__ ,�,. : i. .
<br /> _ ..
<br /> �O�OC.�:.��...v.''>.�-'�-;�f'nar'�la�.i�'C�J"' '�—_ . . . - ._ _' +,ene�t=A�"-"c"'.�__... . ^ � —.� �A
<br /> . _ .. . _ ._ ...._. .
<br /> _ �__- . ___. ___-__ _ _ �.. __ .---_ �- _. __- __, _._ _ _ _ ___..
<br /> , "_ _. _ . , .� !J s , . � . � �,��6— �Q�� �
<br /> .1'O�Ts1'HEtt dViTH nll tha improve�ats nnw os hen�aftet erected on the property:m�xt;ull.easc�nents.aPPnrtc��s.�nd .
<br /> fi�res now or Aen.�ter st past of t�pmpcxry..�Ali rrpluaer�ems end a�ddit¢uns rshaU aS�o be c�ver�d by thi�Seturty
<br /> � Insstrwment.X16 af the fot�go�ig is rcfesre0 to in this 5ecurity Ir�.sttumtnt es tite eFropertq." ,. � • . .
<br /> _:�r���7v�"'�€�8'����'��_�-�-_•�:�����''�';��t?�?e���?�y�rcved s�d ti�s the rig4u to�t arid —
<br /> . • t�nveyi the presgcrty and that ttie Fmpe�ty is u�ncu�nhe�cd.e�cept�os e�cuin�►�aoes uf record. Burroncr.W�ts e��aIR.�i � _
<br /> � Qefen�ganerally tAe title co the�'rogenY a�aiast nU cIaims and dcmaada.subjset to suy eacunebramces of ceao�.
<br /> -- - � -"F!f',1,���C13l�ZY I��.JM�Ni'�snm6ia�s unif�m t�venalats fQr natioas�l use_aad aon-anifois�i cavc�anis witls_lImited _
<br /> variaeioas by jurL<4iccion to wnsiituie g uniform saviity fnshvxnsnt wvertn,g real pmpes'ty. . • � .
<br /> UNI�ORM�OVENANTS.&srrawes'�nd I�ender oayena.�t aad egcte as faii�ws: , . .. : ,
<br /> l. �ymsnt ot Priatipni at�IAt�e4; PK+�paymrnt�!Lau Ch��s: Boirmwee sI� pmmptiY pay when due the.
<br /> •,prindpal af and interest an the dtbt evic�enc�by ths Nate aad auY F�Y��and!au charg�s dae under t�a N�te.� �
<br /> ' �.�'i�t►ds for T�,xes.and I�ar�n�t-_Sr�bject to applic�ble Iaw or to a written wai�ar by�.end�er.Bor[bvver shai!pay ta ,
<br /> . . t�nder an the day monthlY Pa3maents arb due dndei ttis�Tate,until the Note i�Q�d in full.a su�t'F�utds")for:ta)Ye�riY t� .
<br /> and ass�ssmznts whicb may aaain prioriry ov�r tisis Savriry�at as a kien an t�+e Property;Qb)Yearly 1r�uIx�d paymeats
<br /> ,• or g�cents on the Property,if anp;(c?Y�r1Y�d or�rnp�rtY insuranoe Pi�mimas:(d3 Y�St Q�'insaranee,pretniums,
<br /> if any:te?Y�Y��B�e i�+a��arrt ptemis�ms,if any;and E��Y�.PzY��G 6Y BorravYet to Jxndca*in aocordance wiW .'
<br /> �t1�e provisiaos pf gara8rapfe S.in fiw cff the paymt4t of poongage ins�rance prctmiutns.'I�se itams arp catted'�ssmw Items." .
<br /> L��cicr may:aR any tiIIie.coliect and hnid Funds in an►amaunt not to exee�d the,naaaimum amouat a[eader for a fodetallY , .
