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<br /> . RM COV�NAM�.Tru�or and Lender coven8t►t��,qreo as foitows: ���- ���� ` � --
<br /> t!NlRD
<br /> 1. Paymenlo!`P�tns3palandls�Qsrfat Trustor�h�tlprompU�paywrienduet0�epr�ncFpatandinterestindebiedn�ss =
<br /> evtdeneefl by the t�eate and tate ri�arpea a�providea in the Note. � � �
<br /> �.Tsxts.Ae;tssmettta,ant!6A�r�e�:T�usior sha,tt pay or cause to be pald ail taxes.as�essments,�an�l oth�r
<br /> charpe��Res and t�fpositities StMDut3b10 tb the Pr�perty v+►htch may att�in priortty over this Oesd oi Trust and
<br /> t�ase9�otd paymen4s or Qroun�reate.H any. ' �
<br /> 3.ltppitcattenaii�y��4:.-�nros���li��1�i��praerYdrsaothen�ri�a:��nd�rwilitir�taPF�YF3yments�eeeived. - _-
<br /> whaYhetor not dettr�quenL in tha foltowbng order.{tj to any applicable aredit i�surance premium.(2)to any apptica'b1e
<br /> tata ct�arges,,(3),t�any apF�icabls O�Aayment penalties.t4)to any interest that has accrued.and Gnaity�ry co the _
<br /> uepa�i�6atanaa oi prineipal. , • ' � ' -
<br /> 4. Prtor Moriga�es a�ad Oteeds of 7rust;Charges;l.tens. Trustar shatf pe�torm atF of Trustor's abligaG�ns under �
<br /> any�ortgage.deedoftrusterotAersecuriryagreemenlwtii�atienwi�ichhasprior�tyovertRisOeedotTrust�nctudirtg� �
<br /> Trustor's emv�anis to make payme�t�when due. �
<br /> S. f�uard Insutane�. Trustor ahall kaap the improvem�nts naw w<isting or hereaRer erected on the property
<br /> insureda a�nsltasabyfir�ftaserdatnetudedwithintheterm"exter�dedcoverags".a�dsuchal2te�hazardsasLe�der
<br /> may requ�re and in such 8mourtts tor such periods as Lender may requir�
<br /> The insurance carrier provIdtng the insurance sAall be chosen by 7rusior subject 4o approvat by Lender,pro�ided.
<br /> that such approval shatl not8e unreasonabry withheid.Atl insuranc�policies and renewatsthereof shalt be in a torm
<br /> accept�able ts Lerider and shafi include a standard moRgagee clause in favar ot and�n a tortn acceptabte to lender.
<br /> Lendershallhavetherighttahafdthepoliciesandrenewatsthereot.subjecttothetermsof anymoRg�ge.deedo�tn,st
<br /> or other securiry agreement with a tien wt►ich has pi�prity over the Oeed ot Trust �
<br /> In the event o1 toss,Trustor shall Qive prompt notice to the insura�lce canier and Lender.lender may make proot ot
<br /> tas�s it nocmade prompQy by 7rustuf �
<br /> !line Pro�erty�s abandOned by 7rustar.or if Trustor faiis to resAsnd to Lender�vithIn30 days frore�11i�,�iate notice is
<br /> mailed by Len�er to Trusior ihat t�ie insurance carrler otters to serile a ctalm tor�nswance b�!?c�(„3�..ft,ender is _.,�,
<br /> � � authorizedtocoltectandappiytitetnsuranceproeeedsatLend�r'sopGoneitheriorestoration.or.rep�;�4S�t��?x�?,,�?nY .
<br /> nr to tt�e sums secur�d by thl�Oeed�ot Yrust ' � �'``�'�� `" '"�'
<br /> � �..:.........
<br /> 6. Pteses�ratloa �nd MatnUnuee�'o! �ropsrfy; �eassholds; Condominium�; Planned Unit Oevet�}i��'i��nts.
