. . ; • . , . < .
<br /> . ` . . ��.r, '���:�� , � .
<br /> coad�m�arian or athet taking of any part af b�e Pc+aperty.or ffQr conveya�cce is�tica of condemnat�am.a�e[tereby�ssigned anQ �
<br /> shaIl bc p�i�to Lznder. � • � ' . ' •
<br /> • � Ln dt�e�em o!a total mkusg of 4he Ptnperty.tt�.e�pmae� s�6a11.tie applied to the sutas seru�+e�by this SECUriry
<br /> • instrvment,whetaer or noi then due.with aay extess pstd to Bouac��er. In!he errent of a pat4ia14�itcis�g mf the Ptvp�y in
<br />-- —=,�...s��r,�t°°_».•�:°_?���-f��-�R�fmcrt�t�itt�io e�,:a�.te gr�ter +txs�- �amomit�tM sums . =
<br /> secut�d by tifis Secutity trisnument imtctE�Iately befoie th��taking,unS�ss Barrouer und Leade�o�iwise�ar�i�m8:�.
<br /> � the sums se�red bY tltis 3ecurisye In�rameat shall be t�duced 6y t2�.e arneunt of tti�proceeds multiplied by the f�ltowing
<br /> fractio� t�3 t�e tc►�at asaauat o€dtz stu�ss�imm�i�telY.i�ftne�ths ta.kts�,div�ded by�(b)ttie fair market vaiue of the'
<br /> _ Ptopeny imm$diately before the taa�ing. Any batanoe shall�paid�o$on�ower. In ttte evenE of a pattial taking af the
<br /> . Rope;ty in whictt tRa fair market value of�Ptaperty anmedaazely 6efine che taking is�tess than the amount of the swns`
<br /> ' � secured immediat�ly before tt:e takin�,u6tess Bormwer,a�'�er othes��.°.agre��writing or un�ess aPP�ir�bt�l�w .
<br /> othetwisc pmvide4,the pmceeds sha11 be appFa�d tfl die sorr���=ed 6y this Seturity Instsument whether ar aoi[hE sums are .
<br /> then deie. .-. ;,,,:• .. .
<br /> :.:_..:;;.:�, .
<br /> If tHe�rOPeriY is ab�o�by Boaower,ar•ti�,aRer ri6ti�e lsy I.ead�r to$airower that the condemnor offeis to make . .
<br /> an a�vaird or sedde a.claprb for damages.Buriawer fa�1s to�n:spond to LeFCder within 30 days�ter We datic the noiise is given, -
<br /> � ' t�ider is authorized to colIect and appty ttie prdoeeds.at i[s opsion,either to zestorasian or re�rair c�f t�e Praperty or to the
<br /> snins se�ued by th�:�.s�y i-sr.�'- umem.whetLes or aat the#�'. . �
<br /> p :Uid�.ss I.ender aad Sorrower aibrawise agree in writin8;anY apPlioation of praxe�s w priucipal shaU nQl'extend ar .
<br /> Q�t�poiie the dnc�fare o€tAe monthIY FaYme��+refemed tfl in paragcaphs!and�2 ar change the amount af such payutents.
<br /> >l� Bofrrow�r Not Rek�sed; Furbearaace By L�ndEe Nat a,Waive�: Extension of the 6a�e for payment vr.
<br /> • mu�ian a�f amarti7aaon of[he sums secured by this Sec�vity Insutiunent granted by l.ender to any sua.r�zssor in mteresi �
<br /> � of Bi�ar�r shall not apetate to release the�iab�ity of t�ie y�Iginal Borrower or Bom►wer�s sas�ssurs irs interes�.Leudcr
<br /> ' shail s��iti 6e rec;au�d tu eammenoe pmcxe�ictgs against atry§u�ssor in interest or refvse W extend time'for paytment or ,
<br />. cRhe�wise modify amortizatrou of ti�suuts sa�iued by this Se�ir�i?r�nshvment by reason�f�y dem�d m3+�bY the or��inal ,- .
<br /> � , Bartower��orrower�s successoYS in i�►t�rest An}r fari�earaace by L•eader i�eAerrisi�g aay right ar rea�ec3y sbaii eis�s be a
<br /> . � waiver af or preciar3e thhe exercise of any right or remedy. . • ��•
<br /> l� Saae�oes s� BounB;J�nt�nd SeveTet Li�b�tty,Ca�Sners- 17�.oovenaats a�f�g�ements qf this .,
<br /> • Sxctr?�"tnstrur�s�al1 bi��benefit tlee snccessa�s and a.�igns of,Lend�r and Boa��er,subject ta t'he pravi��s.af _
<br /> . ,: pa�g#r�h IT.Bomower's covenanfs aad agreemeats shall.be.�t and sevetaL Any Boirawer�q'rho co-signs ti�is 5st*',..riry
<br /> Insuu�ent firt doe"s not execace t1�.e Note: i�)is co-signiri�tl'u"s S�ty Insuu�eht only to mortgag�€x�t aatt c�c��`•�at '
<br /> '.�,•;�' Bacrawer's interest m tlse Property ander the tenns of tlus$ecarity Instmmen� (b)is aot personatlY o}s4�t�d to pa�y t�:§wns.
<br /> :^•>;•" �q#p�c!by this Security Insuumen�and(c)agcces tAat T,�iWer and any oiher Bortocvef may ag�e to e?:;,�,�.,.'�.."tnadify.�'�rbear .
<br /> • �r:.w.i1�any a�coinr�odations witi�cegard ta the terms of t�z:b$ecc�r,ty.�tmmet�t ar t�se Nate c:t+.��€�fiat°.�v�;�,?er�
<br /> , . . . ;,.;;,�, ;;_� •;:,.,.�,,, . �:;i�,;;`;•.;
<br /> , �,�:�4..., . ,.,�. • . � , .
