic maaaet pinv��idin paragtagh 2.or if not Raid in.tbat manr,�r,Bormwer shaII pay thecn on time dtrectIy ___._
<br /> � to the perspn o�c�ed pr►ytnent.Barrawer shall promptiy fumisb fa i:c�der all notices of amou�s to b�pud ander this p�ragtaph. �. .
<br /> I€a°sr»—aOWc�a7r7ii25 ihese peyyzie3yisdir�ci3y.Bar.uwer sSaU pro�-'y,�y fura:s�to Lcr�r t�a��vi�tt�ssg i.".:.�;.�.,'�. . . •
<br /> - �orrowef shall promptly dischazge any litn afiich�has prinrity over tivs Security Instcurr�ent nnless Horcower:(a)agtee.s in
<br /> , writing to tI�e p�ymstt of ttie ubligation seca�rod by the lien is��u ertaaner acoe�table to l.ender,(b)oonusts in good f�ith tho 13�n
<br /> � . ` by..or defends against enforcement oY ttie liea ia, lcgat procxdings whish in the Lender's opinion oDerat�to prevern the
<br /> . � ei►farcement of the[ien:ur(c)�ecures fram the 6older of the lie��agrxment satisfactory to Lender svbo�ng the lien to
<br /> Wis Soccxity[aurume�.If Lender determinss that any Qari of the Pauperty.is subjea to a tien which may ait�in priority ovet
<br /> t�is�ecuriry Insuument,i.endcr may give Borrower�aotice ictentifyiag the IIen.Boaower styaall satisfy tha licn ot take ane or
<br /> t more of the actions sct farth above within�10 d�ys of the givins of notice. � • . '
<br /> . � Fortn3o23 �1l0 . �
<br /> ' vap�2ote . '
<br /> , , • T . . i:Clv� � .
<br /> �
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