<br /> sf��g;���;�{�.p�apa�;� �:e��aa�SP�a!!not�ammit.waste or permit demotiti¢r�;impairmen��or
<br /> deioriorat�OnottheProperlyendsha�Icompiywbthtl�e��ovlslonsotanyteaseilthis�ee�oiTrustts��'�leasetioid.it �
<br /> this Deed ot�Tn�st is on e unit tn�aortdominiurts or a planned unit devetopmen�4rustor shat!pertqzari a1i af Trustor's
<br /> obtigattons under the d�etaratfion anQ covenants cresting and governing the cortdomtnium o� ptanr►ed unit
<br /> �evetopmenL tfte by-taw� 8nd repulattons ot the condominium or planned unit developmen� and constituent
<br />- docu�ents. . .
<br />- 7. Proteetion oi Lend�t's Seaurtty. It Trustar taits to pertorm the covenants and agreemerus conlained in tbis :
<br /> Qeed olTrusL or if anyaction ar prqceeding is commenCsd which materialty atiects Lertder's interest in the P�apeny. �
<br /> th�nLender.atLenQe�soptton.uponnot�c�toTrustor.maymakesuchapp�ira�ces:�3sbursesuchsums,including �i°.�
<br />° reaaonablQ attomeys'tees.end take such action as;a nec6ssary to protect 4�rtd�':s interesl.lt Lender required �
<br /> • mortgage insurance aa a condiUon ot makin�the loan seau�qd tt�t this Oeed oi Yrds4.?��;;stor shal►pay the precn:t�ms
<br /> - � reqyired to maintain su��E�aurBnce in etieat unti!such tirria��4he requi�errtent tor such insu�aace teim�nates in
<br /> acoordance wiw,Truata:�srand I.ender's wriuen agreement or aF��cgble law. ;_., .
<br /> Any amoue�ts disburs�t�y Lender pu�suaMto tAis Paragraph 7.with interestthereon,at the Note,�`��.shall become `,.;.:_,
<br /> _-- - e!�itFttnal indebtednes�mf 7rustar securea by thia D88d o1 Trust Unless Trustor pnd Lende�agr¢��o ait�er terms ot :
<br /> paymen4 suct�a�^►�o�nt's shall bfl paysble upon notice trom lender to Trustor�e�uessirrgFayrn�nttrsereot•Nac�in9 �
<br /> contained in���<E�a{aprapA 7 aha0 requi�e l�nder to incur any expens9 or take any actlon he�eunder.. ��;.; � . .
<br /> 8. Inspecttoy::'�e���enay make or causs to 6s made�easenable eniries upon and inspectio�s of tha prop�rty.;.;{�;'
<br /> � provided ihat Lerider s�f gfve 7tustor noUce prior to any such inspeetio�sp�ecitying reason�it�t,�cauEe theretor. `�,;`.�:,-,
<br /> related to Lenders int��t irt the Praperty. � � � '. °'�� :"�.'�"`
<br /> 9. Condemnsflon. Ths proC�eda of any award or ctaim Ior damages.direct or coqs�S�u�nti.al,in Connection wi�h ���-
<br /> any cortdemRation car other taking at the Proper�;or part thereo9.or for conveyanc�i�;;liev�of condemnation.are �
<br /> � hareby as�ign�d�nd shail bs paid to Cender.su tect to the terms of any mongage.deed ot trust or mher.secucit�r
<br /> apreement witt�a Ifien which has p�lortty aver this Deed of T�ust ��
<br /> ., 10. truslor No! Ratessed; Forebea�anC� By Leader•Not a Waiver. Extension ot the.time tor paymeret or.
<br /> mo�3lice!1�n ot a+nortiaat�on o!th�suma aecured�y thi��Deed o1 T�ustg�anted by l.ender to any successor in interest
<br /> ot Truste�shatl not otieratetq release,in any manne�.the tiabllity o1 the oripinal Trustor and`frustor's.successors irt
<br /> _ . tnta�st�enQer aha!!not be�req�ired to eommence proceedings against sueh successor or reYuse to extend,time tor .
