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<br /> TO�aEf�tER Wti'H a11�ha':aiprov�tents now�r 6er�fter srectcd aa th�pmperty.and cs11 easaments.�Ppnrt`en�nces.arxl .
<br /> fatn�es now vr hereafter a part of t�e properiy. A1) rgpiaee�iieh�a and.a�idltions shalt afsa be cc►vp,r� hy it►is Securiry • •
<br /> _Instni.mtnt:A11 n�the Coreaoia�i�cr,ferred ta_ire tfiis Security Instrument as thc°Pro�erty.° _. _ - - _-
<br /> - " �OR�dWEti COV'ENaNTS�Isat Borrower is TaWfully szis�of tt�e es4a�hee�by canveyed and has the right to grant�d _ _
<br /> . , en�wey tiis Frope�ty-ty�i E#�the�'�rp�rty ts us�.vm�.tRecpt!'or e�smb�er�rd. Borreirrer�rareants an3 tvill •
<br /> defe�ger�eralEy the title ta ihe Prapetey ttg�inst a11 daims�ed.demands.su6jed to any encumbrancea oF reoord. • .
<br /> • '�HIS S�CURI�fY`iNS�'RUM�N'i'cambines vstiforat covenants for nationai iise and nvn-uniCar�covenants�+vith limited ,
<br /> srariations by jurlsdi�ian to eor+stit�te a aniform seturity instntmall mvering�cal pr�operty:
<br /> � •UNi�DItM CUVENAI3TS:Sorm7ar�r and L�atddr e�v,�nant and agree as foltows ` .
<br /> �, !. Poyment of Ptincipu3 att,d Intec�.prEpayment and Late Citarges. BQrrower shall prqmptfy pay wHen due Ihe
<br /> �►rincipal af and In4enst on tt�e debt cvidettced 6y We Nat�an�anq prcpayment and late tharges dise under the Note.
<br /> 2.Funds!or Taaes ead Ie�sure�t�SubjecE;tc�appli�able taw ar to�written Waiver try.Lender,Bariawer shalf pay W - �
<br /> Lender an the day monthty jmymenfs are dae under ihe Kote,unEil tite Note is pa�d in full,a sum(°Funds")for.{a)yearty taaes �
<br /> ' and as3�ssmen�s whidi'inay attuin priority over fhie Security►Irist�umeot as a lien on tPte Progerty:(b)Yeariy Fwsehofd Payntents ,
<br /> or gcvi���.teats on the Rvpes�}t,if any;�c)yearly.#t�ard or propeny insusar.oe premi�{dj yeaity flaod insucaax premiums,
<br /> : .iE'any;�.��3 Yearly�rtortgage insuranQe Pteiniams�if anyt and,��any sams payable 6y Borrawerto I�ender,in,acxocdasu�witt►
<br /> the psc�r�'aions of para;ea,ph 8; irrl��of the payment nfmortg+fge msnrance premznms.'f'ihese items are called"Fscrow Items.' � ;
<br /> l.euder may, ai uny time,�ltrck and huld F�nds in�tn:atnount not to excced the muimum amount a leieder for a fedgrally
<br /> nelatai simrtgage toan may reqnic�¢for Borrowe,r's,esc�ow.ilcca�nt kl�+,dg�the federal Real Fstate SetElesrcent'Qroaoduns Att of ` . .
<br />, 1974 as amended 1`rom tims tq.ti�'12 U.S.C.Section 260t et,seq:*("�,F�&"�'),onles�.a1noti�er faa that ppplies to the Furtds ' � �
<br /> • scts a tessef amwrrt,tE so.tten�,e.�may, at ar�y t�rnC,vn,llccl nnd:hqld;�c�r�s in an�an3ucr4 �ot to exaed die Ies�ser amaunt. , _
<br /> L.ec►der may estim�te the amoum o!Furtds d�se on the basis of`iaprr�ettt;��d teasor�,t�`�s�.5tf�nates of expc,�ditur�s af futute
<br /> Esctmv Items or othenvise in accor+dance witii.u�pltsxible la'ui;;:�:.,.;:;"•. '.,.;'•;;;. . �� ' .:� '• . _•
<br /> . Tiie runds sbalt 6c Iteid in an tnstitU��,qi�;tvhose dCp4$it`s'atr� i��')�y a fedcraf �ency:iric�RUriieatality:or �rtity . .
<br /> (icscludin�Lender.if t.crxla is such an institu��pn)o�in at� �:Fqsieral Horre:�t.an Bank.I.endet sl�all ap�i7y the Fund�to pay the . .
<br /> Escmv�,items.Lender may not c �,�e Borrowc�•for hotdih ',an�applying the�Fprtds�araualiy analyzing tfie escrow account,or,
<br /> vert.t'3, �he Fscrow Items.�iple�s,;lLcnder
<br /> y,r� paya;�orrowe4 3c�,Y,�on th�Fiir,d$suid a�JJ�strsle taw permi�s Lsnder to make sach ,
<br /> � o char��. Nowever�T.ender ir'r;a,�tpt:i�s9ie gorrpip�.to pay a�:C�ttmc thara�:e;1�F�an�inde�eitdeait teat es[ate tax reporting serviee`• . �
<br /> �sed by Len+der.iiu.cunned�yst;tirl.r���t lhis loan", unScss app3icable l�tv ptav".+�es othetwise. Unle�ss nn agroemerd �s made or
<br /> a lia:bielaw �"`: ,` �.- ,,
<br /> . g�s r�,�rr���:ttez�vt��y,�s paid,Lendgr shall nat fs�reqiiire+i to pay Borraw�F�ny interest or prnings on ti�e Funds. r
<br /> Barrc��ir,�und i.aider fn ��� .
