�� ^ - � F Y;,rF •��' ��e���`�f�I. bi'.�Y�' "I�3' T T�`�•3{i'f01��.�-.__- — .
<br /> d. kr+.._< ���i�" �("3a.�...lc� �SW'�.'�ci�R�L}�a'Y9�—.�." -_ — . _ .--�+-�r__.__."—.
<br /> - � . " � ` c ' .. . � . , - . � . ` . ' .
<br /> . t _ .. �. � ` , - . . . � . . . � . _
<br /> . . . . . ' . . ' . ' . . , . . ..
<br /> � . � . ' , . � �V�� ���I�' � - ... � . � . . • .
<br />.. � .. •. . _ ' . . � T . . �, ` . � ,
<br /> - ' poa�assioa og,t.tso Trust 8atate. s�e for or othereise c�liect �Ae �eate. iaat�a�. . ` .
<br /> arcd Frolit4 �eo€. iaci�diag t�ose Bas� due aaQ unp aie. and appiX the �a�,
<br /> • •le�� cas�ta and exsea�es of aDaraeiea arid cdliec�ion. �aciudia�g et�os�ey �e feeo,
<br /> • upaa aay inc2ebtedae�s $e�cvse8 H�aab�y, ail im eutb esder.as Sea�ficiary �ay
<br /> � . 8�etes�i�a�. The en�eYiQ� �a�a aad taki�3,Posses�ion of.:tha T�cuat Sstate, tSa
<br /> ._�97e�r��_a.� g+=c-2� sants, �eeuee eud. �toY�ts.�i thw ap�lic�tioa Cteereof'as . _
<br /> - - -----afaieaai�. ebail imot cure or vafv� aaY 6efaait aruouc:a� ��t-�ya.��^r or •`':_ '.• . _
<br /> � iavali8nte anp a�t 8oue fn zea�ansa to Bu�ls P.�Easiit or gursua�t �o auch notice •
<br /> � a£8�a�alt aad, aatsritbst�ng tYee vantiaveaca ia go�ssssioa af the��rust Bs�ete � . _
<br /> or tha cbilec'tfan, receijiL�au�,aPp23ca�ian ot semmts, f.ssuss or pr�fits. Tn�tee
<br /> ` o�t Bexiaficia�.y e$eE,11 be eatit2ed to exer�ise everl+.rfghi psovided �or ia aay of
<br /> the Y�oasa TastsumeAts or b�la�nPqn accuacrence of maY eveat of default. faclu8ing
<br /> — the ri3�'� to e.ue�irise the�poxe�c of Qale: � . ' '
<br /> {�� C�eace aa aetisa to fazeclose this �eed of Trust as a mortgage, . �
<br /> . . , ' np,po#�t '$ rec�iver, or epecificaliy eafor�e anY af the copeuaats hereof; , •
<br /> �c) De2iver to�'ruetee a ntfete� 8sclazatfon o! de�auEt au¢ deman8 for .
<br /> ea2e, aad a mcittea`a�otice og defa�u7.t•aa8 electioa to cc�uuse �ustor�s i,aeerest
<br /> ia tke Tsvat 88ta►te to be,sal8, whf.ch aotice Truetee �3r.�11 cause to be dvly filed' ,
<br /> = for r�c�'¢ in Yhe ap�saPriate Officia�l RecosBa of tbs Caimty i.ri v2�3.ch the T�uBt
<br /> . �8�ttnte �s Taca�ted. . , , . .
<br /> ii. AA41it!i1�PR�3Y LtA--��i' 32zauld �efieiesY eaect�to foreelose
<br /> by exerciae of..thq Porer o� Sal� Itere#aa .contained. Beaeficaary aba�].!. noL3.f�- ,
<br /> � Truatae a89 sha3l d�Doeit rith �s�ratee.tE�ia need og Tsust �ud the Rate eaB s�tc�s
<br /> � iceeeipt� aad evi.deu�e of ��sres ma8e aiid secuied 8ereby ae'Trr,r��ae �ay
<br /> �:;::
<br /> � leQUf.tB. � , ' . • . � •��:;'� . _
<br /> . - •� 'f��� .
