wr-�. .. y •,��tt. .1�fi�'�', � fi' ri� . .-s.M.-.i_� , . r .r"F,y"�i-.�._
<br /> . � ' `'K i ` ,i < � '!Y� is �-��t � ^ - - -
<br /> �#,: -v�,.�.i�� �'- -+3��'�'_ `rx: �c> ''�z r ��4 �m`�.3'"c�"� .
<br /> .�.itiwYi .(-1W_ ���.h��rQs.�..s�rt�.�-��; -""r�- —
<br /> _ _._. ._ . _ , . . ;� . . _ _ � _
<br /> ` � � � � ���� --
<br /> . .. � — �c���� - .
<br /> � 7Yze Fur�s fhai! b��ttd ia itn ims4stultt�n whos�s depasits at� insured try a f�t sge;tcy. iastru� tir,.or e�tity. ` .
<br /> • �(ins3uding Lendes.if I;eadee is�us-�un institc�tson)or it�a�syy F�xal�Yom�Ln�n Sai�c.l.cader shall s�pply th�Funds to p�y the . -
<br /> �scr�w Itezns.lxndn m3y m�t eharg�:Bortnwer 4'or hold'ui�,aad aPPIYi�tIr�Fund�.�itnusliy o1.�Syzisig the escruw,acmunt.or .
<br /> . � � verifyi��the F_sci�ow ite,ns.untess 1�eridcY�3rs BdrYo�'er tnterest on the Funds an�appl€sx�ie!aw pzr�aits Lendea to n�aks such ,� .
<br /> ' a cttcug�.Howevct.�er may r,p�,ui�Soirmver•t4 8ay n an�•ti�t��e for nn indspendcnt rtal es�tnx r�niting setvice
<br /> � by ixnder in w�aca with this ln�a;untess agptrcu�te�!aw provid..�s otheRVise. Ualess ari agremcnt is maQe oY'
<br /> . applic�le law r�quZias interest to be paid:'t.ende�shall nat be�ttii�d tn p5y Boricnwer uny iiusrest or�rtdags an si�Futyds.
<br /> t3orrawer and Lei�er¢tay agrct in�ting,ttawever.tbat intcrese shnl!6�paid am tF1e F1�aQs.Ls�der c,i�all give ta Ba�o�er,
<br /> �vit�nut ch�e, mi ann�al ucooam`u�of the Fcu�ds,sY�nwlag ccedits aud debus t�thc Funds ar.d the�a�pose fer whicb eash
<br /> . debit to the Fund.g�as m�sle.T�tc�uads ar}stalged ns adclit�Onui securiry for a11 sums�red by this SECUrity dnsW�ent.
<br /> - . -_ .�*��!�sl�1�1 hy l:�terpscscd the u�ct�ts•p�ta�Itt€d to 6s lield by npplicuble taw.I.ea�er shali a000nat w Ha�rc�w�r
<br /> �ax ehe�xcess Fur.ds in aecord�ivitti'U�e�men�u��i�ie�:�i��ai thcrm�s�fm'oy►i��:�� -— --
<br /> • �ime is flat 50���m gay t�e�cc�&�s�du,..!�r s�ag sa r.St3ty�nKe�iQ writ�,und,in sush cass Bonawer -
<br /> sTiafl�pay to Lender tbe simeuni aec�sa�Y to make up the,defis[e�cy. Bors�wer shaU¢n�e ap tte d�ficiency in aa m�are tJ�a
<br /> � !tweflva mahtWY PaYaients.at Lender's sote d�ssc�.,�oa.
<br /> Upon paycneut in fu91 of aU s�ams secured�y this Sssurity Instrument. Lender.st�all maptfy re�und to Borravret nny .
<br /> F�nds�dd by Leader.If,under paragrSph 21,I�eader shaU acquire ar sell the Froperty.I.e�Qr.�ria7 to tho acquisit�on or sa2�
<br /> of tfie Ftoperty.shall appty any Funds hetd tsg Irnder ut the time af acq�isuion os sale us a c�t again5t�sums secured by
<br /> tNs Saxirity Is��- � � ' -
<br /> 3.Appl�Catioa o!��nts.UnlesS a�plieable iaw pmvides oThctwise,.ull Qaymemts�eoei�ed by l.eader uader p�ragr�pi�s- .
<br /> i a�12 sball i�e appJiod:firsG to mnY D�Y��8es dae under ttie Notei�seoond,to�qonnts payabte under paragragh Z:
<br /> • third,to�nieres�duc;fovRh,to principai d¢e:aad last.w aay iate cYtarges`due under the Note.
<br /> 4.Ct�t�s;id�.Fi�nower shaU pay al!taxes,as�ts.char�ts•fit�s and impositions attriisutable to tfle Ptopezty
<br /> whYCh auy auain priority Qvar this Securicy Insteument, and Iease�old paymerds or groc�nd�ents.�if snry.Bomnner shalt P�Y
<br /> tfle5t obligatinns in the manner pcnvidad in parag�aph 2.os.if nat paid in that aoanner.Borrower sball paY tl�►on time d�c�1y
<br /> to the persoa awed paymen�Borrowei shall�romptty fiunis6 w Lender all natices of ainau�s ts 6e paid ander t6�s paoagra�..,
<br /> IPBoaower maTces these pay�nts dit+ectl�,Bono�er�ha1!prom�tfy fumish to le8der receipts evideacaqg ths PaY�s-
<br /> Bo:rower�ail pra���r di�'�aa}t li�n wbicl�!�;prtasr,ly.ovez this Seauity Iastrutnt,nt cwtess Bosrower:(a)ag�ifl .
