ek:cr� ��yg r. �'t
<br /> �a.��e� . � _ i��` : . - .'..., � . , : ...,3.. . . � :'�*s.�•- � . _..._a�^^sY c` �-�'"�`�"^� ._....
<br /> »�e�-"^-'^'<t a
<br /> �- � a�na.G�'-.t,.r nns,,k..a-�i.....c:��.k diKY t�-�� �'
<br /> - '��i4�_ .it�--+a��arik,iS.i.�i2d��thK�ai'A$���' � Tn'ti - -_- _ ----
<br /> — — r�.'ao'a"�.'�'�'-�i�.�� _��.. K =_ -
<br /> — - - — .�i���1�- ° - --
<br /> . . - . . , . -r. , i. . . —_.
<br /> . ' � . , ,t. . ` ; : -\ti . 9�.4 ���33 `
<br /> � , .sha�n oa 8x�ibit "A" are: � . `- , , .
<br /> , , 4 chute, flu�. duct, wire. can�uit, beari�g �1, .
<br /> . . . fa) �Tf ��AY ..
<br /> bearfng co2uara os any a�her fixture lios partially,wittif�
<br /> �: ' � 23�.�3 g���,i1y.__c�Uta;r�a_ r+A Ln��s�es _of. _a_uYiit. �Y • -- ,-
<br /> � �-postion sesvia9 only thae unit 3s a .limitecT cr��mon . .
<br /> . � eiemeat allocated �c that uait, a� as�Y �cr�fon �erviag . . ._
<br /> � taore than nne unit or aay .por�ion of the ca�n elemen�
<br /> ` a.s a paxt of the Ccu�anoa element�. � •
<br /> ` . {b) Any sY�uttera, awni.ngs►' wia�r;�lao�s�s, doosetep�, atoapg,
<br /> . porches. �b�coni.e$r;�,�atios a�d .aI� .ex�erior doors and
<br /> • windows er ot21e�:�,;�ures ;desigrte��.::;;�o eerve a ea.agie
<br /> , . unit. but .14cat�C;:.`a��aide that� ������i. boundaries. ar� .�
<br /> � limited cem���e]:��fie�ah� allc�:�a�,ed t��':�a�t uait. .
<br /> , . ,.:.;, . . .ar
<br /> , . '• . . z,, , , ,
<br /> • %1�;
<br /> . = ' :,;`s p�•• `..,;:. c�`x*� �I313 �1�Lt}PId8I3T RTGI�� .
<br /> . � BRTICLB VI SB$CIA►L`�''JS�r E��.�� ,
<br /> _ _ , �
<br /> F`<::` . .: . ``, �`:t`���`i�' v the �ol�t�wing deveiogment � .
<br /> . F��claraaC. eha].1 ����'� � ��a ��-: . �
<br /> right��:.. . "'. . `3� �. . � `: ' -. .: . , � . .
<br /> (a.) Declarant sb�a�.3. co�:�l the �genciation and may► �ppoiAt
<br /> . . and remcave •,:C�� .off�cers _�n8 tnembers of tSe �Sxecut�v�� �
<br /> '. . ,�eaard o£ D�i.�:�ors� until the earl3.er of: . ..
<br /> � � (1 y ,�Sixty'`i�0)..da�i� af ter aon�i�yanae' of nf nety perces�.t .
<br /> . . ���..494$) �f_ th�:.uuai�ta whic$ ma� .�«e .cr�ated to wc�it
<br /> . , . `omnere other, 23�:� the Aeclaran�.;: .or -
<br /> - , . .,. , .
<br /> ..;,,::•
<br /> � � , (2) Two (�l�'�Years,�`s�es g��.ciaran� has ce���tl t�'offer ..
<br /> . , �'�',. uni.ts Eop s�.le`:..��..�a.-..th� ��dinary course;_.�4s,� busines�.
<br /> ., . 2Iot Zater than sixty {601 '�c�'ayt3 aftez conveyaaae of tweaty f�.ve .
<br /> percerit t258y o£ the uaits whfch .may be create8_ to _uuait awners .
<br /> . other thaa the Deciar�t, at least oae t13 member anc� not l�ss .than
<br /> • • tvoe�aty five percent (2��) q� the memb�rs of the 8xecu�ive Hoaatd o� � ,
<br /> ` � Dix�etorB sha21 be elected exclueive�.p by uait owners other thaa� .
<br /> the Declarant. .Not_Iater thaa sixtY t60) days. a€ter conveyan.ce af . -
<br /> �ift�,percent �50�) of the wnfts which may be createc3 to itnf�t .
<br /> . e���oth�r than �he Deciasant, not �.+���.than thirty C�cee and one.. . .
<br /> � � third���er�ent (33 1/3$�l: of the memD� •of th,e Sxecur�:'�e Hnard o£
<br /> Dixectoxs eha11�: be eZ��ed e�?usively b�/ un�it osane�° �other �haa
<br /> � �the Dec].arant: . . , � :
<br /> Not Iater thaXA.•: �he termination of� the pei�od of the �� :"
<br /> ncc2.�nt•s contrel, ��� �.t ownex�s g�iL eiect a� �r��t�.ve �o�za .
<br /> . of aC least three (3) �tembe�r. at least the majari.�y"+�� �vhom tnuat . • .
<br />- - - --.- - :��. be unit �owtzera... '�`'r�e �.e��ti°,�`- �3o�d �ha?� ?�e�t th� ofiE�.cer�. The •
<br /> � �'�8xec�tive Hoard .m��mbers ana� offic+ers. sh�].3 ' Lake ��fic� �upon � . .
<br /> � � eiee���. � .. �
<br /> ��(b) Declarant reserves, cvithou��. asseat oE�a�rn�s of �units, �
<br /> � t�:e• right � to ei�tablieb � eaee,i�sxats, reservations,. ,
<br /> '� exceptions.and exclusibng consist�at��naith the condantisiium� . .
<br /> oovnership � �or the beet £�atexeets�'of all, t�he awnere in � �
<br /> ' the conflGr���.um, and to eu���.ement or aute�l: �his Maeter
<br /> � Deerol.and ����a�ation, .or ar�:�nen8ed� or. �3�� attached �y-
<br /> La:v�� or as amended�� un�tii Dsclaraa� �seiea�es cont�a2 of .
<br /> tiYi�:•Asaocfation a�.��t �orth in t�l� of this Axtfc�e.�'
<br /> , (c? •. Deciarant furt&er reserde�� �the .right � Gir� add� to the
<br /> aondominium additfonal reai •eetate of one�:�r mare lot�,
<br /> befng Lots One th�:ough Three anc3 S�c through Ten of
<br /> • Hrentwood Poux�th Subdivision to the CiCy of Grand Island, . ,
<br /> Hail Covs�ty, Nebraeka, .and �eBerves.th� right to add up
<br /> � ' � to sixteen I16? ntore waite eo. the condomi�ai.um. ia the
<br /> � � evenC thati Dec].arant �exerci�Qs, this right, the
<br />- � � reallocation of c��mon elemenks arad expeiises gha�i be �
<br /> � accomplisHed by using,the foxmul�a set for� in l�icle
<br /> = . VZI herein.. � , � � �
<br />