<br /> ta} � U�on s�ceipt of euch aat� e �zi,�.Beaefictazy. 'i'n�ee Bhb1Y'�a.use to •.
<br /> be .rewrded...nubiiehe=4,�� 8elive'r� to �.a�ucb Roti�e oP De:�� and�t�atic,a aE. , .
<br /> . Sale as tAen zequired by lap aad Izy Wfs Uised of Z's�ust. Tzus�9.c2�}�7t� �rithaut. , . :
<br /> • dema:s8 en Truetar, �after�suah time ae may ti�.a 8e reguire��.isY�1�.aEad.aE�er
<br /> :�:, recardstiooa of auch•�otice aE Defaa�le auad after Botice af 8ale �a►v3�g.3�a gi'q^en ,
<br /> ��''f.� aa�require� by Y�r, seli ti�.Ts�uat setate at_tt�e time and_piat�;�f�,��,��,�uxed by •
<br /> . � it �3a auch �otice of 8e3s. either aa a whole, or im aeparate;;lb�.�a qr.�re2s� or .
<br /> . ii'ema as�kuatea �all d�eem exge8fss��, ar�d fa such orduu•ae �,�-'mr,��.�.�ett,a��se. �at .
<br /> � pvbiic auctio,a to. the bigb;ee�.;Ia�dder for caala, ia lavful ��;<p�L, �3rf�:�ted' .�: � � .
<br /> Statea, gay�b2e at. tt�e t�ae o8 a�. T�uatee �11 deliver to�"��,t��i�t;�:�er as� � ;
<br /> . � �purc,�asess t,heraof. ite good and�-af€ioie�t daed or deed�..ca�i�teyinq t:.��'f�ztY ; �.�,
<br /> •. c;.
<br /> . ' ea eaia, but xithaut.a�Y coveuant ar �rarra�aty►. .c,�cPreee�or�fm�a�,�lE. Tha•�ier.�ta2��.r .. . ,';,
<br /> ' �> fn �uch QaM a�t a�ag.m�ttess ax fact� shall !ie cactclu�ii.e; pxoof� oE ttt�';''�,; ', •
<br /> . trntt�ulasss thazsof. �A�tY Peraoa. faaludiing. vithout 13mita2�cui. : �sustee. an8":;•: .
<br /> ' � Beneifciasy, m�aY purchase at such eale, en� hereby covcaa�szs to Karranti �u8' .
<br /> d�p�eaa, the titie of such pwrchnsar os puxehasbrs. ' � . .
<br /> � � ib) As may Zie permit�ecl by la�r. a�ter deducting all costs, teea, ex�ea�e�
<br /> ' � af Tsuates aad oY �bie T�rust, iacluding caste oY evidenCe of �itle ia coaatctian .
<br /> � � � �r3.t.lt eaie, Truetee a2�s11 epply the psoceed�.of r�aie to gay�a�'{s, o� (i2 aI1 atuae
<br /> expenB�Q uu�6r�a�e�hereo£. x�oe than xe�axdi. rrfz� ac�xue+q�;:i�ts:o�r a� t'�s�2v�
<br /> (ist?_ 1D��t P�r annwa, «i) aii or.her sumr +then se�uurad he��y; aud,tiii} the: �. � �
<br /> r�aiudsr, it aiay, to th� nsrsan or psreaas legslly enei.tii�:xl�lreGex«�.:. •
<br /> f::`��•:;r,
<br /> -. tc) Trwtee may. 3x► ttte maslrca: parovided by isw, Fost�aer!q �sa�L2::� aIl oa�.,. .