<br /> _ � wtiting to the payment of the obligatioa sc�u+ed by the liea in a manncr acceptable W Taendpa:(b)aontests in 800d fait�d��ien
<br /> by, or defe,ad� agaiast enforccmeai of ti�e liea in. tegaI pmceediags wh3ch in the L�atu's�opinion apezate to prevent tttie
<br /> enfm�nt of the lien:ar tc)socu�zs from the holder of tl�e lieu.an agreement sati�factorY to iender subo�ng the tie�w
<br /> . this Secnrity Inswmtnt.If I,ender determines tbat any part of the Yrope:ty is svb3ect tR�.lien i�rhic6 may attain priarity aver . �
<br /> • this Sec�rity Iustraaieat,Lender may give Borcower a natice identifyia8 the liea.Barrower sGall satisiS►the lIen or talce one or
<br /> � moz�e of the actions se�t farth abalYe within 10 days of the givmg of riorice.
<br /> � ` S. 1fl�atd flr Yemperip Ias� Boa�nwer s�all keep the impraveme�ts nocv euisoing oz heiraRer t�cied on the . .
<br /> �ixnY�eE�t losg by S�,hazands i�hided within ths tetm'eatended ooverage°and aay a�r tra7ards.incIuding
<br /> � floods+or Qaodmg.fo�whi�I.euder teguites incrrrancr.This i�nsuranee shal!be a�±�ra;�t in the amamts aad for ihe psriods
<br />. :F'��
<br /> .};��;! marrazur_ . ,
<br /> ;� �f:' t�13E j.CIId2Y I�QDIICB.Z`�IC IASIIYBII�C Cd[rIET jlIOYL�$�1C� 6���7C CIIOSCI!�Yjl BOII09P2I S�Cd i0�R S 3�IQV
<br /> '���'.:',• wlui�shall nat be unreasonabIy withhetd. If Saasawer fails to maintain caverage descn'bed abavs, Lea�r maq. at Leader's
<br /> ��:': option,ubtain wverage w pmLect L�der'�rigT�u in die Property in acoordance with pazagsaph 7. . � ' ..
<br /> AT.�znswcaace palicies and ieaewals sha]!.beao�eptable to Lender and st�all ucclude a standar�cnfltigage cla�r�e. Le�ar , .
<br /> n ve tt�Leader all tec�ipts of
<br /> . shall l�ve the right tn hold the poIici�and renewals•If L,�ndei�q�u�s,Bom�ae�s1�U pr°�Y S� : .,
<br /> � �d p�emn�ms a�tel9ewal natices.In the event of loss,Bormwer sball give pmmp't natice to the insvrance cazrier ac�d Lender.
<br /> . Leader�ay make p�.rt ef toss if nof made promptly by Borrower. . .
<br /> Untess t.e�er�udl Barrawer othenvise agree m writing,msu�x�pmce,e�s shnll be ap�Ged to r�sta�a�ion or m�r of t�e .
<br /> P�ropert3'dama$ed•if ttis restoiati!Sa ar m,pa.ir is eoonamiqlly fea�ble at6d I.enda's�t��s tvst le.sseaed.If the res�sraR�an or .
<br /> ' repair is nat eaoaomicaliy fc�si63e�c�Lender's secnrity wonld be l�.ssened,'ths��.�*�Proceods sHall be applieil w the soms
<br /> secur�d yy�his Security Instrument,whettter or not th�n due, �vith any exc�ss patd to B,rtower. If Borro�wer abandons tUe •
<br /> ..,�,, Pro�ea�y.o;doE;nat�-�swer wittsiri 30 days����fsom Y�u�titas tks is�swanoe��r.h�off�red w settle�.ad'�isn.thcu ,, . .
<br /> �, Ltiider may ooltect d:e insivance pmoe�ds. Leud�cnay use tbe pioceads to repair or testar�the Ptaperty.ar co�iay sums
<br /> :;;;�',,, se�red by tlris Sec�ri4y Iastivanent,whether or n�at�.�ten due.7Ue 30-day pe�iod w�il6egin wtxn the notice is g�ven:
<br /> . , � UnL�s Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writiq8• .anY aAPlication of pm�d.s to prina}�ak �11 aot extena or .
<br /> Post�e:qie'g�i�dne date of the mont�i�+:W�Yme�ts refemed to irt p�agiaphs 1 ancl 2 os cha�the aawunt of tiie pc►ytueuts. If
<br /> undsr�� 21 s��aperty is a��aired by�.ender,Boms�/dr'r,.right to ai►y bns�nrano�p�s9�cus•and proceeds�esutting from
<br /> .� damage t�Pzcp+r,�ly{�rnar to the acqws�ao�shall gass to Lenc�'�et'to the ext..°nt of the s�s s�ecured by thia Sec�uity T�imme�t
<br /> . . immediately prior e�i:tt��.acqni�don. `-,�` �: . .
