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<br /> ' � ���.AYCiit� �CO�tIII�q$$�° �u'B�A�Q�1C
<br /> ' � �fitst twe of tlre C�r of Gr��pmpe�ty an��fn t�e .
<br /> � Fsa�liite of�e We�Hati'r(W'0�)o�ssid Nasth�t��+IB'�i} .
<br /> ' a d�we of Tf��e H�Sc.wmty(�3?0.0)feet ta the�hwa�t
<br /> . - � • �Q Vi{i��r1��\71i�1�i Lj1A�i��9��7 07�LrV{�JS � . . -
<br /> � ' - ' ���al�Wi flllG W 1iB'{rS�tW �1�Y1��� ' � . . .
<br /> • "t� . �m��1fiS Vi SiM�i�Y1�C��[x°�ws 1a�9'i�T/��
<br /> � of`lbr�a Hundc+ed Se�re�aty f3T0 Q)fe�t�o t#e sr�utt�ast co�of " �
<br /> � - �i WLy�WO�N��. f WG�i�Wp W l�7� i7 a� - . � _ .
<br /> �G C��1C Og�IC�t Eif�i1R. id jS�Ttd piOQQtp.9�����iC . �
<br /> � east Dine of tbe w�st Aalf{W�h)of aaid xo�Qaut�(NS�i) �
<br /> . � adi�noe c[T�s�iimdn�S�.wmiy(37[l.Oj foet to d�neav S�ffi ', . �
<br /> �.0.�/.�IIIG��AYG1tiC�Ei1CC GOa�1111II$�aQ'�'�� . • ,
<br /> . ii11 a�ong�a li�e�at i��te��tu t�e east line of tba wes�t Aatf , � .
<br /> 4VIT�h)of s�s!No��uar�tNE��a di�a vf Foriy F''vb ' �
<br /> � . � . � (�45.0j feat m a point on the n�tb line of 3ud Nor�ea�t Qh�utar
<br /> . (IJ$��s �++�..w S �° � �° � 810l1$ tj1C IIOt�I�•�I1C �S�
<br /> � , � • NosiFtqst Quattet {NB'�i) it dist�ncx Of 1�vo,H�mdted T6iiriy , � �,
<br /> ' . . (Z3p 0)fa�thaice S 3'�°29'09'S.�dist�noG af.F'�fly��t�d �,
<br /> . -� �ghty Sevm Hundredtbs(58.87j fat M a paint a�iatesxectian of
<br /> . tI� neac,�,=th R..O W. 13ne of t�pita2 Avenue �d dse Weat � �
<br /> � �� � � �.�.�o.:t�i��f'U.S.A'ighw�y 282;thance oaoi'u�uing S 35t°29�04' �
<br /> � .�����lt�e�t R.o.lN.line of U.s.�igte�a�p�I;a Qist�nce of _
<br /> �.;�:��'.. � �3evra,ty��c and Stivtnty N'uie Hci�dredths..��9j f�8�c S .� � �. , .. . ���.;�`:�,�
<br /> •.�,,:,,, `''��
<br /> • tlQ°�?+6".E aloag gaid West R.Q.W.Iine�'�5.5.H'ighway 281 �:': �
<br /> :,'.:.
<br /> ' � . au�i par.�ltei ro t�e e�t tine �'t�e Wcst �a]f (�"h) of ssid � . , .
<br /> ' � N�ttDeast�Qaa�tcr (NB'�f} a di�'isx of Oc�e Zbaau�a�d.F.�t � �
<br /> ':..��;.��` �Huadred Saverity Onc and Thirteea Hundr�dtbs{187l.13)faet ta . _
<br /> . , � . @ie nort�t i�nmer af Lat Twn(2),Ma�u+d Su6division;tl�enx N . .
<br /> � � � 89°� 29' 3S' W along th� nonh:�E��of Menazd Sub�e�ion a � .
<br /> � ' • �noe of O,�e'ILo�ttd U� I�ui�dnzl.11�'w�ety Snc al�l�S�ty . . ..
<br /> �: � � . •�edths (Y196 64) faet fo a poi.nt� ���t�;arest liiycc of ssuk! ,•.., . • +;��:,.,:.
<br /> � ���r,, ;:::.
<br /> �' CSt o01iiC�Of Tiot'�:��- r•,,��-;.�
<br /> '->,,,.. . . ''`�ait1�Quuta tr1S'�4)�Iso i�eing tli�:tr��+ ;;,..
<br /> . . �One(1), M'enard Subdivisian;thencc�.N 0�°03'30`W�di� , �. . :`'�'.. . � .
<br /> . . west liae of said ��� Qua�t� (��k) a.d� of£� . ; ..'`;;'`:-. , -
<br /> :��u:'•�
<br /> � ' :..
<br /> - -.- -_. _ _ . '11�ou�aad Fau Hundrod Si�[aud Sixfj►Hut�c�rodths(1406.�0)faos; ;:;•�`.� ' .
<br /> .dKnoe 5 89•2�09•B alang�liaa that is�r�ffel-to dre tjoc�.�re� ";j�: - _ 1- .
<br /> '.•,
<br /> : _ � � of sa�d 1!Yic�,�st.Q� (NB',i) � di�ux�e of T7u���W�At+e� `''�'
<br /> � ?,�ienry'L'�'irix{323 0}fe�et;thmce I�0�'U3'30•W aiaa�a li�ne ,�'���;``�. .
<br /> . - '�F�•���
<br /> t�L IS�i"1f�t0 tgC WCSt�IOC Of��Qi�l�Q�i�''(��i�►�A :•;, . , � � '
<br /> ,distance Of'IbroeHwjdnd(300.00)fat;tPt(t�cx N 89°2d 04"W .,;.~.'�:.�. �. :: :.. . � �',,':.,�
<br /> � ..atic�g a line tlut is paral�d ou tLt nath line of said No�rtDra�Ir � ��;� : .:�'.:;:. :
<br /> � Qu�rnr (NE��i)a distance ef ZV►�o I�undred Faty�ght(?�8.0) .� �� ��`.
<br /> . 2 �� .
<br /> w�__T_., -------_.�.���_.�-�.,-_.-.,.�.._��__ -- —
<br />