_� ,�'_''__"".'.... . -:t:.•���- c--+�N'•^'?h :"s.`� �s.0 �+ .
<br /> _�� .��: _ t,c_ -c . - �� - #-Y''.�-pc-� �.,.. r-.�'— .r -1{- - �� - -
<br /> � '„�I��i� ;��;t�i��.�.��'et ._.v_�,lt`�..= t '=�{+��� _ �_ .
<br /> �.n-r�`���s�nni�s s — = - — — --------------
<br />_ - 7 -.7..l_--_ _ __ _-- — __ ---iifi __ —_—
<br />. ._ ' .' ____ l_- _ C. -- —. ` ._)'. .. _ ._ . .. Y' c . .. ; . . . .. . � __
<br /> �� • . � . . , . '
<br />.. . . _� ' . � .( ' l r • L � ���� ���� . . —_
<br /> � .. . � . . � �. ` � . r . � ' ' , .
<br /> � ttaat in �ase of; default in the� paymen� Qf the sa�d�principa� Qee�l o$ Tr�s� �
<br /> Nofie ar inter���, .or ariy �paa.'t xherea►f. a� ,it shall �ature, or fts the aase of ,
<br /> � f�fiutre �b keep o� pexform.any oP �tlie ac�venants� or aqreemea��s aantaineri in . ,
<br /> th�s Dee+d oP '�rust; th� the SenQfi�fary, its successoxs or assigns, sb�ll. .b� � �
<br /> _ _- � �',��: au�-..�aris�ed �d_�m�*�eres�. *o_*�se� immQdfate. posse�sfon �f �3►e '
<br /> {i �iiG: L L .. _.
<br /> `said�premis�� �ere�sy cAnveyed aitd al1 c.�cops .t�ereo�a� or Co�cof�a£��ie-=ea��—
<br /> there�roa►, a�d .to apply the prcc�edg ther�of �to the payments of the:delat-
<br /> hereby secused. � , • . , � , .
<br /> � Together r�ith all and singular the �cemements. i�ereciitazaents. privf leqss�anc$
<br /> agpurtena�ces, ao� or hereafter� located upon or belanging to er in Anywf�e '
<br /> aPPerta�a►Ss�� La th� above:describefl prrrperty, or any pas-� �hereoP, fncl�dinq
<br /> ' : any r#.ght caf hamestead and every continqent right os estate th�xe�in. : . .
<br /> To 89aw sn� �� HaEd ths Baa�,. Caqether wfth all and'singular the .�priviieqes .
<br /> a� appurtenanr.es t2�ereu�to b�lonqisag: In Trust Nevex�eless y that in caae� o� ,
<br /> defaul� iri the gayment of saici Deed of Tru� Note ar any paact thereo7E,� or itR
<br /> C�e� paymerit o� tlte interest tliereon,. accordiny to the tenor and e�f�at- of ..
<br /> safd Deed o� Trust Note, g�inaipal ar interest, ff any,. ar ia aase default • '
<br /> ' sAaI1 be made in or fn case a�`violation or breaah of aii� of the terms,.
<br /> cattd�tions, aavenan"`.s, os agreements herein contafnecl� then ali sumis securea � .
<br /> ��h�reby �hall inimedfately b�come d�te and payabie at.th� opt�.on aaf the holder
<br /> •�og, th.e Eleed of Trust #�o�e, and th�e �rustee auay proaeed to se11. the. progertg
<br /> � 3�t 8�ccotd2utee with the Nebraska. Trust �eeds Act� .j5ection 7b-1001� et. &ecg���w
<br /> 7�,yietea� shal� rec�ive Trustee fees� in the amount actually incurTCed'; riot.�o �
<br /> �rceed one-h�alf �l�:!oAe percent of �he ertire unp�#.d .prinafp�l sinu se�ured:
<br /> � �n� .the Trustos cover�ants anc3 aqrees �a and wit�i t;Yte Trustee, t�at at �he �
<br /> ��tim� of the'ensealing of and delivery �f these present�Q I#e.fs w�22•sefzed �P � .
<br />- � tl�e safd premises in�fee� s$mpl�.,aa��l has. goad rigbt, �fu�l pm�aer. ,?�nd lawful
<br /> ' �t,�xhariLy to grant, bargain,. se�;:�i���nd cv�nvgy �he,�ame in ffian�er a���far�.as
<br /> � � a��resaid� and.that the saiae�a�e:�;��e and clear of aI], 2ie�s aztd en�aumb�r��es
<br /> . ' wha�e�er;,.;�d the herei�r:.;�.:�atgai�`s�� p�,��es in ,the qufet and pe�ice�le .