<br /> .� rrl�te�rnartgsge lqam usay req��ire�a�Borruwes's escraw account u�ader.the f�ierat Reat Fstatc,5atttmsnt Pr�oodu�rs Act af: .
<br /> ' 19T�`as ame�ed from tim�to time, t2 U.S.C.Seetion 2b01 et seq.{'I�FSPA"�.u�iess�r daw thet appliss to tt�e kunds . . .
<br /> secs a�esser�mourn.If so,Leuder may,ar am,�tlme.callcct ard hnYd Funds in an.sma�mt aat w exoocd tLe tessex a�naun�.
<br /> � �ender�r.estima's tt��a�at of.�iu�due oa the hasis of aurent data snd r�asmna6le estimates of�of.futur� : . .
<br /> � F.seru-.�.�.?�'ardthaiuhsc in:eaozdancerrith applicable law. � . . , � �
<br /> , . �e Run�s &hall.be beld im m� �tarion whose deposits are in3u�d by a fod�rai agency, insautbtnWity, ox�atity
<br />- d�nciuding I�er.if I:ender is such ari Insiitasio�)oT in�ay Fedoral Homa Loaa Banjc.Lender sdall app�iy the Ftm�.tu.p�y t�e. :
<br /> � EStzuW Items.E.etider may not ef�srge$uirav4�er for ho9ding snd apgiYiaB the Ftmds.anttually.analyzin$the�scrdw aocauut,or _..
<br /> vpify�s�e Fscrow Items.unless Ierlder gnys Boitow�inic�rc�t on titta Famd�aiid agPticabl,e Iaw pErmit��:ender w ie��ch.• • .
<br /> $ ever,�Len�dor may ra�,t'sre Bqrsuwei t�pay a��chargs far an ind�ea�►t�d'c�stat�t�t?r.p°r�8 servia � .
<br /> • C2�,��`�iav�+
<br /> � ¢�ed�s;'�asdgr in'oomaection with.this inan, antess appli�r;Y taw p�vides u�hcnvlse: Unless an sgran�eiu is m�dc or ,
<br /> ,-aQptica�l�•l�tv r��intet�est to bg paid,Leqdeashall aot be rcquira-!to�g Bctlmw'er any interat or.ear�ungs on�he Fimds. .
<br /> ;'�Borrov�c�•�nd�E,cn�er.may agcee in writing,howg�:�,'that interest shaU 6e�aid on the Fuads.I.�nder.shall give W Hotmwec; ..
<br /> , : witI�:;r�'',�rgc. an am�ual accountinE of tbe_Funds;showing�t�edits snd debits to the Fuods.a�d td�e purpose for whic��ch. ::!:;...
<br /> ' stebit�at��Fatxls was.made.The-Funds are ptedga!•as eadi�.�?security f�r a?J sums securod by this Sec�uity Ia,munept.
<br /> ' • :��,Y�s'Pmtds fieId hy Y.end�r ex�xd the amo�s perinit�.�rio be he�td hy�applira6le law,I,ender at�al!avca�nt to��orrnw�sr ,
<br /> �''�;:��o�.�e�vicess Fuods in acca�ianee with t�e requ=,.�eats of applicable law.If the�nt of the Fwscls hetiE by Lendz.t at aay .
<br /> .:��;�,�: :'ti�ne is iwt su�cietst w pay the F�row Items wk�+d'.te.Lendcs afay sa aotif}r Somowtt in wt[tirag,and,in sucb case Borro�ver � , '
<br /> �'":,c: �shatt pay ta Lender the.amount neeessary to ma�e up tbe de.�ietxy.•Borrower shz1D malte up'thF defreiency in no moce than
<br /> twelve.i�'atLtY P�Y�ts,at Ijender',sola 8isc�ion. : � � .` �
<br /> �;�,rs!s�!meat in full of aii�;�s secur�hy�ds S�.�is:.:7astrttment. beadcr sha11 P�PVY rtfund to�arr5wer auy
<br /> . • Funds hcld by Lendr,�;�3f.under paiagraph 21,L�3::r sQall�c[piir�or se1!the Prnperty.'Lendet.Pidor ta the abq�isition or a�{e ,
<br /> � � �of elac Proprriy,.E:�'r�#i'�cpPly azry Fmd�hel8�y'�:�ie�at thc tiiae of ar,i�u:�t;��n ar sale as a credit agai�?�stur�saured by '�-';�;.