<br /> 6.Occupa�xy,[�t^c�scivation,Mnintenance an8 Pmtectioa of the Prn��J3 Borrowxr's IaaQ Applic�tioa,I.�ds. :;;`'•
<br /> Ba�weF sha11 ooarpy.establi�h.and use the Property as Bonow�r's princip�l residenc,e ara•bin�vcty dsrys afier the exixanioaai .
<br /> this Securiry Instniment and shail oontinue to occupy the Property as Borrower's priris�piib:t�csldenre for at least oac;y�ur�er
<br /> tAe dafe o£occuPaac!►. unless Lertttc-T'.ott►erwise a�ees in writing,wiuclt consent shall rxi�`.b��nreasoffibly arithhetd;:'.rrr�;nntess ,
<br /> � extenuating circumstanoes eust a:-,@i� are bey�rd Borrower's oomml: Bor�ower siiall uot destro�r, dannagc ar . ls:r the
<br /> Properry. allow the pcnperry to det�riorate,or rr�mmit�Naste an the Property. Borrower shall be in�efault if ai�y�rfeit�ue
<br /> action or proc�ding,whether civil or criminai,is 6eguu that in Lender's good faith judgmerit wuld r�sult ln forfeiriire of the' .
<br /> � � prapert�,or ot�erwise materiaily impair the lien created by t6is Seturlty Ins4��t os 1.�Mer's�security''f:aterzsi.Bct,zu�maY .
<br /> core�sri�,adefaatt and�einstate,as pmvided jn patagtaph 18.by causing the action ar pmceeding to be d'ismissed iu�i�tcu ruliag
<br /> that.i�r�,�cnder's good faith determinadoa. precludes forfeimr�of the Bonower's interest In We Propeity o:othtc'c�ateri�f
<br /> impaicmet�t of tti�lien crated by ths Security Instr+�ment o7�:ender's securiry intcrest. $omnwer shall also be in dafault if
<br /> • � �8orrower,during td�e Ioan appliqtion pracess.gave materially false or in��te information or statements to I.ender(or feited
<br /> ro provide LeMer wid�eny matedal Wormattan)in conne�tion with the toaa evidensed Fry the Note,inclading,but tiot limited
<br /> � ta.representatioos oo�cemin�Borrn�ver's occupahcy of the Properiy as u principal ieyidence.If ttris Sacurity Ynsuument fs on a
<br /> leaseholJ, Bcrmwer shall cem�t� with all the prov�stons of the lease. If Sorrower�u3res fee dde to ths Pra�rty: the �
<br /> leasehold und the fee title sh4tl cnc+r,�rge unless Lender a�ees to the merger in writing. �-
<br /> 7.p�+otectlon oi Lentier's IAt�fs ia the Fro�3y.If Borrower fails to perform the r�cenaats and agreements oontaiced ia
<br /> this Security Instmmecit.or thec�e is a legal proceeding that maY siSnificantty aff�t Lender's rigi►ts ia s�e Pr�operty(such as o
<br /> � proce�ding in bankni�cy.probate.for cm►demnadon or forfeiture or to enforce taws or regulations),u'ae�Lender may do and
<br /> pay for whatever is necessary to protett the value of the Property and I�ender's rights in the Property.Lender's actia�s may
<br /> inciude payiag any sums secured by a t�en which has prionry over this Se�rity Instiur,�nt, a�peanng in oaurt. paYin^
<br /> reasonable attomeys'fees and enteri�g on the.Property to make repairs.Although Lender may take action under this paragrap�e �
<br /> 7, Leader does not have to da so. �
<br /> �Any arttwats disbdtsed by Lender under this paragwph 7 shall become addidonal det�t of Borro�ver secure� by this . '
<br /> _ �� �Security Insuumeni. Unless.Borrawer and Lender agr�ee w other terms of payment,these amouats s�all bear interest from the��' •
<br /> date of disburscment at the Note rute and shall be payable.with interest, upon aotIce from Lender to Borrower requestiag ,.
<br /> , p�yment. .
<br /> 8.Mortgage Inssnan�e.If l.ender reqplred mo»gage insurauce as a a�n�idon of inaking the laan sacured Ay chis Sec�rity
<br /> ' Instnunent. Borrower shall pay the premiums requir�d to maintain tlie mortgage iasutance m effea. If. for any reason,•the
<br /> �ongage insuranc�ooverage requirad by Leuder lapses or ceases to(se in effect, Borrower shall Qay�tie'premiums reqnired to
<br /> obtaln oovemge substantially equiva�ent ta the mortga e insumnc�previovsiy in eff�t.at a cast substantially eqoiva�ent tu the
<br /> oast to Borrower of the mortpge iasurance previo�y in effect. from nn altemate mortgage insarer appmved by Lender. If
<br />_ oe�z o+4 . � • fam�3028 9l9U
<br />