<br /> _,� ' possessid�:�af ;th�� Ttust�,:z��ains�,all,.�;;:every. person or person�s 1�w�r, �.�'. .
<br /> cllai�ing or.�a c�ai�a:th�'`�V�io2e �or�:.��ay. g� triererqf�, Z`rust�r sha11 and �i���
<br /> war�8rt� and f+ar+�'� defesfd. . ; ,��, , ;�.� ��
<br /> . � �:;��.::.;;:;� ::;t;�.
<br /> And the �rustor . wi12 ',��� ali tax�s and ass��sm�en��:�,:ari sa��#'�'p'rea►iaes _ .
<br /> � iawed3.ately when they�be�te c�ne.and payab},e: �nd at the�9�"��quest of�the lec,�dl .
<br /> � halder ot safd Deed of Trvst Note will keeg all buildfng�,"'�ixtu� and o�x�r .
<br /> ,� f�praveme�lits,��.ncluding, without Ii=nitation al'I �i�rrigation eqt�ig�o',�'t ttYnt may• °
<br /> '• at �ny tiae be on saic� pr�mises, dus�iag the continuanae o�' said icr�x���d��g, .
<br /> � �ia�rsr�d aga►fnst xasg b;�,,..:fire . in such Company or Compa�ies •an+���Zor �s r,h .
<br /> . l�aourits, �!s ttte Aoldes ;,r,�?� said Deed d� .Trust �Note may .fXO�I�.'tiste to':;.�',� �
<br /> direc�r ,rtot ta ex�ed .tY��.`?�mount of sdi.d� iii�eb�edness, �xc�pt 8t. ,ttte dpt��n ,
<br /> . ot Trustor.� with loss, if any, pagrable �to �$e Ben��icfary hereurjder ns its
<br /> fnterest msy np�ear. and w£11 d�T�iver the polfcy or.pol�cies ot insurance, � .
<br /> . accoapa►nite�.. by prea+i�m receipts ta tiae Ben�ficxa��. he;:e�,-��:, a� .F�:�Cha�
<br /> s�nurity .�o�• the. i.�a8ebte8ness afaacesa3.d. And fr� case a�. the re�ugs�l or.
<br /> � � aeqiect �f Txuatar. ta thus insure and .deliver sur.h policfes of' i�s�trance or�
<br /> � to pay such taxes ar assessments, then �the hoider of said aeed a��:.?."r'���t Note
<br /> .� aay pracure s�ch, 3.�asuranc�e, :ar pay suoh taxes or assessme�s, ana�;:�31�nnoneys �.
<br /> � t.hus paid, with interest thezQ�n at iP�.000 percP�nt per annuru, .shal'�: become sa
<br /> auch additfonal fndlehte�ness, aec.ured.by thfs Deed of Trust, �tid sh�t��;,':�.be :� . �
<br /> � paid�ont o� the�prcceec�s of tha sale of the lands anc! premi�es aforesa�;r��}�if .
<br /> ' �not ott�ervise pafd by safd. Trustor. � • �
<br /> ;::
<br /> � Each party to this Trus�t Deed requests that a aopy o!' any notice''of defanit �
<br /> aind .a capy of any notiCe af sale hereunder be �afled to each �such party at
<br /> t3t� aa��ess set forEh herein; as provfded by th� Nebraska R�vst Deeds Aat. �
<br /> And in the even� of the foreclosure of this De�eB of Trust, Tru�Lor aovet�ants �
<br /> and�aqsees to pay�the cos� of extiendircq the.alas�ract of tftle or obtaiu�irig a
<br /> aertiffc:ate• ol �tftle fram the date of recording thfs Oeed of Trust to the
<br /> � date of Pi1S.ng suit, an�A upon failure of safd party to do so, all money so
<br /> . actvances� by Trustee s+ha�i bsar interes� at the rate of 18.000 percent per
<br />- � � ann�m and shall..be secured l�y �hhis inden�ure. Yri addition, Trnstor�agrees to:
<br /> pay a reasonable attosney's Eee for the pros�auCion of a Foredldsure ac�ion. .
<br /> . � which shall be �added to the principal balance at the �tifine a Yoreelogure
<br /> � � dec�ee i�s enterect o�r shall b��pa3d by the Tr�rstor it .Trustee aqrees that the
<br /> �default may be cureci after the in�tf�utfon og a. foreclosu�e suit.
<br />; .
<br />