<br /> psymer►t Ar otherwlae moditv amorNzattan ot i11e saima se�ured by th�s Geeti af'�rost by re�strtr�i at�yy demenci m�c�e
<br /> by tt�e�ori$inal T�ustar and itustora successor���irtterest Any toreboarance by Leader in ex�r�aSing any cigAt or
<br /> - �s�►a�y hcreunder.or other�rls9 attorded by a���bte law.sha�t not be a waiver ot ar prectud�W't�execci�e oi any
<br />- such r�ght or remedy. � � '
<br /> 1.1. 8ucca�son ind�s Bound:Joint�nd Sw�ral Lt�bllit'Y:�i�rs:iT�a c�,wenants and asrosmeMS heretn , ,
<br /> - contained ahali bind,and the�ghta tee�:aurader ahetl i'nure to,the�especUve�ucoessec�c�t assign�oi Lender end Trustor. �.
<br /> eub�ct to ths pro�v(�ions c21 Patagrtr�e t6 hsreof.Ail covenants and agreementa o!Tr�sYor shalt be�oint and severel•MY
<br /> Trustor who co-sl�ns ttdcs�9eea ott�tst.but doea izot exacute the Note.(a)Is co-si�ning this Daed at Triast onty to qraM � ,
<br /> and oonvsy that Truat�''a�[rrtsruat in tAe Rropacly►��a Tn�ate�under th�te►ms ot tl��s Dead o}Truat�(b)is itot p�non�lty.• �:::�.
<br /> - to ex�t dt r�ciify.forbe�r.ot mak��+oihersaetsam�myoQa�t�ons with iegard t�o tdM te�ms of thia Dee�of t�ror tlYia l��a�e . .
<br /> .•_ wit►�o�d thals'6;r4;stofas a�.�sent and w�ar�t rebasing that Trustcr or modirying thia Deed ot Trust aa to that Trustor'ffi�6rest
<br /> = in the Propeety. . . � .
<br /> s 12. Notice. Excep�SaP any notiCe required urtder appttcable taw to be given in another manr2r.Ea)any nn�ice to
<br /> = Trustor provtd�d tor i►�t�6s Deed o1 trust shall be givan by delivering Ft or by mailing sucA cc:cEC�by«gu�ar mail� :
<br /> � addressed to Trustor at the Ttustor's address statad herein or at such c4her address as Trus��tr rnay des��nate.by ,
<br /> ._� notice to L�naer as provtded herein.and(b�eny notice to Lende►shatl be given by certified mail to Lender�saddress �
<br /> "� state�nere'sn or to such other aQdress as l.ender may designate by notice to Trustor as provlded herein.ae►y notice
<br />-..� provtded(or in th19 Deed of Trusi shatt be Qeemed to have been givon to Trustor or Lertder when giveA�n the manner
<br /> designated herelt�.
<br />;_.� 13. Governing Law;SsversbAJly:The atate and local taws appitcable to this Oeed ot T�uS�shatl be the laws ot the
<br /> jurisdiction in�rrhich the P�operty la lacated.except that it the Note specities the law o!a dilterent jurisdiction as
<br /> gom�rni�g,sueh law 3hall be the appltcable law.governing the interest rate.lees,charges,and other terms ol the credit
<br /> transactton s8eured hereby.The toregoing sentence ahall no�1imi1 tite applicabiliry of Federal taw to this beed o1 Trust
<br /> tn tha eventthat aay proviston or clauae ol thigCeed ot Trust or the Note coniticts with app�icable law,such conl�i�t
<br /> ' shatl not aitoct othar�rovislone of this Oeed of Tru�t or the Note which can ba given ellect withoul the contticting
<br /> :" �� �isi�rsiass3l�th��eet�!!�.°�so+tl�l�tstlf�!s�ee�t��TrtestandtheNoteatedeclarediobeSBvetnble.Asusedherein..
<br /> =°� ' 'costa"."expenses".and"attornerys'tees"inctude.etl sums to the extent not pro�ii6ited[�y-appiicable law�or titni[�d
<br /> - herefn. . � � .
<br /> � 14.Truator'sCopy. TrustorshalfbelumishedwithandacknowtedgesroceiplotacontormedcopyoftheNoteana
<br /> . e1 this Deed ot Tnist at the 4ime o!executton o�after�ecerdauon hereoL -
<br /> • - --�.;���„- --
<br />