<br /> '.' .3his 50� ��eri:'ssaiei�t. '' . . ''' ' �. '._.:' ,;'' .. , �: � : ' ,.:,;,'..�.. .
<br /> �' �`,s;�na nf Pf�pnmts.Unl�ti�pt;Cable law ci,,7i�cs otherwise.alf paymenis tr�eelved by Imdtr urada p,ar?�aphs .
<br /> , ,-... P ' r. ,. ,,..,
<br /> '1 nnd�;�!be'appl�e8:�irst. to any pretPaYment charges���_ii�xier the•Not�;sccond,to,��its.pAXable under pa;w.�#c�ep6�:-- ..
<br /> ,;;;;��;:,' thitd,co interest�ue:faR,rsh,to principai doe:arxl[ast,W aay�i�ie cbarges due�rder the Note. : : � .: . .
<br /> ' . , 4..�harl6ea..I,ieds.80itOwet&h�l�riY 2i1,1 ta7tes.0SSC5sA�eaW..chuges,.fine9 am impor�itions ata�:tablt.to tl�a Fropat�±_ , . . .
<br /> . : wh3ch maY�att3in�t�xi��ity aver this Sa�rity Instniment.�i�d leasehold paynnents or ground rents.if'a6�: $ormwac��a11 pay �
<br /> - �.;�,;�Q:'d�a:,����sj.rwr�a��li; �*� +�?.�r:f.T:!r�.p�id iv.ih�t ivarmer._Bcrc�wer sj�a11 PaY�n.on time diroctly___,�:_:.�-
<br /> : to the�pei'son owed g���mrnt.Sois��wer shall pmmp[ly fumisCf�l;render aIl mtices af a�'en..�ts to be ppid under tfils}�n�-apTr..
<br /> Y�Bo�awer mafceg��y�.paYments direFdy.�3orrower stull pro�rtiy hrMista•�o Let�der teceiptsevide�iczng the pa�ment9. ; ..,..._;
<br /> . . -�,�;tq,v,er s.`�ii;�{��irnpdy discharge any lien wiuLh has priarit�►4sei'i9�i�;'t3ecurity InStn►ment unless�tmwtr.ta)pgr�s�..:T;:^..
<br /> • writitig`to the pspmantc of the ob}igadod secnred by the lirn ih a�`�.'�r.;�:j�table t�l.ender,(b}coni�ts in gi�od fii;h the lic�i.`;:~,,'�'
<br /> '�� �iy, or def�nds againsr epforcemrnt of the liae in. tega� pc����$s wfuch:ln the Lcnder's opinioa�erate to j��ent the
<br /> eafor�ement of:ihe litn;or(c)socures t'rom ihe holder of the-L'�s�'�n agament saasfactory ta_Ler�der subqsdin�tit�t��a�Tier►to, � •.
<br /> . this Savrity Instmnxret. I.f I,eader determine�tt�at any part di the Property is sub]ecX to a.lien which may attain priority over
<br /> this�udty Instrame.at,Lender inay give Borr�wer a notia Ydetjtff�tag the lie�.Bdrrawer shaDl saGsf,�.Cx lier�or taice one ur� � �
<br /> . , � mo.*a of the.accions seE farth above within 10 days of ttie giving of nodce. " .'
<br /> . � � � ' � . �aoze sr90
<br /> +. ' • � v,a.xma , • � • �.
<br /> . .• . . _ ,
<br /> • , . , . ., . • �, . .
<br />