<br /> . s1��Q�ioa.o� et►e �sust 8atate. . , ,• ,,,. . . ;;j1,
<br /> � � t2. �,,,,"";�'T�a � �ars=tts. Tnutne aas� se�ae�ic�i,as�i;�''�(�d eactt ot �s.tiam:r`":j,,, .
<br /> ehail ba en.r�s:�ed to ��nforCe pay�ment and pes#�ss�as►ce�of eny ircllel�.�+�ess or
<br /> • obligatiar��e�ru� here?rY asid to•exereie,e s11 r3gtst� aas�go�ss uafle�r thio De�ed! .
<br /> �a�E�.Txust or un8er aay Loan��natsunlRat or other agraeemea�t a�;. atiY i�xs no�r o�
<br /> r. . . hesea�fter iA farce. ar�f�e�ithetanding aaae or al1 af the sv�13�;3ndebtedaesa aad�;'
<br /> obligst3an� securea �i�y may aa+!ox heso�ter be other�,s��d�' ed, whsther by � �
<br /> • � awrtgage, dead o! truitW, pi¢dge. lina. a�si��wnt or a ' 't�e: Lqei,tlf�r the .
<br /> � accsptiaace oi th3o Daed oP �ru�t.�or ftg enlores�aent �hether,-by court �Cticu Or . .
<br /> � pursuar►L Co the Par�r of sale v�c ot,her pc�er� tus�ein contafna�; qhaii preju�d9.cs
<br /> or ia e�uy a�aaner aflswt 'i'sustee'a or 8�#iciasy� rigl�t t� raaifie v�an or
<br /> • enforce any tlther sec�sacaty nc+r er hsre�ter ti�ld by,•Tiv�tee;.or Sane�icisry, it
<br /> 'bsiug aqre�d ttzat 'i`sue�se aad Eienef icfaxy, axW.each oi thert,. aha11 i�e entitl8d
<br /> t0 �t1=OY'Ce thia Dae�o! Truet a�nd eny otlisr seeusi�y nox ar heieaPter held by
<br /> Benelioissy ox Trustee, in auch ozdes and maunuer as ehey or either o! them msy
<br /> � . in ef►eir elas�olute discretfori determine. !�o =eme�ly herefn canPerzeB upen or
<br /> re�esva� to Tsuetee or Seneficiary ie• 3.s►tea8ed eo be exelueive of awy othes •
<br /> remedy.hareiri or by in�► provida8 or permitted, but eaeh eha7.1 be cim�ulative aud
<br /> �hall be sa•a�iE3s:y� ev�rf oth�^ ra�oedy* giv�en hereutQer oz na. ox.hereaf ter .
<br /> sxistfrsg�at iar or 3.a equitp or by Statute. Rvery porer �oz reewev givaa by srry.
<br /> of.the La�a In�truments to Tsuatee ar Bane�ftsfairy or to.rt�fch ei�her of the�n m�y.
<br /> � 1ae ott�erriece enti�le8, may"be exerri�ed, caacwrrentiy or ind�e�eadersziy, lraa tims �
<br /> to time. es:d ae ofteA ne may De fleemed e�edfent lyy';'tuatee ox �enefiaiasp: and
<br /> efther oP them Qsay uraue lncansieteat xeaaedies. t�oth3ag. herefi.is eh��2 be �
<br /> canstrued �o Dr.ohibit�g Beiiefiaiary fYan seeking a BePfaieacy iu�ent ngaivat
<br /> ths t� the exte�t �ucta action ig pestnitte�l by 1ar. �
<br /> i3.. B�9II.$$� F_OSt tio}MCS. Tsvatoz Hereby requ9ets a aoQy of any notice of
<br /> Qefauit, a�a that �usy motice of ea3e ha�ceunder $e maiiedl to him e+s ttie aHdresa �
<br /> set forth ia Lhe firet� �az�graph oS tt�ia Aead ot �c�sst.
<br />