<br /> , �:l.oarn Cl�r�e.s: If the loan secured by this Sec�s-y�fii,1scnunent_is sabject oa��law afiich�.sei,s maxiic?�:.i�.,aa
<br /> `;; �' c�arges.�d tliat taw�s finally int��neted so t1►at the interest c���ster loan cI?arSea collecte�ot tto be caf`u�'�.d.in c4�'i�fln .
<br /> �,`•:i;;;,:� with the foan exce,e�W�p�rmiued limits.then:..��y any such ta+ncha��i,�i.bs reduoed 6y[he arnou�.;�iu:�stuy to reduee
<br /> .tUc c�tuge to the�ett���limi�.,and(b)uny.�aIreadY collected f:�t?Bt�,mwer wiuch exceeded pe�1�limits wi"D be .:, •
<br /> • iefUnded to BEttrower.�tder i'�yy!,¢�aoose to mrf��ttus s+�'und by reducing tho principal owed under the 1�'ste orQry making a ..`:,:.
<br /> . dixect paym�t to Bom3w�ss: If�'�:v��reds��es pru;ci�a1,tBe aeductian arill 6e treated as a partial pregayment v�nthout anY .
<br /> °: ;.: �rer,rayment cha�wzdex the Note.~ . � ,• . ,
<br /> �..�,`� < l�. NatkYS. Afly notice to�orrower provided�or�i this Sacurity Inswment shatt be given lry i�elivcring it or.by .
<br /> .,.;,.,;.,, .
<br /> �.;r;;;�-:• mailing it by first ctass maii unless apgiic�ble law�tesiuic�s use of anothcr m.'e3�;od.The nntice sbal!be di�t:tc;+3 to the R'operry .
<br /> • Addrtss or any oQier address Barcoa+er desiga�i by.notice w Lender Air,�n+atice to I.ender shal!�'�j4;en by�class
<br /> • �mail tn I,esider�addies.s staur�d tierein�r ar►y othet'address I.�ndcr designates by notecc to Borrower. �c;�.��uce pmvickd for .
<br /> iri u`��ccauir�Yn.,�aeat raa116e deemed to h�ve been�n tn Bonower or L�endei whtn give'.*'`��;��orovtde�fts tLis .
<br /> ;. ,. �,•. � ,.�,•.y;,
<br /> , ��15,�Gbvtrnie�.LaR�Se�ra�abtlity. 'Fhis,.��,vrit�r Ins�',���nt shal!t�;Soverned 6q fadecal�in�ti�'+�d the!aw(;�'"tbe.�. .
<br /> juTisdie�ot►in w1t�r�1�:�Y is Iocated. La,t1�event that any provisioa�it'c:iause of this Security�i{�ttt:mem or the Note.. ..
<br /> conflicts with app�i�fs�'s Iaw,such ca�fTict sh:,lf-�tt;t affe¢It odkt ptovisions eE�Yi:,Saeurixy.E�sttutuentGC�i#�Note which eati �`�:�:�
<br /> � be given.effect arithouf the oonfliatitig Qrovis'sb.�. ?b ttiis�d the pravisions of this Se�{�.ttn,j Insuuraent and tfye Note ac+e .
<br /> . � deciarai to be seYe�ble. ��,. • � ' `'':• . • -
<br />_ � . ...tb. B�rsawet's Cqsv Boirower shall be given one�,.`omied wpy of[he Noie and of ihi$SecnritS'Insbumen�
<br /> 17. 7faester ot the Pra�rSy ae a&ne6c6a)interest in Bmsrawet If at!or iury part of[he i�rop�rty ar�y infei�esc in
<br /> . it is•so1C ar transfested�for if a beaeflcial intei�st in Borraa'rer is soid or aa�fe��eci•and Borrower is ttG�a natural person,l .
<br /> • ' . without Lencles3 prior written wnsent.Lender rtiay.at Zts option,�uiuire immediate paym�nt in full at;�iI�.auius stcared try � ' "
<br /> this 3err,uiry Lnswment. However.this opdon shiill not be exentised by Lender if exercise is protu'bi4et�6ry fedeiai taw as of
<br /> • the diilc 4f xhis Sticwity Instrumen�. . .
<br /> . �Di'�.ender txete�ses tbis opuaen,Lender sbalt give Bomower�totia of acceleratiori 'Itte�tiCe sha�l provide a perial oP �
<br /> not less thant 30 days fiom the date tl�e natice is�elivered or mailed.within which Borrov►et must pay a]I:�r.��ns secuied by tA'is
<br /> � � Securicy Instrument��''tf Bnmpw�¢¢.faiis to Ir�y th�.se sums Odot'to the�expiradon uf dus perioQ,�acs7fex may invoke any.
<br /> nemedies perrnitte�f,V�this Sesuiity�Tcssstn�mera without furthcr notice or demand on Borrowec.. .� ; ':
<br /> ' � 18: Borroro►er'a it�gltt to�tata If Borrower meets c4rtain conditians. Barruv�•ra s1inll S�ave the right to havc
<br /> enfortr.anent of this Sec�uity insu�ent discantinued at any time prior to the earlier of: ���3'days(as such other period as
<br /> ,. ' StngIeFamlly—Famieli�ae141neddielNicUNIFOg11lIN�i'ttUMENTi—ilnifotmCavcamb 914A lpn8e4oj6pri�qea) .
<br /> .„ . .
<br /> , . . , � ;
<br /> , , , , .
<br /> � . i
<br />