<br /> ay r,�}+'e�.'��i,zyriting.howeves,that interesi shalt he paid on the C�'a¢ac.ds.Lender stial!giva[o Borrawc�.
<br /> witfto•��arg,e,an aamuai,�ccat33iit�ug af the Funds.showin�credi9s and debits is the Fu�as ar�d tire purpose Cor which�aeh_
<br /> dd�it to�tik Funds was�nade.'[9ie Futtds are ptedged as additional seturIty f�r all sums secuted by this Security�ttstrnttter►t.
<br /> �if the Funds hcld 6y Lender exaxd the�monnts pumitted to be held by aQpfir,►ble taw.I,ender shall accaont to 8arrower ' �
<br /> fort(z;tuoess Funds in aaeprdanc:e with lfte t�uirements of�pplicabic[aw. 1P the amount of the F.unds hetd by Lendar a�a�ry "
<br /> . tirna�•nr�'at su�ficient ta�pay ttie Escrow I4ems whsn due,Lender m�y so no{�fy Bor�wer an writing,and,in suclx case 8orrower
<br /> sttali:���r ta i,cnder tha:unnunt rtiae.�sary to make up ihe defciency. Barrower stial�ma�e up the deffcienry�ss na�ore ihan
<br /> . twelrr�manthly paymenb,at t�nder's sole Stsaretioa. � : �
<br /> Upon payment in �uil of a11 sun�s saural�by this Security tastirument.Lender s1iaU pramptly refund to 8orrawer any '
<br /> t�nAs hetd by L�ndt�.It.under paragraph 21,Lender ahall acgvite pr sell tiie Prapetty.LeQdsr:grior co tisc asqyisitiQn or sak . .
<br /> oE tbe Froperty.shall appty any.Fundstutd 6y i,�e�xfer at ihe time of acquisi�ion orsale as�.cscdit against the snr►�;�ral by •
<br /> _ this Savrity lnslcumcnt. '�' ';.''%. - , �
<br /> 3:Appltation�fi�'aymeail:�:'�unle5s applicu6le law provid�s otl:eravise.att payments P�eived by Lender nndCr�lr�gtaphx
<br /> 1 ana 2 sh�ia be��sffs�l:first;�to any prepayme��t charges due undcr thc Note;secand,tu amounts paya6le under paragraph 2; ����. .
<br /> thicd.to ineeresC da�;fcwrth,to princlpal due;and�ast.to any lute charges due under the Note. �. :� ' ��
<br /> 4.�C1iar�es;Liens.Borrow�t sfla11 pay all ta�ces.•ass�Ctu.nts,e8argr�. (iReS�nti imPasftionS atiri6uiabiG 40�qs�rc�eriy • '
<br /> wt3ic1�.3r�ay Attain priotity over Ihis Secu�ity Instrumr.nt,.anii'i�ascholci payments nr gmund rents,if aery, diommciu���a11 pay �
<br /> . : �hcsl':'dtStYgation�in the martner pmvided I�paragraph 2,or if ttot paid in tbat mann�r.�orrower sT�atl�pay them on.tiis;e directty '
<br /> to the person owed paymer►t. Bonower sh�1l pmmptly t�rnlsl�to l.ender u0"tmtices of amounts to be patd under this paragraph.. ;;':... ,.
<br /> If Borrocvtir makes these payments direct1y.Eanower sh�tl promptly furnish to I.Gx1er r�ceipts evidencing tFio payments:
<br /> Botrower shall promptly dt�.,tsarae any lien wh}ch has pdority over this.Security lnsttument unless 8orrower. (p��gras'irt�� ' �
<br /> wrtting to the payment ot the e4�[3��;.aian secured by dtt lien in a manner acccptable to Ler�er;(b)contests in good,�Titf;4he tien
<br /> by.oi defepds ag�sinst enfareen�'nt of the lien in. tegal proceedings which in the t.cndcr's opinton operate to'p�vent the
<br /> enfomtttent al'llt�•ficn;or(c)sccnrcs imm the hofder of the licn�n agreement a.11istudory tb�ender subocdinating the 1?en to"•:'�
<br /> . t1�isJSonir�ty In41c�t[st�ail.If Lcnder deteriniaes tt�at any part of the Property is subject to a ltea�which inay attain pribdty aver `
<br /> this Security instniment.Lender may give Borrower a nottc,�i�lentifying ttie lien.Borruwe�shall satisfy the lien os tnke one or
<br /> more nf the acttons set fonh ubove within 10 days of the giv�rng of notice. . '
<br /> � Form 3028 9f9'0 .
<br /> _ v.�,sme . . . '
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